Best ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker: Top 11 Best in 2023

Best ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker
Image Source: Faculty Focus

To say that artificial intelligence (AI) will eventually replace human workers as a whole would have been met with derision just a few years ago. However, such speculation is gradually materializing into fact. ChatGPT and other AI chatbots have generally been used for humorous conversation, however, there have been reports of people (including students) using AI to plagiarize content from other, more reputable websites. There is now a list of potential occupations that ChatGPT could take over. The good news is that it is possible to fight back and identify stuff that was created by artificial intelligence. In this article, we will discuss the best free ChatGPT plagiarism checker and remover.

What Is ChatGPT?

ChatGPT, in its simplest form, is a conversational AI model. It’s a type of chatbot, like the automated services some businesses use to communicate with their customers online.

 OpenAI, a technology research company, created it with the goal of expanding the positive effects of artificial intelligence.

In OpenAI, “About OpenAI Page.”

 ChatGPT’s “GPT” stands for “Generative Pre-training Transformer,” which describes the algorithm’s approach to language.

However, what makes ChatGPT stand out from other chatbots is that it was developed using reinforcement learning from human feedback (RLHF). RLHF entails the use of human AI trainers and reward models to shape ChatGPT into a bot that can question false premises, provide clarification, and accept responsibility for its own errors.

The online resource Invest wanted to see how well ChatGPT could “write a journalistic-style article explaining what ChatGPT is.” When asked what it did, the bot said it was “designed to generate human-like text based on a given prompt or conversation.” It went on to say that its ability to understand context and intent and have more natural, intuitive conversations comes from its training in data collection of human talks.

In addition, ChatGPT responded to our query by stating that its use cases may include bots for customer care, content generation for social media or blogs, and language translation.

Does ChatGPT Have a Plagiarism Checker?

To be sure, like Jasper AI, ChatGPT can scan text and pick up on trends that could point to plagiarism. However, unlike Jasper AI, it lacks a specific tool or function for doing so.

Since this is the case, ChatGPT may not be as good as other plagiarism checker technologies at spotting instances of plagiarism. It should be noted that ChatGPT is not meant to be used as a plagiarism-detecting tool, but rather to generate original content depending on the prompts it receives.

However, its capacity to find parallels between the target text and other published works or web databases is restricted.

Nonetheless, OpenAI, the company behind chatGPT, is reportedly working on a new anti-plagiarism solution for pupils. The software is a complex language model with the capability of detecting and reporting instances of plagiarism in student writing.

Also, the software examines the text of a student’s paper and checks it against a large corpus of resources, such as scholarly articles and web databases. This will go a long way toward stopping the abuse of ChatGPT and facilitating legitimate academic inquiry in classrooms.

Finally, while ChatGPT does have some inherent anti-plagiarism capabilities, it does not have an explicit plagiarism checker. Using plagiarism detection software like Grammarly which is built for the express aim of detecting and analyzing instances of plagiarism is highly recommended.

How Much Does ChatGPT Cost?

No matter what you plan on doing with ChatGPT — writing, coding, or anything else — it won’t cost you a dime. 

Users have the option of signing up for a $20 monthly subscription. Users that pay for membership have early access, continued access during peak times, access to GPT-4, better response times, and internet connectivity via plugins, among other benefits. 

Even though the subscription model ensures access to the most recent large language model (LLM) version (GPT-4), as well as the internet, the free version is still a viable alternative due to its nearly identical technological capabilities.

What Is A ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker?

A ChatGPT plagiarism checker is a piece of software that checks your AI-generated content against the internet for similarities.

A plagiarism detector might be compared to a more thorough Google search in its quest to locate instances of your material appearing elsewhere online. Plagiarism checkers are quite good at picking up on even small terms that have been used elsewhere online.

One of my most recent posts, for instance, had a remark about a certain program being cross-platform.

It should come as no surprise that this sentence in its exact form has been found on the internet numerous times previously. I’m going to ignore the plagiarism sensor for this particular instance. However, it is beneficial to have an understanding of how sensitive a decent plagiarism tool may be.

Why Use a ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker?

ChatGPT is able to generate content that is 100 percent original and has never been written before.

You must keep in mind, however, that AI models such as GPT are trained on massive amounts of previously written material, such as that found in books, online articles, and scholarly papers.

