JAZZ HR: Features, Reviews, Pricing & Competitors

hiring process
Image Credit: ijeab on Freepik

When it comes to streamlining your hiring process and optimizing your talent acquisition efforts, making informed choices is pivotal. Enter JazzHR, a robust solution that deserves your attention. In this advisory exploration, we’ll delve into JazzHR, uncovering its impressive features and pricing structures. We’ll also gather valuable insights from JazzHR reviews and take a moment to assess its competitors in the ever-evolving landscape of HR software. Armed with this knowledge, you’ll be better equipped to make the right decisions to promote your recruitment strategies and find the best talent for your organization.

Understanding JazzHR 

JazzHR, in simple terms, is your trusted partner in the hiring process. Imagine you have a job opening, and you want to find the perfect person for it. JazzHR steps in to simplify this often complex task. It starts by helping you create and post job ads on various websites and platforms. This is to make sure your vacancy reaches a wide audience of potential candidates.

As applicants start rolling in, JazzHR acts like a well-organized filing cabinet. It keeps track of all the resumes, cover letters, and application forms, neatly organizing them in one place. This eliminates the chaos of sifting through emails and paperwork to find the right candidate.

But JazzHR doesn’t stop there; it’s like your virtual hiring assistant. It helps you sort and filter applicants based on your criteria, making it easier to identify the most promising candidates. And when it’s time to schedule interviews, JazzHR can even send out invitations and reminders. It makes sure you never miss a crucial meeting.

Furthermore, it can help you check references and perform background checks, streamlining the decision-making process. And the best part? JazzHR comes in different pricing packages, making it suitable for small and larger businesses.

So, whether you’re a small startup or a well-established corporation, JazzHR simplifies the often daunting task of hiring and brings order to what can be a chaotic process. It’s like having a reliable partner by your side to make sure you find the perfect fit for your team.

Jazzhr Features 

JazzHR offers outstanding features, designed to simplify and streamline the hiring process. Firstly, it provides robust job posting capabilities, enabling you to create and publish job listings across various platforms with ease. Once applications start pouring in, JazzHR acts as your central hub, storing candidate information, resumes, and communication histories in an organized manner.

Moreover, JazzHR boasts excellent candidate management features, allowing you to evaluate applicants collaboratively with your team. It simplifies the interview scheduling process by sending out invitations and reminders, ensuring smooth communication with candidates. Additionally, it offers customizable evaluation criteria to assess candidates based on your unique requirements. However, this makes it easier to identify the best fit for your organization.

Furthermore, JazzHR simplifies the reference checking process, automating this crucial step to save time and effort. It also provides valuable reporting and analytics tools, offering insights into your hiring process’s performance. JazzHR’s user-friendly interface and integration capabilities with other HR tools make it a comprehensive solution for organizations seeking efficient and effective talent acquisition.

Jazzhr Pricing 

JazzHR’s pricing structure is designed to accommodate businesses of various sizes and needs. Firstly, it offers a tiered pricing model, with different plans tailored to suit different organizational requirements. This allows businesses to choose a plan that aligns with their budget and hiring volume. Whether you’re a small startup with a few job openings or a large enterprise with a continuous need for talent, JazzHR has pricing options to match.

Moreover, it offers flexibility through monthly and annual billing options. It also gives you the freedom to select the payment frequency that suits your financial plan. Additionally, they provide a free trial period, allowing you to explore the platform’s features before committing to a plan. This transparent and adaptable pricing approach ensures that JazzHR can cater to the diverse hiring needs of organizations. This makes it a cost-effective solution for improving your recruitment process.

Jazzhr Reviews 

JazzHR has garnered reviews that highlight its strengths in streamlining the hiring process. Users often praise its user-friendly interface, which simplifies the recruitment journey. Moreover, they appreciate the collaborative nature of the platform, which enables teams to assess and communicate with candidates efficiently.

Furthermore, JazzHR reviews commonly mention the platform’s helpful customer support, with users noting that the support team is responsive and readily available to address queries and concerns. It’s not uncommon to find positive feedback about JazzHR’s reporting and analytics features, which offer valuable insights into hiring performance.

