Functions Of The Stock Exchange: A Detailed Guide

functions of the stock exchange
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Stock exchanges are an essential component of any economy. Experts can understand the state of any economy based on a detailed analysis of trade. They can also identify sectors that are expanding and those that need to be pushed. Here, we will look at the functions of the stock exchange and how they affect individual investors and businesses.

What is a Stock Exchange?

A stock exchange, also known as a securities exchange, is an organized financial market in which traders trade securities. Securities are also issued and redeemed during these exchanges. Stock exchanges operate as ‘continuous auction’ markets, with traders transacting via computerized trading platforms. It is a market for trading listed securities of corporations, governments, and semi-government organizations.

Functions Of The Stock Exchange

The following are the several functions of the stock exchange:

#1. Establishing security pricing

Because the stock exchange is based on supply and demand for assets, this idea is used to determine prices on a continuous basis. Speculation accelerates the market’s demand and supply. Securities with strong growth and profit potential are more valuable. Investors and traders can examine and decide the security that will provide them with the highest return on investment based on this valuation of securities. 

#2. Keeping Liquidity

Maintaining liquidity is one of the most critical functions of a stock market. Because securities can be quickly traded and bought on an exchange, they have a higher chance of being converted into cash. This feature enables investors to remain assured when dealing on the stock exchange.

#3. Indicate the Economic Situation

Stock exchanges are excellent indicators of a country’s economic health. Traders can discern which industries are booming and which are declining. On a macro level, you may recognize thriving industries. At the micro level, you can discover which organizations are losing money. Overall, the state of a stock exchange can provide insight into the overall picture of an economy.

#4. Making investments easier

Stock exchanges operate under the supervision of regulatory authorities such as India’s SEBI. Investors and dealers feel safe investing in this market because of the existence of regulating authorities. This encourages the culture of investment because trading on the stock exchange can result in large rewards. Long-term trading, in fact, can help you multiply your money.

#5. Raising Capital

Raising funds is a key function of the stock exchange for businesses. Companies can raise funds to fund their business operations and projects by increasing the value of their securities. This aids in the development of industries within the country. Many businesses can even recover from losses by raising financing from stock market traders. 

#6. Creating a thriving economy

Through the stock exchange, investors and corporations work together to increase their corpus. While corporations are the most profitable market participants, individual investors also profit greatly from the exchange. However, it is clear that there is an equal probability of profit and loss. 

#7. Giving investors rights

Traders invest in equity shares on the stock exchange, which gives them voting rights. As the number of shares increases, traders gain the ability to vote as well as a piece of the company’s profits. The more shares an investor obtains, the greater their ownership in the company.

#8. Increasing foreign investment

Attracting funds from overseas entities is an important role of the stock exchange. This boosts the influx of cash into the national market, increasing the possibility of earning more.

What Are the Functions Of The Nigerian Stock Exchange?

At its inception, the Nigerian Stock Exchange was tasked with a number of functions to assist drive its mandate, which was, of course, to regulate and control the flow of money in Nigeria.

To fulfill its objective, the Nigerian Stock Exchange was to perform a number of responsibilities, including:

#1. Provides A Platform For Selling And Buying Stocks

The Nigerian Stock Exchange has been tasked with providing a forum for all participants and members to buy and sell stocks.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange is also expected to ensure that quotes for new firms are provided under this responsibility. This has been a critical role of the Nigerian Stock Exchange over the years.

#2. Provides Opportunities for New Capital Raising

The Nigerian Stock Exchange has also tried to ensure that chances for new capital are available.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange is expected to provide services that will aid in the increase of new capital raising. When this occurs, the Nigerian Stock Exchange would immediately contribute to the reduction of liquidity in the Nigerian economy through the buying and selling of all forms of assets.

#3. The Nigerian Stock Exchange safeguards the investing public against sharp and shady dealings.

Another duty of the Nigerian Stock Exchange has been to protect the investing public from individuals who engage in sharp activities in the country’s money market.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange’s primary role is to protect the investing public from rampant unscrupulous transactions. The Nigerian Stock Exchange, on the other hand, has accomplished this through its rules, regulations, and operational guidelines.

#4. Makes it easier to trade government securities.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange serves many purposes. The Nigerian Stock Exchange, for example, facilitates transactions in government securities. In order to accomplish the government’s objectives, the NSE must ensure that such leaders are supported.

#5. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Promotes Savings

Another duty of the Nigerian Stock Exchange is to encourage Nigerian individuals to save. Savings, as you are aware, are quite significant and required, particularly during difficult times and economic downturns. Aside from that, it aided economic growth.

