Obtaining cheap auto insurance could be difficult for drivers who pose a high risk. Good2Go seeks to assist these drivers in obtaining coverage through partnerships with different insurance providers. For starters, you’ll need to verify whether the coverage comes from Good2Go or one of its partners when shopping for a Good2Go policy. Extra coverage options vary depending on the insurer sponsoring the insurance, even though Good2Go policies comply with the minimal criteria set forth by the state. For example, the states of Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Montana, and Rhode Island do not offer Good2Go auto insurance. But there is more. So, in this article, we have come up with all the necessary information on Good2Go auto insurance.
Is Good2Go Car a Reliable Insurance Provider?
If high-risk drivers are looking for affordable coverage, one option to consider is Good2Go. It’s crucial to remember that, with Good2Go, minimum liability limitations can be your sole option for coverage, contingent on your state and the insurance company that ends up underwriting your policy. You should seek elsewhere if complete coverage and customisation are your top priorities, as Good2Go only provides a limited number of options for policy modification above and beyond state minimums.
If an accident happens outside usual business hours, filing a claim may be more challenging due to its shortened customer service hours. Make sure you confirm if coverage is provided by Good2Go or a partner carrier when requesting a car insurance quotation through Good2Go. Hence, you know who to contact for any queries or concerns regarding claims.
Good2Go Car Insurance Coverage
Minimum-level vehicle insurance coverage
Good2Go Car Insurance’s primary area of expertise is the minimal coverage required by your state. Depending on state regulations, minimal coverage may only cover you for harm and losses you cause to other people.
Good2Go Insurance primarily offers liability-only and high-risk auto insurance to clients unlikely to find coverage elsewhere.
High-Risk Auto Insurance Coverage from Good2Go
Insurance companies view drivers who drive recklessly as high-risk candidates for coverage from Good2Go. This option is usually more expensive than regular coverage because high-risk drivers are more expensive for insurance companies to insure.
Insurance companies may view the following drivers as high-risk:
- Newly authorized teenagers
- Residents in high-risk locations who drive
- Drivers without a history of vehicle insurance
- Drivers involved in several moving infractions and collisions
- Motorists with DUIs
- Motorists with a bad credit history
- Drivers who are elderly (70 years or older)
Good2Go’s reductions, such as its Cell Phone Safety discount, are intended primarily for high-risk drivers. Policyholders must download and install the LifeSaver mobile app to be eligible for the discount. The software encourages users to put down their phones when driving.
Liability Good2Go Insurance
Additionally, Good2Go offers liability-only insurance or minimum coverage. This policy option satisfies the state’s minimum requirement for liability coverage for property damage and bodily injury. Remember that your liability insurance does not safeguard your car or cover medical costs if you cause an accident; it only covers the other driver. A lot of drivers decide to get extra coverage in the form of medical, comprehensive, and collision insurance.
State minimum limits for property damage liability vary from $5,000 to $50,000 per occurrence, while minimum limits for bodily injury liability coverage span from $10,000 to $100,000 per person.
In some jurisdictions, you could be legally required to obtain supplemental insurance, such as personal injury protection (PIP), medical payments (MedPay), or uninsured motorist coverage.
Quotes for Good2Go Car Insurance
Online rates for auto insurance are available from Good2Go Insurance. The company will give your information to other insurance companies if it cannot assist you directly. Because of this, it could be challenging to estimate the actual cost of your coverage.
Your Good2Go auto insurance premium may be impacted by several factors, including:
- Age
- Sex
- Status of marriage
- Whereabouts
- Credit rating
- Driving history
Good2Go Car Insurance Review
Good2Go Insurance specialises in minimum-level coverage and auto insurance for drivers who pose a risk. This could also involve:
- Newly authorised motorists
- Young adults and teenagers
- people 70 years of age or older
- driver with a history of infractions or accidents
- Individuals having a bad credit history
- Formerly uninsured motorists
Quotes are available via the Good2Go Insurance website. During the quick quote procedure, you will be questioned about your driving history, yearly miles, vehicles, and other personal information. While some drivers can get coverage right once and receive a quote, others might need to wait to hear from a business representative before proceeding.
Insurance discounts for good drivers, homeowners, multi-vehicles, paid-in-full, auto safety systems, and driver’s education may be available to specific drivers.
Good2Go is a digital insurance agency that provides auto insurance coverage insured by third-party insurers or by itself, in contrast to most large insurers. Some partner firms are Progressive, Kemper Auto, Dairyland Auto Insurance, and Bristol West Insurance Group. Aside from Alaska, Kansas, Hawaii, Massachusetts, Montana, and Rhode Island, all states offer Good2Go.
Who Needs to Purchase Good2Go Auto Insurance?
High-risk drivers—those with a history of at-fault accidents, moving violations, or DUI convictions—who cannot obtain cheap coverage elsewhere should give Good2Go serious consideration. Additionally, Good2Go assists drivers who must file an SR-22 certificate to keep their driver’s license.
Good2Go Client Contentment
A reliable source of information about an insurance company’s value placed on customer experience is third-party customer satisfaction ratings from companies. Speak with relatives or friends who own policies to understand what it’s like to deal with Good2Go.
Similarly, AM Best’s financial strength ratings can assist clients in determining whether an insurance provider is regarded as financially stable and can fulfil its claims obligations in the past. Good2Go is not rated by AM Best, so it is difficult to determine whether it consistently satisfies its financial obligations.
