NOZOMI NETWORKS REVIEW 2023: Features, Pricing & Alternatives

Nozomi Networks
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To defend vital infrastructure in the ever-changing field of industrial cybersecurity, enterprises require robust and innovative solutions. Nozomi Networks has established itself as a leading provider of industrial cybersecurity and operational visibility solutions, providing a comprehensive platform that addresses the unique difficulties that industrial environments face. In this blog article, we will delve deep into Nozomi Networks, investigating its platform, revenue growth, competitors, stock performance, and customer reviews to acquire a full picture of this industry leader.

What is Nozomi Networks?

Nozomi Networks is a global pioneer in industrial cybersecurity and operational visibility, enabling businesses to secure the resilience and security of their essential infrastructure. To deliver comprehensive security and real-time monitoring capabilities, its platform integrates advanced artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and deep network visibility. Nozomi Networks provides a variety of solutions to safeguard many industries against cyber threats and operational disruptions, including energy, manufacturing, transportation, and others.

Nozomi Networks Platform

The platform, which provides a comprehensive approach to industrial cybersecurity, is at the heart of Nozomi Networks’ solutions. The platform enables enterprises to acquire full awareness of their industrial control system (ICS) environment by providing comprehensive asset discovery and inventory management. It also features powerful anomaly detection, threat intelligence, and incident response capabilities to detect and respond to cyber threats in real-time, limiting the possible impact on operations.

Features of Nozomi Networks Platform

The Nozomi Networks platform has a wide range of features designed to solve the unique issues of industrial cybersecurity and operational visibility. The following are some of the platform’s primary features:

#1. Real-time Industrial Network Monitoring:

The platform monitors industrial networks in real-time, allowing enterprises to get visibility into their operational technology (OT) environments. It monitors devices and analyzes communication patterns to discover anomalies and potential security threats as they occur.

#2. Asset Identification and Inventory Management:

Nozomi Networks assists enterprises in properly identifying and managing their industrial assets. It detects and maps industrial devices automatically, delivering a comprehensive inventory of assets. This function improves asset management, vulnerability assessment, and risk mitigation.

#3. Deep Network Visibility:

The platform provides comprehensive network insight into industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT) networks. It gives extensive insights into network traffic, protocols, and communication patterns, assisting enterprises in understanding how their industrial settings behave. This visibility aids in the detection of anomalies, the identification of potential risks, and the maintenance of reliable operations.

#4. Threat Intelligence and Anomaly Detection:

Nozomi Networks detects anomalies and potential cyber threats using advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence. The platform examines network behavior, device interactions, and other data sources to detect unusual activity that could indicate a security compromise. Threat intelligence feeds are also included to improve threat detection capabilities.

#5. Forensics and Incident Response:

Nozomi Networks enables enterprises to respond quickly and efficiently in the event of a security incident. The platform includes incident response and forensic capabilities, allowing security teams to investigate incidents, collect evidence, and take appropriate actions to limit risks and minimize operational damage.

#6. Compliance and Security Auditing:

Nozomi Networks assists enterprises in meeting industry-specific cybersecurity and regulatory compliance criteria. Security auditing features are provided by the platform, which includes vulnerability assessment, configuration management, and compliance reporting. This feature aids enterprises in establishing a strong security posture and showing regulatory compliance.

#7. Analytics and Reporting:

Nozomi Networks offers complete reporting and analytics. It offers visualizations, reports, and insights about network activity, threat detection, asset management, and compliance. These reports and analytics assist enterprises in gaining a more comprehensive view of their industrial cybersecurity posture, making educated decisions, and driving continuous improvement programs.

These capabilities enable enterprises to safeguard their vital infrastructure proactively, detect and respond to attacks quickly, and maintain the resilience and security of their industrial settings.

