White Hat Hacker: Meaning and How To Become One

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A white hat hacker, also known as an ethical hacker, employs penetration testing techniques to test and identify weaknesses in an organization’s information technology (IT) security. The results of such penetration tests are subsequently used by IT security personnel to repair vulnerabilities, tighten security, and reduce the organization’s risk factors. 

Penetration testing is never an easy task. It requires extensive planning, including obtaining clear authorization from management to conduct tests and then performing them as securely as possible. These tests frequently employ the same tactics that attackers use to enter a network. Many firms choose to outsource this aspect of IT to managed service providers.

What is A White Hat Hacker?

A white-hat hacker is an ethical information security developer or engineer who tests security setups on behalf of corporations.

White hat hacking first appeared in the late 1960s, when corporations and government organizations began to test developing telecommunications technology and computers for security flaws. However, an undesirable side effect of white hat hacking, otherwise known as ethical hacking, is the rise of black-hat hackers, who seek information unlawfully for personal benefit.

White hats effectively have an organization’s permission to search for flaws and vulnerabilities in an IT infrastructure in order to keep black hats out.  

What Are the Steps to Becoming a Certified White Hat Hacker?

Acquiring the essential information, abilities, and certifications to demonstrate your proficiency in the subject of cybersecurity is required to become a certified white-hat hacker. Here are a few options for venturing into this field:

#1. Understand the basics

Begin by learning the fundamentals of computer systems, networking, and programming. This knowledge can be obtained through formal schooling, online courses, or self-study. Learn about operating systems (such as Windows, Linux, and macOS), networking, and programming languages such as Python, Java, and C++.

#2. Improve your cybersecurity knowledge.

Investigate cybersecurity principles such as encryption, authentication, access control, and risk assessment in greater depth. Discover common flaws, attack vectors, and defense techniques. Topics such as network security, online application security, and incident response should be studied.

#3. Obtain hands-on experience

Practical experience is critical for strengthening your skills as an ethical hacker. Set up your own lab environment, compete in Capture The Flag (CTF) events, or contribute to open-source security projects to get experience.

#4. Connect with professionals.

Join online forums, social media, or local gatherings to connect with other cybersecurity enthusiasts and experts. Networking can help you learn from others, find job chances, and keep up with the latest trends and practices.

#5. Obtain relevant certificates.

Certifications in ethical hacking and cybersecurity can demonstrate your knowledge and dedication to the industry. Among the most prominent certifications are:

  • CEH (Certified Ethical Hacker): This certification, provided by the EC-Council, focuses on ethical hacking approaches, tools, and techniques.
  • Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP): Offered by Offensive Security, this certification is highly recognized for its hands-on, practical approach to penetration testing.
  • CompTIA Security+: CompTIA’s Security+ certification covers general cybersecurity topics and best practices.

Cybersecurity is an ever-changing field. Continue to learn about new vulnerabilities, attack strategies, and security tools by reading blogs, attending conferences, or taking part in webinars.

#7. Get some professional experience

Apply for cybersecurity internships, freelance gigs, and entry-level opportunities. Working with skilled individuals can help you develop your abilities and comprehend ethical hacking in real-world circumstances.

Always keep your hacking operations inside the confines of the law and ethical norms in mind. Even if your motives are noble, unauthorized hacking might result in severe legal consequences.

What is the Difference Between A White Hat and Black Hat Hacker?

In the area of cybersecurity, the words “white hat hackers” and “black hat hackers” are often used to designate two sorts of people who participate in hacking activity.

Black hat hackers, sometimes known as “black hats,” on the other hand, engage in unlawful and immoral hacking activities. Their primary objective is usually financial or ideological, and they utilize their actions to acquire personal benefit or hurt individuals, businesses, or countries. In addition, unlike white hat hackers, black hat hackers act illegally and in breach of cybersecurity regulations. Data theft, cyber fraud, malware dissemination, and other online criminal actions may be part of their activities. Furthermore, their actions have substantial legal ramifications and can inflict victims financial and reputational harm, in addition to posing a persistent threat to digital security.

It is critical to grasp the distinction between white hat and black hat hackers. While white hats aid in the improvement of cybersecurity and the protection of enterprises, black hats pose a severe threat to online privacy. Promoting ethics in cybersecurity and partnering with white hat specialists is crucial to protect our systems and data in an increasingly digitalized environment.

White hat hackers, for the most part, have recognized cybersecurity certificates and have received specialized training in ethical hacking tactics. This ensures that your work adheres to cybersecurity and data protection regulations. Meanwhile, black hat hackers are continually innovating and changing their methods for circumventing security measures. Some are members of cyber criminal organizations or groups, which allows them to carry out large-scale attacks such as financial data theft or online extortion.

