VIDEO INTERVIEW TIPS: What Are the Tips & Checklist to Do Well?

Video Interview Tips
Image Credit: Robert Half
Table of Contents Hide
  1. How Do You Stand Out in a Video Interview?
    1. #1. Get Ready as if You Were Going on a Real Interview
    2. #2. Dress Smart and Elegant
    3. #3. Test Your Tech Device
    4. #4. Don’t Sit Too Far or Too Close
    5. #5. Prep for Optimal Eye Contact
    6. #6. Check for Glare
    7. #7. Prepare in Advance for Your Video Interview
  2. Can You Look at Notes During a Video Interview?
  3. What Not to Do in a Video Interview
  4. Video Interview Tips
    1. #1. Test Your Device and Internet Connection
    2. #2. Choose a Suitable Location
    3. #3. Dress Appropriately
    4. #4. Practice Your Body Language
    5. #5. Prepare Your Environment
    6. #6. Research the Company
    7. #7. Prepare Answers to Common Interview Questions
    8. #8. Use the STAR Method
    9. #9. Maintain Good Communication
    10. #10. Engage Actively
    11. #11. Be Mindful of Your Internet Presence
    12. #12. Follow Up With a Thank-You Email
  5. How Do I Prepare for a Video Interview?
  6. One-Way Video Interview Tips
    1. #1. Understand the Process
    2. #2. Prepare as You Would for a Traditional Interview
    3. #3. Set Up a Suitable Environment
    4. #4. Test Your Equipment
    5. #5. Time Management
    6. #6. Dress Professionally
    7. #7. Practice Active Listening
    8. #8. Be Natural and Authentic
    9. #9. Use Non-verbal Communication
    10. #10. Review and Retake if Necessary
    11. #11. Manage Distractions
    12. #12. Submit Before the Deadline
  7. How Should I Introduce Myself in a Video Interview?
  8. What Is Usually Asked in a Video Interview?
  9. Pre Recorded Video Interview Tips
    1. #1. Test Your Technology
    2. #2. Choose a Suitable Location
    3. #3. Dress Professionally
    4. #4. Practice with Sample Questions
    5. #5. Prepare Your Environment
    6. #6. Follow Instructions Carefully
    7. #7. Be Mindful of Body Language
    8. #8. Speak Clearly and Concisely
    9. #9. Be Yourself
    10. #10. Review and Edit Your Recording
  10. Is It Ok to Tell the Interviewer That You Are Nervous?
  11. What Is the Best Color to Wear for a Video Interview?
  12. Related Articles
  13. References

Video interviews have become an integral part of the hiring process across diverse industries. Therefore, mastering the art of video interviews is essential to showcase your skills and personality effectively, whether you are a seasoned professional or a fresh graduate starting out on a new career path. The virtual nature of these interviews can present unique challenges that require careful consideration and preparation. This article pinpoints valuable tips and a comprehensive checklist to help you excel in your next video interview. Without a doubt, following these guidelines, will boost your confidence, leave a lasting impression on recruiters, and increase your chances of securing your dream job.

How Do You Stand Out in a Video Interview?

The following are tips that will make you stand out in a video interview;

#1. Get Ready as if You Were Going on a Real Interview

The first step to acing your video interview is to prepare as though you were going for a physical one. Whatever you’ll have to do to prepare for a physical interview must also be done for a video one. This includes doing your homework about the firm and the position, practicing answers to typical interview questions, and considering possible questions to ask. 

#2. Dress Smart and Elegant

Dressing for a video interview should be no less formal than dressing for a face-to-face interview with the same employer. Even if you intend to focus on your head-to-waist appearance, ensure you appear impressive. Secondly, you can avoid the temptation of dressing head to waist and dress from top to bottom. 

#3. Test Your Tech Device

Avoid last-minute hiccups by testing your interview setup on the actual platform, with the actual internet connection, and utilizing the actual hardware. Invite a friend to join you in a video chat to ensure that you can both hear and see. Make sure you have a basic understanding of the software, and that you know how to do things like mute and unmute your microphone.

#4. Don’t Sit Too Far or Too Close

It’s important to strike a balance between appearing too small or too large when arranging your chair. Therefore, ensure your shoulders and upper chest are in view and that there is some white space above your head for a balanced appearance.

#5. Prep for Optimal Eye Contact

When it comes to making eye contact, it’s always a bit difficult, but it creates a connection between you and the person you are conversing with. Looking at the interview shows that you are paying attention and interested in what they are saying. Staying at a distance that’s not too close or too far will help you achieve this. Whatever it takes, avoid looking away from the screen every now and then.

#6. Check for Glare

Check if there is anything in the background that will reflect or glare and distract the interviewer before you settle on your attire and setting. Watches, jewelry, and eyewear are the most common offenders; removing one of these items may solve the problem.

