Top 20 Best Story Video Games Of All Time

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Finding the best story video games is usually a treat, because, for many gamers, it is the story that ropes them in.

Games stick with people for a variety of reasons. Some people are addicted to the cycle of progression; powering up their character, unlocking new gear, and leveling up. Sometimes, the gameplay could hold enough variety and excitement to keep them hooked for hours. Others might want to see every corner of a game’s expansive open world.

Some gamers, however, only play games for their story. They want an interactive narrative that they can be a part of and be whisked away by. These games are more than just gameplay; they also have excellent stories that are mechanically strong and well-designed experiences.

Hence, without further ado, in no particular order, here are some of the best story video games of all time.

20 Best Story Video Games Of All Time

The Last of Us: Part 1

It says a lot about The Last of Us’ story that the very best scenes from the HBO TV adaptation were ripped shot for shot, word for word, directly from the game. The fact that a video game story from 2013 has been proven, without a shadow of a doubt, to be as good as, if not better than, any prestige drama you’ll find on TV or the big screen a decade after its initial release is astounding.

All of the franchise’s success is thanks to Neil Druckmann and the team at Naughty Dog, who crafted a timeless lone-wolf-and-cub tale that explores the most grotesque yet relatable aspects of human nature in the most poetic way. Joel and Ellie are the most layered, psychologically complex, fully-realized video game protagonists ever created. As their relationship develops over the course of their odyssey toward “the light,” we get to know them and their deepest fears so intimately that, when the game’s tragic finale comes, we are shocked, but we also understand precisely where they’re both coming from.

It’ll be hard for any game to top The Last of Us’ story, as it is undoubtedly one of the best story video games of all time. However, what is exciting is that it has raised the bar for the medium and will influence and inspire the evolution of storytelling in games for years to come. 

The Wolf Among Us

Using established stories can sometimes be a risky venture. Fans often treat source material as sacred truths, not to be tampered with. But it takes a bold developer to take a classic tale and reweave it into a tapestry that delights the imagination of gamers.

Such is the case of The Wolf Among Us.

Telltale Games takes the classic story of Little Red Riding Hood and retells it into something special. It’s a short game – barely ten hours long. However, it has a lot of DLC after gaining a cult following with a story that keeps characters in the spotlight.

God of War (2018)

Best Story Video Games

God of War games are usually known more for their action segments than their stories, at least historically speaking. And while this is not to say their narratives were bad, they just never matched the gameplay.

The soft reboot changed that.

God of War (2018) follows Kratos fulfilling his wife’s dying request to spread her ashes from the highest peak in existence. The journey is complicated by the presence of Atreus and the even greater presence of the obvious emotional gap between father and son. The story quickly evolves into a gripping road trip-style story where Kratos has to not only come to connect with Atreus but also come to terms with his past and a future where he is no longer around to guide Atreus.

While the game tells a solid story on its own, God of War veterans will get more out of it thanks to their firsthand knowledge of Kratos’ history. It is an absolutely incredible recontextualization of the franchise’s lore that feels like both a piece of a whole and also a clear standout.

The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt

Best Story Video Games

Open-world games are known for their depth of content. The larger a game’s world, the more side quests developers can fit into it, plus stories. Well, The Witcher 3: The Wild Hunt definitely delivers in this regard.

The game’s narrative is fairly simple – players control Geralt, everyone’s favorite witcher, as he searches for his adoptive daughter Ciri. However, despite its simplicity, Wild Hunt offers some of the densest narrative content per square inch you’ll ever find in such a game.

The main plot is well-written and full of equally compelling characters. Also, the game is highly replayable because players can make tons of choices throughout their journey, which twists the plot in a myriad of unexpected ways.

However, the secret sauce of The Witcher 3 is its side content. The game is well inundated with optional quests and stories that expand on the game world. Many of these bite-sized stories meet or even exceed the main narrative’s quality, thus making it one of the best story video games of all time.

Starcraft II

Most RTS games are not story-driven. Then again, most of those games aren’t Starcraft II, with tons of impactful cutscenes and even a few choices to make along the way.

Beyond the universe-saving story about defeating Amon, this is a game with tremendous characters of different origins. The side characters from Abathur to Swann (one of the best mechanics in gaming) are memorable and give the gameplay a purpose besides mere entertainment.

Planescape: Torment

Lots of games have morality systems, but they usually only affect the surface of the experience, e.g., character skills or potential allies. Planescape: Torment, however, does not just use a morality system. It orbits around one to ask its central narrative question:

“What can change the nature of a man?”

Planescape: Torment tells the story of an amnesiac who wakes up in a mortuary. He has no idea of who he was or why he was mistaken for a corpse, and while the trope of an amnesiac protagonist is overused, for the Nameless One, it is woven into his identity. He is a blank slate that players can mold, surrounded by charming and witty characters who change with him.

