WHY IS MY UPLOAD SPEED SO SLOW? (Reasons & 9 Best Fixes)

How to Fix Slow Upload Speed why internet
Table of Contents Hide
  1. The Development of Internet Speed
  2. What’s the Deal with Download and Upload speeds?
  3. Why Is My Upload Speed Slow?
    1. #1. Unreliable Internet Service
    2. #2. Hardware Issues (Router/Modem)
    3. #3. There Are Too Many Devices Connected to the Network
    4. #4. Your Internet Service Provider Limits Your Upload Speed
    5. #5. There’s Malware on your System
    6. #6. You Have Not Updated Your WiFi Adapter Driver
    7. #7. Firewall Security Settings
    8. #8. Bandwidth-Hungry Apps Running in the Background
    9. #9. Restrictions Put in Place by the Organization
    10. #10. Outdated Router Firmware
  4. How to Fix Slow Upload Speed
    1. #1. Upgrade Your Internet Service
    2. #2. Unplug All Superfluous Devices
    3. #3. Reset or Power Cycle the Router
    4. #4. Make Use of a Wired Connection
    5. #5. Update WiFi Router Firmware and Drivers
    6. #6. Update the Router’s Drivers
    7. #7. Delete Temporary Files or Caches
    8. #8. Modify DNS Configuration
    9. #9. Check the Firewall on Your Devices
    10. #10. Check for Viruses and Malware
    11. #11. Improve Your Internet Equipment
  5. What Can a Slow Upload Speed Do?
    1. #1. Social Media Content Sharing
    2. #2. Virtual Meetings or Video Conferencing
    3. #3. Live Streaming and Gaming
    4. #4. Uploads of Large Files
  6. How Fast Should a Typical Upload Speed Be?
    1. #1. The Bare Basic Information
    2. #2. Contact Your Internet Service Provider
    3. #3. Find Out Your Region’s Average
  7. Spectrum Slow Upload Speed
    1. How To Improve Slow Upload Speed on Spectrum
  8. How Can I Increase My Upload Speed?
  9. Is 10 Mbps Upload Speed Good?
  10. What Affects Upload Speed on WiFi?
  11. Why Is the Download Speed Fast but the Upload Speed Slow?
  12. Does Upload Speed Affect Gaming?
  13. What Is Normal Upload Speed?
  14. Will a Better Router Improve Upload Speed?
  15. Final Thoughts
  16. Related Articles
  17. References

The slow upload speed of your internet connection can be attributed to a variety of factors. An internet service provider (ISP) outage or maintenance, a misconfigured router, or a broken modem could all be to blame. Sometimes, slower upload speeds result from a discrepancy between your subscribed speed and the maximum speed of your router or modem. However, if you know the precise cause, you can approach the problem with greater certainty and resolve it more quickly. Read on to see how to fix your slow upload speed.

Let’s hit the road…

The Development of Internet Speed

Upload speed used to be far less significant than download speed. We did, after all, spend the majority of our online time watching and browsing content. A new era of user-generated content, video conversations, and cloud services has, nevertheless begun to emerge. And most recently, a global epidemic has shown us just how important a strong internet connection is for those of us who work from home and just engage in virtual entertainment. This has made it so that your upload speed is just as important as your download speed.

However, many ISPs still fail to meet the needs of their customers, who are increasingly demanding faster upload speeds. In this article, we’ll look at the factors that contribute to slow upload speeds and provide fixes, ensuring that you never again experience a sluggish internet connection.

What’s the Deal with Download and Upload speeds?

Before we explore the possible causes of a slow internet upload, let’s define the words download and upload. Broadband, or your overall data capacity, is usually the only thing that matters to customers. The upload speed goes the other way with broadband, while the download speed goes one way. 

The download speed reveals how quickly we get information from the internet. It’s put to use when: 

  • Make use of on-demand content providers like Netflix, Disney+, Hulu, Spotify, Apple Music, and others.
  • View online videos
  • Surf the web
  • Extract data

How quickly we can transfer and upload data from our device to the internet is determined by the upload speed. What do we do with it? 

  • Putting things online, such as photos and videos, is an example.
  • Emailing with attachments
  • Livestreaming
  • Online video meetings
  • Putting our files up on cloud storage

Many ISPs have historically offered a greater download rate and a lower upload rate because the average internet user spends significantly more time downloading (streaming and surfing) than uploading (sharing stuff online). An asymmetrical connection describes this setup. 

