PROWLY: What It Is, Pricing, Reviews & Alternatives

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Staying ahead of the game is critical in the fast-paced world of public relations (PR). That’s where Prowly comes in: cutting-edge public relations software that enables professionals to expedite press release management, improve media connections, and expand their brand’s reach. In this blog post, we’ll look at Prowly Press Release, its amazing features, pricing options, user reviews, alternatives, and how it compares to the popular PR tool, Muck Rack.

What is Prowly?

Prowly is a public relations and media relations software that links all PR tasks in one place, including locating the correct media contacts, managing them, sending personalized emails to journalists, and establishing a journalist-friendly workplace.

Prowly Press Release

A key component of any effective public relations strategy is the creation of an appealing press release. Prowly recognizes the significance of this process and has created a user-friendly platform that streamlines press release production and dissemination.

The days of fighting with intricate formatting or spending hours on manual distribution are over with Prowly. The platform features an easy-to-use interface and a variety of customizable templates, allowing PR professionals to easily write aesthetically pleasing and engaging press releases. Prowly delivers the tools you need to make your press releases stand out, whether you’re announcing a new product, delivering a corporate update, or promoting an event.

One of Prowly’s primary features is its real-time collaboration capability. PR teams may work together on press releases in real time, making adjustments, offering comments, and ensuring that the final result is polished and compelling. This eliminates the need for email back-and-forth and streamlines the review process, saving time and effort.

Prowly also provides media contact management, allowing you to simply locate and communicate with relevant journalists and influencers. The platform’s media database contains a large number of contacts, replete with contact information and beat preferences. This guarantees that your press releases reach the appropriate audience, improving the likelihood of media attention and brand exposure.

Prowly simplifies the dissemination procedure once your press release is ready. The software provides several dissemination methods, including email pitching and publishing press releases on your own branded newsroom. You may design a visually appealing newsroom that exhibits your press releases, corporate information, and multimedia assets, giving journalists and stakeholders a concentrated location for all of your news.

Prowly Pricing

Understanding the pricing structure of a PR software solution like Prowly is critical to making an informed decision that corresponds with your budget and business requirements. Prowly has customizable pricing plans to meet a variety of demands, ensuring that enterprises of all sizes may make use of its sophisticated features and functionalities.

Prowly has a subscription-based pricing approach, allowing users to select from a variety of options based on their unique requirements. While specific pricing may change, let’s look at the broad pricing tiers and what they offer:

#1. Starter Plan

The Starter Plan is intended for small-scale startups, solopreneurs, or people who are just getting started with PR software. This package usually includes key tools like press release preparation and dissemination, media database access, and basic analytics. It offers a low-cost entry point into the Prowly world, allowing customers to test out the platform’s key functions.

#2. Professional Plan

Ideal for growing businesses and PR agencies, the Professional Plan expands upon the features offered in the Starter Plan. It usually contains advanced features such as real-time collaboration, branded newsrooms, multimedia asset management, increased analytics and reporting, and integrations with other important tools. The Professional Plan enables customers to take their public relations efforts to the next level, resulting in a more complete and streamlined experience.

#3. Enterprise Plan

The Enterprise Plan provides a rich set of functionality and customization choices for larger firms with complicated PR needs. Enhanced features such as dedicated account management, API access for smooth connections with existing systems, enhanced media monitoring, and extensive reporting tools are often included in this package. This plan typically includes advanced features like dedicated account management, API access for seamless integrations with existing systems, advanced media monitoring, and extensive reporting features. The Enterprise Plan is designed to address the particular needs of enterprise-level public relations teams, with scalability and flexibility.

While Prowly’s pricing plans provide a solid basis, the specific features and limitations may differ. To get current and up-to-date pricing information, visit Prowly’s official website or contact their sales team for a tailored quote based on your individual needs.

Prowly Reviews

User reviews provide significant insights into the effectiveness and usability of any software, including Prowly. Customers love the platform’s simplicity, straightforward UI, and comprehensive features. Many users laud Prowly’s media database for assisting public relations professionals in identifying and engaging with relevant journalists and influencers, resulting in improved media coverage and brand exposure. Users also value the full analytics and reporting features, which allow them to accurately measure the impact of their public relations activities.

Prowly has a sizable user community, and their reviews provide useful information about the platform’s functionality, features, and general consumer happiness. Let’s take a look at some of the notable feedback and testimonials from Prowly users.

#1. User-Friendly Interface and Intuitive Design

Many users praise Prowly’s easy-to-use interface and intuitive design. They like how simple it is to navigate the platform and find the features they require. The user-friendly interface makes it simple to produce and manage press releases, media contacts, and multimedia materials.

#2. Effective Press Release Management

Users commend Prowly for simplifying the process of managing press releases. They emphasize the platform’s extensive press release generation and distribution capabilities, which enable them to effortlessly write compelling and visually appealing press releases. Users like how Prowly’s press release management services save them time and effort.

#3. Effective Media Database

The media database on Prowly is a notable feature that consumers commonly note in their reviews. They like the platform’s large database of media connections, which includes correct contact information and beat preferences. Users can easily search for relevant journalists and influencers and engage with them.

#4. Comprehensive Analytics and Reporting

Another feature that users appreciate is Prowly’s analytics and reporting capabilities. The tool, according to users, gives precise information and insights into the performance of their press releases. They can track data like open rates, click-through rates, and media coverage to effectively quantify the effectiveness of their public relations activities.

#5. Responsive Customer Support

Users provide positive reviews to Prowly’s customer care team. They frequently praise the team’s timeliness, competence, and commitment to quickly resolving any concerns or inquiries. Users feel supported and secure that their complaints will be addressed quickly, which improves their entire platform experience.

