How to Change Fitness Goals on iPhone

how to change fitness goals on iphone

The Apple Watch’s fitness tracking feature allows users to monitor their health and fitness and set progressive goals for themselves. However, if you have set your activity goals and want to change them later, you can easily do so on your iPhone. But how do you go about this? This article will cover a simple step by step process if you ever need to change your fitness goals on your iPhone or Apple Watch starting with the basics.

What is Apple Fitness?

When you open the Fitness app on your iPhone, you’ll see a summary of your daily health data, including how far you’ve moved, how many times you’ve stood up that day, steps taken, and distance traveled.

The iPhone collects this data using accelerometers and other sensors on your device, supplemented with data from your Apple Watch. If you happen to have one.

To nudge you into better fitness habits, the app also awards you for meeting weekly and monthly goals. Fitness issues a new challenge each month and rewards you with a new icon if you complete it.

What Are Activity Goals, and How Do I Change Them?

You can create your own Activity objectives. To access today’s data, open the app in Summary view on your iPhone and tap the rings. Scroll down and select Change Goals.

Open the app on Apple Watch and use the Digital Crown to scroll down the screen to find Change Goals. Change Goals allows you to raise or lower your targets. The Apple Watch will suggest goals based on your previous performance.

What are Fitness Activity Rings?

The Fitness app uses three activity rings to track your daily exercise accomplishments. The red ring counts calories for movement, the green for exercise, and the blue for how many times you stand per day.

You will need an Apple Watch to get the most out of the app, as your iPhone will only display the move ring without one. Its sensors are incapable of capturing exercise and stand metrics.

Tap the Summary tab to access more detailed metrics, such as heart rate, weather conditions during the workout, maps showing where you walked or ran, weekly summary data, and more.

How Do I Change My Apple Watch Fitness Goals?

You can change your fitness goals on Apple Watch in a variety of ways.

To begin, open the Workout app and select your current goal. You can then select “Change Goal” from the menu. This allows you to change your calorie, time, or distance target.

Alternatively, you can use your Apple Watch’s Settings app. Scroll to the “Workout” section after selecting the “Fitness” tab. Tap “Edit” and then enter your new exercise goal.

Changing your fitness goal on the Apple Watch is a simple process no matter which method you use. You can keep track of your progress and ensure that you’re meeting your fitness goals by following these steps.

How to Change iPhone Move Goals

Changing your iPhone’s move goals is a quick and simple process that anyone can do in a few simple steps.

To begin, launch the Health app on your iPhone. Then, at the bottom of the screen, tap the “Dashboard” tab. Scroll down and select “Edit” next to the “Move” goal.

You can disable the “Move” goal or change the number of active calories you want to burn each day. To do so, simply tap on “Calorie goal.”

Slide the switch next to the left to disable the “Move” goal.

How to Change the Stand Goal on an iPhone

If you want to change your stand goal on iPhone, you can do so easily.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure:

  • At the bottom of the screen, select the “Health Data” tab.
  • Choose “Activity” from the menu in the upper left corner of the screen.
  • Scroll down and select Edit.
  • Choose “Change Stand Goal.”
  • Enter your new goal in the “Current Goal” field.
  • When you’re finished, press the “Done” button.

How to Change Fitness Goals on Apple Watch Series 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

If you’ve been tracking your fitness progress with your Apple Watch and have recently changed your fitness goals, you may be wondering how to change them on your device.

  • On your iPhone, launch the Settings app.
  • Select “Health” from the Privacy menu and then “Apple Watch” from the Source menu.
  • Scroll down and select Edit.
  • To change an existing goal, tap on the one you want to change under the Bold heading.
  • To adjust each metric to your new goal, use the + and – buttons next to it.
  • Tap the “+” button in the top right corner of the screen to add a new goal, then fill out the information for your new goal under the “Bold” heading.
  • To delete a goal, swipe left and select Delete.
  • When you’re finished editing or adding goals, tap the “Done” button in the top right corner of the screen.

Why Can’t I Change My Apple Watch’s Exercise Goal?

Like most people, you most likely have a daily exercise goal that you hope to meet. While having goals is great, life can get in the way and we don’t always meet them.

You may have discovered that changing your exercise goal on your Apple Watch is impossible. This is due to a number of factors, including the following:

  • Apple wants to encourage users to stick to their fitness goals.
  • People who change their goals too frequently may never achieve their fitness goals.

So, if you’re having trouble meeting your current exercise goal, keep going! Remember that consistency is key; you will eventually reach your goal.

How to Change Step Goals on the iPhone Health App

The only constant is change. You probably use your iPhone’s Health app to track your steps, like most people. As a result, you may want to adjust your step goal from time to time.

Maybe you’ve just started working out more and want to use the iPhone’s Health app to help you get there, or maybe you’ve been slacking and need to cut back. Changing your step goal on the iPhone Health app is simple for whatever reason.

Here’s a step-by-step procedure:

To begin, launch the Health app on your iPhone. Then, at the bottom of the screen, tap the “Summary” tab.
Scroll down and click “Edit” next to your Step Goal.
You can now enter a new number for your step goal or use the +/- buttons to increase or decrease it. When you’re satisfied with your new step goal, tap “Done.” That’s all there is to it.
You have successfully modified your step goal in the iPhone Health app.
Change the Step Goals on the iPhone Health App

How to Modify the Calorie Goal on an iPhone
There are a few ways to change your calorie goal if you have an iPhone. One approach is to launch the Health app and select “Sources.” Choose “Body Measurements” and then scroll down to “Basal Metabolic Rate.” You can enter your new calorie goal here.

You can also modify your calorie goal by going to the Settings app and selecting “Privacy.” From here, choose “Health” and then “Source Data.” Scroll down to “Body Measurements” and then to “Basal Metabolic Rate.” Fill in your new calorie target here.

You can also modify your calorie target by using the MyFitnessPal app. After you’ve logged in, tap the person-shaped icon in the top left corner. Then, go to “Goals” and choose “Change Goals.” You can enter your new calorie intake goal from here.

How to Track a Workout on iPhone or Apple Watch

While an Apple Watch isn’t required to track your daily activity, set a move goal, or see your progress, it is required to fully track workouts. Fitness can track everything from running to Pilates and swimming with an Apple Watch.

If you don’t have an Apple Watch, you’ll need to download a third-party app to begin tracking your runs and other workouts. Strava, Nike Training Club, and Runkeeper are among the best, and data from these sessions can be imported into the Fitness app as well.

How to Compete Against Your Friends

You can share fitness stats with friends and family to keep track of each other’s progress and, more importantly, to get competitive. In the Fitness app, tap Sharing, and then the small round icon at the top right of the screen to invite a friend who also has an iPhone/Apple Watch to share their data with you.

When they agree, their activity statistics will be displayed in the Sharing tab on both the watch and the iPhone. If you wear an Apple Watch, you can use it to send motivational messages to your friends while working out.

How to Change the Calorie Goal on an iPhone

Whatever method you choose, make sure to write down your new calorie goal somewhere you’ll see it frequently. This will help you stay on track and accountable!


Changing your fitness goals on your iPhone is a simple process that can be completed in a matter of minutes. Setting new fitness goals is a great way to stay motivated and on track, whether you want to lose weight, gain muscle, or improve your overall health. And, with the Health app built in, it’s easier than ever to track your progress and see how far you’ve come.

How to Change Fitness Goals on iPhone: References

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