Heroku Alternatives
Image Credit: Dark Reading

When it comes to cloud platform services, Heroku has established itself as a popular choice among developers and businesses. However, as technology evolves and the demand for more versatile and efficient solutions increases, more alternatives and competitors offer similar or even superior features. Hence, this article lists the ten best Heroku alternatives in 2023, including the ones for free, Rails, and the pricing. Whether you’re a developer seeking more flexibility or an organization looking for cost-effective solutions, this comprehensive guide will help you explore the best alternatives to Heroku to meet your needs.

10 Best Heroku Alternatives 2023

If you are looking for the best Heroku alternatives in 2023, various platforms offer similar features and functionalities. While Heroku is a popular platform for deploying, managing, and scaling web applications, these alternatives provide different benefits and meet business requirements. However, here is a list of the best 10 Heroku alternatives in 2023:

#1. AWS Elastic Beanstalk

Amazon Web Services’ Elastic Beanstalk is one of the best Heroku alternatives. It provides a platform-as-a-service (PaaS) solution for deploying and managing applications. Additionally, the platform offers seamless integration with other AWS services and provides flexibility in terms of application scalability.

#2. Google App Engine

Google’s App Engine is a fully managed platform that enables developers to build and deploy applications on Google’s infrastructure. It supports multiple programming languages and offers auto-scaling features to handle traffic spikes.

#3. Microsoft Azure App Service

As one of the best Heroku alternatives, Azure App Service is a PaaS offering from Microsoft that enables developers to build, deploy, and scale web applications. It supports various programming languages and provides integration with other Azure services.

#4. DigitalOcean App Platform

DigitalOcean’s App Platform simplifies application deployment by automatically configuring infrastructure resources. It supports popular programming languages, provides built-in scalability, and integrates with other DigitalOcean services.

#5. Red Hat OpenShift

Among the best Heroku alternatives is Red Hat’s platform. It provides automated application deployments, scaling, and management, with support for multiple programming languages and frameworks.

#6. Render

Render offers a managed cloud platform for deploying and scaling web applications. It provides built-in features like auto-scaling, SSL certificates, and database management, with pricing and easy-to-use deployment options.

#7. Netlify

Netlify is another popular platform among the best Heroku alternatives for deploying static websites and web applications. It offers built-in continuous deployment, asset optimization, and hosting for modern web projects, making it a great choice for front-end developers.

#8. is a continuous deployment cloud hosting platform that supports multiple programming languages. It provides preconfigured development environments and offers robust scaling options for applications.

#9. Vultr

Vultr is a cloud infrastructure provider that offers products including VPS hosting. It provides a simple self-service platform with competitive pricing, making it suitable for developers looking for flexible deployment options. However, if you’re looking for a budget-friendly alternative, Vultr is worth it.

#10. Dokku

Dokku is an open-source Heroku alternative that allows developers to deploy and manage their applications on their infrastructure. It also provides greater control and flexibility, making it one of the best Heroku alternatives worth considering.

When choosing the best alternatives to Heroku, consider pricing, scalability, ease of use, and integration with other development tools. However, evaluating these options can help you find the best fit for your needs and requirements.

Free Heroku Alternatives

Heroku, a cloud platform, offers a convenient way to deploy and manage applications. However, it may not be an ideal solution for everyone due to its limitations and pricing. If you are looking for alternatives to Heroku that provide similar functionality but at no cost, then, several options are available. Here are some free Heroku alternatives:

  • AWS Elastic Beanstalk
  • Google App Engine
  • OpenShift
  • Dokku
  • Netlify, etc.

While these Heroku alternatives offer free hosting options, some limitations may apply, such as usage quotas or limited resources. Hence, it’s advisable to review the terms and conditions of each service to understand any potential limitations before making a final decision.

Heroku Alternatives For Rails 

When deploying and hosting Ruby on Rails applications, Heroku has long been a popular choice. However, there are several alternatives available that provide similar functionality and features. Some of the best Heroku alternatives for Rails are as follows:

  • Red Hat OpenShift
  • Cloud Foundry
  • Google App Engine
  • Render
  • Dokku

These are just a few of the many alternatives to Heroku for hosting Ruby on Rails applications. Each option has unique features, pricing plans, and levels of customization. Depending on your specific requirements and preferences, you can choose the one that best suits your needs.

Heroku Pricing

Heroku, a cloud platform as a service (PaaS), offers a flexible and transparent pricing structure that caters to the needs of businesses of all sizes. The platform offers a free plan, great for individuals or small projects that are just starting. This plan has limited resources but still provides all the essential features to develop and deploy applications.

For businesses that require more resources and advanced features, Heroku offers several paid plans. The pricing depends on the resources, such as the number of dynos (containers that run the application) and the amount of storage and memory. This ensures that businesses only pay for the resources they use, making it more cost-effective and scalable. The pricing details are transparent and can be easily calculated using the Heroku pricing calculator, allowing businesses to estimate and budget their expenses accurately. Additionally, Heroku offers add-ons for additional services such as databases, third-party integrations, and monitoring tools, which have separate pricing structures.

