progressive Snapshot
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Progressive’s usage-based insurance product, Snapshot, keeps tabs on your driving habits, including speeding, hard braking, using a phone while operating a vehicle, and the time of day you travel. Safe drivers may receive a discount; however, if you engage in unsafe driving practices, your premium may go up when it is time to renew your coverage. But how do all these play out? In this article, we provide all the necessary information on progressive snapshots and all you need to know to make the best decisions.

What is Progressive Snapshot?

Snapshots are a great way for safe Progressive drivers to save money on vehicle insurance. This telematics program tracks your driving behavior via an app on your phone or a gadget you plug into your vehicle. Snapshot examines your driving habits, the times of day you drive, how frequently you use your car, and your cell phone usage while driving.

Snapshot is free for Progressive customers, and according to Progressive’s website, signing up can result in an average savings of $47 (unless you live in New York or Hawaii). Except for California, the program is offered nationwide.

If you earn a Snapshot discount for safe driving, you’ll notice it on your next renewal after signing up for the program. According to Progressive, the average Snapshot savings is $156, but your premium may rise if your driving patterns demonstrate that you are hazardous.

How Does Progressive Snapshot Work?

It is simple to sign up for Progressive Snapshot. When you sign up for Snapshot, you may either download the Snapshot app for iOS or Android or wait for the firm to send you a little dongle plugging into your car’s OBD2 connection, usually found behind the steering wheel.

Then, proceed to drive, usually. If the Snapshot gadget detects you engaging in risky behavior, it will beep. The software and plug-in gadget employ GPS technology to determine your location and track your speed. The app can transfer data back to Progressive using sensors in your smartphone and your smartphone’s Wi-Fi connection.

You retain some control over the amount of data transferred. For example, you can halt the monitoring system if you are going on vacation or are a passenger rather than a driver. Logging into your Progressive account gives you access to the collected data, driving tips, and details on any car journey.

Progressive Snapshot Review

Progressive’s entry into the field of telematics insurance is called Snapshot. This usage-based insurance plan monitors your driving behavior using GPS-enabled technologies. Good drivers are rewarded with lower insurance prices for exercising safe driving habits. 

Snapshots can be accessed via a mobile app or a plug-in device. Progressive provides a participation discount for signing up, valid for the first policy term you use the Snapshot program. Your new personalized rate replaces this participation discount at your first renewal after using the program.

You’ll receive regular email updates about your performance using the Snapshot telematics program. When you renew your policy after using Snapshot, you’ll receive a final email with your Snapshot results and a personalized renewal rate.

What Exactly is a Progressive Snapshot Device?

The Snapshot device is a small module that plugs into your vehicle’s On-Board Diagnostics Type 2 (OBD-II) connector. The OBD-II system allows automotive technicians to diagnose vehicle activity and access virtually every subsystem on your automobile, including the engine, drivetrain, brakes, gearbox, and electronics.

The Snapshot device packs a lot of circuitry into its 2″ X 3″ frame. It includes a memory chip, a cellular radio, and a GPS radio that communicates with satellites to track your whereabouts. You may examine the patent to see what’s under the hood. While driving, the Snapshot gadget continuously sends data from your vehicle to Progressive’s servers. My device features a quad-band GSM module (datasheet), which makes it logical, given Progressive’s agreement with AT&T to provide data service.

Progressive discloses on their website that they track car speed but not location data. This is a choice, not a result of physical restrictions. It is no different than a cellphone linked to the AT&T network. They do not specify what vehicle data they track; are RPMs and throttle positions also monitored? We may never know, but assuming they can theoretically follow all the data is safe.

The Way Progressive Snapshot Penalizes

The Snapshot device appears to spy on you with only two data types. The first step is to slow down (braking), which I’ll discuss later. The second factor is the time of day gained when you start your car. Data is logged whether or not the vehicle is in motion. (Once, after working under the hood in the middle of the night, I started my car, and it reported that I was “driving” at 11 p.m., a high-risk period.)

Vehicle velocity and acceleration, surprisingly, are not flagged. Drag racing would not disqualify you. However, if you decelerate quickly, you will be penalized. While we’re on the subject, let’s discuss false positives.

It would be best to comprehend how the equipment reads spinning tires (burnouts). This isn’t only for daring drivers and anyone living in a region with ice, dirt, or damp roads. When your tires spin, they spin faster than the vehicle, and once they acquire traction, they rapidly slow down. Even without pressing the brake pedal, this looks to the Snapshot device as rapid braking. Because the vehicle speed sensor is frequently positioned in the transmission, if the tires spin, so does the driveshaft. As a result, your speedometer will display 40 mph while you remain motionless.

#1. The Impossibility of Hard Braking

According to Progressive, a harsh brake is any condition in which the vehicle decelerates faster than 7 MPH per second. A driver may coast up an incline on a mountain to enhance fuel efficiency without touching the brake. I can’t say with certainty if there are speed thresholds at which this occurs; nevertheless, in my experience, it occurs at any speed.

The 7 MPH threshold is only workable for some scenarios. It’s a linear rule that ignores inertia and other physical laws. Driving in a city – I wish you luck – will undoubtedly cause you to use your Hard Brakes daily. After I realized this threshold, I avoided slowing down faster than 10 MPH per second and obsessively monitored my speedometer. This effectively reduced my hard brakes.

