BURIAL INSURANCE: What Is It & How Does It Work?

Burial Insurance
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Planning for the inevitable is a thoughtful and caring gesture, and that’s where burial insurance comes into play. If you’re considering the best way to secure a burial insurance policy for yourself or a loved one, you’ve come to the right place. In this guide, we’ll explain how to find the best burial insurance tailored especially for seniors, often referred to as senior burial insurance. We’ll also explore trusted options like Burial Insurance Mutual of Omaha. By the end of this article, you’ll have the knowledge you need to make a compassionate and practical choice to ensure a dignified farewell and peace of mind for your family.

What is Burial insurance?

Burial insurance, also referred to as final expense insurance, is a form of life insurance policy specifically intended to provide coverage for costs associated with the conclusion of one’s life. This form of insurance is intended to help ease the financial burden on families when a loved one passes away. It provides a predetermined death benefit that can be used to cover funeral costs, burial expenses, and other related bills.

This insurance typically offers a smaller coverage amount compared to traditional life insurance policies, making it more affordable and accessible. Policyholders can rest easy knowing their loved ones won’t have to pay for a funeral and other end-of-life expenses.

Burial Insurance Policy 

A burial insurance policy is a specific type of whole-life insurance designed to cover end-of-life expenses. These policies are typically easier to qualify for than traditional life insurance, making them accessible to individuals who may not be eligible for other types of coverage.

The coverage amount in burial insurance policies is generally lower, typically ranging from $5,000 to $25,000, making the premiums more affordable. These policies are often sold to individuals aged 50 to 85 and require minimal or no medical underwriting. Premiums are consistent and locked in for the duration of the policy, providing predictability for policyholders. The death benefit is paid out to beneficiaries upon the policyholder’s passing, providing financial assistance for funeral costs, burial expenses, and other final arrangements. Many choose burial insurance to ensure their loved ones aren’t burdened with these costs during a difficult time.

Best Burial Insurance

The “best” burial insurance can vary depending on individual needs, but several reputable options are worth considering.  

  • Mutual of Omaha’s Guaranteed Whole Life Insurance: This policy offers a death benefit ranging from $2,000 to $25,000 and is a reliable choice with no medical exam required. It also has cash value accumulation, which can be appealing to some policyholders.
  • AARP/New York Life: This insurance is designed for seniors and provides coverage from $2,500 to $25,000. It’s a well-known option and may be convenient for AARP members, offering tailored coverage for older individuals.
  • Globe Life: This insurer offers coverage from $5,000 to $50,000, providing flexibility in coverage amounts. It’s known for its simplified underwriting process, which means no medical exams are necessary for approval.
  • Lincoln Heritage Funeral Advantage: With coverage from $5,000 to $20,000, this policy is known for its fast payout process, ensuring that beneficiaries receive the death benefit quickly to cover funeral and burial expenses.

These options cater to different preferences and requirements, so it’s important to carefully compare their features, benefits, and costs to determine which one best suits your individual needs and financial situation.

Senior Burial Insurance 

Senior burial insurance is a type of whole life insurance designed to cater specifically to the needs of older individuals. It is often marketed to those aged 50 to 85 or even beyond. These policies are crafted to provide financial security to seniors and their families by covering end-of-life expenses.

One of the primary features of senior burial insurance is that it typically offers a modest death benefit, typically ranging from $2,000 to $25,000. This amount is designed to cover funeral costs, burial expenses, and any outstanding medical bills or debts left behind. Additionally, these policies are known for their simplified underwriting process, often requiring no medical exams, making them accessible to seniors with various health conditions. Premiums are usually locked in at the time of policy purchase, offering predictability and peace of mind. Senior burial insurance provides a sense of security for older individuals, ensuring that their loved ones won’t be burdened by the financial aspects of their final arrangements.

Burial Insurance Mutual of Omaha

Burial insurance from Mutual of Omaha is a popular choice for those looking to secure financial assistance for end-of-life expenses. With a death benefit ranging from $2,000 to $25,000, it offers flexibility to cater to various funeral and burial needs. This insurance is specifically designed to help cover costs associated with final arrangements. This is to ensure that loved ones aren’t financially burdened during a difficult time.

One notable feature of Mutual of Omaha’s burial insurance is its straightforward application process, which typically doesn’t require a medical exam. This makes it accessible to individuals, even those with health concerns. Additionally, the policy accumulates cash value over time, providing an additional financial resource that policyholders can access if needed. Mutual of Omaha is a reputable and established insurance provider, offering reliability and peace of mind to those seeking to protect their family from the financial strains of end-of-life expenses.

Is It Worth Buying Burial Insurance? 

Whether or not it’s worth buying burial insurance depends on individual circumstances and financial considerations. For some, burial insurance can be a valuable investment. It provides peace of mind by ensuring that loved ones won’t bear the financial burden of end-of-life expenses, including funeral and burial costs.

Burial insurance is particularly worthwhile for those who anticipate that their family may face financial challenges in covering these expenses. It’s also a viable option for individuals who may not qualify for other types of life insurance due to health issues, as it often requires minimal or no medical underwriting. However, it’s essential to carefully assess your specific needs and compare the costs and benefits of burial insurance to determine if it aligns with your financial goals and priorities. For some, setting aside savings or investing in a more comprehensive life insurance policy may be more cost-effective in the long run.

How Much Does It Cost to Insure a Burial?

The cost of insuring a burial can vary significantly depending on several factors. The key elements that influence the cost include your age, health status, the coverage amount you choose, and the type of burial insurance policy you select.

