HOW TO LIST SKILLS ON A RESUME: Best 2023 Practices (+ Free Tips)

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Your resume’s skills section demonstrates to potential employers that you possess the capabilities necessary to thrive in the position. Employers frequently pay close attention to this part to decide whether to send you on to the next stage of the employment process. In this post, we will cover, with examples, how to list skills you possess on a resume for your job search in 2023. 

Let us dive in.

How to List Skills on a Resume 2023 Examples

Candidates with the ideal balance of hard and soft skills are what employers are looking for. Because they frequently entail personality traits and are therefore far more essential to employers than hard talents, which are typically teachable, soft skills are significantly more difficult to acquire. Let’s look at each of them individually.

#1. Hard skills

Hard talents are aptitudes that are specific to a certain job or industry. It is usually possible to obtain these more specialized skills through formal education, professional development programs, training manuals, or on-the-job training. Compelling knowledge of the following topics is an example of a hard skill:

  • Bookkeeping
  • Content management systems (CMS)
  • Multiple languages
  • Leveraging particular machinery or equipment
  • Getting ready for the patient
  • Point-of-sale (POS) system
  • Project management

#2. Softer skills

Soft talents, on the other hand, are abilities that may be applied to any job. Soft skills, also called “people skills” or “social skills,” include proficiency in a range of areas, such as:

  • Communication
  • Consumer assistance
  • Decision-making
  • Drive
  • Integrity
  • Leadership
  • Organization
  • Problem-solving
  • Teamwork
  • time management

To appear well-rounded, job candidates must highlight both their strongest hard and soft skills. It’s also beneficial to consider how the two sorts of skills relate to one another and the job in order to explain this in your upcoming interview.

Examples of Skills to List on a Resume

Even though it may frequently be done relatively simply based on information in the job description, choosing the appropriate soft skills is not always as simple as choosing the hard abilities to explain. Consider the diverse responsibilities of the employment and ascertain which of your personal qualities will enable you to successfully execute those tasks to assist you in deciding which soft talents to put on a resume. The following are top CV talents that hiring managers can be looking for:

#1. The Ability to Pay Close Attention

The ability to listen intently, comprehend what is being said, and reply thoughtfully is known as active listening. Active listeners use both verbal and nonverbal signs to demonstrate and maintain their focus on the speaker. You can communicate to your coworkers that you are interested in the task or project at hand by practicing active listening.

#2. Personal Characteristics

Your ability to communicate and interact with others depends on your social skills. They cover a range of situations where cooperation is necessary. You must improve your interpersonal abilities if you wish to manage teams or projects, communicate clearly, or find solutions to issues.

#3. Having The Ability to Communicate

You use your communication skills when giving and receiving different kinds of information. Speaking your mind, expressing how you feel, and being aware of your surroundings are a few examples. Conversation, comprehension, comprehension, and compassion are the four Cs of communication. At every level of employment and in every industry, excellent communication skills are highly prized.

#4. Computer Expertise

Knowledge of and competency with numerous technologies are among the computer skills. Hardware skills are necessary to physically operate a computer, and they might be as basic as knowing how to turn things on and off. You can use software more effectively if you have strong software abilities. Employers may view particular software abilities as requirements for employment, such as the ability to work with spreadsheets or a particular coding language.

#5. Leadership Qualities

When you organize individuals to complete a task, you are demonstrating leadership abilities. No matter if you are managing a project or leading a team, you will regularly need to inspire others to complete a long list of duties on time.

#6. Knowledge of Customers

You may meet the needs of customers and provide them with a positive experience by utilizing your customer service abilities, which include traits and actions. Effective customer service techniques frequently depend heavily on effective communication and problem-solving abilities. Active listening and the ability to read both verbal and nonverbal clues are examples of soft skills, sometimes known as “customer service skills.”

#7. Managing Abilities

You can manage tasks and people more effectively if you have management abilities. An efficient manager is well-organized, insightful, and communicative in order to advance a team or project. Managers must possess both hard and soft abilities that are specific to their industry.

#8. The Capacity to Manage Time

You may maintain a healthy balance between your work and personal lives while finishing assignments and projects on time by implementing time management tactics. You may allocate your time more wisely to important things by being organized. When selecting how to manage your time, it may be essential to take into account the goals you have for yourself, your team, and your organization.

#9. The Capacity to Resolve Issues

Specific abilities are needed to quickly identify a problem’s root cause and develop a suitable remedy. This skill is incredibly helpful in all areas of study and employment. You might need to obtain a particular set of technical skills connected to your line of work or industry in order to overcome challenges in your sector.

Some of the elements that affect which skills to highlight on a resume are the type of employment, level of education, and occupation. Before submitting an application for any employment, consider the skills the employer appreciates most. After that, update your resume to highlight the particular skills that best meet those needs.

Your CV should persuade the hiring manager or recruiter that you are the ideal candidate for the position and will add value to their business. You can immediately distinguish yourself from the competition by comprehending the kind of candidate a company is looking for and building links to your own advantages.