At its core, Planescape: Torment is one big mystery. Who was the Nameless One previously? Can you trust the people around him? Can you even trust the Nameless One? Every new plot twist answers some questions but asks new ones, and some even make you reconsider whether you can even believe previous revelations.

The sheer scope and worldbuilding of Planescape: Torment only accentuate the narrative, resulting in a title that will leave players wanting more while second-guessing every decision.

Portal 2

Best Story Video Games

Portal 2 is a masterclass on how one can apply complex storytelling to even the simplest concepts. The rogue AI GLaDOS was already an iconic character by the end of the first Portal, but turning her into an unlikely partner (in the form of a potato) somehow made her even better in the sequel. And Wheatley’s incompetence makes him an even more intimidating villain. 

Also, let us not forget J.K. Simmons’ pitch-perfect vocal performance as Aperture CEO Cave Johnson. While giving plenty of backstory on what led to the events of Portal, his monologue about lemons is one of the greatest to ever appear in any game.

This is the rare game that will have you laughing out loud until the very end, yet it’s the hints of grander mythos and shocking emotional beats that will stay with you long after the laughs have faded.

What Remains Of Edith Finch

For a game that is just over two hours long, you will not be able to stop talking about What Remains of Edith Finch, even after years after completing it. The dark aesthetic and the story about a curse that causes family members to meet early and unfortunate ends attract gamers like nothing else.

Games that are generally “dark” and “sad” are common, but what makes the narrative work here is the refreshing and unexpected message at the end. No one has the power to stave off death forever. This is the curse of humanity and it’s that very curse of temporary nature that precisely makes the strive to live all the more wonderful.

As Dusk Falls

Best Story Video Games

It is strange a game devoid of nearly any gameplay besides making choices manages to get the heart racing so quickly. Even the graphics are stills of painted characters in non-dynamic rooms, yet the story is so strong that it feels like an action movie unfolding.

The story is mutable by the player or players, as the game allows multiplayer decision-making. The characters do relatable things, even the villains. At times, it’s hard to tell which “side” to root for. Not many games can boast of exploring the grey area as well as As Dusk Falls.

Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic

Best Story Video Games

So many things make Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic a great Star Wars story. The characters are rough around the edges and relatable, and traversing the galaxy on the Ebon Hawk makes the game feel decidedly on-brand. It is as incredible of a Star Wars tale as we can ask for in all the ways we typically look at and judge Star Wars tales.

All of the classic Star Wars elements are here, but let’s be honest. What makes this particular space opera stand out from the rest is the earth-shattering plot twist, which changes the story completely. It’s not just one of the best surprises in Star Wars franchise history; it’s one of the best twists in gaming history.

It is one of the best story video games of all time, and also the main reason BioWare’s modern classic is held in high regard by fans to this day.

Final Fantasy 16

Best Story Video Games

Heralded by some as the next step in the evolution of the Final Fantasy series and by others as a narrative-heavy roadblock, one cannot deny that the sixteenth entry in the long-running, epic series packs an emotional punch when it comes to its narrative.

Without giving spoilers, Final Fantasy 16 sets the stage for large battles and heart-wrenching deaths thanks to Valisthea’s conflict with the Eikons (and the Dominants who are imbued with their gifts). Magic users do not have the easiest of times here, and that’s saying something in a world that’s rife with magic. Say what you will about FF16’s place in the series’ legacy, but this game’s story will make you cheer, weep, groan in despair, and stare slack-jawed in amazement.

What more could you want from a Final Fantasy game?

Horizon Forbidden West

Best Story Video Games

It should have been impossible to come up with a sequel that could compete with the fascinating story and shocking plot twist found in Horizon Zero Dawn. But somehow, Horizon Forbidden West keeps the plot just as urgent and adds characters as strong as the ones in the prequel.

Better still, there was a feeling as Aloy went to another area that she’d be leaving her old friends and rivals for new ones. Not so! Conversely, the story is tough to follow for those who haven’t played the first game owing to how well the cast is integrated from the first game to the next.

Disco Elysium

Disco Elysium imbues its fictional society with fantastical quirks to distract from its sharp-edged commentary. That is until we realize we’re totally hooked on the plot.

Our protagonist is a cop: an ironic choice to lead a story about one man’s praxis in a world shattered by ideologues of all kinds. Despite the interpretations we put on his personality, he has a job to do, and it is about much more than a lynching behind a union bar. The game gives plenty to think about as we speak with capitalist cronies and opportunistic comrades.

Though its plot is linear, there are multiple unique ways to progress, making it into a story we’ll be happy to replay for years to come. It is one of the best story video games of all time.

Come to Revachol for the mental illness and crippling alcoholism! Stay for its Rorschach-style method of introspection, where every decision you make as the player may end up saying more about you than the wasted detective you are controlling.