Nozomi Networks Revenue

Nozomi Networks’  revenue has increased significantly over the years, reflecting the increasing need for industrial cybersecurity solutions. The company’s commitment to innovation and attention to crucial security concerns have aided its success. It has created solid connections with significant businesses by employing cutting-edge technology and adapting to the specialized needs of industrial environments, boosting revenue growth and market presence.

Nozomi Networks Competitors

Nozomi Networks confronts competition from other significant companies providing similar services as a market leader. In this article, we will look at Nozomi Networks’ competitors, assessing their strengths, solutions, and market presence to acquire a better understanding of the competitive landscape of industrial cybersecurity.

#1. Dragos:

Dragos is a well-known name in industrial cybersecurity, specializing in the protection of industrial control systems (ICS) and operational technology (OT). Their technology offers complete visibility, threat detection, and incident response capabilities suited to industrial networks. Dragos assists enterprises in protecting their critical infrastructure from cyber threats and ensuring operational continuity by focusing on threat intelligence and asset identification.

#2. Claroty:

Claroty provides an all-in-one industrial cybersecurity platform that integrates network monitoring, anomaly detection, and vulnerability management. Their products help businesses detect and respond to threats, manage vulnerabilities, and protect the integrity and availability of industrial assets. Claroty is a significant player in the industrial cybersecurity sector due to its substantial expertise in OT network security.

#3. Indegy (now a subsidiary of Tenable):

Tenable has acquired Indegy, which provides a platform for visibility, asset management, and anomaly detection in industrial contexts. Their solution is centered on safeguarding critical infrastructure from cyber threats and operational disruptions. Indegy’s holistic approach to industrial cybersecurity, which includes network monitoring and risk assessment, puts it as an industry leader.

#4. CyberX (now owned by Microsoft):

CyberX, a Microsoft subsidiary, specializes in the security of industrial control systems and operational technology settings. Their technology provides real-time visibility, threat identification, and asset management by leveraging behavioral analytics and machine learning. CyberX provides a compelling option for enterprises seeking powerful protection for their vital infrastructure due to their considerable experience in industrial cybersecurity and interaction with Microsoft’s ecosystem.

#5. Belden:

Belden is the world’s leading provider of industrial networking and cybersecurity solutions. They provide a variety of industrial network security products and services, such as firewalls, switches, and intrusion detection systems. Belden is a major competitor in the industrial cybersecurity market because of their holistic approach to industrial cybersecurity and competence in industrial networking.

#6. PAS Global:

PAS Global is a security firm that focuses on industrial control systems and operational technology settings. Their solutions provide critical infrastructure with continuous monitoring, vulnerability management, and change management. PAS Global’s emphasis on maintaining the integrity and resilience of industrial assets distinguishes them as a major competitor in the industrial cybersecurity field.

#7. Cisco Systems:

Cisco Systems, a global leader in networking and cybersecurity, provides a variety of industrial-specific solutions. To protect vital infrastructure, their industrial cybersecurity solutions include network visibility, threat detection, and secure access restrictions. Cisco Systems competes significantly in the industrial cybersecurity market because of its wide product portfolio and global presence.

Nozomi Networks Stock

Nozomi Networks is a private firm with no publicly traded stock. Investors and industry observers, on the other hand, keep a careful eye on the cybersecurity sector, including companies like Nozomi Networks, for prospective investment opportunities and market trends. The high market demand for industrial cybersecurity solutions, as well as the company’s revenue growth, add to the company’s overall industry reputation and possible investor interest.

Nozomi Networks Reviews

Customer reviews can shed light on the usefulness and quality of a cybersecurity solution. Customers have given Nozomi Networks favorable reviews, praising the platform’s ease of use, solid security capabilities, and full insight into their industrial environments. Customers frequently praise the platform’s capacity to detect and respond to threats, enhancing their overall cybersecurity posture and operational resilience.

Nozomi Networks Use Case

Nozomi Networks provides a versatile platform that supports a wide range of industrial cybersecurity and operational visibility use cases. Here are a few major use cases where businesses can profit from adopting Nozomi Networks:

#1. Threat Detection and Incident Response:

Nozomi Networks’ major use case is to detect and respond to cybersecurity attacks in industrial environments. To detect anomalies and potential security breaches, the platform continuously monitors industrial networks, analyzes network traffic, and applies advanced machine learning algorithms.

