How can you convince everyone on your team to perceive something the same way when they have such a variety of different personalities and points of view? Additionally, how do you get your entire staff to consistently carry out a task or a process in the same way? Business process maps are a framework designed to accomplish just that: graphically lay out a process so that everyone can understand it and follow it in the same way. We cover both basic and advanced business process mapping issues in this tutorial, including software, history, certification, methodology, examples, and advantages.

What is Business Process Mapping?

A visual representation of work processes is called business process mapping. Process maps, which can be represented as flowcharts or by Business Process Modeling and Notation (BPMN) symbols, illustrate the relationships between the stages needed to complete a product or service.

Business process maps are concerned with business operations, purpose, standards for success, roles, and duties, and when and where distinct processes will take place. They are a component of business process management (BPM). Business process mapping encourages transparency for all stakeholders, especially those interested in compliance, as well as for those working within the organization.

Business process modeling and business process mapping are frequently confused. When experts model business processes, they are more concerned with how the procedures are carried out and who (or what department) carries them out.

History of Business Process Mapping

The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) pioneered business process mapping in 1921. The business process maps were then adopted by engineers and production facilities, and they developed into the software programs we use today.

 First Steps in Finding the One Best Way to Do Work,” Frank and Lillian Gilbreth introduced the flow process chart In a presentation titled “Process Charts in 1921. Purdue University has an archive of these materials if you’re interested in learning more. In order to ensure consistency in this kind of chart, the ASME created a symbol system in 1947.

Why Do You Need Business Process Mapping?

A crucial component of managing a successful company is business process mapping. Employees are left to speculate and err regarding the best practices in your organization without a visual representation of how predictable processes operate there. Each department and person is left to develop his or her own sequence and assignment if a business process is not thoroughly defined through mapping. When the job owners are not specified, this causes confusion, turmoil, and blame.

Business Process Mapping Software

You know, as things have changed, so has the need to create process maps. Applications and software exist that will significantly simplify the process. We’ll look at the tools and software that are out there in the following few lines.

A cloud-based or online application called business process mapping software enables users to graphically represent the steps needed to execute a certain business process through charts and graphs. A flowchart of standard operating procedures, task descriptions, and all process-related activities, such as input/output, are displayed on the map.

Why is a Business Process Mapping Software So Important?

Any business process mapping software’s main objective is to make individuals, organizations, or businesses more effective in how they do their daily business. These extraordinary technologies make it possible for management to effectively monitor workflows in order to gain a thorough understanding of the entire organization and its various operations.

Process mapping tools also aid in decomposing the complexity or complication of business processes and improve comprehension of process flows. Users are able to specify the stages for process improvement thanks to this.

Because you need to understand processes before you can take any action to enhance them, business process mapping software can therefore be a highly useful tool for your company. These process mapping tools are made to assist you in understanding the essence of any process, which is what they are intended to do.

Here is a list of some of the best business process mapping software, chosen for their enormous volume of favorable reviews and high levels of client satisfaction.

Top Business Process Mapping Software Programs:

#1. Promapp

Promapp is an easy-to-use process mapping application that promotes process improvement by greatly simplifying the process mapping process. This fantastic online platform makes it simple for users to develop, modify, and share HR processes. It makes risk management, quality control, and business continuity possible.


Process flowcharts and other types of diagrams can be made using the simple process mapping application It can also produce elaborate visualizations like the SIPOC diagram.

#3. SmartDraw

Users of SmartDraw can easily produce diagrams and charts with a professional appearance. Due to its incredibly intuitive design, it is user-friendly and offers a wide range of functions and functionalities.

#4. Microsoft Excel

Microsoft Excel is a familiar name to almost everyone. It is unquestionably one of the most widely used and well-liked spreadsheets in use today. However, not many people are aware that Excel, the program that is included with the Microsoft Office suite, includes a number of features you can use to create process maps.

#5. CWA Process & QM Suite

This process mapping software can be used for workflow management, quality management, and business process management. This ground-breaking technology can be used for straightforward modeling, optimization, and the dissemination of documents and processes.

