What Does UW Mean Next to 5G? All You Need

what does uw mean next to 5g
Credit: InspirationFeed

Verizon’s fastest 5G network, the 5G UW network, is available to millions of people across the United States. It is available on all compatible iPhones and Android devices connected to Verizon’s 5G network and is indicated by a 5G UW or 5G UWB sign in the status bar. The sign informs users that they are now on Verizon’s super-fast 5G network rather than the slower Nationwide 5G network. And because the different types of 5G, such as 5G UC, 5G UW, and 5G+, can be confusing, it’s worth explaining what these acronyms mean and how each carrier uses them to market their services. This article will cover comparisons and every piece of information you should know about these variations to keep you informed. But let’s start with the basics…

What Exactly is 5G?

Since its widespread deployment in 2019, 5G has dominated tech news headlines. It is said to be “faster” and provides access in areas with poor or limited coverage.

However, 5G is simply the most recent version of cell technology. We previously had 1G, 2G, 3G, and 4G, but you may not have heard those terms used. To refresh your memory, consider the following:

  • 1G was the first data network introduced in the 1980s, bringing us analog voice services.
  • 2G was the 1990s technology that gave us CDMA digital voice services.
  • In the early 2000s, 3G enabled the advancement of mobile data.
  • Before 5G, the most recent generation of technology was 4G (or LTE). Many phones still use it, including everything we associate with smartphones, such as “mobile broadband.”

What You Should Know

5G Provides More of Everything You Require

5G was created to provide multi-gigabit data speeds, more reliable connections, and a more consistent experience. It works with any compatible device, not just cell phones. So, yes, your PC and other devices can also use 5G wireless technology.
5G also supports more traffic than 4G, which can handle 100 times the number of user data requests at peak efficiency.

Latency to a Minimum

Because 5G claims to have almost no latency, it should feel instantaneous when used. To be sure, how quickly you can download or access a webpage with 5G depends on more than just your data. The capabilities of your device, including memory and available resources, also play a role.

The Future of 5G

What can we anticipate from 5G? Innovators have made numerous promises. Some of the more innovative initiatives include the establishment of a “smart” transportation hub and using interconnected smart cars or even trains to communicate via the 5G network. On a smaller scale, we can expect 5G to connect devices in the home. As you read, the Internet of Things is technically being used through 5G capabilities.

Are There Any Drawbacks to 5G?

5G, like everything else, has technological limitations. Concerns about 5G are primarily about security. According to Kaspersky, the following risks are associated with large-scale 5G deployment.

#1. Multiple Ways in for Hackers

More data connection points mean more entry points for cybercriminals. Decentralized security will necessitate close monitoring to protect every data point and prevent threats from spreading throughout the network.

#2. Increased Monitoring Pressure

High user traffic can put security monitoring under strain. While more people accessing a 5G network has advantages, each additional user introduces risk. And it is difficult to mitigate that risk after a certain number of users. More speed and volume also imply more data sharing in the digital pipeline, which poses a threat.

#3. There Are No Comprehensive Security Standards

Many smart devices can be exploited because they lack an all-encompassing security standard. When almost anyone can create a network-connected smart device, these devices introduce new vulnerabilities into the system. As your speakers, headphones, and even your refrigerator connect to the network, they become weak points.

Other concerns include a lack of encryption at some points in the network and the fact that 5G technology is so new that not everyone will understand how to stay safe online. Education and implementation on a large scale will be difficult.

Why isn’t 5G just “5G”?

5G is the collective term for this new generation of data technology. However, because it includes various bands and capabilities, network carriers will use other options within 5G. They have already begun to roll out their networks with names that distinguish what they provide.

What Exactly is 5G UW?

Verizon’s version of high-band “mmWave” (millimeter wave) and mid-band 5G is 5G UW. It stands for Ultra Wideband and is also known as 5G UWB. The UW icon may appear on your screen if you are connected to that network while using a Verizon phone.

You may not always get the same band when you use Verizon 5G Ultra Wideband. The speeds vary, but it is still referred to as “5G.” mmWave bands aren’t widely available yet, so expect this to change.

