Top 11 Best Multicloud Management Platforms 2023

Multicloud Management Platforms
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Multi-cloud management involves keeping track of, safeguarding and improving workloads and applications across numerous public clouds. A multi-cloud management solution provides a consolidated platform for cross-cloud deployment monitoring, security, and optimization. This article discusses what distinguishes between hybrid, Flexera, and multi-cloud management platforms, as well as the best multi-cloud management platform for your business.

MultiCloud Management Platforms 

A set of tools and methods known as multi-cloud management enables a firm to monitor and safeguard workloads and applications across many public clouds. IT teams may manage numerous clouds from a single interface with the help of a multi-cloud management platform solution that supports several cloud platforms (like AWS and Azure) and cutting-edge tools like Kubernetes. 

Most companies today employ a variety of public cloud service providers. By doing this, the company may maximize cloud utilization and prices and take advantage of the relative strengths of each provider while reducing its dependency on any one vendor. However, the more cloud providers an organization utilizes, the harder it is to manage them. Multi-cloud management platform methods and solutions aim to streamline and simplify administration by providing a centralized platform that interfaces with other technologies.

Programmers can choose the optimal cloud environment for their applications by using the self-service resource access that many multicloud management platform solutions provide. Some solutions offer business continuity/disaster recovery options and migration capabilities. 

Advantages of Multicloud Management Platform

A robust multicloud management platform offers numerous benefits, such as:

  • Less stress on IT teams: A multi-cloud management solution enables IT teams to manage applications and workloads across different clouds more efficiently by providing centralized, simplified management.
  • Visibility: In a complicated environment spanning many cloud providers, it can be challenging to keep track of workloads and determine what is operating where without multi-cloud management. In order to help businesses profit from multi-cloud, a strong multi-cloud management system provides insight throughout the entire multi-cloud infrastructure.
  • Security: It can be difficult to maintain uniform security rules across cloud providers, and multi-cloud complexity can result in security flaws and a larger attack surface. IT teams can deal with possible security risks proactively rather than reactively by using a controlled approach. Additionally, security monitoring, automation, and the ability to enforce security policies across platforms are all capabilities that the finest multi-cloud management solutions provide, which considerably ease the difficulties of maintaining your environment’s security.
  • Cost management: While many companies use a multi-cloud strategy to benefit from discounts and cost reductions provided by several cloud providers, it’s easy to lose track of costs in the more complex environment created by a multi-cloud setup. Your company may monitor prices and consumption with multi-cloud management, and some platforms even utilize intelligent data analysis to improve cost management.
  • Increased availability: It is only one of the numerous benefits that companies looking to adopt a multi-cloud strategy want. However, for IT teams to truly take advantage of multi-cloud, they must be able to replicate and smoothly transition workloads when one environment fails. That is made possible by multi-cloud management that is effective

Best MultiCloud Management Platforms 

Though not all tools are made equal, I’ll discuss the greatest multi-cloud management platforms available today and what makes them so amazing in this section.

#1. Scalr

With enterprise scale in consideration, Scalr assists in standardizing consumption, managing expenses, and freeing customers from vendor lock-in so they may select the best cloud services for their requirements. The finest feature is that it enables you to design your own unique policies that allow you to develop a compliant multi-cloud environment by implementing these policies. It offers unequaled flexibility and efficiency. 

Best For

Large enterprises with numerous departments, offices, and sites to handle can greatly benefit from using this cloud management platform. Its most noteworthy clients include NASA JPL, Xerox, Samsung, the FDA, and Sephora, and it is regarded as a “leader” in the industry by both Gartner and Forrester. 

#2. The IBM Multicloud Manager

Organizations can manage environments across several Kubernetes clusters and clouds thanks to the IBM Multicloud Manager. You have more control over automation when you combine all environments into one view. Emerging technologies like Artificial Intelligence and the posting of Rubbernecks clusters on a single dashboard page set the IBM multi-cloud platform apart from other cloud management solutions. In comparison to other platforms on the market, it is also simpler to use.

Best For

Small teams with branches all worldwide that want to have more oversight over what’s going on in their organization will find this to be an excellent tool.

#3. The Nutanix Beam

A multi-cloud management platform called Nutanix Beam gives businesses insights into how they use the cloud and offers ways to save costs and ensure security compliance. The software gives customized recommendations to ensure optimal cloud utilization by recognizing idle and underutilized resources. Additionally, machine learning algorithms might recommend purchases that result in significant cost reductions.

Best For

The platform works best for cloud teams who want to reduce costs and gain better visibility into their spending, particularly when using Amazon Web Services as their cloud service provider. 

#4. Flexera Cloud Management Platform 

The cloud management application Flexera offers a potent selection of features to make it simpler to manage cloud costs across various cloud platforms. Additionally, it provides capabilities for governance, orchestration, automation, operational monitoring, and provisioning based on templates. The onboarding process is easy, the documentation is comprehensive, and the support team is simply a phone call or email away. It’s a very stable platform that can handle several deployments.

Best For

Small and medium-sized businesses that require a strong orchestration engine and the capacity to automate operations should consider Flexera.

#5. Cloudify

With the use of pre-existing toolchains, Cloudify, another open-source multi-cloud orchestration platform, enables the automation of all clouds from a single access point. 

Along with the efficiency of the uploading and downloading of the material contributed to the system (which works better than other platforms that are slower and create numerous issues), Python support is a significant benefit.

