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  1. Silverfort
  2. Services Silverfort Offers
    1. #1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    2. #2. Risk-Based Authentication
    3. #3. Secure Access Management
    4. #4. Agentless and Proxyless Architecture
    5. #5. Adaptive Authentication Engine
    6. #6. Unified Identity Protection Platform
    7. #7. Integration with Identity Providers
    8. #8. Compliance and Privacy
    9. #9. Continuous Authentication
    10. #10. Privileged Access Management (PAM)
  3. Benefits of Silverfort
    1. #1. Enhanced Security
    2. #2. Unified Identity Protection
    3. #3. Adaptive Authentication
    4. #4. Compliance and Audit Support
    5. #5. Improved User Experience
    6. #6. Real-Time Threat Detection and Response
    7. #7. Secure Remote Access
    8. #8. Patternless Detection of Lateral Movement Attacks
    9. #9. Adaptive Authentication
    10. #10. Collaborative Environment
  4. Silverfort Extension
  5. Features of Silverfort Extension
    1. #1. Extend Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)
    2. #2. Discover and Protect Service Accounts
    3. #3.  Integration with Azure Active Directory
    4. #4. Integration with Security Graph API
    5. #5. Integration with SIEM and Security Analytics
    6. #6. Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration
    7. #7. Compliance and Audit Trail
    8. #8 User-friendly Dashboard and Reporting
    9. #9. Easy Deployment and Configuration
    10. #10. Secure Privileged Access
  6. Silverfort Documentation
    1. #1. Installation and Configuration Guides
    2. #2. User Guides
    3. #3. API Documentation
    4. #4. Administrator Guides
    5. #5. Integration Guides
    6. #6. Release Notes
    7. #7. Product Overviews
    8. #8. Security Best Practices
    9. #9. Compliance and Regulatory Guides
    10. #10. Training and Certification Materials
  7. Silverfort Competitors
    1. #1. Duo Security
    2. #2. Okta
    3. #3. Microsoft Azure AD
    4. #4. Ping Identity
    5. #5. CyberArk PAS
    6. #6. RSA SecurID
    7. #7. Auth0
    8. #8. OneLogin
    9. #9. Google Cloud Identity
    10. #10. Centrify
  8. What Is Silverfort Used For?
  9. How Does Silverfort Work?
  10. What Is The Value Of Silverfort?
  11. Who Is The Owner Of Silverfort?
  12. How Many Employees Does Silverfort Have?
  13. Conclusion
  14. Related Articles
  15. References

To foster security solutions for users. Silverfort has built a unified identity protection platform that provides multi-factor authentication (MFA) and password management solutions. Silverfort offers a secure authentication and access policy platform that in turn provides monitoring of authentication and access requests without agents or proxies, risk-based authentication, single sign-on (SSO), and more. Silver Fort has several features and pricing options, including, competitors in the global market, which are discussed in this article.


Silverfort is a company that offers a Unified Identity Protection platform that includes a range of security controls to protect corporate networks and cloud environments. Their platform focuses on authentication and access policy, with features such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), risk-based authentication, and secure access management.

The Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) solution requires multiple factors of authentication to verify identities, enhancing security. It also offers user-friendly policy management, allowing organizations to define and enforce access policies. Silverfort offers a range of security solutions and services to help organizations protect their networks, cloud environments, and identities.

Services Silverfort Offers

Silverfort offers the following 

#1. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

Silverfort provides a robust MFA solution that requires users to provide multiple factors of authentication to verify their identities. This helps protect against unauthorized access and enhances security.

#2. Risk-Based Authentication

Silverfort’s platform includes risk-based authentication capabilities, allowing organizations to assess the risk level associated with each access request. This helps provide an additional layer of security by dynamically adjusting authentication requirements based on risk factors.

#3. Secure Access Management

Silverfort offers secure access management features, enabling organizations to manage and control user access to various resources across their networks and cloud environments. This helps enforce access policies and reduce the risk of unauthorized access.