What Does 5G UW Stand For?

5G UW is an abbreviation for 5G Ultra Wideband. It’s a marketing term Verizon uses to describe one type of 5G network. When you see the 5G UW icon in the status bar of your iPhone or Android phone, it means you’re connected to Verizon’s 5G Ultra Wideband network.

When connected to Verizon’s Ultra Wideband network, many Android phones display the 5G UWB icon rather than the 5G UW icon. It is not, however, the same as Apple’s ultra-wideband (UWB). Unlike 5G UW, which corresponds to 5G cellular technology, UWB is a non-cellular wireless technology Apple uses for nearby communication between devices.

Nationwide 5G vs. Ultra Wideband 5G

Verizon uses the term “5G Nationwide” to refer to its low-band 5G service, which is slower than the mid- and high-bands. You are most likely on this lower-tier network if your phone does not display the University of Washington logo. It’s not noticeably faster or better than 4G LTE, and it may be the only 5G available on low-cost phone plans. This is why it’s critical to understand what you’re paying for when upgrading to 5G.

What Exactly is 5G UC?

T-Mobile’s version of 5G, 5G UC, is also known as “Ultra Capacity.” It includes a high-band 5G but relies on the mid-band spectrum with a bandwidth of 2.5 GHz. If you’re within range of one of the towers, your phone will display the 5G UC icon.

What if You See 5G but Not UC?

You’re on a slower, lower-band 5G network. T-Mobile refers to this as “Extended Range,” equivalent to 4G LTE. As the company expands its high-band network, it will most likely become available in more areas.

How About 5G Plus?

AT&T’s 5G Plus service appears as a 5G+ icon and indicates whether you are in mid-band or high-band territory. It’s most common in stadiums and large public gathering places, and you might see 5G Plus available the next time you go to a sporting event or concert.

You’re more likely to connect to the 5G low-band network outside that area. Similarly, if you see 5G E on your phone, you’re connecting to AT&T’s 5G Evolution network, a service that has been fraught with controversy over the years.

Which 5G Technology Is Best?

The best 5G is the 5G that you have access to. Yes, high-band 5G is the fastest and most reliable, but it is still early in the game, and many of the 5G networks that cover most of the country are not yet operational. Mid-band networks can also provide you with fast speeds.
In most cases, the icon on your phone’s screen will indicate whether you are in the mid or high range. You won’t be able to tell which of the two you have unless you look at your download speeds.

What Are the Advantages of 5G UW?

Users will be able to access the fastest 5G speeds available with Verizon’s 5G UW network. That means everything they do on their phone will be much faster, from browsing to streaming to downloading. Users can also stream high-definition audio and video, making it ideal for video calls.

Because 5G UW is so fast, it’s a better bet than public Wi-Fi, especially in stadiums and arenas where poorly secured networks are vulnerable to hacking. Furthermore, 5G UW is designed to be used by a large number of people at the same time, which means that the speed will not be throttled even when there is a crowd. Verizon’s 5G UW is available with its Unlimited Plus plans, including the $75 Prepaid Unlimited Plus plan, 100GB Prepaid Data, and 150GB Prepaid Data.

5G vs. 5G UW vs 5G UC

Despite the fact that 5G has several names, whether you see the 5G, 5G UW, or 5G UC icon on your phone, you are still connected to 5G. However, as previously stated, data speeds will vary depending on which icon you see on your phone.

A regular 5G icon on any of the three major US carriers indicates that you are connected to their low-band 5G network. Low-band 5G networks can cover greater distances but have slower data speeds. In practice, you should expect speeds comparable to 4G LTE.

However, the 5G UW icon indicates connectivity to mmWave or mid-band 5G, so you will experience comparably faster connectivity. Even in the case of 5G UW, the speeds can vary dramatically depending on whether you are connected to mmWave or mid-band 5G. Mid-band 5G networks can reach gigabit speeds, whereas mmWave 5G networks can reach gigabit speeds. However, depending on network congestion, speeds for both 5G networks may be reduced.