Even though download speeds still reign supreme, upload speeds are becoming more and more important. If you work from home, you probably use a video conferencing program every day for both personal and business purposes. We use messaging applications to transmit videos and images to our loved ones, as well as publish content on our social media pages. Many internet service providers (ISPs), including Race, now provide fiber internet bundles with equal download and upload speeds. Symmetrical internet connections, or speeds that are equal in both directions, have a specific name.

Read Also: Best Internet For Gaming in 2023

Why Is My Upload Speed Slow?

Following our discussion of the fundamentals of upload speed, let’s examine some possible reasons why your upload speed is slow. Some of these problems are fixable. If it doesn’t work, contact your Internet service provider (ISP) for assistance. The following are some reasons why your upload is slow: 

#1. Unreliable Internet Service

Review the specifics of your current internet service provider’s package. Keep an eye out for any mentions of data limits or restrictions that may cause your internet to run slowly and negatively impact your uploads. To learn more about the details of your internet plans, make a phone call to customer support.

#2. Hardware Issues (Router/Modem)

One of the most frequent problems slowing down internet speed is outdated hardware (such as routers and modems). The features and specs of routers differ. As a result, the quality of your internet connection depends entirely on your router.  

The average lifespan of a router is five years. However, if you think it’s too old, make sure the firmware is up to date before you throw it out. Also, keep in mind that wireless routers have a finite range. The signal is weaker the further away the devices are from the router. Think about moving the router to a more central spot in your home if you’ve observed that the signal is only strong in one area while you barely get any speed in others.

#3. There Are Too Many Devices Connected to the Network

The upload speed of your connection can be negatively impacted if you use it to connect too many devices at once, regardless of whether the problem lies with your service plan or your hardware. Better performance is not always guaranteed, even with a high-speed modem and internet package. A lot depends on your bandwidth capacity, the router’s device capacity, and the number of connections.

#4. Your Internet Service Provider Limits Your Upload Speed

If you’re experiencing slow upload speed on your internet connection, one solution is to contact your ISP directly.

It’s possible that your ISP has set limits on WiFi upload speeds or that you’ve used all of your allotted bandwidth. It’s possible that you chose a package that doesn’t offer the upload speed you need. With an asymmetric connection, you can expect to upload at most 10% of the total speed. 

#5. There’s Malware on your System

If you download programs, files, or games from unreliable, unofficial sources, you run the risk of installing spyware and other malicious software on your computer. Your internet connection may be hampered by this software, which takes up bandwidth and causes slow upload speeds.

The available bandwidth will be quickly depleted if numerous malware programs are active on the system.

#6. You Have Not Updated Your WiFi Adapter Driver

The issue could be with your computer if your routers or ISPs aren’t to blame for your slow upload speed. Ensure that your WiFi adapter is current. Problems, such as those experienced with networks, can be traced back to corrupt or obsolete drivers, which are operating system specific.

#7. Firewall Security Settings

Watch out for any additional firewalls that you install on your computer. They might be to blame for your upload speeds slowing down. Firewalls examine and validate packets trying to enter or exit the device through particular ports. Quite a few of these firewalls act as bottlenecks, slowing down your connection.

#8. Bandwidth-Hungry Apps Running in the Background

The majority of modern apps communicate with your device by sending and receiving data. If you haven’t disabled background use or limited an application’s data usage, it will consume your bandwidth while running in the background, slowing down both upload and download rates.

#9. Restrictions Put in Place by the Organization

If you have slow upload speeds while using devices that your workplace or business provides. The use of specific applications or categories of online media may be restricted via a corporation’s firewall. Contact your company’s technical help if this continues with applications you use for work.

#10. Outdated Router Firmware

A significant contributing factor to a slow or satisfactory upload speed is the ISP connection device you are using. Slow WiFi upload rates might be caused by a router with out-of-date firmware. Your internet connection may be interrupted by network adapters on laptops and desktop computers that have outdated drivers.

How to Fix Slow Upload Speed

Having trouble with your upload speed? There is no need to be worried. There are many different things you can do to fix your slow upload speed, and many of them won’t be too difficult for you. 

Here are some ways to fix your slow upload speed, Try one of them if, after checking your upload speed, you still feel you’re experiencing a slow upload speed:

#1. Upgrade Your Internet Service

Check the internet plan you are enrolled in by calling your service provider. Give it an upgrade if you’re stuck with the default/economic plan and your poor internet is caused by the speed and data caps. Make sure the plan is compatible with the router’s capabilities.

