Top 9 AWS X-Ray Competitors & Alternatives 2023

AWS X-Ray Competitors & Alternatives
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Developers can carry out performance analysis and debug apps in the AWS interface thanks to the application performance management service AWS X-Ray. Everything you need to know about AWS X-Ray will be covered in this blog, including its popular competitors.

AWS X-Ray 

With the aid of AWS X-Ray, a developer is able to go through and create a service map that displays an application’s architecture, including interdependencies between components. We can use AWS X-Ray to help us comprehend how our application and its key services function so that we can identify and correct the causes of errors and performance issues. AWS X-Ray offers complete visibility of queries as they pass through your application. The X-Ray SDK from AWS:

  • Client handlers to instrument AWS SDK clients that your application uses to call other AWS services 
  • Interceptors to add to your code to track incoming HTTP requests
  • A client for HTTP that may be used to make calls to both internal and external HTTP web services

How Does AWS X-Ray Work?

The following workflow describes how it functions and moves along:

  • Gather Traces: AWS X-Ray collects information from each core service used by an application.
  • Record Traces: It compiles all the information obtained from each service into a single entity known as a trace.
  • View Service Map: Using the trace data, it creates a map of the services your application uses. This offers a visual representation of the trace data for each service, including latencies, HTTP status, and metadata.
  • Consider Issues: Developers can now pinpoint performance, odd application behavior, and root problems after collecting all the traces and forming them into a service map.


AWS X-Ray has the following features:

  • Simple Setup: It works with a number of apps that are operating on Amazon EC2, Amazon ECS (Amazon EC2 Container Service), AWS Elastic Beanstalk, and AWS Lamda. Starting with AWS X-Ray is easy. We just need to install X-Ray and integrate our app with the SDK. Since an X-Ray agent is pre-installed in Amazon EBS, we only need to integrate the X-Ray SDK with our application.
  • End-to-end tracing: It gives an overview of all requests made to our application from beginning to end. Combining the information obtained from many services in your application into a single entity known as a trace, provides you with an application-driven view of requests moving through your application.
  • Service Map: It builds a diagram of the services our application uses, complete with trace data that we can use to spot failures and other problems.
  • Server- and client-side latency detection: Using X-ray, we can visually identify the distribution of node and edge delay from the service map. Also, with this, we can find problems affecting our application and end users immediately. It aids in our comprehension of the application’s functionality.
  • Data filtering and annotation: AWS X-Ray enables you to apply annotations to data released by particular application components or services.
  • We are able to use X-Ray with the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, and AWS SDKs. We can easily export trace data because the X-Ray API allows us to access the service programmatically.
  • It incorporates AWS IAM (AWS Identity and Access Management) in terms of security so that we can control who has access to our traces and what resources.


  • Review request behavior by following user requests throughout the entire application using X-ray tracing. Due to the fact that this request aggregates the data produced by multiple services and resources in your application, we may obtain a complete picture of how our application is performing.
  • Utilizable using AWS: It is compatible with Elastic Beanstalk, Lambda, EC2 Container Service, and Amazon EC2.
  • Identify application problems: Using an X-ray, you may learn how your application is functioning and identify the origins of any problems. Also, we can identify the problems causing performance drops in your application by utilizing X-ray’s tracing capability.
  • Enhance application performance by locating performance bottlenecks with X-ray. You can visualize the connections between resources and services in your application with the aid of the service map feature. By identifying the locations of excessive latencies, you can drill down into specific services and pathways that are hurting application performance.

AWS X-Ray Pricing

With AWS, X-Ray offers a free tier as normal. Every month, the first 100,000 traces that are recorded are free, as are the first 1,000,000 traces that are recovered or scanned. Following that traces received or scanned cost only $0.50 for every 1,000,000 transactions, whereas traces recorded cost $5 for every 1,000,000 transactions.

AWS X-Ray Competitors 

Through our in-depth customer reviews, learn about the best AWS X-Ray alternatives and competitors. The comparison of competing goods reveals how AWS X-Ray differs from its competitors in terms of customer reviews, salient features, advantages, disadvantages, and pricing details. More so, based on how frequently your peers compare each option to AWS X-Ray, the competitors are sorted.

#1. The Splunk Enterprise Security

Splunk Enterprise Security is a SIEM, log management, and IT operations analytics software. The technology lets users manage and secure data in applications, data centers, and the cloud. Additionally, Splunk Enterprise Security enables visibility from various locations, tiers, and devices rather than just one system, giving its consumers flexibility. Splunk Enterprise Security has the ability to monitor data, analyze it, find intrusions, and stop them. Users gain from this since it notifies them of potential intrusions, encourages proactive behavior, and lowers risk factors. 