If your phone is showing the 5G UW icon and is connected to Verizon’s mmWave or mid-band 5G, you can dial *3001#12345# on any iPhone and select “RAT Servicing Cell Info.” You are connected to mid-band 5G if the band is 77. Otherwise, the numbers 260 and 261 indicate that your phone uses mmWave 5G. Unfortunately, dial numbers for similar band information differ between Android devices. It is, therefore, preferable to use an app such as Signal Spy or Network Cell Info Lite.

5G UC, on the other hand, is T-Mobile’s equivalent of 5G UW. Similarly, you can get insanely fast mmWave speeds or reasonably good mid-band 5G speeds.

What Is the Distinction Between 5G UW, 5GUC, and 5GE?

After the 5G foundation was laid, carriers had to decide which bands they wanted to invest in. Because high-band 5G coverage is limited, all three carriers grouped their high-band and mid-range services. These are the 5G UW, 5GUC, and 5G Plus services. When you connect to one of these networks, an icon of that network appears on your phone.

Verizon’s 5G UW

5G UW stands for 5G Ultra Wideband and refers to Verizon’s high-band and mid-band networks. Its coverage is limited, so finding a reliable UW connection outside of cities will be difficult. If connected to the UW network, the 5G UW icon appears on your phone. It’s difficult to tell whether you’re on a high-band or low-band network, but this shouldn’t be an issue unless you need to download a large file.

Verizon Nationwide, the company’s low-band network, has better coverage than 5G UW. However, it is not significantly faster than 4G LTE, so don’t expect anything spectacular. When you are connected to Nationwide, the 5G icon on your phone will appear.

AT&T’s 5G Plus

T-Mobile’s 5G Ultra Capacity network is limited to major cities and compromises its high-band and mid-band networks. When you’re connected, the 5G UC icon appears on your phone, and, like Verizon, you’ll have to guess whether you’re on the mid-band or high-band network.

If you are not in a 5G UC coverage area, you will likely connect to their 5G Extended Range network instead. This is not much faster than 4G LTE and is indicated on your phone by the 5G icon.

AT&T’s 5G networks are structured similarly to those of T-Mobile and Verizon, but its high-band and mid-band service, 5G Plus, lacks the coverage of 5G UC and 5G UW. You’ll only find it at a few airports and stadiums in the United States, so unless you’re attending an event or flying, you’ll only see their 5G service. When you’re connected to 5G Plus, you’ll see the 5G+ icon.


You may have heard the term 5Ge. This deceptive term referred to AT&T’s 4G LTE service and stood for 5G Evolution. Because of the confusion surrounding this name, it was forced to remove the term from advertising materials. Don’t be misled if you see the 5Ge icon on your phone. It’s the same as 4G LTE.

What Does Android 5G UC Stand For?

Platforms and services supporting voice, video, and data communications across multiple device types are called 5G UC (Unified Communications). 5G UC is a requirement for 5G-capable smartphones such as Android devices. Users can use 5G UC to make phone calls, participate in video conferences, share files, and connect with colleagues worldwide.

Why Isn’t My 5G UC Working?

If you’re having trouble with 5G UC on your phone, it could be due to factors such as signal interference, network congestion, or device compatibility issues. You may need to troubleshoot your phone or contact your service provider for assistance.

What Exactly Does UC Stand For?

UC is an abbreviation for Ultra Capacity. It refers to a specific type of 5G network that offers faster speeds and better connectivity.

What does 5G UC stand for?

5GUC is an abbreviation for 5G Ultra Capacity, a type of 5G network that uses multiple radio frequencies to increase coverage and capacity. Consumers can experience download speeds of up to 10 gigabits per second with 5GUC, making it the best option for large-scale data applications like virtual reality and cloud computing. Furthermore, 5GUC networks are intended to provide a better user experience in areas where high traffic is expected.

What Is the Speed of 5G UC?

5G UC network speeds can vary depending on network coverage, signal strength, and the number of connected devices. In general, 5G UC networks provide faster speeds than other types of 5G networks.

Is 5G UC faster than 4G UC?

Yes, because it is designed to handle a large number of connected devices and high-bandwidth applications, 5G UC is generally faster than other types of 5G networks.


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