Importance Of Integrity In Nigeria: Why Integrity Is Important For Leadership and Business

importance of integrity
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Integrity is a trait that exists when consistent actions and firm values come together. To put it another way, it is a trait of people who always act honorably, even when no one is seeing and especially when the situation is difficult.

Integrity and trust go hand in hand in the relationship between a leader and their workforce. Employees are more likely to trust and appreciate their leaders when they see them operating with integrity, which leads to higher motivation, engagement, and productivity. A leader without integrity, on the other hand, can undermine trust and destroy relationships with employees, resulting in a negative work culture and low morale. Here, we’ll look at the importance of integrity in leadership and business

What is Integrity?

Integrity is defined as being truthful, ethical, and consistent in one’s acts and remarks. It entails remaining true to oneself and one’s principles while also acting honestly and fairly. Integrity is a critical attribute for any leader since it serves as the foundation for trust and respect.

When leaders display integrity in their actions and words, they are more likely to gain the trust and respect of their team and stakeholders, as well as develop credibility and a positive reputation. Integrity is vital for creating a positive organizational culture, making sensible and ethical decisions, and contributing to the long-term success of the organization.

The Importance of Integrity in Leadership

Here’s the importance of integrity in leadership

#1. Trust

The cornerstone of trust is integrity. Leaders that constantly act honestly and ethically gain the trust of their team and stakeholders. People are more likely to trust those who are truthful and transparent in their conduct. Building a healthy work atmosphere and encouraging collaboration and teamwork require trust. People who trust their leader are more inclined to accept their advice and work together to achieve common goals.

#2. Respect

Leaders with integrity are more likely to have the respect of their team and stakeholders. People respect those who are truthful, straightforward, and consistent in their behaviors. When a leader is respected, he or she is more likely to be looked up to and emulated by others.

#3. Credibility

Leaders with integrity are more credible because they are perceived as dependable and trustworthy. This can help the leader position themselves as thought leaders in their profession, as well as boost their influence inside the organization. When a leader is credible, they are perceived as an expert in their subject, and their words and actions are taken more seriously.

#4. Excellent Reputation

A leader’s reputation is a valuable asset, and a leader with a reputation for integrity is more likely to be perceived positively by internal and external stakeholders. This can aid in the development of credibility and trust, as well as the general reputation of the organization. A good reputation can help an organization attract and keep customers, workers, and investors, as well as separate itself from competitors.

#5. Role Model

Leaders should be role models for their teams, and displaying integrity is a crucial element of that. Leaders that act ethically and consistently create a good example for others. This can help to foster a positive organizational culture and inspire team members to follow suit.

#6. Decision-Making

Because they are not persuaded by personal gain or external influences, leaders with integrity are more likely to make wise and ethical decisions. This is critical for establishing organizational trust and credibility. When leaders are known for making ethical decisions, their team and stakeholders are more inclined to trust them, which can help establish a great work atmosphere and boost collaboration.

#7. Employee Involvement

When employees trust and respect their leader, they are more likely to be engaged and driven. A leader with integrity is more likely to gain their team’s trust and respect, which can boost employee engagement and productivity. Employees that are engaged are more likely to be motivated and dedicated to the company’s success.

#8. Customer Contentment

Customers are more likely to trust and conduct business with organizations led by trustworthy individuals. Customers who trust a firm are more likely to be loyal and promote it to others. They are more likely to trust organizations that are open and ethical in their business activities. Customers that are satisfied are more inclined to do business with the company again, which can assist fuel business growth and success.

Leaders with integrity are more likely to guarantee that their organizations follow the law and ethical norms. This can assist the organization avoid legal obligations and reputational harm. When a company follows the law and ethical standards, it is more likely to be seen positively by stakeholders and to avoid bad outcomes.

#10. Success

Finally, integrity is critical for any organization’s long-term success. When leaders act ethically and consistently, they develop trust, respect, and credibility, which can aid in the growth and success of their businesses. A leader that possesses integrity is more likely to make solid and ethical decisions, to engage and motivate their team, and to please customers. All of these elements can contribute to the organization’s long-term success.

Furthermore, integrity is essential for personal success as a leader. When a leader acts with integrity, their team and stakeholders are more likely to regard them as a role model and to respect them. This can help them gain influence within the organization and establish a positive reputation.

What Is Integrity in Business?

To improve business integrity, you must first build a corporate understanding of the phrase. The first step toward a more integrous organization is to agree on a definition of integrity in business.

To accomplish this, it is necessary to first define what integrity is not. Integrity isn’t about doing the right thing because it makes you seem good or because you’re under scrutiny.

In business, integrity is defined as acting with honor regardless of whether your actions are public; committed to accomplishing what you say you will do. It is about instilling an ethical culture throughout your entire corporate environment. It’s also about being honest about flaws, keeping accountable, and owning up to any missteps.

Close any gaps between your intents and actions by ensuring that your interactions with customers, employees, suppliers, investors, and regulators are consistent with your stated goals and objectives. Finally, ensure that you constantly conduct yourself in an honorable manner within the organization.  

What is the Importance of Integrity in Business?

Running your organization with integrity is the correct thing to do’that’s a given.

It would be dishonest, however, to disregard the very practical commercial rewards that integrity in company may provide. Integrity makes sense from a simply commercial standpoint. In the five years to January 2021, Ethisphere’s 2021 World’s Most Ethical firms honorees outperformed a comparable index of large-cap firms by 7.1 percentage points.