#6. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Provides Industrialists With Information

Another duty of the Nigerian Stock Exchange has been to provide information to entrepreneurs, industrialists, and investors in Nigeria.

This component of the Nigerian Stock Exchange’s function is very unique, as it has assisted in the generation of superior ideas, the upgrading of skills, and raising awareness about the current trend of doing business in this area.

#7. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Aids the Government in the Implementation of Monetary Policies

The Nigerian Stock Exchange plays an important role in supporting the government in the implementation of monetary policy.

We’ve been told that the Nigerian Stock Exchange was established to aid in the control and regulation of how money flows in Nigeria.

And, in light of this unusual role on the part of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, the NSE is expected to assist and ensure that the country’s monetary policies are appropriately implemented.

#8. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Provides a Metric for Assessing a Company’s Goodwill

Over the years, the Nigerian Stock Exchange has been involved in practices that have contributed to the establishment of parameters for investors operating in Nigeria to gauge companies’ goodwill in Nigeria.

This is accomplished through quoted pricing on the Nigerian Stock Exchange. Through the activity of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, one can now see how investors have been able to gauge the goodwill of companies functioning in Nigeria.

#9. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Provides Advice to the Government, Investors, and Industrialists

One of the Nigerian Stock Exchange’s functions has been to advise the government on monetary policies. The government has been able to create proper rules regulating the flow and circulation of money in the country thanks to the input of the Nigerian Stock Exchange.

The Nigerian Stock Exchange also assisted Nigerian investors and businessmen, particularly those dealing in securities. The Nigerian Stock Exchange has always made certain that these monetary policies are followed.

#10. The Nigerian Stock Exchange Battles Inflation

Another important duty of the Nigerian Stock Exchange is to combat inflation in the country. In this regard, the Nigerian Stock Exchange deserves praise.

Its actions have contributed to the control of money inflows and outflows in Nigeria via investment. The actions of the Nigerian Stock Exchange have been seen as a useful instrument in the fight against inflation in Nigeria.

As a result, without a doubt, the Nigerian Stock Exchange has been able to minimize and/or reduce the country’s inflation rate through the roles it has performed.

The Evolution of Stock Exchanges

Stock exchanges date back to the 1300s, when Venetian bankers provided debt issues to various investors and lenders. Their function was comparable to that of the brokers. The Venetians recorded all the sales. The first exchange was evidently established in Belgium in the 1500s. It was known as “Sans the Stock” and facilitated the exchange of bonds and promissory notes.

In the 1600s, the East India Company issued stocks to raise funds for the risky sea voyage. Weather disruptions, pirate assaults, and a lack of direction all threatened the investment. Nonetheless, the investors were promised a portion of the ship’s sales if it arrived at its destination.

Finally, in 1791, a well-organized stock market was established. The United States Stock Exchange (NYSE) and the National Association of Securities Dealers Automated Quotations (NASDAQ) were established. It trades various securities and operates an electronic trading system. It competed with the more advanced New York Stock Exchange (NYSE), which was founded in 1793. The NYSE enhanced worldwide securities trading even further.

Characteristics of the Stock Exchange

Comprehending the concept begins with comprehending the functions of the stock exchange. A stock market, like any other institution, has its own set of qualities and characteristics. The major features of a Stock Exchange are listed below for quick reference.

  • It is a platform for purchasing and selling shares and securities in the government and private sectors.
  • Another element of the stock exchange is that only companies that are listed can trade.
  • A key feature of the stock exchange is that it serves as a representation of a country’s economic functioning.
  • It is a widespread platform that draws hundreds of corporations and investors.
  • A stock exchange consolidates massive amounts of capital on a single platform.

The Importance of the Stock Exchange

The price movement of listed equities determines economic turmoil inside a country. Furthermore, a wide range of businesses require finance to run their operations and establish new ventures. To raise funds, they issue various financial instruments, shares, and debentures. Furthermore, investors usually seek high returns on their cash. Because of the stock market, they have a choice. The stock market is a popular way to generate passive income.

In Conclusion

These are the essential stock exchange functions for investors and traders. The job of the stock exchange is not just to bring in investments; it is also a place where, with proper information, you may compound your money quickly.

According to the functions of the Nigerian Stock Exchange, if there is no adequate control and regulation of how money flows in Nigeria by the Nigerian Stock Exchange, the situation would be pitiful, as this would be in the hands of the public. However, if this occurred, the Nigerian economy’s growth rate would slow.

  2. 13+ Easiest Country to Migrate to From Nigeria 2023
  3. Best Countries to Migrate from Nigeria 2023
  4. STOCK EXCHANGE: Understanding the Stock Exchange


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