Best For 

Deploying network services is where Cloudify shines. Additionally, the support staff is very educated and friendly, and the system is quite simple to use (particularly with the widgets).

Hybrid Cloud Management Platform 

In an on-premises data center, a hybrid cloud management platform combines the management of the hardware resources of several public clouds with private clouds. Many businesses have data security policies that forbid the remote hosting of particular data or software code on equipment by third parties. A hybrid cloud management platform maintains the functionality of legacy equipment while enabling businesses to increase capacity by incorporating public cloud resources, despite the fact that the public cloud paradigm successfully undermines the traditional image of a private corporate data center. Nowadays, support for aaS/PaaS apps essential to everyday workflow and productivity is present in many enterprise hybrid cloud networks.

Benefits of Hybrid Cloud Management Platform

Flexibility is the main advantage of a hybrid cloud. Therefore, businesses can choose whether to run their workloads on public or private clouds. For optimal benefit, they can also split up the workload between these two settings. Let’s examine all the advantages of using a hybrid cloud.

  • Cloud infrastructure provides instant access to real-time data at a cheaper cost than on-premises equipment. As a result, more companies are adopting the cloud, and they are selecting PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service) and SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) services. Therefore, one of the main benefits of the cloud that is attracting more enterprises is quick data access.
  • Security and scalability may be balanced through hybrid cloud administration. As a result, a hybrid cloud enables businesses to utilize quick scaling while maintaining a high level of security.
  • Another benefit of the hybrid cloud is that enterprises can migrate workloads from a public cloud to a private cloud and vice versa with little to no downtime.
  • A centralized management system with a hybrid cloud makes it feasible to integrate robust security features like encryption, user access control, and more.

Challenges of Hybrid Cloud Management Platform

Hybrid cloud operations come with a lot of advantages, but they also have certain drawbacks. Here are a few difficulties that hybrid cloud administration could bring up:

#1. Security of Data and Compliance

One of the reasons why many firms don’t seem overly enthusiastic about cloud services is the rising concern about data breaches and security risks. Similar to how on-premises infrastructure is less secure than public and private clouds, so is data between them. They have additional reservations about the cloud due to security regulations.

#2. Issues with Compatibility

Compatibility problems with tools and apps develop when a company uses hybrid cloud solutions, which combine public and private clouds. There are greater odds of tool and process incompatibility, which could necessitate the purchase of new tools.

#3. Norms of Government

A company will need a new governance strategy to control access and resources once a hybrid model is in place. The governance structure must be in charge of controlling network access, resource sharing, on-demand services, and other policies.

#4. Skills Necessary

The internal data centers of an organization are familiar to system and network administrators. However, they must adhere to the demands of the cloud, and vice versa. An organization can explore further options in this position, such as IT staff augmentation, to obtain outside expertise for their services.

#5. Complexity Scaling

One advantage of a hybrid cloud is scaling. The issue, however, occurs when an application needs more capacity and is created behind a company’s firewall. Reengineering the data will be an option, in that case, to utilize the cloud capacity and maintain security as well.

Flexera Cloud Management Platform

Users of the Flexera Cloud Management Platform have access to a potent method of controlling and managing clouds. Users can combine and manage various cloud services, as well as their level of privacy, from a single location. The Flexera cloud management platform offers templates that help its clients’ clouds improve their structure and functionality. 

Cost optimization is provided via automation, which is also utilized to calculate an enterprise’s security and operational costs. This platform allows control to be extended to data centers and tenants in addition to clouds. It may operate using the default templates as well as configuration tools like Terraform. 

Users can monitor their servers and apps on the Flexera cloud management platform, get alerts, and launch intricate activities that are automated in advance to deal with the situation. Automated backups and failovers also eliminate the possibility of user data loss. This guarantees that clients will always be able to access their data without issue. Customers may prevent security concerns that are harmful to the organization thanks to the unique capacity of Flexera cloud management solutions to identify architecturally inadequate networking and insecure data storage.

Features of the Flexera Cloud Management Platform

These are the complete features:

  • Automation of Capacity Analytics Tasks
  • Management of several clouds
  • API Integration for Compliance Management Contracts (SLA Management) Budget Tracking (Job Costing)
  • Tools for Collaboration
  • Dashboard

How Do You Manage a Multi-Cloud Environment? 

Businesses should plan, develop, and manage their multi-cloud environment by adhering to the following list of 10 essential procedures.

  • Workload mapping for cloud services
  • Include principles for hybrid clouds
  • Streamline the management of vendors
  • Basics of centralized IT governance for hybrid cloud environment management
  • Encourage adoption and usefulness
  • Make a thorough integration framework.
  • Standardized service levels
  • Create uniform security policies
  • Reassess your DR plan.
  • Utilize analytics to drive ongoing improvement

Is Multi-Cloud a Good Idea? 

Instead of relying on one provider, multi-cloud can offer more flexibility, scalability, and redundancy. By enabling you to benefit from the finest features and prices offered by each provider, it can also assist you in avoiding vendor lock-in and lowering expenditures.

What Is the Downside of Multi-Cloud? 

Utilizing services from several different suppliers can become complicated and challenging to maintain. Each supplier has a unique setup procedure, and improper management of them could compromise a company’s agility.

Is Azure a Multi-Cloud? 

With Azure, you can innovate everywhere in your on-premises, multi-cloud, and edge settings in a comprehensive, frictionless, and more secure way.


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