RUBYMINE: Features, Pricing, Competitors & More

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An integrated development environment (IDE) for Ruby and Rails is called Rubymine. This implies that it makes it easier for you to traverse through your code and minimize unnecessary typing when you’re writing. In this post, we’ll talk about the JetBrains company that developed Rubymine, its pricing, a free alternative, and Rubymine vs VSCode.


JetBrains Integrated Development Environment (IDE)( RubyMine) is the top choice code envirinment especially for Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers. RubyMine was developed by JetBrains, a well-known business in the software development tools sector, to offer a complete and very effective environment for Ruby and Ruby on Rails development.

For a variety of operating systems, including macOS, Windows, and Linux, RubyMine is accessible.

The following are just a few of the many features and tools that RubyMine provides to speed up Ruby and Rails development:

#1. Code Editor 

RubyMine’s code editor is very modern and has many useful tools that make it easier to get things done, like syntax highlighting, code completion, code formatting, and more. Ruby, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS are just a few of the web development languages that it supports.

#2. Integrated Debugger

Rubymine’s built-in debugger makes it simple to troubleshoot Ruby and Rails apps. To find and address problems, you may walk through your code, analyze variables, and create breakpoints.

#3. Ruby on Rail Support 

 RubyMine provides a wealth of assistance for Ruby on Rails development. For managing Rails projects, it offers capabilities like generators, migrations, and integrated tools.

#4. Version Control Integration

RubyMine supports Git, Subversion, and Mercurial, making it simple to maintain and collaborate on your codebase.

#5. Testing Tool 

To help assure the quality of your code, the IDE offers tools for organizing and executing tests, including RSpec, Cucumber, and Test::Unit.

#6. Database Tools 

No matter what database system you use PostgreSQL, MySQL, SQLite, or another—RubyMine includes database utilities that make it simple to communicate with your database.

#7. Refactoring and Code Analysis 

You may enhance the quality and maintainability of your code with the aid of the IDE’s numerous refactoring tools and code analysis functions.

#8. Gem Management 

With Rubymine, managing and exploring Ruby gems is a breeze, making it simple to include external libraries in your projects.

#9. Support For Javascript and HTML

Rubymine supports JavaScript and HTML in addition to Ruby, allowing you to work on front-end web development as well.

#10. Integration with other JetBrains Tools

Rubymine effortlessly interacts with other JetBrains products, such as IntelliJ IDEA or WebStorm, enabling you to work on a variety of technologies in a single environment.

JetBrains offers a free trial edition of Rubymine, a commercial software, so that you may assess its features and determine whether it will meet your development needs. Because of its extensive feature set and user-friendly interface, it’s a popular option among Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers.


JetBrains Integrated Development Environment (IDE), known as RubyMine, was created especially for Ruby and Ruby on Rails developers. RubyMine was developed by JetBrains, a well-known business in the software development tools sector, to offer a complete and very effective environment for Ruby and Ruby on Rails development.


#1. Free 30-day Trial 

Before investing in a license, Rubymine provides a free trial so that you may test the program. This type of package is free.

#2. Individual License 

This option is available for independent developers.

The RubyMine license initially is offered as a one-time purchase with yearly subscription updates as an option. But the cost of this bundle is about $99.00.

#3. Academic License 

Students and educators who acquire RubyMine through JetBrains can do so at a discounted rate. To be eligible for this rate, you might need to present documentation of your academic standing. Although students are eligible to operate on JetBrains for free.

#4. Commercial License 

Businesses and organizations should use this. Depending on the number of users and the licensing type (per seat or floating), commercial license prices may change. The annual range of this deal is around $229.00.

#5. All Products Pack 

If you use many JetBrains IDEs, you might want to think about purchasing the JetBrains All Products Pack, which offers access to all of their IDEs, including RubyMine, WebStorm, and more, for one low monthly fee. although the yearly range charge is about $779.

RUBYMINE Free Alternative

#1. Eclipse 

This offers an expandable development platform with runtimes and application frameworks for creating, deploying, and controlling software throughout its entire lifecycle.

Eclipse Features 

  1.  Add-ons, plugins, and extensions can be added to Eclipse.
  1.  Eclipse offers syntax-highlighting support for a number of programming and markup languages.
  1. Eclipse has extensive grammar and spelling error detection and correction capabilities.
  1.  Multiple languages and coding styles are supported by Eclipse for code formatting.
  1. Eclipse may be utilized without an internet connection.

#2. Geany 

Geany is a powerful, reliable, and extremely light text editor for writers that has a lot of useful features and won’t slow you down. It works on Linux, Windows, and macOS and comes in more than 30 languages.

