ARGOCD: Everything You Need To Know

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Organizations seek for quick and dependable application deployment. ArgoCD, a powerful open-source solution, has emerged as a game changer in the continuous delivery space. In this complete guide, we will delve into the world of ArgoCD, investigating its features, steps to install, and pricing plan. Join us as we explore how ArgoCD enables businesses to streamline application deployment with ease and efficiency.

What is ArgoCD?

ArgoCD is a declarative, GitOps-centric continuous delivery solution that automates application deployment to a variety of target environments. It uses the Git version control system to handle application configurations and a pull-based paradigm to keep applications in the intended state. Organizations can use ArgoCD to develop a uniform and auditable deployment process, lowering the risk of human error and maintaining application reliability.

ArgoCD provides a rich collection of capabilities that simplify application deployment. Its user interface is simple to use and provides real-time visibility into the deployed applications and their status. It supports a variety of deployment methodologies, including blue-green and canary deployments, allowing enterprises to smoothly implement progressive deployment techniques. ArgoCD also interfaces with many CI/CD technologies, allowing for a smooth and automated workflow from development to deployment.

How Does Argo CD Work?

Argo CD allows you to specify application configuration using a variety of Kubernetes manifests, including basic YAML or JSON manifests, Helm charts, Kustomize, and Ksonnet and Jsonnet applications. Any custom configuration management tool can also be used as a plugin.

Argo CD deploys the intended state of an application in a defined target environment automatically. At Git commits, updates are tracked as tags, branches, or pinned specific versions of a manifest.

Argo CD is a Kubernetes controller that monitors all running applications and compares their current state to the desired state specified in the Git repository. It recognizes deployed applications that have a live state that is out of sync with the expected state as OutOfSync. Argo CD reports deviations and gives visualizations to assist developers in manually or automatically synchronizing the live and desired states.

Argo CD can apply every change to the intended state in the Git repository to the target environment automatically, ensuring that the applications remain in sync.

Why Choose ArgoCD?

Argo CD, as a GitOps continuous delivery tool, continuously analyzes your running infrastructure (the actual state) and compares it to declaratively-defined code (the intended state or target state) to detect whether they are out of sync, assisting in the remediation of configuration drift.

Argo CD sends updated configurations and version code to the target environment automatically. Also, Argo CD will either alert you that things are out of sync with a new git commit, or it will take action, depending on how you’ve configured it. If you’ve configured it to automatically enforce changes, it will overwrite the production configuration with what’s in your versioned, immutable Git repository. The tool is ideal for large-scale application rollouts.

Argo CD is also necessary if your developer team works in version-controlled environments. Argo CD proactively examines your application configuration for potential syncing issues before it reaches your production environment by automating lifecycle management and application deployment.

ArgoCD Application

ArgoCD’s ability to manage complicated application deployments efficiently is one of its primary assets. ArgoCD’s application-centric strategy enables businesses to define and manage applications as code. This method allows teams to version manage application configurations, track changes, and revert to earlier states if necessary. Organizations can achieve reproducibility, scalability, and maintainability in their deployment workflows by treating applications as code.

ArgoCD introduces the Application CRD (Custom Resource Definition), which is a declarative specification of an application. The Application CRD includes information such as the application configuration’s source, the target environment, and any additional deployment parameters. Organizations can automate the deployment process and ensure consistency across environments by defining applications using the Application CRD.

Argo CD Architecture Overview

Platform engineers and DevOps professionals define Kubernetes manifest files using a variety of techniques such as YAML, Ksonnet, Jsonnet files, Helm charts, and Kustomize. The Argo CD application allows you to track any form of Kubernetes manifest. At a Git commit, it can track changes to branches, and tags, or be pinned to a specific version of manifests. Argo CD deploys the intended state of an application in a defined target environment automatically. At Git commits, updates are tracked as tags, branches, or pinned specific versions of a manifest.

The Argo CD control plane is made up of three key components: the Application Controller, the API Server, and the Repository Service.

#1. Application Controller:

The application controller is a Kubernetes controller in charge of monitoring applications in the running environment that are configured in Git to be in the desired state. It detects and notifies DevOps engineers when the running environment and Git are out of sync.

#2. Repository Server:

Argo CD’s repository server is an internal service that keeps a local cache of the Git repo. The server generates Kubernetes manifests based on input such as repository URL, Git revisions (branch, tags), application path, and template-specific settings.

#3. API Server:

The gRPC/REST API server provides API endpoints to the Argo web UI and CLI, as well as other CI/CD systems. The APIs are largely used to perform functions such as application deployment and management, rolling back or performing any user-defined operations, storing K8S cluster credentials, handling AuthN/Z for security and compliance, and so on.

ArgoCD Install

Installing ArgoCD is a straightforward operation that requires installing its components into a Kubernetes cluster. Let’s explore the steps to get started with ArgoCD:

  • Set up a Kubernetes Cluster: Ensure you have a Kubernetes cluster up and running, whether it’s a local development cluster or a production-ready cluster.
  • Install ArgoCD Operator: Deploy the ArgoCD Operator, which manages the lifespan of ArgoCD components, by applying the relevant manifests or using a package management like Helm.
  • Configure ArgoCD: Customize the ArgoCD installation by altering the configuration options to suit your situation. This involves defining the storage backend, setting up authentication choices, and configuring RBAC (Role-Based Access Control).
  • Use ArgoCD UI: Once the installation is complete, you can use the ArgoCD web interface to start controlling your applications and deployment workflows.

