How to Clean Macbook: Easy Step-By-Step Guide

How to Clean Macbook
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How can you best maintain the health of your laptop? No need to get dirty here! A well-maintained Mac, regardless of its age, will always outlive a similarly equipped Mac that has been neglected. Cleaning your MacBook keyboard and storage or other Mac properly will extend the useful life of your Apple product; therefore, it’s worth learning more about. Let’s split the cleaning procedure into its various parts. 

How to Clean Macbook 

It’s not uncommon for Macs to collect gross amounts of dirt, dust, and bacteria over time. Only when we want to sell them do most of us clean them. Keeping your Mac’s body, keyboard, and screen clean and free of debris will greatly extend its life, even if you have no plans to sell it.

Setting aside time every so often to give your MacBook the loving attention it deserves is an excellent way to keep it looking its best. The following explanations will show you how to maintain a clean and organized Macintosh from the outside in.

How to Clean Macbook Desktop

Now that you know how to keep the outside of your Macbook in good shape, you should also make an effort to keep your desktop in order. Thankfully, there are a few programs that make maintaining order in your files a breeze.

Want to know how to tidy up your Macbook? A smart desktop organizer, Spotless, can help you maintain order in your paperwork. Make your own rules and set up recurring actions to automatically organize your files. You can quickly create a new rule by dragging and dropping files into the app’s pop-up drawer in the menu bar.

Schedule automated file cleanups based on file type and perform them whenever it’s most convenient. Organize your files and create more space on your desktop with Spotless.

How to Clean Macbook Screen

It’s annoying to have to struggle through a movie, email, or article on a dirty laptop screen. This is why regular screen cleaning should be a part of your computer maintenance routine. However, utmost caution is advised, since abrasive cloths might severely scratch your Mac.

A fresh, clean screen will change the way you look at your Mac. You’ll feel as if you’re using a brand-new MacBook. Here’s what you need to do to get a smudge-free display on your MacBook:

  • Turn down your MacBook and remove the power adapter before cleaning it with a dry towel (the friction from the cloth could cause harm to the adapter).
  • In small, circular motions, use a dry microfiber cloth to buff the screen. Be careful not to overpower them. Don’t use anything too abrasive, such as paper towels or dishcloths.
  • For the next five minutes, keep buffing the screen to get rid of fingerprints and other smudges.

If the fingerprints on your screen are stubborn, you can try using a damp towel. Soak a microfiber cleaning cloth in water. Be careful not to over-wet the cloth, since water dripping into your laptop could be disastrous. Use distilled water instead to lessen the likelihood that minerals in tap water will cause a shortfall. If you want to avoid any damage to your screen, avoid spraying water or other chemicals directly onto it.

How to Clean a Macbook Mouse

It’s common knowledge that computer mice are breeding grounds for bacteria. The rubber pieces under the mouse can get dirty even if you don’t use a tracking ball. The sensor lens of a mouse might lose its sensitivity if it gets filthy. In conclusion, it’s important to keep your mouse clean, especially before giving it to someone else.

  • Pull the mouse cable out of the PC.
  • Use a microfiber cloth to clean the mouse’s body of fingerprints and dirt.
  • Use a toothpick to clean the mouse’s scroll wheel and other grooves.
  • Invert the mouse and use a cotton swab to clean the rubber bottom. You can use this to wipe the sensor lens clean, but be gentle so as not to damage the sensor window.

How to Clean Macbook Keyboard 

The keys and the interior of your keyboard might harbor bacteria, even if they look clean at first glance. But don’t fret; there are only a few basic procedures you need to perform on occasion to keep your Macbook keyboard spotless, follow these steps on how to clean your Macbook keyboard.

  • Put away your computer and disconnect your keyboard.
  • Shake your external keyboard upside down to remove any dust or dirt from between the keys. Rock it back and forth (but don’t shake it too hard) if you’re using the conventional keyboard on a MacBook.
  • Moisten a lint-free towel or cloth with water.
  • Use a damp cloth to gently wipe the keyboard and trackpad to remove any dust or oils that may have accumulated there.
  • Use an alcohol-dampened cotton swab to gently rub away embedded dirt.

In addition to the aforementioned methods on how to clean a Macbook keyboard, you can also use a compressed air spray around the keys to remove any remaining dust, crumbs, or grime. You may prevent buildups from occurring on your keyboard by not eating in front of it and by washing your hands frequently.

How to Clean Dust From Inside Your Macbook

Dust accumulated in the fan and battery regions may be to blame for issues such as your Mac overheating, hearing more fan noise, having sudden shutdowns, or experiencing slower performance. However, this problem is less likely to occur on later Macs.

Unfortunately, getting inside your MacBook to clear the dust will render your warranty null and useless. You can use compressed air spray to blow away the dust after opening your MacBook, according to the instructions you saw online.

Preventative methods, such as keeping your workspace dust-free and using a hard table surface instead of your lap or couch, are preferable.

How to Clean Macbook Storage 

To know how to clean MacBook storage and free up space, you must follow a few procedures.

#1. Make Some Space on Your Desktop.