Many consumer and client interactions with businesses and corporations are virtual in an increasingly online world. When actual interaction with your employees, places, and business practices is reduced, the values your organization stands for become increasingly crucial. If you want to be known for the right reasons, you must instill an ethical mindset across your organization’s DNA.

Businesses are increasingly being examined on their environmental, social, and governance performance. Requirements for environmental activities and outcomes to be included in annual reporting, such as those laid forth by the Task Force on Climate-Related Disclosures, put ESG credentials front and center and make them extremely public. The pressure to demonstrate honesty and integrity in business is increasing.  

The Importance of Business Integrity in the Organization

Aside from the notion that integrity should be the default setting for any legitimate and ethical organization, there are certain evident benefits to improved business integrity:  

#1. A Positive Workplace Culture

Creating a business climate in which ethical behaviors are embedded from the top down, from the boardroom to the shop floor, leads to enhanced trust and respect. A company culture focused on decency and honesty, rather than suspicion and hostility, will benefit the overall organization.

#2. Easier Recruitment and Retention of Employees

Unsurprisingly, having this type of culture makes it significantly easier to attract new talent and retain existing personnel. People prefer to work for companies that have pleasant working conditions, solid reputations, and a strong sense of corporate purpose; in a survey conducted by recruiters Robert Half, 75% of workers identified integrity as an important attribute for business leaders.

On the other hand, you want to hire people who share your ethical rigor; having a clear sense of corporate integrity allows you to establish a talent pipeline that represents your organization’s values.

#3. Improved Customer Relationships

Customers and clients will view you positively if they believe your company is honest and trustworthy. According to Accenture research, the ethical ideals and authenticity of a company influence 64% of US consumers’ purchase decisions. Business integrity ties your principles with like-minded buyers and converts them into champions.

#4. Better Business Performance

As previously demonstrated, ethical performance has been found to correlate with corporate performance. Prioritizing profit over integrity, on the other hand, undermines business connections and can permanently destroy your company’s brand.

#5. Lowering Compliance and Governance Risks

A lack of integrity poses more than just a harm to your reputation. The possibility of regulatory violations from unethical business activities exposes you to fines and other penalties. The direct and indirect expenses of remediation might be significant.

#6. Capability to Meet CSR Obligations

Organizations cannot overlook their corporate social responsibility in an increasingly linked world. Businesses are expected to have a good impact not only on the communities in which they operate, but also on society as a whole.

CSR, ESG, Governance, Risk, and Compliance (GRC)’all of these comparable and interconnected ideas are gaining traction among stakeholders, customers, and employees. Attempting to make progress with any of them without the support of business integrity risks being accused of greenwashing and insincerity.

#7. A more robust supply chain

Integrity in company can also aid in the development of stronger supplier relationships. In a world where consumers value provenance and unanticipated occurrences can derail corporate plans, sustainable supply chains are more crucial than ever. Working with suppliers who share your business principles benefits everyone.

#8. Better Relationships with Stakeholders

A company integrity code will permeate your entire organization, allowing you to collaborate more successfully with employees, investors, regulators, and influencers.

Ways to Achieve Business Integrity

There are various techniques to achieve business integrity, some of which are listed here.

#1. Be truthful and open.

Building trust and credibility requires honesty and transparency. Leaders must be truthful in their interactions with team members, stakeholders, and customers, as well as transparent in their activities and decisions. This is communicating honestly and directly, rather than withholding or ignoring crucial information. Leaders that are honest and transparent can generate confidence and credibility with their team and stakeholders, as well as foster an open and honest culture inside their organization.

#2. Ethical Behavior

Leaders must conduct themselves responsibly in all commercial operations, according to laws and regulations and sticking to ethical standards. This includes avoiding conflicts of interest, showing respect for others, and acting fairly and impartially. Building trust and credibility, as well as preserving a positive reputation, require ethical behavior. Leaders may set a good example for their teams and foster an ethical culture within their organizations by acting ethically.

#3. Maintain Consistency

The ability to demonstrate integrity requires consistency. Leaders must be consistent in their acts, words, and behavior, and they must keep their promises. This entails being dependable and doing what they claim they will do. People are more likely to trust individuals who are trustworthy and consistent in their activities, hence consistency helps to develop trust and confidence.

#4. Set a good example.

Leaders should set a good example for their staff by acting and behaving with integrity. This includes being ethical, honest, and transparent, as well as treating people with respect and fairness. Leaders may inspire trust and respect in their teams and foster a positive organizational culture by leading by example. When leaders act with integrity, they are more likely to establish an integrity culture inside their organization.

Why Is Integrity the Most Important Virtue?

A person with integrity will continually show good character by avoiding corruption and hypocrisy. When people conduct virtuously regardless of the circumstances or consequences, they demonstrate their integrity. This frequently necessitates moral courage. 

What Are the Seven Aspects of Integrity?

The National Register criteria acknowledge seven components or attributes that determine integrity in various combinations within the concept of integrity. Location, context, design, materials, workmanship, sentiment, and association are among the seven aspects.

What is the Power of Integrity?

Integrity is vital for building trust in a relationship because someone with integrity will always do the right thing. It is essential to have a set of consistent values that govern your behavior and decisions in life, at work, at home, and so on. 

What Is the Core Value of Integrity?

Being honest and having strong moral principles are examples of integrity. Even behind closed doors, a person of integrity acts ethically and does the right thing.


Leading with integrity demonstrates a commitment to achievement. You may improve your performance and make corrections that you would not have spotted otherwise if you are straightforward and honest with yourself. Integrity allows you to lead your team toward the company’s goals and vision since your moral conscience will steer you in that direction.

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