Also, for a variety of industries, here is a list of some of the most crucial skills for the market in 2023! Make sure to highlight any of these abilities on your resume if you have them. The good news is that you can always expand your knowledge!

#1. Marketing Skills

Given how quickly new technologies are evolving, it is imperative to think outside the box when it comes to marketing strategies. The following is a list of some of the most recent marketing abilities, which include both traditional marketing abilities and contemporary digital tools:

  • data evaluation
  • Google Analytics
  • HTTP and CSS
  • WordPress
  • email advertising
  • site assessment

#2. Basic Technical Skills

Office employees should be familiar with these skills. If you’re seeking for positions as a secretary, office clerk, or any other form of office worker, you can put these talents on your CV.

#3. Education Skills

How often did you see a 50 year old honorary doctor with three PhDs struggle with a YouTube video when you were an undergraduate or graduate student? The nature of instruction as well as the skills needed to work in the area have changed.

#4. Web Development Skills

Web developers have numerous reasons to maintain honing their abilities because it seems like a new technological development is made every two seconds these days. Having said that, you are in a better position than your rivals if you are knowledgeable with HTML, CSS, and Java. The three main programming languages serve as the cornerstone for all other abilities on this list.

#5. Business Analytics

Businesses are currently in high demand for BAs, and for good reason. They make predictions about the future by analyzing the facts of the past and present using a method that is nearly supernatural.

#6. Design Skills

Fundamentals of design are no longer adequate. Create high-caliber branded content for the web and social media platforms if you want to work as a designer.

#7. Sales Skills

Even with modern technology, selling is still an art. The urge for human interaction remains today. Despite the increasing digitalization of communication, salespeople still place a high importance on empathy and communication skills.

How To List Skills on a Resume

By following these steps, you can add your areas of expertise to your resume:

#1. Improve Your Skills That Are Applicable to Your Position

Even if you have a variety of skills, just emphasize the ones that are pertinent to the job you desire. After reading the job description, mark any skills or qualifications that you possess that are required. Think about the company’s description and culture in addition to the hiring criteria.

#2. List Your Skills in the Space Provided

Due to the fact that hiring managers often only have a limited amount of time to study resumes, your talents section must be succinct and to the point. You will have the chance to go into greater detail about extra skills that aren’t stated in your CV once you move on to the interview stage.

#3. In the Areas That Follow on Your Resume, Emphasize Your Skills.

It’s a good idea to include essential skills in your resume summary and work experience section in addition to having a separate skills section.

#4. Describe Your Degree of Expertise (When Appropriate)

The degree of a person’s skill can be used to gauge how well they comprehend a given subject. You can classify your professional and personal traits as novice, moderate, skilled, or expert to show how much experience you have with a certain talent.

#5. Include a Minimum of Four Global Soft Skills.

Most businesses place a great priority on soft skills, which determine how you operate alone or with others.

  • Time management 
  • Effective communication
  • Adaptability
  • Creativity
  • Problem-solving
  • Leadership

How Can I Determine What Skills I Possess?

If you’re unsure of the skills you wish to teach, reflect on your past experiences. Where did you have the most success? Where do your peers believe you to be particularly knowledgeable? Here are some pointers for selecting relevant skills to put on a resume:

#1. Consider Your Accomplishments and Honors.

Have you ever received accolades for performing above and beyond the call of duty? If so, there’s no doubt that your skills contributed to this success. Consider the abilities or traits you possess that enabled you to accomplish that goal.

#2. Obtain Advice from Old Colleagues or Classmates.

Sometimes other people can identify strengths that you might not be aware of. Speak with some of your favorite coworkers or a past employer. Get in touch with past students, well-known teachers, or someone you view as a mentor if you are new to the workforce.

#3. Consult Subject-Matter Experts for Guidance.

If you are having trouble pinpointing the skills a potential employer might be looking for, think about speaking with a professional who works in the same industry or in a position that is related to the one you are applying for. Find out which skills they believe are most important, then assess which ones you already have.

When building your CV, make a list of only the abilities you are positive will best highlight your talents. If it’s something you’re still learning about, just because it’s mentioned in the job description doesn’t mean you have to address it. If the employer brings up a talent that you failed to mention in the interview, you might respond by outlining your efforts to study or improve for the job.

What Should I Put in Skills in My Resume? 

Top Resume Skills to List are:

  • Communication Skills.
  • Leadership Skills.
  • Organizational Skills.
  • Computer Skills.
  • Customer Service Skills.
  • Collaboration Skills.
  • Problem-Solving Skills

How Do You List Skills on a Resume in 2023?

Examine the job description for necessary talents and mention them (if you have them) along with a competency level on your resume, making sure to only describe skills that are relevant to the role. Additionally, you should identify universal and transferable skills and back up these skills with details from other sections of your resume.

What Are 5 Personal Skills Examples on a Resume List? 

  • Conflict resolution
  • Problem-solving. 
  • Communication.
  • Adaptability.
  • Leadership.

What Are The 7 Core Skills Examples To List on a Resume?

The following are the seven essential skills:

  • Links.
  • Lists.
  • Video and audio
  • Tables.
  • Contrast.
  • Headings
  • Alternative text.


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