Generally, burial insurance premiums are relatively affordable, often ranging from $10 to $50 per month. The younger and healthier you are when you purchase the policy, the lower your premiums are likely to be. The coverage amount you select will also affect the cost; policies with higher death benefits will have higher premiums. Additionally, some policies offer level premiums that remain consistent over the life of the policy, while others may have increasing premiums. It’s essential to carefully consider these factors and shop around to find a burial insurance policy that aligns with your budget and provides the coverage you need to ensure your final expenses are covered.


What Kind of Insurance Covers Burial?

Insurance that covers burial expenses is typically referred to as burial insurance or final expense insurance. These specialized whole-life insurance policies cover funeral, burial, and other end-of-life expenses. They are life insurance policies with a small death benefit. It is usually $2,000 to $25,000 or more to help family members after the policyholder dies.

In addition to burial insurance, another option that can cover funeral and burial expenses is pre-need funeral insurance. This policy is typically purchased from a funeral home, covering pre-arranged funeral services and merchandise. Individuals can plan and pay for their funeral in advance, relieving their family of financial responsibility. Burial insurance and pre-need funeral insurance offer peace of mind for end-of-life expenses.

 What Is the Disadvantage of Funeral Insurance? 

One disadvantage of funeral insurance is that it can be more expensive compared to other forms of life insurance. The premiums for these policies can be relatively high in comparison to the coverage amount they provide, which may not be the most cost-effective way to secure end-of-life funds.

Another drawback is that funeral insurance often has a waiting period before the full death benefit becomes available. The waiting period, often one to two years, may result in premium refunds or limited benefits if the policyholder passes. If the policyholder lives beyond the waiting period, premium costs may surpass the eventual death benefit. This will potentially make it an inefficient choice. When deciding whether funeral insurance aligns with your financial needs, it’s crucial to carefully consider these waiting periods and premium expenses.

What Is the Cheapest Burial Plan? 

Determining the cheapest burial plan involves considering various factors such as coverage amount, age, health, and premium affordability. Generally, term life insurance policies tend to be the most affordable option in the short term. They offer coverage for a specific term, often 10, 20, or 30 years, and if the policyholder passes away within that term, the death benefit is paid out. However, term life insurance doesn’t provide lifetime coverage, and as the policyholder ages, renewing the policy can become significantly more expensive, making it less cost-effective in the long run.

On the other hand, some whole life insurance policies, particularly those with minimal coverage amounts, can be quite affordable. These policies often have lower premiums and are specifically designed to cater to individuals seeking coverage for burial expenses. The key is to compare quotes from various insurance providers and carefully evaluate the terms and conditions. Consider policies with simplified underwriting, which usually requires no medical tests, to make the process more accessible and cheap for specific health issues. To guarantee your coverage suits your needs and doesn’t have hidden fees, check the policy details carefully.

Does AAA Offer Burial Insurance? 

AAA, also known as the American Automobile Association, does not directly offer burial insurance. AAA is recognized for roadside assistance, travel services, and auto and house insurance, but not funeral insurance.

However, some AAA clubs or regions may have partnerships with insurance providers that offer final expense or burial insurance policies. These partnerships could allow AAA members to access such insurance through affiliated companies. Ask your local AAA club or check their website about burial insurance possibilities they may have through partnerships or affiliates. Compare quotes from multiple burial insurance providers to discover the best coverage for your needs.

Read: Best Life Insurance For People Over 50

Is Burial Insurance Cheaper Than Life Insurance? 

Burial insurance is often cheaper than traditional life insurance, but its cost-effectiveness depends on several factors. Burial insurance typically offers smaller coverage amounts, generally ranging from $2,000 to $25,000. The lower coverage amount contributes to lower premiums, making burial insurance more affordable for many individuals.

Life insurance is often more expensive because it covers broader financial responsibilities. Burial insurance is affordable but may not suit those needing income or debt coverage.

What Is the Difference Between Funeral and Burial Insurance?

It’s often purchased from a funeral home, allowing for specific service details. In contrast, burial insurance, also known as final expense insurance, offers more flexibility. It covers funeral, burial, medical, and debt expenditures, allowing recipients to pick how to spend it. While both aim to support end-of-life expenses, the key difference lies in coverage scope and flexibility. Funeral insurance focuses on pre-arranged funeral costs, while burial insurance provides a broader and more versatile solution.

Is There a Waiting for Burial Insurance?

Yes, many burial insurance policies typically have a waiting period, also known as a “graded” or “modified” benefit period. During this period, which usually lasts one to two years from the policy’s start date, if the policyholder passes away, the full death benefit is not paid out. Instead, the insurance company may refund the premiums paid or provide only a portion of the death benefit.

The waiting period in burial insurance policies exists due to simplified underwriting, avoiding last-minute policy purchases to manage insurer risk. After it expires, a full death benefit becomes available, functioning like traditional life insurance and covering a specified amount for beneficiaries. Prospective policyholders should be aware of this waiting period and read policy terms to understand when full coverage takes effect.


Can I cancel my funeral policy and receive a refund?

If you cancel your funeral policy after the 30-day cooling-off period, you will not get any compensation because funeral insurance products have no surrender or paid-up value. Can I choose who gets the benefit?

What happens to any unused life insurance proceeds?

You can’t even leave the money to anyone else since the insurance company will retain it. Some people try to avoid this by selecting a time-limited installment, which means the insurance company will continue to distribute the benefit for a defined length of time—say, 20 years.

What if I fail to pay my life insurance premiums?

If you do not pay your life insurance premiums on time, your coverage may be canceled. However, there are typically options for reinstating the policy. It’s critical to call your insurance agent or company as soon as possible to discuss your alternatives and avoid having your coverage canceled.


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