How Much Is Whole Life Insurance: 2023 Cost Guide

How Much Is Whole Life Insurance
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One kind of perpetual life insurance coverage that pays out a death benefit to beneficiaries upon the insured person’s passing is whole life insurance. When purchasing whole life insurance, customers typically pay premiums from the time the policy starts until the insured individual passes away. At that point, beneficiaries get a death benefit and, in certain cases, a percentage of the policy’s cash value. In this guide, we’ll discuss how much Whole Life Insurance is, its policy and how to use it’s calculator.

How Much Is Whole Life Insurance

Whole life insurance normally costs $440 a month. That’s how much a 30-year-old in good health who doesn’t smoke will pay for a whole life insurance policy with a death benefit of $500,000. How much you pay for whole life insurance depends on many factors, including your age, health, gender, lifestyle, and the amount of coverage you choose. Younger people often pay lower rates because they are healthier and have a higher life expectancy than older ones. Women’s rates are often lower than men’s since women live longer than men do. In addition, people who are in relatively good health may be able to get insurance at more reasonable prices than those who smoke, go skydiving, or engage in other risky activities.

Variables Affecting Whole Life Insurance Cost

Lifestyle, desired coverage level, age, gender, and health status are just a few of the variables that affect how much whole life insurance will cost.

#1. The Effect of Age

Regardless of the type of life insurance, every dollar of death benefit has a cost that depends on your age. The insurance sector uses a mortality table known as the CSO Table, which is updated on a regular basis and acts as a reference for insurance companies. Because they often have longer life expectancies, younger people generally have cheaper life insurance costs. Your life expectancy decreases with age, which increases the risk for the insurance provider and shows on the mortality table. As you get older, insurance costs really increase.

#2. The Effect of Gender

According to mortality statistics, females tend to have a longer life expectancy than males, on average. For example, it is probable that a male individual in his forties will be subject to a comparatively higher insurance premium in comparison to a female individual of same age, primarily due to the fact that females tend to have a longer life expectancy than males. As individuals progress in age, their life insurance premiums will increase correspondingly.

#3. Health Status’s Effect

The insurance industry heavily depends on statistical data related to mortality rates to evaluate an individual’s probability of death. When doing a comparative analysis between two individuals who are of the same age, it is evident that the individual who encounters substantial health obstacles is anticipated to exhibit a reduced life expectancy in contrast to the individual who does not encounter such health complications. Individuals with a medical past that includes health difficulties are anticipated to have increased insurance costs in comparison to those with a clean health record, mostly due to the higher probability of a reduced lifespan. To increase the probability of securing acceptance for life insurance, people with health-related concerns may choose a policy that does not require a medical evaluation. In comparison to regular life insurance, the cost of no-exam life insurance tends to be greater.

#4. Lifestyle Effects

Difficulties occur when endeavoring to establish correlations between seemingly disparate facets of an individual’s lifestyle and their overall well-being. Smoking habits, driving speed, involvement in aviation or helicopter activities, participation in rock climbing or scuba diving, as well as chewing tobacco use, are just a few of the variables that can affect mortality risk. As the individual’s life expectancy increases, there will be a corresponding increase in their average premium.

#5. Effect of Coverage Amount

The selection of coverage level has a direct impact on the actual cost of insurance. Increased levels of coverage are generally associated with higher costs. Nevertheless, certain enterprises fail to align their premium pricing with the corresponding level of coverage.

#6. Endowment’s Effect

Whole life insurance endowments occur when coverage exceeds cash value account growth. Whole life insurers often promise to reimburse beneficiaries the policy’s endowment amount once the insured individual reaches a predetermined (intended to be unachievable) age, usually 121 years old. The policy ends at that moment. The life insurance firm must ensure that it is receiving enough premium payments to enable the policy to be funded by the specified age, as endowments are guaranteed.

Calculating Premiums for Whole Life Insurance

Under basic coverage and normal health, 30- to 50-year-olds will pay 1.2% to 2.8% of the death benefit in life insurance premiums. A woman between 30 and 50 must pay 1% to 2.3% of the death benefit in premiums. Let’s say a 30-year-old person in good health is thinking about spending $500,000 on a life insurance policy that covers everything they need. The key elements determining your premium are: Women earn $5,000 and men $6,000, with a 1.2% annual growth rate (or 1% for women) multiplied by $500,000. It’s possible that the estimations would change depending on age, health, and other factors. Despite market price fluctuations, the indicator remains consistent.

