How to Turn Off Suggested Posts on Instagram: Detailed Guide

How to turn on suggested posts on instagram

Instagram’s suggested posts feature helps you find other users and content that you might enjoy. The app uses data such as your location and hashtags, among other things, to determine what you like.

But many people find the suggested posts annoying and look for ways to disable them from appearing in their feeds. This article will show you how to disable Instagram’s suggested posts so that only your own posts appear in your feed.

What Are Instagram’s Suggested Posts?

Instagram aids in novelty discovery via suggested posts. So perhaps you’ll decide to follow that account after seeing a post from a related account you already follow. Suggested posts are displayed in your feed after the most recent posts from those you follow.

Instagram’s suggested posts are determined by posts from users you already follow, as well as posts that are similar to or the same as posts you like or save. For instance, Instagram will recommend posts that feature numerous travel destinations and experiences if you follow, like, or save several posts about travel.

Can I permanently remove suggested posts from my Instagram?

On Instagram, the entire section or feature of suggested posts cannot yet be disabled or hidden. You can, however, choose to hide specific suggested posts to let Instagram know you did not like them. You can also choose to view older posts from accounts you follow by selecting “View Older Posts” or “Older Posts.”

Are suggested posts Instagram ads?

No. Ads are not suggested posts. The posts that Instagram’s algorithms believe you might enjoy based on your prior interactions with similar content are known as suggested posts. Ads are distinctly marked as sponsored.

What’s the use of suggested posts?

All social media sites want you to stay on them longer so they can show you more ads and make more money. You will probably close the app once you have finished viewing the photos and videos of the people you follow. As a result, you see suggested posts based on things you already like to keep you interested in its platform. The user can follow new accounts from here, increasing engagement.

How to stop Instagram from showing a suggested post

You can only mark a suggested post as “not interested” if you want to prevent seeing more of those kinds of posts in the future. You can also snooze all suggested posts if that option is available.

Here’s how to stop Instagram’s suggested posts:

  1. Launch the Instagram app, then scroll down until Suggested Posts begin to appear.
  2. Click the three dots next to a suggestion for a post.
  1. Select “Not Interested.” Instagram will no longer display posts like this.
  2. You can choose to type a reason to change the suggestions for your upcoming suggested posts. If you change your mind, you can also tap Undo.
  3. Depending on your location, you may also occasionally see a button labeled “Snooze all suggested posts in feed for 30 days”. Select this option if you don’t want to see Instagram-suggested posts for the next 30 days.

Is It Possible to Hide Advertisements?

The method is the same as hiding advertisements. Only in this instance, there is no way to temporarily stop them.

Here’s how to remove an ad from your news feed:

In the top right corner of the advertisement, click the three vertical dots.

The pop-up menu offers the following options:

  • Hide advertising.
  • Report Advertisement: Use this if the post is obscene, inappropriate for a sexual relationship, suggests fraud, or has political overtones.

How to Get Rid of Suggested Reels

Instagram may also suggest reels in addition to posts. If the suggested reels don’t interest you, you can hide them by using specific hashtags or captions that contain particular words, emojis, and phrases. Only the Instagram app for iPhone and Android offers this feature. To hide unwanted suggested reels, follow these steps:

  • Click on the three dots in the bottom right corner of the reel you want to hide.
  • Select “Not Interested.” There are then three options available to you.
    • If you don’t want to continue to see suggested reels from that user, select “Don’t suggest publications of…”.
    • To tell Instagram that you don’t want to see suggested posts with a particular word, phrase, or emoji, tap on “Aa.” Put a comma between each word or emoji you want to use in the pop-up menu. (For instance, ‘word1, word2, emoji’). Click “Done.”
    • If a post contains a sensitive subject, tap “This post made me uncomfortable” to let Instagram know.
Keep in mind that it may take up to 24 hours for all of these changes to take effect in your account. Even if a user's reel contains one of the words, emojis, phrases, or hashtags you include in the list, it won't hide the reels of the users you follow.

Why Do I See Suggested Posts?

The suggested posts that appear in your Instagram feed and navigation page are decided by a number of factors. Instagram uses the following data to determine the posts you might be interested in:

  • Your Connections. Instagram closely monitors the accounts you follow and your interactions with those accounts, including photos you’ve liked and shared. Instagram will display related posts and accounts based on your interest in particular accounts.
  • Your Activity. Sometimes, you can indicate on Instagram that you’re interested in a certain subject without having to follow a particular account. Your interests are also ascertained using the shared, commented on, and liked posts and photos.
  • Valuable Posts. Instagram will add a post to your feed as a trending topic if it receives a lot of attention and engagement, so you don’t miss out.
  • Important account. Instagram will recommend a user’s account to you when it gains popularity in your feed. It’s possible that this account relates to your interests or not.

How do I clear Instagram search suggestions when typing?

The suggestions that appear as you type in the search bar cannot be deleted. Instagram will still suggest accounts related to your search topic even after you delete your search history.

How do I clear my Instagram cache?

The only way to clear your cache on an iPhone is to uninstall and reinstall the app. On Android devices, however, follow these instructions:

  1. Select “Settings,” followed by “Apps.” Instagram is listed under “Other Apps.”
  2. Select “Storage” and then “Clear Cache.”
Note: You'll not only be clearing your cache but the app will also be reset. However, you will lose all of your saved pictures and posts.

Are my suggested accounts users that visit my profile?

It’s impossible to tell whether the accounts Instagram suggests are those of people who visit your profile. The friends you share, the hashtags you use, and your location are just a few of the criteria Instagram uses to select your suggested users.

How can I show up in a person’s suggestions?

There is no set procedure for getting listed in other users’ suggested boxes. However, by following matching accounts, publishing valuable, high-quality content, and using relevant hashtags, you can broaden the audience for your account.

Why aren’t suggested posts showing up in my feed?

While some users prefer to ignore Instagram’s suggested posts, others enjoy exploring the site to discover new accounts that are relevant to their interests. If the suggested posts feature is turned on, but you still can’t see them, there may be a problem with the app. Installing Instagram again after uninstalling it is the best solution. Sometimes the application itself is the cause of the issue. Then all you have to do is wait for the issue to be fixed.


Users can choose to unfollow accounts that they are not interested in by following the above step-by-step instructions. Based on users’ browsing histories, likes and dislikes, and other factors, Instagram displays the “suggested posts.”
As a result, blocking one suggested post would prevent Instagram from displaying the user any content that is related to the blocked post.


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