How to Create an Online Course That Sells

how to create an online course that sells
Image source: CIIT Philippines

Creating online courses is very easy today compared to some years back. Thanks to tech, you can complete a new course within a short time. However, finishing the development process isn’t sufficient to guarantee its success. It’s essential to create a course that sells – one that can attract learners and generate revenue. Although it requires time and effort, you’ll enjoy significant rewards when done right.

Creating an Online Course: 6 Steps to Follow

But first, how is an online course beneficial? It can benefit both you (the instructor) and your learners. As an educator, it can provide financial rewards through student enrollment fees or course sales.

In addition, having a successful online course can establish you as an authority figure within your niche, resulting in further opportunities for income, such as speaking engagements or consulting jobs. For learners, taking a quality online course allows them to gain new skills and knowledge on a flexible schedule.

Students may also save money compared to attending traditional in-person courses or workshops since they don’t have travel costs associated with attending classes in person. Therefore, creating an effective and profitable online course benefits both instructors and students alike.

So, how do you create a successful online course? Read on to learn more about the process involved.

Identify Your Area of Expertise and Passion

To start off on the right foot, you need to identify the subject you’re knowledgeable and passionate about. Ask yourself these questions:  

  • What topics do you know well? 
  • What interests you the most?  

The answers will help you choose a niche where you have the most knowledge and experience. However, just picking a topic that you love is not enough. The subject should add value, show relevance, and be in high demand.

To ensure that your topic holds value, consider asking yourself these questions:  

  • Is there a demand for this topic or subject matter? 
  • Will learners find this course beneficial in their personal or professional lives?  

Conduct Market Research

Market research is necessary for identifying whether there’s enough demand for your chosen niche. You need to know if existing courses cover the same topic, how they’re structured, and what problems learners face while taking them. This data can help you create a more effective and quality course.

You can utilize helpful tools such as Google Keyword Planner, SEMRush, Quora, Reddit, and other online forums where people share their learning experiences and discuss topics within your specific field. By doing market research before creating an online course, you’ll understand what is already out there, the prices, and the marketing strategies.

It will also help in identifying gaps in the market that you can fill with your course. You’ll also get an idea of potential competition. The knowledge can help you refine or tweak your ideas for better positioning against others offering similar content.

Determine the Learning Objectives and Outcomes

What would you like your learners to learn from your course? Learning objectives define what students should be able to do or accomplish by the end of every lesson. These objectives should be specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Outcomes are the benefits learners will achieve through the learning process and after completing the course. Identifying clear objectives will help you stay on track when developing your content.

Develop a Comprehensive Outline

After you have established your learning objectives and desired outcomes, begin crafting a detailed outline that covers all the topics you intend to include in your online course. A well-defined skeleton ensures there is no information redundancy or gap.

It also helps keep your content structured and easy to follow for learners. So, as you create an outline, consider how much content a lesson should cover without compromising on quality. 

Create a High-Quality Course

Developing high-quality course materials is essential to creating a product that sells. Make sure your content is visually appealing, user-friendly, and captivating to keep your learners engaged. To develop an engaging course, use these tips: 

  • Use storytelling techniques by incorporating scenarios to explain a concept.
  • Use visuals such as images, graphics, and videos that are relevant to your tutorial.
  • Use case studies or real-life stories to make your content more practical. 

Market Your Course

After creating your course, you need to market it. Developing a well-structured and strategic marketing plan that targets potential learners in your niche can help you achieve success. Start by identifying where your target audience spends their time online and tailor your marketing efforts to reach them there. Also, use social media platforms like Facebook and Instagram to sell your course. 


Creating an online course that really sells takes time and effort but can be incredibly rewarding. So, follow these steps to create one that keeps learners hungry. Remember, you won’t make money overnight selling a course; it will take some time. If you need insight into what students want, consider creating a survey and putting it up on a platform like

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