CSAT SCORE: Definition, calculation, ranges difference.

Csat Score

The consumer satisfaction score (CSAT) measures how happy a customer is with a company, product, or service. One of the easiest ways to find out if a client is happy is to simply ask, “How happy were you with your experience?” Using SMS, email, IVR, or a star rating after a web chat to do post-contact surveys can help you find out how your customers really feel about the service they just got. This article talks about a good CSAT score calculation and its range. It also talks about the CSAT score vs. NPS.


The customer happiness score is a way for companies to measure how well they treat their customers. CSAT can be used by a business after any event, but the following are the most popular ones are:

  • Encourage conversation.
  • Bringing a sale to a close by finishing an order.
  • Customer-seller swaps.
  • Preparing something to be used.
  • Going to a new work location.

In rare cases, CSAT isn’t used to judge a single interaction, but rather a long-term partnership. There may be better ways to measure customer happiness for this, though. The Net Promoter Score (NPS) and the Customer Effort Score (CES) are two other important measures. CSAT is somewhere in the middle. Each statistic has pros and cons, so it’s not good to compare them.

One of the main criticisms of CSAT is that customer satisfaction doesn’t always go hand in hand with product success or revenue growth. You said it! Even if a customer had a good experience with customer service or sales, they might not like the product right away.

CSAT should never be looked at by itself. Instead, it should be looked at alongside other important metrics to find a connection. If a support approach improves CSAT, you can draw a conclusion.

Csat Score Calculation

One’s CSAT number is easy to figure out. The percentage is the total number of “yes” votes divided by the total number of votes and multiplied by 100. The end number tells you how happy your customers are, on average.

If you got a total of 25 answers and 15 of them were positive, your CSAT score would be 60% (15 positive responses out of 25 responses =.60 multiplied by 100). This shows that most people like what you have to offer, but it also shows that you have a lot of room to improve and grow.

For the above figures, surveys like the one here are a great source of information. Taking the number of “yes” answers (five to seven) and subtracting it from the total number of answers. One of the best things about the Customer Satisfaction Score is how easy it is to use. It’s quick and easy to get feedback from customers after an interaction and find out if it made them happy.

It’s easy to figure out what went wrong and how to improve a bad experience. The customer satisfaction score makes it easy to track a customer’s lifetime happiness. It’s brief enough to be asked numerous times along a customer’s trip, providing you with a sense of their general mood at each stage. This makes it easier to find and fix any problems and improves the customer experience.

Csat Score Range

On a scale that goes from 3 to 5 to 7 to 10, respondents can give any score between 3 and 10. After you’ve collected the scores, separate the good ones from the bad ones. To get a CSAT score, add up all the “yes” answers to the survey and divide that number by the number of people who filled out the survey. Take that number and multiply it by 100 to find out how many people were happy with the service.

If you don’t understand how another company changed your CSAT score from a 10-point scale to a 5-point scale, you’re not alone. To get a number from the score, you have to do some math. Also, % can be used to figure out a normal CSAT score. 

If a customer gives you a CSAT score of 4 or 5 on a range of 1 to 5, they are happy. Also, on a range from 0 to 10, a CSAT score of 8 or 9 would mean that clients are very happy. Any score below that means that the worries of the respondents need to be looked into more.

What Is a Good Csat Score

The best CSAT score is between 75% and 85%, but this can change based on the field. CSAT only looks at your promoter reviews, so it’s hard to get a near-perfect score. A score of 75% means that more than half of your customers thought your service was either good or great.

Let’s look at the average CSAT scores in a few different businesses to get an idea of what kind of numbers we’re talking about when we talk about customer happiness. The following CSAT score standards are given by the American Customer Satisfaction Index for each industry:

  • Apparel: 79
  • Cars and other small vehicles: 78
  • Banks: 78 Breweries: 81
  • Cell Phones: 79
  • Software for computers: 76
  • Shipping to Consumers: 76
  • 77 are credit unions.
  • Financial Advisors: 77
  • Full-Service Restaurants: 79 
  • Hotels: 73
  • Sale on the Internet: 78
  • Travel Services on the Internet: 74
  • Life Insurance: 78
  • Specialty Shops: 77

When Should Csat Be Measured?

CSAT is easy to measure, and most help desk tools already have this feature built-in. But a customer satisfaction report can be sent at one of three different times.

#1. After a Customer Service Exchange

Help Scout lets you put surveys right into the signatures of your support staff, so you can get feedback right after a client contact. When your team ends a talk, you can choose to send a CSAT email right away to find out how happy the customer is. Putting the poll in the email signature makes sure it stays casual and doesn’t get in the way. 

On the other hand, sending the poll through an automatic email after the chat is over lets you get feedback on the conversation as a whole, not just on each answer. It’s always a good idea to ask for feedback on a talk as soon as it’s over. That way, the customer’s response will be more honest because they will still be thinking about what happened.

#2. After a Few Meetings and Talks

If your business plan calls for customers to talk to your support, sales, or customer success teams more than once, it might be better to do a survey after a certain number of interactions than after each individual reaction. The CSAT survey could be sent out after a certain number of contacts, like five, or after a certain amount of time has passed since the last touch.