Overall, Heroku provides a range of pricing options that allow businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their specific needs and budget. The flexible pricing structure, transparent details, and the ability to scale resources easily make Heroku an attractive choice for developers and businesses looking to deploy their applications quickly and efficiently to the cloud.

Is There Anything Better Than Heroku? 

While Heroku offers a wide range of advantages such as ease of use, scalability, and excellent support for popular programming languages and frameworks, it may not fit the requirements of every project or organization. One alternative that stands out as a strong competitor to Heroku is AWS Elastic Beanstalk. It provides developers with a platform to deploy, scale, and manage applications. Like Heroku, Elastic Beanstalk offers a simple user interface, automated infrastructure management, and support for programming languages. 

However, Elastic Beanstalk also provides the additional benefit of direct integration with other AWS services, allowing developers to take advantage of the full suite of AWS functionalities. Furthermore, Elastic Beanstalk offers more flexibility in terms of customization and configuration options, making it a preferred choice for projects that require a higher level of control over the underlying infrastructure.

What Is The Best Free Tier Alternative To Heroku? 

When finding a suitable alternative to Heroku’s free tier, one platform that stands out is AWS (Amazon Web Services) Elastic Beanstalk. With its generous free tier options, Elastic Beanstalk allows developers to deploy and manage applications without worrying about infrastructure configurations. 

This platform provides a variety of programming languages and frameworks, such as Java, .NET, Node.js, Python, Ruby, and more. It also offers scalable resources, automated scaling, and load balancing, ensuring optimal performance of the deployed applications. Moreover, AWS provides a wealth of additional services that can be integrated with Elastic Beanstalk, such as Amazon RDS for database management and Amazon S3 for cloud storage, making it a versatile and comprehensive alternative to Heroku’s free tier.

Do People Still Use Heroku? 

Heroku continues to be widely used by developers and businesses. Despite the emergence of other cloud platforms, Heroku is still popular due to its ease of use, scalability, and extensive range of features. 

Many developers find Heroku’s simplicity and straightforwardness appealing. This is because it eliminates the need for complex infrastructure management and allows them to focus solely on writing code. Additionally, Heroku’s flexible pricing options, including a free tier for small-scale applications, make it an attractive choice for startups and solo developers looking to minimize costs.

Can I Deploy My App With Heroku For Free? 

Yes, you can deploy your app with Heroku for free. Heroku offers a generous free tier, known as the “Hobby” tier, that allows users to host their applications at no cost. With the free tier, you can have up to 5 active applications and deploy them on a single web and worker dyno. While the free tier has some limitations, such as lower performance and limited resources, it is a great option for developers looking to test their applications or host small-scale projects without incurring expenses. Additionally, Heroku provides a seamless deployment process, with features like automatic scaling and easy integration with popular version control systems, making it an ideal choice for those starting with app deployment.

However, it’s important to note that if your app experiences high traffic or requires additional resources, you may need to upgrade to Heroku’s paid plans. These paid plans offer more dynos, increased performance, and additional features like SSL certificates and custom domains. Nevertheless, for many developers, the free tier provides a convenient and cost-effective way to deploy their applications and get them up and running quickly.

Is Heroku Free Forever? 

Heroku offers a free option for users. However, it is important to note that the free tier is not available forever. The free option on Heroku helps developers to explore and test their applications before scaling up. The limitations of the free tier include a limited number of dynos (the lightweight containers that run applications on Heroku) and limited RAM. Additionally, the free tier also has certain restrictions on the runtime and availability of the application. Therefore, while Heroku offers a free option, it is not intended to be a permanent solution for hosting and running applications.

To provide users’ needs beyond the limitations of the free tier, Heroku offers different pricing plans that allow for more resources and capabilities. These paid plans enable users to scale their applications and host them on a more permanent basis with enhanced performance and reliability. Users can choose the plan that best suits their requirements, whether for personal projects, startups, or enterprise-level applications. In essence, while Heroku provides a free option, consider the limitations and explore the paid plans for a longer-term solution.

When Did Heroku Stop Being Free?

Heroku shut down its free tier on November 28th, 2022. Hence, free Heroku Dynos, Postgres, and Redis servers are no longer available.

Why Not Use Heroku? 

Heroku offers easy deployment and management of web applications. However, several reasons might make some not use Heroku for their projects. 

  • Firstly, the cost of hosting on Heroku can be relatively higher than other hosting services. While they offer a free tier for smaller projects, as the application grows and requires more resources, the pricing quickly increases. Thus, this can be a drawback for individuals or startups with limited budgets.
  • Secondly, Heroku can be restrictive in customization and control. The platform has its rules and limitations, and configurations or features may not be available. This can be frustrating for developers who require more flexibility in their applications or want to have greater control over the infrastructure. 
  • Additionally, the scaling capabilities of Heroku may not be as efficient for applications with high traffic or complex requirements. Therefore, it can be challenging to fine-tune the performance and optimize resource utilization.

Final Thoughts

As the growing demand for cloud-based hosting solutions prompts the emergence of various Heroku alternatives and competitors, consider the above ten best platforms to host your applications. Whether for free or Rails, these Heroku alternatives offer numerous features, pricing plans, and benefits that cater to different needs and requirements. Hence, from flexible pricing plans to superior scalability and performance.



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