#4. Agentless and Proxyless Architecture

Silverfort’s platform is designed to be agentless and proxyless, making it easier to deploy and manage across different systems and environments. This architecture allows for seamless integration with existing infrastructure without the need for additional agents or proxies.

#5. Adaptive Authentication Engine

Silverfort incorporates an advanced AI-based adaptive authentication engine. This engine can use alerts from third-party security solutions and provide comprehensive authentication capabilities based on real-time risk analysis.

#6. Unified Identity Protection Platform

Silverfort offers a Unified Identity Protection Platform that helps organizations close both detection and prevention gaps in their security strategies. It provides high-precision risk-based analysis, conditional access, and multi-factor authentication policies to cover all resources in hybrid enterprise environments.

#7. Integration with Identity Providers

Silverfort integrates with various identity providers, such as Okta and Active Directory, to enhance identity threat monitoring and provide seamless authentication and access management across different systems.

#8. Compliance and Privacy

Silverfort complies with privacy regulations, such as the EU-U.S. DPF and the Swiss-U.S. DPF. They also offer privacy-focused features to protect sensitive data and ensure compliance with data protection requirements.

#9. Continuous Authentication

Silverfort provides continuous authentication capabilities, user sessions are continuously monitored for any suspicious activity or anomalies. This helps detect and respond to potential threats instantaneously.

#10. Privileged Access Management (PAM)

Silverfort offers privileged access management features, allowing organizations to manage and secure privileged accounts and access to critical systems and resources. This helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of privileged account misuse.

Benefits of Silverfort

Silverfort benefits collectively help organizations enhance their security posture, streamline identity management processes, and improve user productivity while maintaining compliance with regulatory requirements.

The benefits of Silverfort include 

#1. Enhanced Security

Silverfort offers enhanced security by implementing Identity-Based Zero Trust, which focuses on continuously authenticating users and devices. This approach reduces the risks associated with stolen credentials and compromised accounts.

#2. Unified Identity Protection

Silverfort’s Unified Identity Protection Platform provides a comprehensive solution for identity and access management. It enables organizations to manage and secure user identities, devices, and applications across various environments. 

#3. Adaptive Authentication

The adaptive authentication features built into Silverfort dynamically evaluate the risk of each authentication attempt based on the user’s behavior, location, and device. This adaptive approach allows organizations to apply appropriate security measures. 

#4. Compliance and Audit Support

Silverfort helps organizations meet compliance requirements by providing robust identity and access management capabilities. It enables organizations to enforce access policies, monitor user activity, and generate comprehensive reports for audit purposes. 

#5. Improved User Experience

Silverfort’s authentication solutions are designed to balance security with user convenience. By providing flexible and user-friendly authentication options, Silverfort improves the overall user experience without compromising security.

#6. Real-Time Threat Detection and Response

Silverfort continuously monitors user access and authentication events in real time. By leveraging user behavior analytics and threat intelligence integration, it can quickly identify and respond to potential threats. 

#7. Secure Remote Access

Silverfort enables secure remote access to corporate resources, supporting remote work and external collaborations. It ensures that remote users connect securely to networks and applications, protecting sensitive data and preventing unauthorized access.

#8. Patternless Detection of Lateral Movement Attacks

Silverfort utilizes patternless detection methods to identify lateral movement attacks. This advanced approach helps detect and mitigate threats without relying on predefined patterns, enhancing the overall security of the system.

#9. Adaptive Authentication

Across all business networks, Silverfort offers adaptive authentication. To dynamically assess the danger of each authentication attempt, it makes use of AI-driven risk engines. 

#10. Collaborative Environment

Working with Silverfort fosters a collaborative environment. This collaborative atmosphere promotes teamwork and knowledge sharing, contributing to a positive work experience.

Silverfort Extension

Silverfort has a Chrome extension that works in conjunction with their Next-Gen Authentication Platform. This extension enables multi-factor authentication (MFA) and extends MFA protection to various resources and access points. It allows organizations to implement stronger security measures by adding an extra layer of verification to user authentication.