Budgeting and Whole Life Insurance Affordability

It can be difficult to keep the total life insurance premium within your means at times. One should think of whole life insurance as a tool for long-term planning. It includes access to the cash value of your policy, a death benefit that is intended to last the entirety of your life, and frequently guaranteed cash growth. Here are some points to think about.

#1. Net Price

A simple calculation of a whole life insurance policy’s net cost: Subtract the cash value component from the current-year premium. For instance, your whole life policy has a cash value of $3,500 at the close of the first year if you paid $5,000 in premiums (or $600 a month) in Year 1. To determine your overall cost for that year, deduct $3,500 from $5,000, and you will have $1,500. You may terminate the policy and receive the $3,500 payment in cash value if you are unable to pay the premiums. In that case, your net cost for the year will be $1,500.

#2. The Amount of Savings

One of the supplementary benefits associated with whole life insurance pertains to the opportunity to amass assets within the policy through the cash value account. Suppose that the total amount of life insurance premiums for the current year exceeds your financial means. It is possible to utilize an insurance loan as a means to fulfill your payment obligation. Some plans include an automatic provision that, in the absence of a renewal payment, utilizes the cash value to satisfy the premium.

When considering one’s comprehensive life coverage, it is imperative to carefully consider one’s financial constraints and ascertain the level of adaptability available in the event of unforeseen circumstances.

Whole Life Insurance Policy

Throughout the insured person’s life, whole life insurance offers coverage. Whole life insurance offers not only a tax-free death payout but also a savings component with potential cash value accumulation. Interest is paid out on a postponed basis.

How Does a Whole Life Policy Operate?

One sort of permanent coverage with unwavering promises and cash value growth is a whole life insurance policy. The insurance will never expire due to age, the premiums will never go up, and the payout for death will never go down. In the end, the policy will provide a tax-free check to your beneficiaries for the face amount. Recall that there are no restrictions on how you can use the proceeds from a life insurance policy. This implies that your heirs may utilize the funds for whatever purpose, including burial expenses, hospital bills, unpaid debts, or other expenses.

How to Get A Whole Life Policy Approved

There are multiple approaches through which individuals might satisfy the requirements for acquiring a life insurance policy. The effectiveness of the application procedure and the quality of the ensuing outcome will depend on the approach chosen.

#1. Simplified issue

A “No-Exam” policy is another name for a problem-reduction method. Your responses to questionnaires about your habits and medical background determine your eligibility. A sample of your blood or urine is not required. The insurance provider will also check your driving and prescription records. Simplified whole life insurance policy underwriting decisions are often provided within 15 minutes to several business days. There aren’t a lot of insurance plans to choose from. These can be had for as little as $5,000 or $10,000. 

#2. Fully underwritten

A medical examination is a requirement for fully underwritten insurance. The insurance company will also want copies of all of your medical records. During the examination, a nurse will collect the following information:

  • Responses to queries on health
  • Samples of blood and urine
  • reading of blood pressure
  • Measurements of height and weight

They will decide your authorization, what rate category you are eligible for, and the precise amount you’ll pay based on all of this information as well as your family history.

#3. Guaranteed acceptance

The majority of funeral insurance providers provide coverage with guaranteed acceptance and no medical underwriting. There are tests to take or inquiries about health to respond to. We promise that you will be accepted. In order for your family to get a death benefit payment, you would need to live for over two years. Furthermore, these plans come at a somewhat higher cost. By insuring your life without knowing anything regarding your health, the insurer takes on a significant risk. Higher premiums result from this increased risk. Guaranteed issue whole life insurance usually suits best for those with terminal illnesses such as end-stage renal failure or congestive heart failure, which have a short life expectancy.

How Do Whole Life Policies With Limited Pay Function?