#7. Prepare in Advance for Your Video Interview

Practicing a video interview with your family and friends or even a career coach will help you identify lapses that will give you away during your interview. Secondly, keep an eye on the tone of your voice too. You don’t want to sound nervous or domineering to your interviewer.

Can You Look at Notes During a Video Interview?

In most cases, using notes during a video interview is OK, so long as you don’t do it frequently. Focusing on the conversation and the interviewer is especially critical in a distant interview because of the potential difficulties in communicating with the other person.

What Not to Do in a Video Interview

The following is what not to do in a video interview;

  • Bad camera crop and focus
  • Staring into space  
  • Having nearby distractions
  • Buffering connection
  • Last minute connection
  • Throwing on anything
  • Sitting in a messy room
  • Sitting in the dark

Video Interview Tips

When it comes to video interviews, the first thing to do to win your interviewer over is to prepare ahead of time. Again, prepping yourself with mock interviews, recording yourself, and seeking feedback to improve your video interview skills will be most beneficial. Besides these, there are tips that can help you ace your next video interview and possibly land your dream job. Below are some of these tips;

#1. Test Your Device and Internet Connection

One of the major challenges that people encounter during a virtual interview is Internet failure and issues with the device being used. Therefore, ensure your internet connection is stable, and your camera and microphone are working properly before the interview day.

#2. Choose a Suitable Location

Find a quiet, well-lit area for your interview. Remove any potential distractions from the background and ensure that the space is clean and professional-looking.

#3. Dress Appropriately

Dress as you would for an in-person interview, even if you’re at home. Wearing professional attire will help you feel more confident and make a positive impression on the interviewer.

#4. Practice Your Body Language

Your body language during an interview says a lot about you. Trust me, if you are nervous or too forward, it can tell. Therefore, try to maintain a good posture during the interview. Little things like sitting up straight, and making eye contact with the camera will be helpful. Avoid fidgeting or any distracting movements. Smile and project a positive and engaged demeanor throughout the interview.

#5. Prepare Your Environment

Have a copy of your resume, notes, and any other relevant materials nearby. Keep a glass of water within reach in case you need it.

#6. Research the Company

Before your scheduled interview, ensure you do a little research on the company and the job position you are applying for. You can also familiarize yourself with the company’s mission, values, products/services, and recent news. This knowledge will enable you to ask informed questions and demonstrate your interest in the role.

#7. Prepare Answers to Common Interview Questions

Anticipate and practice responses to common interview questions, such as those related to your experience, strengths, weaknesses, and why you’re interested in the position. Be concise and articulate in your answers.

#8. Use the STAR Method

When answering behavioral questions that require examples of past experiences, use the STAR method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) to structure your responses. This approach will help you provide a clear and organized answer to possible questions.

#9. Maintain Good Communication

Pay attention to your speaking pace and volume. Speak clearly and enunciate your words to ensure that the interviewer can understand you. Take pauses to gather your thoughts before responding to questions.

#10. Engage Actively

Show your enthusiasm and engagement throughout the interview. Listen attentively, nod to indicate understanding, and show interest in what the interviewer is saying. Ask thoughtful questions at appropriate times.

#11. Be Mindful of Your Internet Presence

Employers may search for your online presence, so ensure your social media profiles present a professional image. Consider adjusting your privacy settings and removing any potentially unprofessional content.

#12. Follow Up With a Thank-You Email

Most of the time, we all tend to keep a cool head after an interview, but if you can follow up with a thank you email, you’ll definitely be a step ahead. So when next you have a virtual interview, send a thank-you email expressing your appreciation for the opportunity to interview. Use this as an opportunity to reiterate your interest in the position and briefly highlight your qualifications. 

How Do I Prepare for a Video Interview?

The following are some of the best ways to do a video interview;

  • Spend some time on practice questions you’re given.
  • Research the company and what’s involved in the job.
  • Look at the company website and get an understanding of its culture and values.
  • Read through any guidance notes from the recruiter and follow their instructions.

One-Way Video Interview Tips

A one-way video interview, also known as an asynchronous or pre-recorded video interview, is a format where you record your responses to interview questions rather than engaging in a live conversation. Although the interview is not live, treat it with the same level of professionalism and preparation as you would any other interview. Be confident, and showcase your skills and qualifications effectively. Good luck with your one-way video interview!

The following are some tips to help you excel in a one-way video interview:

#1. Understand the Process

Familiarize yourself with the platform or software being used for the interview. Read the instructions carefully to ensure you understand how to record and submit your responses.

#2. Prepare as You Would for a Traditional Interview

Treat a one-way video interview as you would an in-person or live video interview. Research the company, practice your answers to common interview questions, and dress professionally.

#3. Set Up a Suitable Environment

Choose a quiet and well-lit location for recording. Ensure the background is clean and uncluttered. Pay attention to lighting so that your face is well-illuminated, and the interviewer can see you clearly.