#6. Room for Improvement

Some people have suggested ways in which Prowly could be improved. These proposals frequently concentrate on additional tool integrations, greater customization choices, and improved media monitoring functions.

Prowly Alternatives

While Prowly provides a variety of features and benefits for public relations professionals, it’s always a good idea to look at alternatives to guarantee you discover the finest PR software for your needs. Here are some Prowly alternatives to consider:

#1. Meltwater

Meltwater is an all-in-one public relations software platform that includes media monitoring, social media management, influencer tracking, and PR analytics. It delivers real-time insights and data to enable public relations professionals to monitor brand mentions, analyze media coverage, and assess the effectiveness of their public relations strategies.

#2. Cision

Cision is a well-known public relations software provider that provides media monitoring, media contact management, press release distribution, and analytics. It offers large media databases, allowing users to find and interact with relevant journalists and influencers.

#3. Agility PR Solutions

Agility PR Solutions offers a full array of public relations solutions, including media monitoring, media contact management, press release distribution, and analytics. Users can construct branded newsrooms to exhibit their press releases and multimedia assets using the platform’s customizable newsroom feature.

#4. Prezly

Prezly is a public relations software platform that specializes in graphically appealing news releases and managing media connections. It includes press release templates that may be customized, multimedia content management, and media contact databases. Users can use Prezly’s tools to produce engaging press releases and send them to specific media contacts.

#5. Muck Rack

Muck Rack is a public relations software platform that specializes in media contact management and monitoring. It has a large media database that allows users to identify and connect with journalists and influencers. Muck Rack also has media monitoring services that allow you to track brand mentions and media coverage.

Consider pricing, specific features and functionalities, convenience of use, customer support, and integration capabilities with other tools you may already be using while researching Prowly alternatives. Evaluating demos, utilizing free trials, and soliciting input from other users will assist you in making an informed choice that best corresponds with your PR aims and business requirements.

Muck Rack vs Prowly

Both Prowly and Muck Rack are popular public relations software packages that include capabilities to help with press release management and media contact engagement. Let’s analyze the important features of each platform to see which one would be a better fit for your requirements:

#1. Press Release Management

Prowly and Muck Rack both offer tools for drafting and disseminating press releases. Prowly provides templates that may be customized, real-time collaboration, and multimedia asset management. Muck Rack is mainly concerned with media contact management and provides customizable newsrooms for displaying press releases. Consider your specific press release management requirements and select the platform that best meets them.

#2. Media Contact Management

Muck Rack is well-known for its large media database, which allows users to locate and connect with journalists and influencers. It includes specific information about media contacts, such as beat preferences and contact information. While Prowly also has a media database, Muck Rack’s emphasis on media contact management may make it more appealing to customers who value creating relationships with journalists and influencers.

#3. Reporting and Analytics

Users may measure metrics such as open rates, click-through rates, and media attention with Prowly’s complete analytics and reporting options. This information aids in determining the impact and efficacy of press releases and public relations efforts. Muck Rack, on the other hand, has more limited analytics capabilities, with a focus on media monitoring and brand mentions. Consider your reporting requirements and select the platform that offers the level of analytics and reporting that corresponds to your objectives.

#4. User Interface and Usability

Prowly has received accolades for its user-friendly interface and intuitive design. Users frequently praise the platform’s simplicity and clean design. Muck Rack features a user-friendly UI as well, although with a slightly different emphasis. Consider which platform’s interface is most appealing to you and your team, as this can have an impact on the overall user experience and productivity.

#5. Integration and Pricing

Pricing plans for Prowly and Muck Rack may differ, so it’s critical to consider which platform provides the features you require at a price point that matches your budget. Consider each platform’s integration capabilities with your existing tools and systems. Integration with other tools and platforms can help improve workflows and productivity.

Finally, the decision between Prowly and Muck Rack will be based on your individual PR needs and preferences.

How much does Prowley cost?

Prowly presently offers three regular monthly and annual subscriptions, with rates starting at:

  • Essential Bundle: $339/mo 
  • Professional Bundle: $449/mo
  • Professional Plus Bundle: $594/mo

Prowly provides a 7-day free trial. The Price Plan Comparison table and the Billing FAQ section can be found on this page.

Why use Prowly?

There are several compelling reasons to use Prowly for your public relations initiatives. Here are some of the main advantages of using Prowly:

  • Streamlined Press Release Management
  • Extensive Media Database
  • Powerful Analytics and Reporting
  • User-Friendly Interface
  • Collaboration and Workflow Efficiency
  • Customer Support and Resources

Who uses Prowly?

Prowly is used by a diverse group of public relations and communications professionals and organizations. Here are some samples of the many types of users who frequently use Prowly:

  • PR Professionals
  • Marketing Teams
  • Communication Agencies
  • Startups and Small Businesses
  • Corporate Communications Teams

Where is Prowly located?

Prowly is based in Warsaw, Poland. The company was created in 2013 and has its headquarters in Warsaw, where the majority of its employees work. Prowly offers its PR software platform to users all around the world, allowing them to manage their PR activities from any location. While Prowly’s headquarters are in Warsaw, its services are available to users worldwide, regardless of their location.

Does Prowly do media monitoring?

Yes, Prowly’s PR software platform includes media monitoring. Users can utilize media monitoring to track brand mentions, monitor media coverage, and remain current on key news and trends.


Prowly is a game changer in the world of public relations software. Its easy-to-use press release management, adjustable templates, media database, and detailed analytics make it a vital tool for public relations professionals. While researching alternatives such as Cision or Meltwater is recommended, Prowly’s unique features and user-friendly design make it a tempting pick. So, why not use Prowly to transform your public relations efforts and expand the reach of your business today?


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