In essence, JazzHR reviews tend to underline its role as user-friendly. Also an effective tool for enhancing the hiring process, with an emphasis on its collaborative capabilities and responsive customer support.

Jazzhr Competitors

There are so many competitors JazzHR faces, which are from several key players in the HR software market. Notable rivals include Greenhouse, Workable, and BambooHR.

  • Greenhouse: Renowned for its advanced applicant tracking system, Greenhouse excels in managing the hiring process efficiently.
  • Workable: Workable specializes in user-friendly recruitment solutions, simplifying candidate sourcing and evaluation for businesses.
  • BambooHR: Targeting HR management, BambooHR excels in maintaining employee records and enhancing workforce organization.
  • ApplicantPro: Known for its affordability, ApplicantPro offers comprehensive hiring tools suitable for small to medium-sized businesses.
  • Zoho Recruit: Zoho Recruit stands out for its integration capabilities, making it a versatile choice for HR and recruitment needs.

How Does Jazzhr Work? 

JazzHR operates as a comprehensive recruitment management platform, streamlining the hiring process for businesses. Firstly, it facilitates job posting across multiple platforms, allowing employers to create and publish job listings effortlessly. Once applications start rolling in, JazzHR acts as a central repository, collecting candidate information and documents in an organized manner.

Furthermore, JazzHR simplifies candidate evaluation by enabling collaborative assessment among team members. It aids in interview scheduling by sending out invitations and reminders. Additionally, JazzHR offers customizable evaluation criteria, making it easier to identify the most suitable candidates for the organization’s unique needs. It also automates reference checks, saving time and effort in the decision-making process. JazzHR’s reporting and analytics tools provide insights into hiring performance, making it a valuable asset for businesses seeking an efficient and data-driven approach to talent acquisition.

Who Is the CEO of JazzHR? 

Pete Lamson is at the helm of JazzHR, holding the position of CEO and President. In this dual role, he bears the responsibility of guiding the company’s strategic direction and overseeing its day-to-day operations. With a wealth of experience and expertise in the HR technology industry, Lamson plays a pivotal role in shaping JazzHR’s future. His leadership ensures that JazzHR remains competitive in the dynamic HR software market, constantly innovating and delivering valuable solutions to help businesses streamline their recruitment processes. Under his guidance, JazzHR aims to continue its mission of empowering organizations with effective tools for finding and hiring top talent. Lamson’s leadership and vision are instrumental in driving JazzHR’s growth and success.

What Is the Revenue of Jazzhr? 

JazzHR has been on an impressive growth trajectory. In 2020, the company achieved a revenue milestone, reaching a substantial $17 million in total revenue. This was a significant indicator of JazzHR’s emerging presence and ability to serve its clients effectively in the competitive HR software market.

Fast forward to 2021, and JazzHR continued its remarkable journey by doubling its revenue. The company soared to $110 million in revenue, showcasing its substantial expansion and increasing market demand for its HR solutions. This extraordinary leap highlighted JazzHR’s commitment to innovation and its dedication to meeting the evolving needs of businesses seeking efficient and reliable recruitment tools.

Building upon this momentum, 2022 saw JazzHR’s revenue run rate maintaining its impressive pace, once again hitting the $110 million mark. This consistent performance demonstrated the company’s ability to sustain its growth and solidify its position as a trusted provider of HR software solutions. JazzHR’s remarkable revenue growth over these years reflected not only its financial success but also its capacity to deliver value to organizations looking to streamline their hiring processes.

Who Acquired Jazzhr? 

According to Staffing Industry Analysts, the merger of these firms occurred when the private equity firm, K1 Investment Management, organized the acquisition of all three organizations, followed by their integration into a united corporate framework. JazzHR CEO Peter Lamson is prepared to take the helm of the merged organization under this newly formed structure. This strategic move not only demonstrates K1 Investment Management’s commitment to fostering acquisition synergy but also positions Peter Lamson as the driving force behind the organization’s strategic vision and growth trajectory, poised to leverage his extensive expertise in the HR technology sector to guide the combined entity toward a future of innovation and market prominence.

How Do I Add People to Jazzhr? 