#6. LucidChart

This tool was developed specifically to help generate business process maps. Because of this, it has a ton of tools and functionalities that make process mapping easy. As an illustration, LucidChart includes a ton of templates that anyone may use to construct any type of process map, including SIPOC, BPMN2, value stream, and others.

#7. Microsoft Visio

Microsoft has a specific program called Visio that is used to create business process maps. However, users will also like the numerous additional features and functionalities that come with this useful application. The best business process mapping software available today, Microsoft Visio, is also one of the priciest tools on this list.

Examples of Business Process Mapping

Process maps’ main purpose is to explain how a process operates. You can improve your employees’ comprehension of certain business functions by selecting and implementing the appropriate process map. Let’s look at some popular symbols used in business process mapping before we get into our examples.

#1. Activity/Process:

A step or an action inside a process is represented by an activity or process. It is often represented by a rectangle.

#2. Flow

Usually, the flow shape is a line with an arrow at one end. A flow shows the spectator the order in which a process’s steps are carried out.

#3. Event

A process begins, modifies, or ends due to an event. Errors, messages, cancellations, and links are a few examples of occurrences you would want to make visible. Depending on the type of event, events are symbolized by a circle that includes additional symbols.

#4. Decision

The diamond-shaped decision shape denotes that a decision is required for the process to proceed. It could be a simple yes-or-no choice, or it could be a more complicated decision with a range of options, like a case statement in a computer program.

Examples of business process mapping frequently contain the above shapes.

Process Mapping Examples

#1. Service Desk

To reduce costs and deliver effective service, several firms have automated a portion of their service desk procedures. Requests must be prioritized and routed to the right people according to workflows.

#2. Recruiting

Traditionally, recruiting has been a time-consuming and laborious HR effort. Recruiters are increasingly using robotic process automation (RPA) and other automation tools to go through applicant applications and categorize them in accordance with their credentials.

#3. Procurement

Procurement process workflows might be intricate. Manual requests and approvals may cause lengthy delays and a lack of transparency. A request sent to the purchase department starts a procurement workflow. The procurement staff will then research potential vendors, get bids, and choose one.

#4. Customer Onboarding

A positive onboarding experience is essential to retain customers. Due to an increase in client touchpoints, onboarding processes have become more complicated. This is especially true in sectors like banking that are heavily regulated.

Business Process Mapping Certification

Learning new skills might be facilitated by acquiring a business process mapping certification. These abilities can help you strengthen your résumé and secure higher-level employment. Project managers can expand their expertise and productivity while learning about ways to enhance business practices.
Here is a list of several certifications that are available if business process mapping is something you’re interested in:

#1. ITIL certification

There are no prerequisites for the Information Library Foundations Certification (ITIL), only a passing exam score. It also features practice exams and has no expiration date. Additionally, it offers examples from actual situations to help you comprehend how the abilities taught by this certification can be used in the workplace.

#2. CMA

The Certified Management Accountant Certification is provided by the Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business. After high school, it calls for more than two years of study or training, more than two years of job experience, and passing an oral or written exam. After a year, this certification becomes invalid.

#3. Organizational change management: APMG CM practitioner certification

Organizational change management: APMG CM practitioner certification is available via Learning Tree. Only passing the oral or written exam is necessary to get this certification, which is valid for life. You can get useful knowledge in the course that you can put to use in organizing business operations by implementing change management.

#4. Global Business Services Certificate (CertGBS)

The Certificate in Global Business Services is a certification offered by the ACCA. This certification simply needs you to finish the courses. Additionally, this certification is perpetual.

#5. CITP

An information technology professional can earn a certification from the American Institute of CPAs (AIPA). After high school, it calls for more than two years of study or training, more than two years of job experience, and passing an oral or written exam. The three-year certification period has passed.

Business Process Mapping Methodology

The business process mapping methodology comes in a variety of forms. A lengthy list might include, each with their own special strength: Gantt charts, UML diagrams, business process modeling notation, flowcharts, data flow diagrams, role activity diagrams, integrated definition for function modeling, Petri nets, object-oriented methods, workflow technique, and simulation models.