Advantages of White Hat Hacking

White hat hacking has significant advantages for businesses, individuals, and society as a whole. Among the primary advantages are:

  • White hat hackers assist firms better their security posture and protect critical data and systems from thieves by finding vulnerabilities and flaws.
  • Ethical hacking helps firms to take a proactive approach to cybersecurity, discovering possible weaknesses before criminal actors may exploit them. This aids in the prevention of security breaches and the mitigation of any damage.
  • Compliance: Many industries have cybersecurity regulation requirements. Organizations can assure compliance with these requirements and avoid fines or other penalties by completing regular security evaluations.
  • Organizations that invest in cybersecurity and collaborate with white hat hackers to maintain effective security measures are more likely to acquire the trust of customers, partners, and stakeholders, which can lead to increased business and a stronger reputation.
  • Cost savings: Identifying and fixing security flaws early on can save firms significant costs connected with data breaches, such as legal fees, regulatory fines, remediation costs, and economic loss due to reputational harm.
  • Sharing of knowledge: White hat hackers frequently share their findings with the cybersecurity community, assisting in the improvement of security procedures and awareness across industries.
  • White hat hackers can assist in educating and training staff on security best practices, ensuring that all personnel of a business understand their responsibility in maintaining a safe environment.
  • Organizations may keep ahead of evolving cybersecurity threats and maintain a solid security posture by collaborating with white hat hackers, protecting both their assets and the data of their customers and clients.

What does a white hat hacker earn?

The average annual salary for a White Hat Hacker in the United States is $64,369 as of November 21, 2023. In case you need a quick pay calculation, that works out to around $30.95 per hour. This equates to $1,237 every week or $5,364 per month.

White hat hacking tactics and tools

White hat hackers employ the same hacking tactics and tools as black-hat hackers, especially when doing external penetration tests (pen tests). However, they do it with the intention of assisting a company in improving its security posture. The following are some examples:

  • Pen testing: Ethical hackers utilize their talents to detect potential entry points and system flaws before attempting to breach an organization’s network or exposed system.
  • Email phishing: White hat hackers perform legitimate anti-phishing initiatives to detect and resolve any network vulnerabilities before an attack occurs. Email phishing attempts to deceive the recipient into supplying sensitive information or clicking on a malicious file or link.
  • Denial-of-service (DoS) attack. This type of attack momentarily disrupts or impairs a machine’s or network resource’s performance, rendering it unavailable to users. A white hat hacker can mimic this type of assault to assist a company in developing its DoS response strategy.
  • Social engineering. White hat hackers employ behavioral tactics to assess the security of a company’s systems in order to avert an attack. Social engineering attacks exploit human nature and trust to deceive employees into violating security standards or disclosing sensitive information.
  • Security scanning. Ethical hackers employ a wide range of technologies to automate the process of discovering known vulnerabilities. These range from web application vulnerability detection tools like Acunetix or Netsparker to open source pen testing tools like Metasploit Framework or Nikto.

The distinction between a white hat and a black hat hacker is based on permission and intent. White hat hackers do not hack systems without the company’s express authorization to test their defenses, and they expose flaws responsibly. However, both white hat and black hat hackers employ comparable tools and strategies. This can create difficult legal problems for ethical hackers.

To completely assess a company’s security, for example, an ethical hacker must attempt to get access to the company’s systems not only directly, but also through its business partners. If the company that requested pen testing does not additionally obtain permission from its business partners, the white hat hacker may end up illegally breaching the business partners’ networks.

Furthermore, if ethical hackers gain access to sensitive data, it is their responsibility to notify the company in charge of that data. This, however, does not guarantee that the consumer will be told that their information has been compromised. It also implies that the ethical hacker has observed the data firsthand.

What Does a White Hat Hacker Do?

White hat hackers utilize their skills to find security flaws in order to protect enterprises from malicious hackers. They are occasionally salaried workers or contractors who work for corporations as security specialists, attempting to uncover security flaws.

What is a GREY Hat Hacker?

A gray hat hacker (sometimes called grey hat hacker) is someone who violates ethical rules or principles but does not have the malicious intent that black hat hackers do. Gray hat hackers may participate in methods that appear to be less than totally legal, yet they are frequently acting for the greater benefit.

What are The 3 Types of Hackers?

Hackers are classified into three types: white hat hackers, black hat hackers, and gray hat hackers.

What is a Red Hat Hacker?

A red-hat hacker, often known as a “vigilante hacker,” employs their expertise against cybercriminals and organizations that do not share their moral beliefs or adhere to high standards of justice. They, like any vigilante, act outside of the law and are willing to break the rules if necessary to achieve their goals.

What Skills DO You Need To Be A White Hat Hacker?

A white hat hacker must also have a combination of intelligence and common sense, as well as strong technical and organizational abilities, immaculate judgment, and the capacity to remain calm under pressure. Simultaneously, a white hat hacker must think like a black hat hacker, complete with malicious aims and deceptive habits.

Can A Wifi Network Be Hacked?

Yes, hackers can remotely access your router and Wi-Fi, especially if you have any of the following: Remote management is enabled in the router’s configuration. A router password that is easily guessable.

Although red hat hackers are not often criminals, the methods they use may be illegal and are frowned upon by the IT security community. 

What Code Do White Hat Hackers Use?

To uncover vulnerabilities in a system or network, ethical hackers utilize C++ for reverse engineering and exploit creation.

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