#2. Inventory and Asset Management:

Industrial businesses frequently struggle to keep an accurate inventory of their operational technology (OT) assets. Nozomi Networks contributes to addressing this issue by automatically detecting and mapping industrial devices on the network. Organizations may receive a complete picture of their asset inventory, track changes, and efficiently manage vulnerabilities.

#3. Operational Visibility and Network Monitoring:

Nozomi Networks provides enterprises with a comprehensive perspective of their operational environment by giving deep access to industrial control systems (ICS) and OT networks. Because of this visibility, operators and security teams can monitor network behavior, discover performance issues, and ensure the dependability of industrial operations.

#4. Regulatory and Compliance Requirements:

Many industries are governed by unique cybersecurity legislation and compliance requirements. Nozomi Networks helps enterprises achieve these standards by providing security auditing and compliance services. The platform facilitates vulnerability assessments, tracking configuration changes, and producing compliance reports.

#5. Forensics and Incident Investigation:

Following a security event, businesses must undertake thorough investigations and collect evidence for forensic investigation. Nozomi Networks delivers incident response and forensic capabilities, enabling security teams to analyze incidents, determine the root cause, and take relevant corrective actions.

#6. Vendor Risk Management:

For crucial components and services, industrial enterprises frequently rely on several vendors and third-party providers. Nozomi Networks can be used to assess these vendors’ cybersecurity posture and manage associated risks. Organizations can identify potential vulnerabilities and protect the security of their supply chain by monitoring network traffic and communication patterns with vendors.

#7. Security Awareness and Training:

Nozomi Networks can also help improve staff security awareness and training. The tool educates employees about potential cybersecurity risks by showing network activity and threats in a user-friendly manner.

Benefits of Nozomi Networks

Nozomi Networks offers various advantages to businesses looking to improve their industrial cybersecurity and operational visibility. It provides numerous advantages, such as complete threat detection, improved operational visibility, rapid incident response, asset inventory management, compliance assistance, scalability, integration capabilities, and actionable insights. Organizations can boost their industrial cybersecurity posture, protect key infrastructure, and maintain the resilience and security of their operational IT environments by harnessing these benefits.

What does Nozomi Networks do?

Nozomi Networks provides cybersecurity and analytics for Internet of Things-based processes. They deliver real-time integration of security and asset intelligence that is purpose-built for providing dependable operations with a zero-trust approach to network visibility and security for industrial digitization.

Who is the CEO of Nozomi Networks?

As CEO, Edgard Capdevielle has a wealth of experience in managing and expanding markets for both start-ups and established technological organizations.

Nozomi Networks Inc. is the legal name.

Where are the two Nozomi regional headquarters located?

The corporate headquarters are located at 575 Market St Ste 3650, San Francisco, CA 94105, USA.

What is the history of Nozomi Networks?

Andrea Carcano and Moreno Carullo founded the company in 2013. Nozomi Networks’ mission is to create cybersecurity and operational control procedures for industrial businesses.


Nozomi Networks has established itself as a reliable leader in industrial cybersecurity, offering clients a comprehensive platform for protecting critical infrastructure. Nozomi Networks helps enterprises defend their operations from cyber threats and assure ongoing productivity through powerful AI and ML capabilities, real-time monitoring, and proactive threat detection. Revenue growth, favorable client reviews, and competitors in the industrial cybersecurity field all contribute to the company’s position as a prominent player in the industry.

Nozomi Networks plays a significant role in safeguarding industrial environments and accelerating the digital transformation of essential infrastructure in an increasingly interconnected world. Organizations can rely on Nozomi Networks to provide innovative solutions that allow them to keep one step ahead of cyber threats and effectively mitigate risks as they evolve.


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