#3. Quarterly

CSAT is usually used to measure customer comments right away, but it can also be used to track customer satisfaction over time. If you want to keep track of how happy your customers are, you could send out CSAT polls every three months

Csat Score vs Nps

The following is a look at how the CSAT and the NPS are similar:

  • When considering CSAT and NPS, keep in mind that NPS measures how loyal a customer is, while CSAT measures how happy a customer is. “How likely are you to recommend [X] to friends and family?” is the NPS question. There is open talk about how willing your customers are to tell others about your business.
  • When comparing NPS to CSAT, keep in mind that NPS measures how likely your customers are to tell others about your business.
  • The Net Promoter Score (NPS) is a sign of how healthy a company is after the fact because it is hard to change and there are many things that go into it. But your organization’s health and your Net Promoter Score (NPS) are both based on CSAT. Before you see big, enterprise-wide changes in CSAT, you’ll see small, gradual changes.
  • Instead of measuring NPS after every interaction with a customer, many companies and people choose to do it from time to time. Some companies, though, choose to use NPS instead of CSAT to get the same kind of pulse check on special procedures.

More Information 

Using both might be the best way to do things. Both measures are useful, but they address different issues. If you can’t decide between CSAT and NPS, my suggestion is to use both when it makes sense to do so. There are a few ways in which both of these additional measures can help your business:

  • NPS can show you how loyal your customers are as a whole, while CSAT can help you find specific methods or areas that need improvement. Use them together to figure out the best way to get where you want to go.
  • CSAT gives you more freedom in this area than NPS, which only lets you ask one question.
  • Both are undesirable, but an NPS detractor needs more urgent care. They may have already told people in public that they are unhappy with your product and are willing to talk about your brand.
  • CSAT is better at finding out what specific things customers care about, while NPS is good at figuring out how people feel about the brand as a whole.

It’s important to do both types of polls at times that make sense for your business so you can get a full picture of what your customers think and want.

The Benefits and Drawbacks of Csat Score

Customer satisfaction scores have pros and cons, just like any other poll method.

Csat Pros

Using CSAT has a number of advantages, such as:

  • It’s short, clear, and easy to understand.
  • You can try out different star systems, emojis, and number scales to see what your target audience likes best.
  • CSAT surveys get more responses than longer forms of customer satisfaction study because they are shorter and easier to fill out.

Cons of Csat

The following are some possible problems with CSAT below:

  • There is a chance of race and ethnic prejudice. Since there isn’t one standard way to measure things across all businesses and fields, it can be hard to tell if a result is good or bad.
  • The CSAT shows how quickly people think. For example, it takes into account the customer’s mood and the date of their most recent contact with our company. Depending on your goals, this may or may not be a drawback.
  • “Satisfied” can mean different things to different people based on how it is used. Customers who are “neutral” or “dissatisfied” are less likely to fill out surveys, which makes it more likely that the results will be skewed.

What Do You Do With Csat?

Now that you know how the CSAT works, it’s time to put what you’ve learned to use. CSAT is a great way to find out how your customers feel, but it can also be used in many other ways.

#1. Bring Your Clients Together

Customers who gave you a neutral or bad review on your customer satisfaction survey give you a chance to win them back. By asking about their thoughts and starting a conversation with them, you show that you value their feedback and get information that you can use to improve your product.

#2. Make Things Easier

The CSAT is a great way to find out where your child needs to improve. If you use CSAT for every contact, you can compare scores across channels, team members, and even times of day.

#3. Keep an Eye on It Over Time

Keeping an eye on CSAT over time is a great way to see how your team is doing. This longer-term metric might help you see whether your method is working or not in the big picture. If it has been going down over time, for example, something needs to be done.

What Does 80% On the Csat Mean?

To figure out the CSAT score for a sample size of 100 respondents, just divide the number of positive answers by the total number of consumers polled. This number should be multiplied by 100 to get a percentage that shows how many happy people there are compared to unhappy ones. In this case, a score of 80% is a great grade.

How Many Points on the Csat Is a Good Score?

So, a CSAT score between 75% and 85% is good enough in any field. The average CSAT for American companies in 2020 was 74.4 percent, according to the American Customer Satisfaction Index (ACSI). In the year 2021, the present score will be 3.68 on a scale from 1 to 5.

What Does the Acronym Csat Mean?

CSAT, which stands for “Customer Satisfaction Score,” is a measure of how happy a customer was with a product, service, or interaction with a company’s customer service staff. It does this by asking the customer, “How satisfied were you with [company]?”

How to Figure Out Csat Scores?

CSAT is calculated by dividing the percentage of satisfied customers (4 and 5 rating givers) by the total number of queries. You would get a score of 62 if 62 of the 100 answers you got were scored 4 or 5.

What Does 100 Csat Stand For?

If you want to know how to figure out your CSAT score, you need to know the CSAT score method. The customer satisfaction (CSAT) score is a simple number that shows how happy your customers are with your business. Because it is a number, the score will be between 0 and 100. Multiply by 100 to get the number. 

How to Read the Scores of the Csat?

In the table below, you will see the following summary of what the CSAT showed.

CSAT Score MeaningWarning Level
0-45%Poor CSATHigh
45-65%Okay CSATSlightly high
65-80%Good CSATLow
80%+Excellent CSATVery low
The Csat Score of a company

How to Analyze Csat Scores?

You can figure out the percentage of good answers by dividing the number of people who gave a score of 4 or 5 by the total number of people who gave a score. If 75 people answered a poll question with either a 4 or a 5, you would get a score of 75.

What Is a Low Csat Score?

The best score you can get on the CSAT is 10. If the score is between 1 and 6, you need to improve your customer service. If the score is between 8 and 10, you’re doing a great job. The CSAT score is found by asking clients, “How happy are you with our product or service?”


Customer satisfaction (CSAT) is a measure of how well a company’s goods and services meet the needs of its customers. The average CSAT score for a company shows how satisfied customers are on average with the company’s goods and services. It is given as a number, with 100 meaning that all customers were happy. 


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