Therefore, it is not completely out of the question for ChatGPT to deliver a response that contains content that has been plagiarized. In point of fact, occurrences like these are not uncommon. A plagiarism checker is of even greater significance than an AI detector, which should not be mistaken with it.

On the other hand, it is not difficult at all to detect instances of plagiarism. In most cases, the repercussions of plagiarizing someone else’s work are significantly more severe. It is of the utmost importance in an academic setting since the consequences for even one incident of handing in a plagiarized assignment might result in being kicked out of the program.

How to Avoid Plagiarism Using CHATGPT?

Plagiarism is a serious crime that can have major repercussions in academic settings, professional contexts, and even in private correspondence.

It is crucial to be aware of the potential for plagiarism when utilizing ChatGPT or any other Ai application.

Here are some tactics for avoiding plagiarism when using ChatGPT and Ai:

#1. Learn the Fundamentals of Avoiding Plagiarism

Get a firm grasp on what constitutes plagiarism first.

Plagiarism, for instance, is the practice of passing off the ideas, words, or work of another person as one’s own without giving appropriate credit.

In your search for plagiarized content, keep an eye out for both overt and covert kinds of plagiarism. Learning more about plagiarism will help you produce original material without getting caught.

#2. Use ChatGPT as a Note-Taking Tool

Don’t think of ChatGPT or any other Ai tool as a magic bullet for coming up with content. Instead, think of ChatGPT as a creative and critical thinking booster that can help you write better.

Use the AI’s comments and ideas as springboards for better writing.

Also, don’t forget to add your own thoughts and analysis. Keep in mind that you will ultimately be held accountable for the material.

#3. Make Sure to Properly Cite and Reference Your Sources

If you combine material or ideas obtained from other sources, you need to make sure that you properly cite and attribute those sources. Because ChatGPT could generate text that is similar to previously published material, giving credit to the original writers is absolutely necessary. Apply the appropriate citation styles in accordance with the nature of the information.

#4. Verify and Double Check All of the Information

AI tools have the potential to enable access to large amounts of information in a quick and easy manner. Before incorporating the information into your job, it is essential, however, to validate both the correctness and the dependability of the data. Make sure the information, figures, and assertions that ChatGPT generates are accurate by independently reviewing sources that have a good reputation. 

#5. Improve Your Ability to Do Research

Develop your research skills to collect information from a variety of sources, such as ChatGPT and AI tools, so that you can critically evaluate the veracity of the sources you find it. You will be able to create content that is factual as well as original, while simultaneously lowering the chance of accidentally plagiarizing previously published work.

Through conducting thorough research, you can ensure that you have a good understanding of the topic at hand, which enables you to contribute to the conversation in an authentic manner.

#6. Do Not Forget to Edit and Revise Your Work

This is the stage that is the most important in preventing plagiarism when using any Ai program.

After utilizing ChatGPT or any other AI tool, you should carefully analyze and adjust the content that it generates to verify that it is consistent with the original goal and style that you had in mind.

Make the necessary changes, reword the words, and add your own personal views in order to prevent any unintentional parallels with the existing material. The more input that is provided from your end, the more distinctive the final product will be.

Overview of the Best ChatGPT Plagiarism Checker

Detecting whether or not a piece of literature was generated by an AI simply by looking at it is impossible at this point in time. Tools that detect instances of Chat GPT in text can be used as a plagiarism checker. But let’s be clear from the outset: not even OpenAI’s ChatGPT detector has a perfect success rate. However, these systems have been educated to recognize when text was written by a person and when by an AI. A ChatGPT Plagiarism checker is usually reliable in determining whether or not a piece of text was written by a computer.

The following are examples of the best plagiarism detectors for Chat GPT content:

#1. OpenAI’s AI Text Classifier

AI Text Classifier, OpenAI’s own plagiarism checker, has been released. The OpenAI AI Text Classifier is a machine learning algorithm that can tell the difference between human and computer-generated text using a GPT-3 and ChatGPT checker. The OpenAI Explainer calls it a “fine-tuned GPT model that predicts how likely that AI from a range of sources, such as ChatGPT generated a piece of text.”