Best Story Video Games

It is a popular belief that horror games usually go light when it comes to an interesting narrative. While horror titles are adept at delivering intriguing premises, it can be rare that a scary hook follows through with a superb narrative.

Soma, from the developers behind Amnesia: The Dark Descent, is a fantastic horror game that comes complete with one of the most philosophical stories in a video game yet.

As you make your way through the leaking and creaking hallways of abandoned underwater facilities, you’ll find yourself questioning what it means to be human and the value we place upon the concept of “humanity.” It’s almost easy to forget there are shambling, structure-gel-filled monsters lurking around the corner when you’re pondering the big questions about life.


Life Is Strange

After a misunderstanding with the police and a strange explosion, two brothers Daniel and Sean are forced to flee as fugitives. During their hunt, Daniel discovers that he has a special ability: he can use the power of his mind to move objects.

The episodic game of Life Is Strange 2 might not be filled to the brim with action, but it’s an incredible work of art and storytelling nonetheless. The game focuses on the choices the player makes, which will ultimately determine the outcome at the end. Puzzle-solving and dialogue choices aside, the characters alone and their touching bond are what make this game so good story-wise.

Silent Hill 2

Whenever people discuss the subject of why people love horror so much, the idea that people “enjoy being scared” inevitably comes up. And while there is obviously some truth to that, people who say that are probably just talking about funhouse scares. Things that go “boo!” and give us a quick thrill.

It’s not that the same idea doesn’t apply to deeper, darker, more psychological forms of horror; instead, the interpretation of that idea is different. What if we don’t love being scared so much as we secretly crave some kind of punishment? 

This is one of the many thematic ideas that Silent Hill 2 explores. As Harry Mason, you follow a letter from your seemingly dead wife into the depths of the town of Silent Hill. There, you will experience a truly masterful blend of pre-set and dynamic narrative concepts that makes it one of the best story video games of all time.. 

Silent Hill 2 doesn’t make Henry Mason a blank slate. He has his own personality, his own story, and his own fears. Indeed, we watch those fears manifest themselves throughout the town and take the form of various monsters and other horrors. However, Silent Hill 2 is very much your own story.

How you choose to play the game is reflected in the story in subtle ways that most players will never realize during the course of the game. Thoughts of suicide, sexual repression, a desire to undo the past… it is difficult to untangle the knot that binds Harry Mason to the player. Indeed, some may even find more peace in accepting that the connection is too strong to properly be broken. 


Spiritfarer is an engaging game that appeals to both amateurs and intermediate gamers. Featuring the main character Stella and her cat Daffodil, it is impossible not to be charmed by this cute art with management and platforming elements as they solve the problems of adorable animals struggling to make sense of their life as they journey to the other side.

However, the game is far more than looking and death with a joyful lens. Many of the creatures are symbols of people we know in life that hit too close to home. We can never fully understand someone else’s struggles and successes without walking in their shoes. Stella learns to walk in their shoes and, in doing so, realizes that she still has another journey to make in her own shoes.

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End

Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End is not only a cinematic masterpiece. It also serves as a fitting end to one of gaming’s very best heroes.

Each of Nathan Drake’s four fantastic outings features wonderful storytelling. However, it is his last that truly highlights his personal growth while also providing a bit more insight into his past and his relationships with those closest to him. Drake must contend with his past as a mass murderer and reconcile it with non-lethal options he might have had while still forgiving himself.

Chrono Trigger

Best Story Video Games

Chrono Trigger is a surprisingly straightforward story about time travel and saving the world. However, it has carved out a special place in gaming history, because it is just so incredibly well told.

Part of the game’s magic is in the eras you visit. These range from the prehistoric and the medieval to the far-flung future, and, eventually, the very end of the world. Through it all, we come to know and love Chrono Trigger‘s incredible cast of characters.

And then the whole thing wraps up with one of 13 different endings; an impressive accomplishment for the time that has lost little power over the years. Regardless of which ending you get, the story feels like it’s come to a satisfying conclusion.

It is rare for a game to include so much optional content, and for it all to be so well written and tied together so perfectly. And that’s really the ultimate genius of Chrono Trigger. Even with its lofty narrative goals, it remains incredibly well-paced and focused, ultimately resulting in a masterpiece of a story that appropriately stands the test of time.

God of War: Ragnarok

The concept of Ragnarok, the unavoidable demise of the Norse pantheon, has been overplayed and butchered across multiple gaming and entertainment mediums. This increased the risk of being a sequel to one of the best games in a franchise all the higher when the title God Of War Ragnarok was mentioned.

It turns out that introducing a new well-designed cast of characters and showing their admirable fight against fate was exactly what the franchise needed. The story reaches miserable lows and soaring highs that will make gamers both cry and celebrate as they complete the journey, making it one of the best story video games of all time.

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