ArgoCD Pricing

ArgoCD is an open-source solution available for free, which makes it an attractive alternative for enterprises of all sizes. However, it’s necessary to examine the potential cost issues associated with establishing and maintaining ArgoCD inside your infrastructure. Let’s review some major issues associated with ArgoCD pricing:

  • Infrastructure Costs: Because ArgoCD runs within a Kubernetes cluster, companies should evaluate the expenses involved with maintaining and scaling the cluster’s underlying infrastructure.
  • Maintenance and Support: While ArgoCD is open-source and community-supported, enterprises may choose to use extra support services or interact with suppliers who provide enterprise-level assistance. These services may incur charges depending on the extent of assistance requested.
  • Integration and Customization: Depending on the complexity of your deployment workflows and the level of integration required with current systems and tools, custom development and integration activities may incur expenditures.

ArgoCD Security Considerations

While ArgoCD provides robust deployment automation features, it is critical to consider security implications to safeguard your applications and infrastructure. Here are some important security issues to keep in mind when using ArgoCD:

  • Secure Configuration: Make sure the ArgoCD installation is set up correctly with secure defaults. Authentication techniques must be enabled, secure communication protocols must be used, and RBAC must be implemented to control access to ArgoCD resources.
  • Secrets Management: Securely handle sensitive information such as credentials and API keys. To store and manage secrets used by ArgoCD to access external systems, use Kubernetes secrets or external secret management solutions.
  • Regular Updates: Keep the ArgoCD components and underlying Kubernetes cluster up to date with the most recent security fixes and updates. Monitor for security advisories regularly and apply updates as soon as possible to mitigate any vulnerabilities.
  • Network Segmentation: Consider adopting network segmentation to separate the ArgoCD components from other essential systems. This reduces the severity of any potential security breaches or unauthorized access.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Use monitoring and logging tools to obtain visibility into the ArgoCD deployment and discover any security risks or strange activity. To protect the integrity of your ArgoCD setup, keep an eye on access logs, application deployment events, and system metrics.

ArgoCD Alternatives

While ArgoCD’s GitOps-centric approach to application deployment makes it a great tool for simplifying application deployment, it’s always wise to investigate alternative options that may better suit your organization’s specific needs. In this section, we’ll look at some important ArgoCD alternatives, highlighting their features, capabilities, and use cases.

#1. Jenkins X:

Jenkins X is a cloud-native, open-source, and opinionated continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/CD) solution. It employs Kubernetes to automate application deployment and takes a GitOps approach.

#2. GitLab CI/CD:

GitLab CI/CD is a powerful continuous integration and continuous deployment platform built within GitLab, a well-known web-based Git repository management tool. Using a YAML-based configuration file, GitLab CI/CD allows enterprises to define, manage, and automate their application deployment pipelines.

#3. Spinnaker:

Spinnaker is a multi-cloud, open-source continuous delivery tool for distributing apps to several cloud providers. It supports sophisticated deployment tactics such as canary deployments, rolling updates, and blue-green deployments and provides a declarative model for creating application deployment pipelines.

#4. FluxCD:

FluxCD, another open-source GitOps solution, focuses on automating application and infrastructure deployment and lifecycle management. It works by continuously monitoring Git repositories for changes in application configurations and applying those changes to target environments.

#5. Harness:

Harness is a cloud-native, continuous delivery platform that automates the development, testing, and deployment of apps from start to finish. It provides a visual interface for creating deployment pipelines and supports a variety of deployment tactics such as blue-green, canary, and rolling updates.

#6. Octopus Deploy:

Octopus Deploy is a solution for automating the deployment of Microsoft.NET applications and other platforms. It allows enterprises to create and manage deployment procedures visually, making it accessible to both developers and operations teams.

What is ArgoCD used for?

Argo CD is a declarative Kubernetes continuous delivery tool.  It can be used as a standalone tool or as part of your CI/CD workflow to distribute essential resources to your clusters.

What is the difference between Jenkins and ArgoCD?

Security features differ between the two tools, with Jenkins having basic built-in security capabilities and further security available via plugins, and Argo CD providing options for securing the CD pipeline, such as RBAC and Git-based authentication.

What does Argo Sync do?

When it finds changes between the desired manifests in Git and the live state in the cluster, Argo CD can automatically sync the application. One advantage of automated sync is that CI/CD pipelines no longer require direct access to the Argo CD API server to deploy.

What is the disadvantage of ArgoCD?

Configuring synchronization sources, repositories, and access controls can necessitate some trial and error. While Argo CD can alert users of deployment events, its built-in notification mechanisms can be insufficient for some teams’ needs.

What is the difference between Helm and Argo CD?

Helm Charts enable you to define applications declaratively, which is a key principle of GitOps. Argo CD is a GitOps platform that analyzes environment parameters and automatically deploys them to a Kubernetes cluster.

Who uses Argo CD?

Companies Currently Using Argo CD:

  • CVS Health
  • Cisco
  • Elevance Health
  • DISH

What does Argo do for Kubernetes?

When adopting a Kubernetes-based development and deployment strategy for your distributed applications, Argo assists you in introducing containers to your developers and operations teams.


Through its GitOps-centric approach, ArgoCD emerges as a strong solution that enables enterprises to achieve efficient and reliable application deployment. ArgoCD accelerates continuous delivery workflows and improves communication across development and operations teams by treating applications as code and automating the deployment process. ArgoCD meets the needs of modern software development methods with its user-friendly interface, support for numerous deployment methodologies, and integration capabilities.

While ArgoCD provides tremendous value, it is critical to evaluate the installation process, cost issues, and security concerns when using it within your firm. You can use ArgoCD’s capabilities to support continuous delivery and unlock the full potential of your application deployment procedures by following best practices and ensuring a secure configuration.

So, get started with ArgoCD and discover the potential of simplified, auditable, and scalable application deployments. Improve your continuous delivery methods by embracing the efficiency and dependability that ArgoCD provides.


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