Adding people to JazzHR is a straightforward process that starts with accessing your JazzHR account. Once logged in, navigate to the “People” or “Candidates” section. Here, you can manually add candidates by clicking on the “Add Candidate” or “Add Person” button. This action will prompt you to enter the candidate’s details, such as their name, contact information, and resume. You can also upload additional documents, like cover letters or references, to complete the candidate’s profile.

Alternatively, if you receive applications through various job boards or email, JazzHR provides integration capabilities to streamline this process. You can forward applications and resumes directly to your JazzHR email address or utilize the platform’s resume parsing features to automatically populate candidate profiles. JazzHR’s intuitive interface ensures that adding people to your recruitment pipeline is a seamless and efficient experience, regardless of your preferred method.

How to Schedule an Interview in Jazzhr? 

Scheduling interviews in JazzHR is a hassle-free process that simplifies coordination with candidates. First, access your JazzHR account and navigate to the candidate’s profile. Within the candidate’s profile, you’ll find an option to schedule an interview. Click on this feature, and you’ll be prompted to select the type of interview (e.g., phone, in-person, video) and provide details such as date, time, and location.

Furthermore, JazzHR allows you to send interview invitations directly to candidates via email. The platform can automatically generate interview confirmation messages and reminders, ensuring that both you and the candidate stay informed and punctual. JazzHR’s user-friendly interface streamlines the entire interview scheduling process, making it efficient and organized for both you and the candidates involved.

Is Jazzhr GDPR Compliant? 

Yes, JazzHR takes data protection seriously and is GDPR compliant. They have implemented stringent security measures to ensure that candidate and applicant data is handled in accordance with GDPR regulations.

JazzHR provides features and tools that help users manage and protect personal data effectively, allowing organizations to maintain compliance while streamlining their hiring processes. Furthermore, they offer Data Processing Agreements (DPAs) to clearly outline the terms and conditions regarding data processing, ensuring transparency and adherence to GDPR requirements. JazzHR’s commitment to data security and privacy aligns with the stringent GDPR standards, making it a reliable choice for businesses operating within the European Union and beyond.

Does Jazzhr Have an Open API? 

Yes, JazzHR offers an open API (Application Programming Interface) that allows for seamless integration with other software applications. This open API provides flexibility and customization options for businesses to connect JazzHR with their existing HR and recruitment systems, such as HRIS (Human Resources Information Systems) or onboarding tools.

By offering an open API, JazzHR enables organizations to streamline their HR processes, reduce manual data entry, and improve overall efficiency. This flexibility allows businesses to create a unified and integrated HR ecosystem, ensuring that all their tools work seamlessly together, enhancing the overall HR and recruitment experience. JazzHR’s open API is a valuable feature for businesses looking to optimize their talent acquisition and management processes while maintaining data accuracy and consistency across different systems.

How Do I Change the Workflow of a Job in Jazzhr?

Changing the workflow of a job in JazzHR is a straightforward process designed to accommodate evolving recruitment needs. First, log in to your JazzHR account and navigate to the specific job listing for which you want to modify the workflow. Once you’re in the job’s dashboard, look for the “Edit” button or a similar option that allows you to make changes to the job’s settings.

From there, you can adjust various aspects of the job’s workflow, such as changing the stages that candidates move through or modifying the interview steps. It provides an intuitive interface that makes it easy to drag and drop stages, add new steps, or remove existing ones. This flexibility empowers you to tailor the job’s workflow to align with your organization’s recruitment process, ensuring that JazzHR adapts to your evolving needs as you manage candidates through the hiring process.


Is JazzHR GDPR compliant?

The information security criteria of JazzHR are in accordance with the General Data Protection Regulation. The California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA). JazzHR is primarily a service provider and data processor under the GDPR and CCPA as a recruitment platform provider.

What does GDPR mean for HR?

HR Advice. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) protects data for employees working in the EU. Employers acquire and handle massive volumes of data, including sensitive information.

How does the GDPR affect employees?

Employees must voluntarily consent to specific data use, purpose, or processing. Employees’ silence or lack of objection about the processing, as well as consent integrated as a common employment contract provision or in a data protection policy, do not meet the needed threshold.


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