#4. Test Your Equipment

Check your camera, microphone, and internet connection before starting the interview. Make sure they are functioning properly to avoid technical issues. Test the recording feature to ensure your responses are captured accurately.

#5. Time Management

Review the time limit for each question, if provided. Practice delivering concise and focused responses within the given time frame. Use a timer during your practice sessions to gauge your speaking pace.

#6. Dress Professionally

Even though you’re not having a live conversation, dressing professionally will help you maintain a confident and focused mindset. Choose appropriate attire to make a positive impression.

#7. Practice Active Listening

Pay attention to the question prompts provided. Take the time to understand the question before recording your response. If needed, you can take notes to help structure your answer.

#8. Be Natural and Authentic

Though you’re recording your responses, aim to come across as natural and authentic. Maintain eye contact with the camera and speak in a conversational tone. Avoid sounding scripted or rehearsed.

#9. Use Non-verbal Communication

Since you won’t have live feedback, it’s important to use non-verbal communication to convey your engagement. Smile, nod, and use appropriate facial expressions to show your interest and enthusiasm.

#10. Review and Retake if Necessary

After recording each response, review it before moving on. If you’re not satisfied with your performance, most platforms allow you to retake your answer. Take advantage of this opportunity to present your best self.

#11. Manage Distractions

Minimize potential distractions during your recording session. Put your phone on silent mode, close unnecessary tabs on your computer, and inform those around you that you’ll need some uninterrupted time.

#12. Submit Before the Deadline

Once you have recorded all your responses, review them one final time, and submit your interview before the given deadline. Double-check that all your responses were appropriately captured.

How Should I Introduce Myself in a Video Interview?

The following is a step-by-step guide on how to introduce yourself in a video interview;

  • Start with a greeting
  • Express enthusiasm
  • Provide a brief background
  • Highlight your skills and strengths
  • Mention your motivation
  • Express your goals
  • Thank the interviewer

What Is Usually Asked in a Video Interview?

In a video interview, the questions asked can vary depending on the specific job, industry, and company. However, there are some common questions that are often asked in video interviews. Below are a few examples:

  • Tell me about yourself
  • Why are you interested in this position/company?
  • What is your experience with [specific skill or technology]? 
  • Describe a challenging situation you faced at work and how you handled it
  • How do you work in a team or collaborate with others?
  • What are your strengths and weaknesses?
  • How do you handle tight deadlines or high-pressure situations?
  • Do you have any questions for us?

Pre Recorded Video Interview Tips

Preparing for a pre-recorded video interview requires similar preparation as a live one.  The following are some tips to help you excel in a pre-recorded video interview:

#1. Test Your Technology

Ensure that your webcam, microphone, and internet connection are working properly. Test them in advance to avoid any technical issues during the interview.

#2. Choose a Suitable Location

Find a quiet, well-lit space for your interview. Make sure the background is neat and professional-looking. Remove any distractions or personal items that may divert the interviewer’s attention.

#3. Dress Professionally

Dress as you would for an in-person interview. Always wear something that depicts professionalism. Looking polished and put-together will help you make a positive impression.

#4. Practice with Sample Questions

Research common interview questions and practice answering them in front of a camera. In addition to practicing with some possible interview questions, pay attention to your body language, clarity of speech, and of voice. Aim for a confident and natural delivery.

#5. Prepare Your Environment

Make sure you have any necessary materials within reach, such as a copy of your resume, notes about the company, and a pen and paper for jotting down key points. Having everything organized will help you stay focused during the interview.

#6. Follow Instructions Carefully

Pay attention to any specific instructions provided for the pre-recorded interview. It may involve answering a set of pre-determined questions or recording a video response within a certain time frame. Adhere to the instructions and guidelines provided by the employer.

#7. Be Mindful of Body Language

 Even though you’re recording your responses, body language still matters. Maintain good posture, make eye contact with the camera, and use gestures and facial expressions to convey your enthusiasm and engagement.

#8. Speak Clearly and Concisely

Clearly articulate your answers and avoid rambling. Use concise and relevant examples to support your points. Remember to speak at a moderate pace, allowing the interviewer to follow along easily.

#9. Be Yourself

Always be authentic and genuine during your video interview. Doing this will allow your personality to shine through while remaining professional. Show enthusiasm for the role and company, and let your passion for the work come across in your responses.

#10. Review and Edit Your Recording

Most pre-recorded video interviews allow you to review and edit your responses before submitting them. Take advantage of this opportunity to refine your answers, ensure clarity, and present your best self.

Is It Ok to Tell the Interviewer That You Are Nervous?

Confessing your anxiety to the interviewer is perfectly acceptable, but if you can, avoid it. This is because it’s not entirely good to be nervous during a job interview.

What Is the Best Color to Wear for a Video Interview?

Choose colors that stand out against the world, such as white, beige, grey, black, navy blue, etc. Avoid flashy colors and busy patterns if you want to look your best in a photo application for a job.


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