Business process mapping methodology includes the following:

#1. Workflow Methods

Workflows are collections of tasks performed by individuals within an organization or by software programs. Those procedures go beyond simple modeling. They also support process analysis and improvement. Information collection, business process modeling, workflow modeling, implementation, verification, and execution are some of the stages in a workflow.

#2. Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN)

The method that process professionals favor is BPMN. It is a standardized language that is excellent for circumstances in which you must delve deeply into processes to address mistakes and exceptions. Even though it’s fairly common, using this strategy if you’re not a business analyst could backfire.

#3. Data Flow Diagrams

Data flow diagrams, also referred to as Yourdon’s approach, show you how information moves from one location to another. They show how the process interacts with the outside world and connections to various data storage.

#4. Unified Model Language (UML) Diagrams

 UML diagrams are ideal For mapping out software development. The UML divides diagrams into two categories: behavioral diagrams and structural diagrams. UML is not appropriate for designing process workflows since it is thought of as a specialist mapping tool for particular industries.

#5. SIPOC Diagrams

High-level process maps are yet another name for SIPOC diagrams. They convey a process visually without going into much depth. The process is divided into the following divisions on a SIPOC diagram: suppliers, input, process, output, and customers.

Steps in Business Process Mapping

To begin mapping your business process, decide which process needs to be mapped. Amend the process as needed by gathering and analyzing data about the current procedure. Keep an eye out for ways to make the process better.

Performing the Business Process Mapping

The processes you decide to map in business process mapping will impact how useful your maps are. By taking into account how they will impact your clients and your entire business strategy, you can make sure that your business process maps have the most potential impact.

Below, we’ve provided three techniques for choosing the best processes to map:

#1. Organize your operations according to how they affect your customers:

These are fundamental, helpful, and directing processes. Your clients are directly impacted by core procedures, which reflect the purpose of the business. Processes utilized in business management are referred to as enabling processes. Processes utilized in planning and governing the business are referred to as guiding processes.

Finding your organization’s strategic goals is the first step in doing this. Once finished, you may use it as the foundation for creating a process architecture for your current processes. In doing so, you’re deciding which processes are most important for achieving the strategy of your business, how to develop them in a way that will keep them most in line with it, and how to set an improvement schedule for the future.

#3. Forced improvement:

This is more about reacting out of necessity than it is about a premeditated strategy. A process improvement endeavor might be compelled, for instance, by a failed audit or a management directive. The necessary processes in this situation are identified and mapped.

What Are the Six Main Methods to Create Business Process Maps?

There are six main ways to create process maps:

  • Through one-on-one or small-group employee interviews.
  • By use of guided discovery workshops.
  • By reviewing the existing documentation.
  • Business analysis and design.
  • By directly observing work.
  • By importing already-existing process maps.

What Are the Five Basic Steps for Creating a Process Map?

Creating a process map:

  • Pick a process or problem to map.
  • List the activities that took place.
  • The steps should be listed in writing.
  • Using symbols from process mapping, create a flowchart.
  • Finish the process map and distribute it.
  • Examine the map to identify potential improvement areas.

What Is the Difference Between a Workflow and a Process Map?

A workflow consists of the recurring steps required to finish a task. All the components required to complete a more significant organizational goal are referred to as a process. The common view is that processes refer to more comprehensive results, whereas workflows account for minute details up to small-scale goals.

What Are the Different Types of Process Maps?

There are six different kinds of process maps:

  • Basic flow chart. 
  • Value stream map.
  • Value chain map.
  • Cross-functional map.
  • Detail process map.
  • SIPOC.

What Are the Three Benefits of Creating a Process Map?

The advantages of process mapping:

  • To better comprehend a process.
  • Consider how a process might be made better.
  • Show others the steps in a process.
  • Boost communication among participants in the same process.


Business process mapping has become more than just a simple process with appealing graphics. But if not done properly or seriously, it can lead to troubles and issues you’d rather not have.
Process mapping is significant because it enables you to not only identify but also repair broken things and fill in critical gaps. Using the appropriate equipment and software is the best and simplest method to accomplish this.


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