Features of Silverfort Extension

#1. Extend Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)

The Silverfort Extension allows organizations to extend MFA protection to previously unprotectable systems and resources. It enables the implementation of MFA for legacy systems, IoT devices, and other resources that may not have built-in MFA capabilities.

#2. Discover and Protect Service Accounts

The extension automates the discovery and protection of service accounts. Securing these accounts with MFA helps prevent unauthorized access and reduces the risk of credential-based attacks.

#3.  Integration with Azure Active Directory

The Silverfort Extension integrates with Microsoft Azure Active Directory. This integration allows organizations to extend Azure MFA to any resource, enhancing identity security across the environment.

#4. Integration with Security Graph API

The Silverfort Extension can leverage the Microsoft Security Graph API to enhance security capabilities. This enables organizations to access additional security insights and leverage the power of the graph to make more informed authentication decisions.

#5. Integration with SIEM and Security Analytics

The Silverfort Extension integrates with Security Information and Event Management (SIEM) systems and security analytics platforms. Organizations can centralize and correlate authentication data with other security events, enabling better visibility and analysis of identity-related threats.

#6. Single Sign-On (SSO) Integration

The extension can integrate with single sign-on solutions, providing seamless and secure access to multiple applications with a single set of credentials. This simplifies the user experience while maintaining strong authentication and access controls.

#7. Compliance and Audit Trail

Silverfort’s extension helps organizations meet compliance requirements by providing detailed audit trails and logs of authentication events. These logs can be used for forensic analysis, compliance reporting, and investigations.

#8 User-friendly Dashboard and Reporting

The extension offers a user-friendly dashboard that provides administrators with a comprehensive view of authentication events, user activity, and security insights. It also generates detailed reports and analytics to assist with compliance audits and security assessments.

#9. Easy Deployment and Configuration

The Silverfort Extension is designed to be easy to deploy and configure within existing environments. It offers flexible deployment options, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid environments, to meet the specific needs of organizations.

#10. Secure Privileged Access

The Silverfort Extension helps organizations secure privileged access by enforcing multi-factor authentication for privileged accounts. It adds an extra layer of protection to critical systems and sensitive data, ensuring that only authorized personnel can access and manage privileged accounts.

Silverfort Documentation

Silverfort Documentation is the collection of resources, guides, manuals, and technical documentation provided by Silverfort, a cybersecurity company specializing in authentication and access management. This documentation aims to help users understand and effectively utilize the features and capabilities of Silverfort’s products and solutions.

The Silverfort documentation includes the following:

#1. Installation and Configuration Guides

These guides provide step-by-step instructions for installing and setting up Silverfort’s products and solutions in various environments, such as on-premises or cloud-based systems.

#2. User Guides

User guides offer comprehensive information on how to use Silverfort’s products and solutions. They provide instructions on performing common tasks, managing user accounts, configuring policies, and troubleshooting issues.

#3. API Documentation

If Silverfort provides an application programming interface (API) for integration with other systems or custom development, the API documentation will provide details on how to use the API, including available endpoints, request/response formats, and authentication mechanisms.

#4. Administrator Guides

Administrator guides focus on the configuration and management of Silverfort’s solutions from an administrative perspective. They cover topics such as user provisioning, policy management, reporting, and monitoring.

#5. Integration Guides

Integration guides provide instructions on integrating Silverfort’s products and solutions with other third-party systems or technologies, such as identity providers, single sign-on solutions, or security information and event management (SIEM) systems.

#6. Release Notes

Release notes highlight the new features, enhancements, bug fixes, and known issues in each version of Silverfort’s products. They provide an overview of the changes introduced in each release.

#7. Product Overviews

These documents provide an overview of Silverfort’s products and solutions. They explain the key features, benefits, and use cases, helping users understand how Silverfort can enhance their organization’s security and authentication processes.

#8. Security Best Practices

Silverfort Documentation often includes best practices guides that offer recommendations and guidelines for securing your environment effectively. 