You are required to make payments for a predetermined amount of time under a limited pay whole life policy. The policy is considered “paid-up” when all necessary payments have been made, meaning that no more premiums are needed. After you’ve made your full payment, your policy won’t require further contributions. While many companies do not provide limited-pay options, many do. The common limited-pay choices are as follows:

  • 7 Pay 
  • 10 Pay
  • 20 Pay 
  • Paid up at age 65
  • Paid up at age 80

“Life-pay” refers to any whole life insurance policy that isn’t limited-pay, meaning that payments are made indefinitely. Limited-pay alternatives are advantageous in that your payments finally come to an end. But a typical life insurance policy that has a limited-pay component costs two to three times as much as a life-pay policy.

Whole Life Insurance Calculator

The most accurate way to estimate whole life insurance costs is to use a trained life insurance agent. However, for preliminary coverage cost estimates, one can use a calculator.

Methods for figuring out whole life insurance costs

To get an idea of the cost of a whole life insurance policy, start by using the term life insurance calculator below. First, figure out how much a 30-year term life insurance policy would cost you. Then, continue reading for further details. 

  • Age: It is preferable to purchase insurance early because your premiums will be lower the younger you are. Life insurance premiums go up every year if you wait to purchase coverage, by 4.5% to 9%. 
  • Gender: Women pay an average of 24% less for life insurance than men, based on Policygenius life insurance prices for 2023. 
  • ZIP code: Your residence won’t have a direct impact on your premiums, but state insurance laws may prevent you from being eligible for some plans. 
  • Term length: Please select a 30-year term length for the purpose of this exercise.
  • Coverage amount: Your premiums will increase in proportion to the size of your policy’s death benefit, often known as the face value. Based on your financial obligations, such as your mortgage, we may assist you in determining the amount of coverage you require.

With your calculator, you can compound your estimated cost of term life insurance to get an approximate idea of the cost of a corresponding whole life policy. Here’s how to determine your whole life insurance cost range using your calculator.

For instance, if your term life cost is $35 per month,

  • Low range: $175 = 35 x 5
  • Maximum range: $525 = 35 x 15
  • Whole life insurance is expected to cost between $175 and $525 a month.

The cost of whole life insurance policies, as well as permanent life insurance policies generally, can vary significantly based on the kind of coverage you want and the schedule of your payments. Get in touch with a Policygenius agent for a free quotation based on your unique health profile and the kind of policy that will work best for you.

How to utilize the calculator for whole life insurance

The danger of insuring you, the duration of your coverage, and the quantity of coverage you purchase are the factors that life insurance companies use to determine your premiums. The following are some examples of how the information you enter into the term life calculator affects your anticipated whole life insurance costs:

Calculator input sample:

  • 35 years old, 
  • sex: feminine
  • Code ZIP: 43004
  • Duration: 30 years
  • Amount of coverage: $1 million

Sample price output from the calculator:

  • Healthiest: $51/month
  • Well-being: $61/month
  • Typical health: $85 per month

If your health is average (for instance, if you have a family history of type 2 diabetes), multiply the estimated $85 per month from the calculator by 5 to 15.

Is a Whole Life Policy Worth It?

Purchasing whole life insurance may be a great way to safeguard your loved ones’ finances and make sure they are taken care of when you pass away. It also provides a means of gradually increasing monetary worth, which you or your successors might utilize to settle debts or fund future outlays.

What Is the Downside of Whole Life Insurance?

The cash value aspect and the permanent nature of whole life insurance make the premiums more expensive. If you’re young or don’t have a lot of extra money, it could be difficult to pay for them.

Can You Cash Out a Whole Life Insurance Policy?

Typically, your whole life insurance policy allows you to take out a specific sum of cash. As a matter of fact, a cash-value withdrawal from a whole life insurance policy up to your policy basis—that is, the whole amount of premiums you have paid—is usually tax free.

What Are the 4 Types of Whole Life Policies?

There are various types of whole life insurance, such as modified, single-premium, limited payment, and variable whole life. Various kinds provide different ways to invest or make payments.

How Long Does It Take for Whole Life Insurance to Build Cash Value?

Cash value: Typically, a life insurance policy’s cash value doesn’t start to build up until two to five years have elapsed. When cash value starts to accrue, you can access it in accordance with the terms of your policy.

Why Do Financial Advisors Push Whole Life Insurance?

Financial advisors may elect to provide life insurance as part of their range of services for a myriad of reasons. These openings allow for increased adaptability to client requirements of varying complexity, as well as the possibility of commissions and the delivery of all-encompassing wealth planning services.


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