If there are any icons on your desktop that you no longer need to access, be sure to delete them. To uninstall a program completely from your hard drive, select Software Update.

Software updates can be accessed via the App Store, which can be accessed by clicking the Apple icon.

#2. Examine the Files You Have.

It’s a good idea to look for duplicates in your Downloads folder. Make sure the files you want are stored where they belong on the hard drive and then remove the duplicates from downloads.

Purge your hard drive of unwanted data, including software, games, and music. You can also save on the cloud or on an external hard drive the kinds of things you want to keep but don’t need to access very often.

Remove from your computer any media that you downloaded. You can find them on iTunes if you’d like to see them again.

#3. Discard Identical Things.

Follow these steps to get rid of duplicates in your media collection:

  • Choose File from the primary menu.
  • Using the “+” button on the right, choose New Smart Folder, and then choose the appropriate search criteria, such as “File Extension,” under “Other.” After that, you can get rid of everything but the most recent revision. 
  • If you have OS X® Sierra installed on your Mac, you can set it up so that certain files are uploaded to iCloud on a regular basis. Choose Apple > About this Mac > Manage > Storage Tools from the main menu. Next, choose to keep it on iCloud. By selecting this, data will be transferred from your hard drive to your iCloud storage.

#4. Utilize Mechanical Aids

Alternatives exist that can help you clean up disk space on your computer automatically:

  • By selecting “Optimize Storage,” downloaded iTunes movies and TV series will be removed from your device. You may always re-download it and view it again later.
  • If you select this option, anything left in your trash can after 30 days will be deleted forever.
  • In order to free up space on your computer, you can use the “Clear Out” feature to determine which files can be transferred to an alternative location.
  • If you’ve already done these things and you’re still short on storage space, you might want to consider upgrading to a larger solid-state drive. To determine which upgrade is necessary, please use our system scanner.

#5. Do a Final Sweep.

Make sure you delete the cached files from your browser. Those of you on Safari:

  • Launch Safari and go to Safari > Preferences.
  • To reveal the Create Menu, go to the Develop tab.
  • Select Empty Caches from the menu for development.

When you throw something away, it stays in the garbage can until it is removed. Click the trash can icon, then select Empty Trash from the context menu. Don’t forget to empty the trash from any applications that have their own trash cans, such as iPhoto®, iMovie®, and Mail.

After you’ve finished up, restart or shut down the machine to free up RAM.

Congratulations! You’ve finished organizing your Mac! If your Mac’s performance is still sluggish after these steps, you may need to investigate the issue further.

How Do You Clean Out Your Mac to Make It Run Faster? 

Here are the top methods for making a Mac run faster:

  • Eliminate unnecessary data and files from the computer.
  • Locate and terminate time-consuming operations.
  • Get up and running faster by overseeing initial-stage software…
  • Get rid of unused software.
  • Do a system update in Mac OS X.
  • Increase your RAM.
  • Upgrade to a solid-state drive (SSD).
  • Lessen the visual impact.
  • PRAM and SMC should be reset routinely.
  • Empty the Mac’s temporary files.
  • Don’t leave tabs open that you don’t plan to use Close unused add-ons
  • Move and reorder your desktop icons
  • Verify whether any hardware components are failing.

Does Cleaning Your Macbooks Fan Prevent Overheating? 

Blocking vents with dust and debris might cause your Mac to overheat. Using a can of compressed air, regularly clean the vents within your Mac to keep it running smoothly and dust-free.

What Do I Do to My Macbook Screen to Get Rid of Smudges? 

To clean the computer screen, simply dampen a soft, lint-free cloth with water and gently wipe it in a circular motion. The display or enclosure of your Mac laptop can be cleaned of stubborn smudges and fingerprints with a cloth dampened with a 70 percent isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution.

Can I Clean My Mac With Water? 

To clean the computer screen, simply dampen a soft, lint-free cloth with water and gently wipe it in a circular motion. A towel dampened with a 70% isopropyl alcohol (IPA) solution can be used to gently wipe the display or enclosure of your Mac laptop to remove stubborn smudges and fingerprints.

Can I Clean My Mac With a Wet Wipe? 

I questioned an Apple support guy years ago about keeping my laptop’s screen in good shape, and he recommended wiping it down with a slightly wet, lint-free cloth. Definitely useful! However, you should use a moist wipe liberally on the remaining parts. Yes, but only if the moist wipe isn’t disinfecting or contains other harsh chemicals.

How Do I Remove Fingerprints From My Macbook Keyboard? 

The MacBook Pro must be turned off. Wipe the keys down with a clean, soft cloth that has been sprayed with isopropyl alcohol (70% mixture), pressing and scrubbing as necessary to remove any residue. The keyboard and the area in between the keys should be cleaned in steps 2 and 3 until they are spotless.

Can You Remove Keys on Macbook Air?

To get rid of the “normal” keys, simply slide a thin, flat tool under the key at the bottom left corner and push the prong out of its hole. When you get it out, pull the key down from the upper right corner and wriggle it until the left side comes out.


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