#2. Unplug All Superfluous Devices

Your upload speed may be compromised if your smartphone, gaming console, or additional PC are all connected to the same network. A device can nevertheless slow down your uploads on another device, even if it is not in use. The reason for this is that devices frequently run background programs. This may be caused by upgrades, photo library synchronization, and background app refreshing. Because of this, we advise that you remove any unused devices from the network.

#3. Reset or Power Cycle the Router

A router that is overloaded is often one of the most disregarded reasons for slow upload speeds. Disconnect the wires, turn off the power, and let it rest. Wait for the router’s lights to settle before restarting it. Check to see whether the performance has changed.

If not, search for a tiny hole marked “reset” on the router’s rear. Place a pin in and hold it there for 30 seconds. By doing this, the router’s default settings will be restored, which will improve the upload speed.

#4. Make Use of a Wired Connection

Ethernet cables are commonly used to speed up connections. This is due to the fact that a Wi-Fi router’s poorer signal and slower connection speed increase with increasing distance.

  • This will also depend on the router itself. To lessen interference, try plugging in.
  • Also, running an Ethernet wire throughout your entire house or office is not strictly necessary. Using a power line is an additional choice.

This prevents a lot of messy wiring by allowing the Ethernet to go through the electrical grid instead.

#5. Update WiFi Router Firmware and Drivers

The speed of your internet connection will be impacted if your router is not using the most recent firmware.

  • Download the most recent firmware for your model from the OEM website. 
  • Log into the routers’ administrative portal.
  • Visit the page for advanced settings.
  • Click Firmware Update.
  • Choose the downloaded file from the menu, then wait for the installation to finish.

It will restart the router. Check the differences in your internet performance and upload speeds when the lights have stabilized.

#6. Update the Router’s Drivers

Network drivers are something that many people overlook. However, if these are outdated, they can potentially significantly impair internet performance. See whether there is an update by performing a search for “[YOUR DEVICE] driver update] online. It won’t take long if there is such a case. You can also update your network drivers by going to the router’s admin page. Whatever method you choose, it might help you catch up!

#7. Delete Temporary Files or Caches

When you visit portals, your browser temporarily stores a lot of data in its cache and files. Your browser’s cookies and cache might occasionally be cleared to remove certain unwanted data that was put into memory and slow down your internet.

  • Go to Settings after opening the browser.
  • Tap the advanced tab.
  • Passwords, browsing and download history, cookies, other site data, cached pictures, and files are all on the list.
  • Select “clear data” and then check the boxes next to “cookies” and “cache.”
  • Your browsing and internet speeds have significantly improved.

#8. Modify DNS Configuration

The DNS server is how devices connect to the internet. The distance your data must travel is determined by the location of your DNS server. Your internet performance will be better, and upload speeds will increase if you switch to DNS servers with less traffic.

  • Using Win + X, choose Network Connections.
  • Select advanced network settings
  • Go to settings and select network adapter settings.
  • Click Properties after selecting your WiFi connection.
  • Select IPv4 and then click the properties button in the bottom right corner.

By selecting the Use the following DNS server button, you can alter the DNS entry here.

#9. Check the Firewall on Your Devices

Sometimes a firewall that you could have overlooked will slow down your internet. To determine whether a firewall is producing any undiscovered issues, check each device. You can do this by going into the settings on your computer, smartphone, or other device.

#10. Check for Viruses and Malware

Get the most recent antivirus program, then check for viruses and malware. Antivirus subscriptions are available for antivirus programs, which can be installed on many systems.

By routinely scanning your computer for viruses, spyware, trojans, and other security threats, you may reduce security risks and enhance internet performance.

#11. Improve Your Internet Equipment

Even if you have super-fast internet service, an old modem or router can significantly slow down your upload and download rates. It’s time to consider an upgrade if none of the suggested measures help increase upload speed.

What Can a Slow Upload Speed Do?

The following are the things a slow upload speed can do to affect your online activities:

#1. Social Media Content Sharing

Social media use makes a significant difference. When you try to upload high-resolution photographs and video files, you’ll notice the procedure takes exceptionally long or only succeeds after several failed attempts. Your media, pages, and feeds will download rapidly.

#2. Virtual Meetings or Video Conferencing

If your upload speeds are slow, it will be obvious from the quality of your video calls during conferences and online meetings. The other participants’ video quality won’t be an issue for you, but they’ll whine and put up with seeing a video of yours that is incredibly pixelated. A key cue is the lack of synchronization between the audio and video outputs.