#9. Compliance and Regulatory Guides

Documentation includes information on how Silverfort’s products align with industry regulations and compliance standards. This can help organizations ensure they meet the necessary security requirements and understand how Silverfort can assist in compliance efforts.

#10. Training and Certification Materials

Silverfort offers training and certification programs to help users become proficient in using their products. Documentation includes training materials, study guides, and resources to support users in their learning journey.

Silverfort Competitors

Silverfort, as an authentication and access management platform, has several competitors in the market. The selection of a suitable challenge depends on the unique needs and preferences of an organization. Each of these solutions has unique advantages and characteristics. 

Some of the competitors and alternatives to Silverfort are as follows:

#1. Duo Security

Duo Security is a cloud-based multi-factor authentication platform that provides strong authentication and access controls. It offers a range of authentication methods, including push notifications, SMS, phone calls, and hardware tokens. 

#2. Okta

Okta is an identity and access management (IAM) platform that provides single sign-on (SSO), multi-factor authentication (MFA), and user lifecycle management. It offers a wide range of identity services.

#3. Microsoft Azure AD

Azure Active Directory (Azure AD) integrates with Microsoft tools and services, making it a popular choice for organizations already using Microsoft technologies. Azure AD offers features such as SSO, MFA, user provisioning, and role-based access control.

#4. Ping Identity

Ping Identity is an enterprise identity management company that specializes in identity-defined security (IDS). This focuses on providing secure and seamless access for employees, partners, and customers.

#5. CyberArk PAS

CyberArk Privileged Access Security (PAS) is a solution that focuses on securing privileged accounts and credentials. It provides password vaulting, session isolation, and just-in-time access to privileged accounts. 

#6. RSA SecurID

RSA SecurID is a widely recognized multi-factor authentication solution. It combines something the user knows (PIN/password) with something the user has (token or mobile app) to provide strong authentication. 

#7. Auth0

Auth0 is a popular identity platform that provides authentication and authorization as a service. This is easy to use, flexible, and has extensive integration capabilities.

#8. OneLogin

OneLogin is a cloud-based IAM platform that provides SSO, MFA, user provisioning, and directory integration. It has a centralized dashboard for managing user access across various applications and services.

#9. Google Cloud Identity

Google offers Google Cloud Identity as an identity management solution. The platform integrates well with other Google services and can be a suitable choice for organizations already using the Google ecosystem.

#10. Centrify

Centrify is an identity and privileged access management solution that focuses on securing identities and controlling access to critical resources. The platform is known for its emphasis on securing privileged accounts and providing strong access controls.

What Is Silverfort Used For?

Silverfort simplifies MFA implementation and enhances security by providing a comprehensive approach to identity protection. Silverfort is a Unified Identity Protection Platform that specializes in multi-factor authentication (MFA) and access management. It adds an extra layer of authentication to user logins, integrating with various resources to deliver secure authentication across systems and networks. Silverfort helps prevent ransomware attacks by enforcing MFA on command-line access tools. It offers centralized visibility into authentication and access requests for real-time monitoring and tracking.

How Does Silverfort Work?

 Silverfort works as a unified identity protection platform that provides agentless multi-factor authentication (MFA) across various resources. It enforces MFA on every authentication request, including command-line access tools, to prevent unauthorized access and protect against ransomware attacks. Silverfort also offers centralized visibility into authentication and access requests for real-time monitoring and tracking.

What Is The Value Of Silverfort?

The value of Silverfort as a company was $47.77 million in June 2018 and $65 million in funding in April 2022.

Who Is The Owner Of Silverfort?

The owners of Silverfort are Hed Kovetz, Matan Fattal, and Yaron Kassner. Hed Kovetz is also the CEO and Co-Founder of the company.

How Many Employees Does Silverfort Have?

The number of employees at Silverfort is between 120 and 200..


Silverfort has several competitors in the authentication and access policy market. The choice of competitor depends on an organization’s specific requirements and preferences. To find the greatest fit for your organization’s needs, it is advised to analyze these solutions based on aspects like security features, scalability, integration capabilities, ease of use, and affordability.


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