Good2Go Client Grievances
The volume of complaints an insurance company receives can be used as another indicator of the quality of service it provides customers. The NAIC is in charge of the US insurance industry’s regulatory environment. The NAIC examines consumer complaints and insurance services as part of its job. Its complaint index calculates the ratio of complaints to a company’s size and provides a numerical representation of these findings. Given the insurer’s market share, any score higher than the baseline index of 1.00 denotes a higher volume of complaints than would be predicted.
Good2Go Car Problems
It’s challenging to understand Good2Go’s total complaint index since, depending on the state in which you live, nine different companies back it. Personal Service Insurance Co., one of the firms that underwrites motor insurance for Good2Go, has a comparatively high complaint index with the NAIC of 2.4 for 2022, meaning that the business receives more than twice as many complaints as one would anticipate for a company of its size. Its historical complaint index, which shows an exceptionally high index in 2020 and a below-average index in 2021, doesn’t offer anything to help with context.
Cost of Good2Go insurance
The average yearly cost of full-coverage auto insurance in the country is approximately $2,014; the average annual cost of minimal coverage is $622. Although we don’t have Good2Go average rate information, you can start your hunt for auto insurance with the national average. Your costs with Good2Go may also vary according to whether it underwrites your insurance through a partnership with another company or directly insures you. Requesting a quotation is the best way to find out if Good2Go offers reasonably priced solutions for your circumstances compared to alternatives, as vehicle insurance rates vary per driver depending on several criteria, including your age (in most states), driving history, claims history, and location.
Good2Go auto insurance price breaks
Several popular auto insurance discounts are listed on the Good2Go website. If available in your state, any of these savings options could assist you in bringing down the cost of your auto insurance. High-risk drivers typically pay comparatively high rates, so Good2Go’s discounts may be highly beneficial. The provider’s website lists thirteen ways to save money. Among the savings the business provides are:
- Good driver discount: If, over a predetermined period, you have avoided traffic infractions and accidents, you may be eligible to save money with Good2Go.
- Previous insurance reduction: Good2Go may offer you a cheaper rate if you can provide documentation showing your auto insurance has been in force for the last six months without any gaps.
- Good student discount: You may be eligible if a child covered by your insurance attends school full-time and maintains a B grade average.
- Discount for homeowners: If you own a house, apartment, or mobile home, you can save money with Good2Go.
Good2Go Offers Discounts on Car Insurance
The firm website states that the following perks are yours if you meet the requirements:
Good Operator: With a clean driving record, you can save 10% to 35% off regular prices.
- House Possession: You can reduce your auto insurance cost by an average of 5% to 10% if you own your house.
- Several vehicles: Discounts range from 10% to 25% when two or more cars are insured under one policy, as opposed to when one car is insured.
- Complete payment: You can save, on average, 5% to 10% if you pay your subscription in full.
- Renewing: Renewing for an extended term with Good2Go Insurance may save you between 3% and 5% over the cost of a new insurance.
- Course on defensive driving: You can drive more safely if you take defensive driving lessons. You can save, on average, 5% to 15% after finishing an approved course.
- Passive Restraint and Airbag: Modern cars often come equipped with airbags and passive restraints, which makes it simple to get a discount of up to 5%.
- VIN etching and an anti-theft mechanism: VIN etching and anti-theft equipment can prevent auto theft and facilitate the return of your vehicle. On average, savings reach 5%.
- Previous Coverage: You could be eligible for savings of up to 40% through Good2Go if you have had continuous insurance coverage.
- No Owner: Compared to someone who owns a car, you can save up to 25% if you frequently borrow or rent cars and need personal insurance.
- Excellent Pupil: A superb student discount can save up to 10% for students between the ages of 16 and 25 who have a B average or above.
- Driving Instruction: After completing a driver’s education course, drivers under 24 can receive discounts of up to 10% on most plans.
How Does Good2Go Insurance Work?
Insurance companies view drivers who drive recklessly as high-risk candidates for coverage from Good2Go. This option is usually more expensive than regular coverage because high-risk drivers are more costly for insurance companies to insure. Insurance companies may view the following drivers as high-risk: fresh license.
What is the Rating of Good2Go?
Good2Go, with 1.6 out of 5 stars in 2023, is a subpar insurance provider. Before making a purchase, read Good2Go reviews, complaints, and costs.
Is Good2Go Car Insurance Legit?
For high-risk drivers seeking affordable average rates on basic coverage policies and with a history of citations, DUI convictions, or many accidents on their driving record, Good2Go insurance might be a decent option. However, a few states offer coverage, and the policies are somewhat simple.
What states does Good2Go Cover?
Good2Go Insurance offers high-risk driver coverage in every state except Alaska, Hawaii, Kansas, Massachusetts, Montana, and Rhode Island. The company will direct you to one of its insurance partners if it cannot offer you vehicle insurance coverage.
How Does Insurance Pay Out?
The insurance provider will provide a settlement payment of actual cash value or replacement cost after sending an adjuster to assess the damage to your house. The replacement cost offers enough money to reconstruct your home or repair the damage using comparable materials.
Good2Go can be an excellent option if you want minimal coverage, have a questionable driving record, or both. When you sign up with Good2Go, you will primarily be directed toward the least expensive insurance plan to begin with the least amount of money out of your pocket. Drivers who seek choices like bundling with a home insurance policy or coverage for a more extensive range of drivers and cars may want to search elsewhere as the provider offers somewhat restricted coverage options.