Furthermore, the OpenAI AI Text Classifier can tell you how likely it is that a piece of text was written by Chat GPT. The outcomes could range from anything to:

  • Very unlikely
  • Unlikely
  • Unclear if it is
  • Possibly
  • Likely

The detector’s verdict on whether or not a certain piece of text was written by AI is highly ambiguous. Labels range from “very unlikely” (less than 10% chance) to “unlikely” (10%-45% probability), “unclear if it is” (45%-90%), “possibly” (90%-98%), and “likely” (above 98%) when the likelihood that the text was created by AI is high.

Using an essay generated by ChatGPT, we tested out AI Text Classifier and found that its classification was accurate. One of the most reliable ChatGPT plagiarism checkers.

Plans for the pricing of AI text classifiers, good news! In order to detect instances of plagiarism, you can use the free AI Text Classifier.

#2. Copyleaks AI Content Detector

Copyleaks claims its AI plagiarism detection can differentiate between content written by bots and people with a 99.12% degree of accuracy. French, Spanish, German, and other languages are all supported by the application. With its “fight fire with fire” strategy, Copyleaks employs artificial intelligence to identify examples of computer-generated writing. This makes the tool capable of developing in tandem with state-of-the-art artificial intelligence chatbots. Once ChatGPT 4 is out, Copyleaks says it will support it too.

This ChatGPT plagiarism checker can be used for a wide range of purposes, from blog postings to research papers. I decided to give it a little kick by stealing some words from an old Beebom article about smartphone addiction. After less than 10 seconds, the AI text identification tool gave me the all-clear (human-written text). I tested it with a few different snippets of text, and it does what it claims to do.

In addition, if you don’t want to visit the site, you can download a helpful Chrome extension (go here) instead. You may scan your text immediately using Copyleaks because it is completely free to use.

#3. GPTRadar

GPTRadar, a Chat GPT plagiarism checker, is another product built on top of GPT-3. The checker uses AI to identify any type of text found on the internet and determine whether or not it was written by a human. The website where you may use the tool is rather rudimentary, which may put some people off. However, it is functional and serves its purpose. Researchers pasted Lorem Ipsum into the tool with their own writing and got some surprising outcomes.

In addition, GPTRadar displayed the text’s complexity or the degree to which the model correctly predicted individual words. The software also classified large sections of text as either human- or computer-made. Furthermore, a wealth of data, such as token probability and distribution, was provided by this AI plagiarism analyzer.

Tokens are GPTRadar’s currency, with free users receiving 2,000 to start. You can buy 100 more tokens (credits) for just $0.02 (two cents).

#4. Originally.AI

Originally.AI can tell if the text you scanned was created by a Chat GPT program and can also be used as a plagiarism checker. Experts in content marketing and GPT-3 collaborated to create this tool for use by web publishers, content agencies, and website purchasers. It gives them the ability to look for instances of plagiarism, keep tabs on how the team is doing, and (eventually) see if the material of a complete website is original. With the same precision as GPT-3, it can identify content produced in ChatGPT and GPT 3.5 (DaVinci-003) as well.

It also includes application programming interfaces (APIs) for incorporating AI detection into an existing system or developing a new one. Scan 100 words for as little as $0.01 with 1 credit.

#5. GPTKit

AI text detection tool GPTKit is available for no cost. It is more accurate since it employs six distinct Chat GPT content identification methods.

To create it, we used over a million datasets to train a bespoke model. Texts from both ChatGPT and human authors (50/50) are included in the dataset. These can be things like archived news items, Wikipedia entries, Reddit threads, and so on. Based on evaluations performed on a test dataset of 0.1 million instances, the model achieves an accuracy of around 98%.

The results are then displayed to aid users in achieving good and accurate outcomes, and a report on the authenticity or reality rate of the content is also provided.

#6. Turnitin

The academic community (including teachers, students, publishers, and researchers) is Turnitin’s target audience. By revealing even the most complex errors, it helps students avoid plagiarizing and encourages them to think creatively, while also providing instructors with straightforward methods for assessing student work and safe digital tests that can be taken away from the classroom. In addition, the valuable feedback and insights it provides help assure academic integrity and excellence for publishers and academics. 

The cost is different for each product in each price bracket. Get in touch with the sales department to find out.

#7. Winston AI

Winston AI is a strong  ChatGPT content plagiarism checker made specifically for the academic and publishing industries. With 94% precision, the software can determine if a piece of text was written by a person or an AI. In addition to determining if the text was written with ChatGPT, it also checks for instances of plagiarism.