A pricey option is Splunk Enterprise Security. Depending on the customer’s needs and budget, the price may change. Due to its distinctive characteristics and long-term security compliance, several consumers think the price is reasonable. Others, however, voice reservations about the excessive price and propose that Splunk reduce its costs or provide better discounts. Different license options are available, and the pricing is based on an annual basis. The price scheme is complex, and some consumers have problems calculating data usage fees.

#2. Datadog

Prices for Datadog APM start at $31.0.

This is a cloud-based solution for monitoring apps, event logs, and infrastructure. Users can browse completely dispersed platforms to search, gather, and analyze traces. Also, this aids in focusing from a broad standpoint on one specific customer’s specific line of code or request trace. This program assists in automatically tracking data flows and providing real-time service clustering based on dependencies. Additionally, it offers a machine learning-based Watchdog to automatically discover and reveal issues with no settings. Datadog APM is capable of automatically tracing requests made by any widely used library or framework. Anomalies are immediately visible thanks to integrations with web frameworks like Django, Ruby on Rails, Laravel, and Spring. 


  • The cost of Datadog can be high, especially for smaller businesses, and the pricing structure may be constrained until a certain level is reached. Users should use caution when using custom metrics and haggling rates because the pricing system might be perplexing and complex.
  • Users must be aware of licensing control in order to prevent paying excessive fees because licensing is based on the retention time of logs and data. APM, RAM, and session replays are a few things that can be fairly pricey or quickly become pricey.
  • RUM session replay from Datadog is fairly affordable when compared to other options. 

#3. Dynatrace

The AI-supported software intelligence monitoring platform Dynatrace accelerates digital transformation and simplifies clouds. Dynatrace, a completely automatic full-stack solution, provides statistics and insights into how well your applications are functioning as well as comprehensive information on every transaction, including the end-user experience.


Pricing and license fees for Dynatrace vary and rely on a number of variables, including the sector, location, and client requirements. While some people think the prices are reasonable or somewhat competitive, others think they are too high, especially for small businesses. There are additional charges for on-premise deployments, and licensing prices can be confusing or opaque. However, a lot of consumers think that the solution’s skills and features make the cost worthwhile.

#4. A New Relic

As a flexible tool, New Relic may be tailored to meet the requirements of various businesses. Performance evaluation, time series analysis, infrastructure inspection, synthetic API monitoring, and offering insight into UI performance are some of its main use cases. The widely used application monitoring tool New Relic APM offers detailed transparency of an application’s performance, including database queries, website response times, and page load times. 


User comments on New Relic’s price and license structure vary. Some find it exorbitant due to a weak license arrangement and high full-stack observability fees.Others think the cost is fair because it has a terrific payment system and they only pay for the data they actually use. Users claim that New Relic offers fair rates and bundles while being more cost-effective than rival companies. However, worries exist over additional fees for additional functionality and charging per user ID.

#5. AppDynamics.

AppDynamics is the market leader in APM (application performance monitoring) tools. The solution is made to assist you in immediately identifying application problems so you can quickly identify their underlying causes. AppDynamics also provides seamless traceability and is fully equipped to improve application performance and visibility in a multi-cloud environment. It uses AI to fix application issues and prevent them from happening again. 


The yearly license plan for the pricey product AppDynamics needs improvement. Small and medium-sized enterprises may find it difficult to pay due to the high pricing and intended use for larger organizations. Depending on the scale of the environment being monitored, different locations have different prices; some are affordable, while others are pricey.

Is X-Ray Part of Cloudwatch? 

The AWS suite of monitoring tools includes AWS X-Ray and CloudWatch. While CloudWatch is a monitoring and logging service that offers real-time visibility into AWS resources and applications, AWS X-Ray is a distributed tracing tool that aids developers in the analysis and debugging of distributed applications.

What Is the Difference Between AWS X-Ray and Cloudwatch? 

While CloudWatch is intended to monitor and gather metrics from AWS resources and applications, AWS X-Ray is intended to assist developers in tracking requests across a distributed application and identifying performance issues.

What Are Alternatives to X-Ray Imaging? 

X-rays can be used in addition to or instead of other imaging modalities, such as CT, MRI, and ultrasound scans. X-rays, magnets, or sound waves are used in these scans to produce the images. The kind of imaging done depends on the condition of your child and the need for the imaging.

Is Amazon Cloudwatch a Siem? 

A SIEM is more of a security tool, whereas AWS Cloudwatch is more of a monitoring and log analytics tool.

What Are the Risks of AWS?

Ten typical “security in the cloud” risks that frequently affect AWS users include:

  • Unreliable S3 buckets.
  • IAM privileges. 
  • Unintentionally made public AMIs. 
  • Lack of visibility into cloud security. 
  • Undefined responsibilities and roles. 
  • Unsecured cloud storage for critical information. 
  • faulty configuration weaknesses.


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