Geany Features 

  1. Geany uses fewer system resources than comparable programs.
  1.  Geany has LaTeX support for typesetting text and mathematical equations.
  1. Multiple things (tasks, files, photos, etc.) may be selected in Geany and their attributes can be edited simultaneously.
  1.  Syntax highlighting is supported by Geany for a number of programming and markup languages.
  1. Geany doesn’t include any external advertising of any kind.

#3. Aptana Studio 

Aptana Studio is a full-featured web development environment that combines strong writing tools with a variety of online hosting and collaboration options to empower you and your team to do more. support for PHP, CSS, FTP, and other technologies

#4. TextMate 

TextMate introduces Apple’s operating system ideas to the field of text editors. It cherry-picks the best of both worlds for the advantage of both experienced scripters and inexperienced users by bridging UNIX foundations with GUI.

TextMate Features

  1. Plugins, extensions, and add-ons can all be added to TextMate.
  1. To alter TextMate’s appearance and feel, utilize themes and templates.
  1. Syntax highlighting is supported by TextMate for a number of coding and markup languages.
  1. Syntax highlighting is supported by TextMate for a number of programming and markup languages.

#5. Runstone

An efficient, lightweight, and straightforward plain text editor with many features, including syntax highlighting, line numbers, search and replace, and page guides.

In addition, the most well-liked RubyMine substitute for the iPhone and iPad is Runestone.

Runstone Features 

  1. Runestone is usually a modified theme and template.
  1.  Runestone offers syntax-highlighting support for a number of programming and markup languages.
  1.  Use of Runestone is possible without an internet connection.
  1. Runestone offers a dark mode for convenient use in dim lighting.
  1. Runestone is an alternative that respects privacy.
  1. No external advertising is present in Runestone.

#6. Embitz

Embitz is a free C/C++ IDE designed to satisfy the most exacting requirements of its customers who work in the field of developing embedded software. Finally, an IDE that supports several targets (ARM, MSP430, PIC,…) and has all the capabilities you want is available.


Although both RubyMine and Visual Studio Code (VSCode) are well-known development environments, their functions and advantages differ. Your own requirements and tastes will determine which of the two you choose.

#1. Purpose

RubyMine: is an Integrated Development Environment (IDE) built by JetBrains, also for the development of Ruby and Ruby on Rails. In addition to code analysis, refactoring tools, debugging, and integrated testing, it provides complete support for Ruby and Rails applications.

VSCode: Microsoft created Visual Studio Code, sometimes referred to as VSCode, which is a quick and flexible code editor. It supports a broad variety of programming languages through extensions and is not language-specific.

#2. Language Support

Ruby and Ruby on Rails development is the main emphasis of RubyMine. Ruby programmers choose it because it offers cutting-edge features and tooling designed specifically for Ruby development.

VSCode: With the help of extensions, VSCode mostly be transformed as a general-purpose code editor for Ruby programming. Basic support for Ruby is provided via the “Ruby” extension for VSCode, however, it might not have as many Ruby-specific capabilities as RubyMine.

#3. Extensibility

RubyMine: RubyMine has some customizability but isn’t as versatile as VSCode. It does support plugins, although there are fewer options than there are for VSCode.

VSCode: The extensibility of VSCode is its main strength. The Visual Studio Code Marketplace offers a sizable collection of extensions that enable developers to personalize and modify the editor to suit their needs, including the addition of Ruby-related capabilities.

#4. Learning Curve

RubyMine: The learning curve for RubyMine might be more challenging, especially for new users. For individuals who are unfamiliar with Ruby development, it offers a broad range of capabilities and tools that may be too much to handle.

VSCode: VSCode earns renown for its straightforward and user-friendly nature. its comparatively simpler to get started with, and it’s simple design frees engineers to concentrate on developing code.

 #5. Price 

RubyMine: JetBrains can offer a free trial period for Rubymine, but you must purchase a license to use it regularly

VSCode: Since Visual Studio Code is open-source and free, it appeals to developers on a tight budget.

How to Create a Program in Ruby?

Write your program’s code in a text file with the “. rb” extension, and then run it by typing “ruby” and the file name. ‘. rb’ files can be made and edited in any text editor or integrated development environment (IDE) that supports Ruby syntax highlighting.

How Do I Install Gem in Rubymine ?

Start typing bundler in the popup that appears, choose bundle install, and hit Enter. From the main menu, select Tools | Bundler | Install. Place the caret at any highlighted gem that is missing from the project SDK, open the Gemfile, and then press Alt Enter. Press Enter after selecting Use Bundler to install any missing gems.

Where Do I Write Ruby Code?

The majority of Ruby programs can be launched from “the command line.” You write your program’s code in a text file with the.rb extension using a plain text editor (such as TextEdit, Notepad, BBEdit, or Notepad++), then run “ruby your program.”



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