Professionals in the fields of teaching, advertising, and writing will find this resource useful.

Winston AI allows you to evaluate up to 2,000 words for free with an account (no credit card needed). After your free trial ends, you can switch to a paid subscription starting at $14 per month if you like.

#8. GPTZero

GPTZero employs the same technique as ChatGPT, except for the opposite purpose of determining if the text was generated by artificial intelligence. 

There is a constant push to enhance the software. According to its website, the GPTZero team is developing a unique approach to assist teachers in ethically utilizing AI technologies. In addition, the original release is currently (and will likely always be) available at no cost.

#9. Plagibot

Plagibot is a plagiarism checker that uses ChatGPT and is compatible with many different file types. The AI checker features a user-friendly interface (UI) since the firm behind it cares about its customers. Plagibot constantly crawls the web to ensure that its database is current.

This ChatGPT text detection program is able to detect plagiarism and identify copied content. However, researchers had several glitches while using the site. Fortunately, it didn’t happen often enough to seriously hamper productivity. Keep in mind, however, that Plagibot’s services come at a cost. A monthly limit of 2,000 words applies to the free tier; after that, the user must pay for an upgrade. Requesting pricing information from the company is a good idea if you’re thinking about switching to a premium tier.

#10. Writer AI Content Detector

Writer AI, like other online businesses, dabbles in artificial intelligence (AI) writing in addition to detection. However, its ChatGPT plagiarism tool is very good at locating pirated material. The tool is intuitive, and the developer has plans to release a companion app for the firm’s other offerings.

In the same way that other content detectors do, the Writer AI does its job. Just paste in some text or write some new words, then click the Analyze button. Please keep in mind that the maximum character count for this tool is 1,500. If you need to verify a lot of text, break it up into smaller chunks first. If you’re too slow to manually copy and paste the text, just type in the URL of the webpage. The software uses a percentage scale to indicate the degree of similarity between the two pieces of content. In limited testing, the tool successfully distinguished between human and AI-written text. Contact Writer AI if you require a system that can identify large-scale instances of AI-plagiarized work.

#11. Corrector App AI Content Detector

While not every software below supports all GPT models, the Corrector app’s artificial intelligence content detector does. Even the most recent GPT 4 model, which has only recently begun rolling out, is supported. This artificial intelligence-based text identification program also uses contextual clues in text inputs to establish similarities. Correctors, like other AI plagiarism detectors, can be used for a wide range of purposes by anyone.

The findings, however, may be puzzling to some. The tool only has a Fake% meter and does not provide any more metrics with the output. Copying and pasting the text yields approximate results. In addition, you can only use a maximum of 300 characters. The Corrector promotes its software as “The Sherlock Holmes of AI detectors,” which is a pretty neat boast. Please try Corrector and comment on your experience with it.

ChatGPT Plagiarism Remover

Most of these tools can only detect and eliminate textual instances of plagiarism. 

When dealing with AI, it’s possible that a ChatGTP plagiarism checker won’t be able to tell for sure if a language model was used to generate the content.

Even so, it can be useful for spotting instances of plagiarism.

Plagiarism detection by an AI chatbot is currently challenging.

According to Digital Trends’ Aaron Leong, this is because writing tools use natural language and grammar to create “unique and almost individualized content,” even if that content is sourced from a database. Here is the best ChatGPT plagiarism remover.

#1. Plagiarism Changer by SEOMagnifier 

Cost: Zero Dollars

SEOMagnifier’s Plagiarism Remover is a no-cost application for finding and fixing instances of plagiarism.

The software can rewrite your text with the help of its powerful AI-based algorithms, giving it a fresh, original voice.

This ChatGPT Plagiarism Remover can rewrite duplicate content and replace it with new, original information that you can publish online without worrying about being accused of plagiarism.

#2. Article Rewriter by SmallSEO

Cost: Zero Dollars

Article Rewriter, which is also known as Material Spinner and Paraphrase Online, is an automatic software tool for rewriting material in such a way that the gist of the original meaning is preserved while the phrasing is changed.

Although it is mostly used by people like writers, website administrators, bloggers, and advertising firms, students can also benefit from using it to some degree in their quest to avoid plagiarism.

#3. Quillbot

Price options include “free,” “premium,” and “annual” plans.