#3. Live Streaming and Gaming

Your gaming experience will be ruined by slow upload rates. Disproportionate upload rates will obstruct or bottleneck player-game server communication. Delays in positional movement, rapid reflex responses, etc. will be reflected in this. Any gamer who enjoys playing can get frustrated by these lags, which ruin the experience.

#4. Uploads of Large Files

Having slow upload speeds makes uploading data to the cloud a miserable experience. especially if they are large, high-resolution photos and HD films. You’ll waste a lot of time only to find that the upload was interrupted and the data you posted is useless. If you have any of these performance problems, you should investigate your bandwidth usage and seek solutions to accelerate your upload rates.

How Fast Should a Typical Upload Speed Be?

Unsure if your upload speed needs to be fixed or not? The best place to start is by determining what it ought to be. Here are a couple of approaches to accomplishing this:

#1. The Bare Basic Information

What you’re trying to accomplish will determine how fast you need to upload. You probably won’t require more than about 5 Mbps everywhere. Naturally, if you’re doing multiple activities online at once, you might need a little bit more.

#2. Contact Your Internet Service Provider

Your broadband provider will be aware of the ideal upload speed for you to reach. Sometimes, they may slightly exceed it in order to increase sales. However, by questioning them, you’ll be able to determine if you’re on the right track.

#3. Find Out Your Region’s Average

The upload speeds of several broadband providers in the same area frequently vary. However, a quick Google search for the average in your city can give you a sense of whether you need an upgrade or not.

An online speed test is available to help you determine your upload speed. You will be informed of your current upload speed.

Spectrum Slow Upload Speed

Using an Ethernet cable instead of Wi-Fi may improve the slow upload speed on Spectrum. If it doesn’t work, try moving your wireless router to a different location, resetting your modem, router, or gateway, and trying a different frequency band on your router.

How To Improve Slow Upload Speed on Spectrum

The quickest way to improve slow upload speeds on supported devices is to start using an Ethernet cable. Internet speeds increased by more than 15% once switches were made to Ethernet wires. VPNs can add a 10-20% delay to your connection speeds. Because your VPN server must reroute your data. Either turn off your VPN, switch servers, or experiment with an alternative encryption mechanism.You probably won’t want to turn off your VPN if you’re already paying for it. Public Wi-Fi users should avoid altering the encryption mechanism since it could leave them vulnerable to hackers.

Here is another option for increasing your Spectrum connection speed.

One is making sure that ALL of your gadgets are virus-free. For instance, because spyware monitors your devices for keystrokes, it can slow down your connection.

If you’re using Windows, go to Settings > Security and make the following changes:

Microsoft Defender Antivirus (offline scan) under Virus & Threat Protection > Scan Options

How Can I Increase My Upload Speed?

The following are ways to increase your upload speed:

  • Switch from a wireless to a hardwired connection.
  • Don’t multitask while your computer is uploading or downloading a large file.
  • If you’re transmitting a lot of data, don’t do anything else that requires an internet connection.

Is 10 Mbps Upload Speed Good?

Since they can comfortably manage the typical activities of the ordinary user, upload speeds of 10 Mbps or above are typically regarded as fast internet speeds for upload. For HD video calling, for instance, Skype suggests upload speeds of at least 1.2 Mbps.

What Affects Upload Speed on WiFi?

If the issue isn’t with your routers or ISPs, your computer can be to blame for the slow upload speed. Get the most recent firmware for your WiFi adapter. Network troubles are just one of several that can result from faulty or obsolete drivers, which are operating system-specific.

Why Is the Download Speed Fast but the Upload Speed Slow?

Unless you’re connected by fiber optics, you won’t be able to achieve comparable speeds. The ISP must allocate its limited bandwidth across thousands of customers. Therefore, the maximum amount of data that can be uploaded may be limited.

Does Upload Speed Affect Gaming?

Yes. A slow upload can negatively impact your gaming experience. To play games smoothly, you need an internet connection that can handle at least 1-2 Mbps.

What Is Normal Upload Speed?

An upload speed of 5 Mbps is recommended for the typical internet user. Cable internet can offer upload rates between 5 Mbps and 50 Mbps, while asymmetric digital subscriber line (ADSL) connections top out at around 1.5 Mbps.

Will a Better Router Improve Upload Speed?

If you want the fastest possible internet connection, consider upgrading to a brand-new router. However, remember that your router makes no difference to your internet speed beyond what your subscription allows.

Final Thoughts

If you were curious about your slow upload speeds before reading this article, maybe it has answered your questions. The article’s suggested solutions should allow you to take care of the problem on your own. However, seek the assistance of a networking expert if performance issues persist.


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