#2. Overcoming the Snapshot Mechanism

Having learned what information the Snapshot device checks for and how hard it is to drive without getting pulled over, you’re undoubtedly eager to learn how to play the game. “Hate the game, not the player,” as the saying goes. Or, in this instance, manage the game well.

Progressive’s savings are determined by how many hard brakes you use, how much you drive at night, and how far you go. Increasing your mileage is the most straightforward and manageable way around the system. When calculating the discount for your policy, they’re looking for the complex brake-to-mile ratio.

Put another way, you can use the law of averages to your advantage by changing how you brake or adding additional miles to the data.

#3. Snapshot Being Used Against You

By choosing to participate in the Snapshot program, you also permit Progressive to use the information they collected about you in the event of a claim. Most people won’t have an issue with this. Still, the fact that you are giving your insurance company complete discretion over how it uses the data to negatively affect the outcome of your claim or your policy premiums should at least raise some concerns. If you were above the speed limit when making a claim, how would it play out in your defense? This is a two-way street; you might use the data to back up your claim if you drove responsibly.

This policy intends to curtail false claims and fairly distribute accountability among all involved parties. I don’t know about you, but if I were at fault in an accident, I would immediately remove the Snapshot device from the public eye so the opposing party wouldn’t see it and wouldn’t have to submit a subpoena for the documents. Only my insurance company and I will have access to that information.

Which Driving Behaviours is Progressive Snapshot keeping an eye on?

To create your driving reports, Snapshot examines your driving patterns. In addition, it uses the data for development, research, underwriting evaluations, and the resolution of vehicle claims. Among the ambitious traits that Snapshot keeps an eye on are:

  • Snapshot strives for smooth braking and effortless acceleration without any jack-rabbit starts. Except in extreme cases, try not to apply the brakes suddenly to prevent collisions.
  • Time of day: Steer clear of driving after midnight or early in the morning. The National Safety Council states that going on weekends is most dangerous between midnight and six in the morning. Snapshot might not be the best option for you if you frequently have to drive during these times.
  • Mileage: Because fewer drivers on the road equals fewer accidents, Snapshot promotes drivers who drive relatively little or frequently carpool.
  • Using a mobile device: Snapshot can identify when you have been texting or making phone calls using the mobile app. Steer clear of these activities to keep yourself safe and to get a better bargain.
  • Speeding: Snapshot will record any driving that exceeds the posted speed limit.

It may not be a good idea to utilize Snapshot if you are experiencing any of the problems mentioned above. But Snapshot might save you money if you drive safely and don’t engage in risky behaviors.

The impact of Progressive Snapshot on privacy and your phone

Snapshot gathers location data about your driving habits, including when, how, and how often you drive.

When utilizing the plug-in device, Snapshot records your location and G-force using GPS in addition to your vehicle’s speed and the time of day it is connected and unplugged from the car. Progressive claims that it is deleted from the device after driving data is transferred to them, although they may keep it forever.

When you use the program, Snapshot will monitor three different kinds of data:

  • Data related to driving, such as location and speed of the car, length of journey, acceleration and deceleration rates, phone usage, and whether or not you are using a hands-free device.
  • Even if you are a passenger, Snapshot still gathers this information.

Details about your mobile phone, such as the condition of your Wi-Fi and Bluetooth connections, if you’re using it, and time and date stamps

  • Information from app analytics, such as how frequently you use it, the screens you’ve viewed, and other performance data

Does Progressive Snapshot lower your bill?

Snapshot Road Test offers a customized discount based on your driving behaviors rather than determining your rate only on variables like your age or driving record. Therefore, you might save more on auto insurance the safer you drive.

Is Snapshot from Progressive worth it?

Depending on your driving style and whether you believe yourself to be risky or cautious, you can decide if Progressive Snapshot is worth it. When a driver’s Progressive policy renews, safe drivers should expect a sound reduction, but riskier drivers may experience an increase in their auto insurance premium.

Does progressive snapshot look at speed?

Yes, Progressive Snapshot tracks speed and quick acceleration. Hard braking, driving for long distances, using a phone while driving, and driving at different times of day are among the other driving behaviors that Progressive Snapshot tracks.

How long do you have to keep the progressive snapshot?

For Progressive to calculate your discount, you must maintain the Snapshot device in your vehicle for the entire time it takes to collect sufficient driving data. Usually, this takes 75 days to six months. Progressive ceases tracking your driving after determining your discount.

Can a Snapshot tell if I am a passenger?

The app may determine whether you’re driving based on your speed and the distance you’re covering. It can also distinguish between driving and riding along. Since everything is fully automated, you can get in your automobile without giving it a second thought.

How do you beat Progressive Snapshot?

Reduce your aggression by following other cars at a reasonable distance, driving within the speed limit, and not putting your foot on the accelerator or slamming on the brakes. Avoid driving between the hours of 12 and 4 a.m. Snapshot will penalize you for operating a vehicle during these times, regarded as more significant risky driving periods.

How does Snapshot know if you are speeding?

The smartphone software uses GPS to determine your mileage, speed over time, and driving habits like forceful braking. On the phone, journey information is provided using location data.


The value of a Progressive Snapshot is determined in part by how safely you drive. If you still need to become a Progressive customer, take the Snapshot Road Test to see what your premium looks like compared to your current company.

In the end, it is your choice. Whether you choose Snapshot or not, reviewing your auto insurance situation every six months is a good idea to ensure you’re with the best carrier. Enter your ZIP code to discover how much you could save.


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