Write more efficiently and effectively with the assistance of Quillbot.

More than 50 million people across the world use it, and its free plan allows users to paraphrase up to 125 words, significantly reducing the amount of time spent on writing projects.

Anything from doing homework and assignments to composing emails and social media posts is within its scope of applicability.

The Summarizer, a tool for quickly summarizing lengthy texts, and a built-in grammar checker are also available as bonuses.

How to Trick Plagiarism Detectors?

There are reliable methods for bypassing Plagiarism and achieving a lower permissible level of plagiarism. Most high-achieving college and university students employ these strategies. First, let us be clear that using anti-plagiarism tools like Turnitin never presents an ethical dilemma.

Here are good methods to trick plagiarism detectors like Turnitin:

#1. Avoid Plagiarism Detection by Paraphrasing

This is a tried-and-true method for bypassing Turnitin’s detection. routinely analyzes paragraph and sentence structure for plagiarism. In this situation, you can simply win by rephrasing the wording. Even if you paraphrase the content, you should still give credit to the original author with in-text citations. Paraphrase the information if you need to but don’t have time to completely rewrite it if you buy papers online and find out they’re copied. It’s preferable to save some of the ship’s crew than to lose them all. Make sure to check and modify the paper after paraphrasing to ensure smooth flow.

Keep in mind that Turnitin, like other similar tools, analyzes sentence structure to determine if the content is original. The only strategy for guaranteeing an A is to completely rewrite the paper.

#2. Post Your Paper in PDF Format

Students claim that they were able to fool Turnitin by submitting their work in PDF format. To avoid detection, it is helpful to tamper with the PDF text’s internal structure.  Some students have utilized macros that Turnitin cannot read but professors can. We caution you, though, because this one isn’t risk-free.

#3. Submit It as an Image

The vast majority of university students think that by integrating pictures with the content of their essays, they may avoid detection by Turnitin bots. On the other hand, if you go overboard with it, your submission can be considered to be a blank document, and it would then be rejected.

#4. Make Use of a Variety of Scripts and Characters

Using a language other than English is a tried-and-true approach for getting around Turnitin’s detection systems. In this instance, you are free to make use of foreign characters and symbols. The majority of plagiarism detection tools only work with English content. This, then, is a useful strategy for fooling similarity checkers.

#5. Write a Paper Using Synonyms

Using synonyms is a great way to trick plagiarism detectors. Someone let us in on a little secret: you may bypass Turnitin by using synonyms. Turnitin primarily looks for similarities in sentence structure between the submitted work and the source material. It is able to detect both whole-passage and word-by-word cases of plagiarism. Robots, however, have yet to grasp the concept of synonyms and their application by humans. Try your luck. However, slow down there. Make sure to check the paper, as there are some synonyms that simply won’t work in the document’s context.

What Does ChatGPT Have to Do With Plugins?

ChatGPT’s plugin system allows it to communicate with other programs and gain access to the web’s real-time data. 

The plugins enhance ChatGPT’s functionality, making it possible to use it for a wider variety of tasks, such as trip planning and restaurant research.

Expedia, Zillow, Kayak, Instacart, OpenTable, Klarna, Fiscal Note, and dozens more are just some of the more than 70 third-party plugins available. Only premium users of ChatGPT can use plugins at this time.

OpenAI said that it connected ChatGPT to the internet using a plugin because it was the safest way to do so and reduced the possibility of hallucinations and other negative side effects that can occur when linking a language model to an external tool.

Bottom Line

Avoiding plagiarism is crucial because of the severe repercussions it can have on your work. To solve this problem, you can utilize a reliable paraphrasing tool like Quillbot. In order to rewrite text without changing its meaning, this web-based tool employs cutting-edge algorithms based on AI and NLP. There are a number of different writing modes available, including Basic, Elegant, and Productive.

It works with any platform or gadget, and it’s available in a number of different tongues. Support is available via a built-in chat feature, so you can ask questions or get help whenever you need it.

Frequently Asked Question

Is ChatGPT Content Plagiarism Free?

Yes. Unlike some other services, ChatGPT does not directly lift text from other websites.

Are ChatGPT Detectors Accurate?

Not all of them. A new tool can identify academic text generated by ChatGPT with 99% accuracy. Researchers have created a 99% accurate AI-detection software that can spot research papers written by robots, such as ChatGPT.

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