AWS CDK: An Introduction To AWS Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

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For a while now, the provisioning of cloud infrastructure by code has been accepted as an industry standard. Companies and other entities can save time and money by automating the process of providing AWS resources rather than doing it manually using the AWS console. After that, tools like AWS CloudFormation and Terraform became widely used to create cloud resources using a declarative strategy. However, a declarative approach to configuration can be quite involved, leading to enormous JSON or YAML templates that must be kept current in order to support infrastructure as code. That’s where AWS CDK comes in to simplify the workflow of developers and help them provision cloud infrastructure using an imperative approach. This guide further explains AWS CDK Python and documentation.

What is AWS CDK?

AWS CDK, or AWS Cloud Development Kit, is an open-source software development framework for defining cloud infrastructure as code (IaC). It enables developers to model and provision AWS resources using familiar programming languages such as TypeScript, Python, Java, and others. Instead of writing templates in AWS CloudFormation’s JSON or YAML, CDK allows developers to express infrastructure using the constructs and abstractions of their chosen programming language.

CDK provides a high-level abstraction over AWS resources, making it easier to create and manage complex cloud infrastructure. Developers can define stacks, which represent a set of AWS resources, and leverage reusable constructs provided by the CDK library. This approach enhances productivity by allowing developers to use the same tools and practices for infrastructure as they do for application code.

Once the infrastructure is defined in code, CDK synthesizes it into CloudFormation templates, which are then deployed to AWS. This enables efficient collaboration, versioning, and sharing of infrastructure code, promoting best practices in DevOps and infrastructure management. Overall, AWS CDK simplifies and accelerates the process of provisioning and maintaining cloud resources.

AWS CDK Concept

To break down the concept of AWS CDK can be broken down into three main components that allow you to tailor the provisioning of your infrastructure to your specific needs.

  • App: That’s where your construction tree begins, and it’s what you’ll use to bring together all of your stacks and constructions into a single application for AWS Cloud deployment.
  • Stack: It resembles a CloudFormation stack in many ways. The AWS resources are packaged as prefabricated building blocks into a single deployable unit (template).
  • Construct: It is the fundamental unit, which can house either a single AWS resource or a collection of AWS resources. AWS resources can be combined in any way you see fit.

When you produce an AWS CDK application, the output is a cloud assembly that includes the AWS CloudFormation templates for your stacks and all of your application’s assets.

The AWS CDK CLI may then deploy this package to the AWS account and region of your choice.

How Does AWS CDK Work?

The AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) works by allowing developers to define cloud infrastructure using familiar programming languages. Developers write code in languages like TypeScript, Python, or Java, using CDK constructs to represent AWS resources. These constructs are higher-level abstractions that make it easier to express and manipulate cloud resources.

Once the code is written, developers use the CDK CLI to synthesize it into AWS CloudFormation templates. These templates capture the desired state of the infrastructure in a declarative manner. The synthesized templates can be reviewed, version-controlled, and shared like any other code.

After synthesis, the CDK CLI can deploy the CloudFormation templates to AWS, creating the specified infrastructure. CDK simplifies the process of creating and managing AWS resources by leveraging the power of programming languages and providing reusable abstractions. This approach enhances code maintainability, promotes collaboration between development and operations teams, and enables the adoption of best practices for infrastructure as code (IaC). Also, read AWS NETWORK FIREWALL: Everything You Need to Know

What Are Some of the Features of the AWS CDK?

The AWS CDK is a huge step in enabling developers to control and automate AWS infrastructure. The pace at which I can build and iterate with CDK is substantially faster than using AWS CloudFormation alone. This is because CDK enables you to develop AWS resources faster using your own development tools.

Intuit accounts are more uniform and standardized thanks to the ability to share and distribute AWS CloudFormation patterns using my company’s local software tools. More importantly, AWS has released the source code for this endeavor.

Finally, this lets users have a hand in shaping the future of AWS CloudFormation.

Listed below are some of the most helpful aspects of the AWS Cloud Development Kit:

  • Allows for the use of a wide variety of languages
  • Improve the AWS CDK project’s code quality with your preferred development tools.
  • By utilizing the construct hub, where you can access and exchange L2 and L3 CDK constructs, you can save time and effort while developing new AWS resources for your project.
  • Keep all of your CDK-related data (infrastructure, apps, configuration, and deployment) in one repository.
  • Ability to contribute and offer comments to the developer team since AWS CDK is open source.
  • CloudFormation templates with thousands of lines can be generated with just a few lines of Typescript code.
  • Create recursive functions to generate many AWS resources in a single iteration, such as five AWS Lambda functions, without duplicating your code.

What Is AWS CDK Used For?

AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) is used for defining and provisioning cloud infrastructure on Amazon Web Services (AWS) using programming languages. Instead of writing static AWS CloudFormation templates in JSON or YAML, CDK enables developers to express infrastructure as code (IaC) using languages like TypeScript, Python, Java, and more.

With AWS CDK, developers can:

  • Use Familiar Programming Languages: Write infrastructure code in languages they are already familiar with, which enhances productivity and reduces the learning curve.
  • Create Reusable Constructs: Leverage pre-built, reusable constructs to represent AWS resources, making it easier to express complex infrastructure patterns.
  • Define Stacks: Organize resources into stacks, representing sets of related infrastructure components that can be deployed together.
  • Synthesize CloudFormation Templates: Automatically generate AWS CloudFormation templates from CDK code, making it easy to review, version control, and share infrastructure configurations.
  • Accelerate Development: Streamline the process of provisioning and updating AWS resources, aligning infrastructure provisioning with software development best practices.

In essence, the AWS CDK simplifies the management of cloud infrastructure by allowing developers to use programming languages to define and deploy AWS resources efficiently.

What is AWS CDK vs. CloudFormation?

AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) and AWS CloudFormation are both tools for defining and provisioning AWS infrastructure, but they differ in their approach and usage.

AWS CloudFormation:

  • Declarative Language: CloudFormation uses a declarative language (JSON or YAML) to describe the desired state of the infrastructure. Users specify what resources they want and their configuration details.
  • Static Templates: Infrastructure is defined in static templates that must be written in JSON or YAML. While these templates are powerful, they can be verbose and less readable.
  • Resource Type Awareness: CloudFormation has a deep awareness of AWS resource types and their properties, providing a comprehensive but potentially complex view of the AWS service offerings.
  • Widely Adopted: CloudFormation is a well-established service and is widely adopted across the AWS user base.


  • Imperative Language: CDK allows developers to use familiar programming languages (TypeScript, Python, Java, etc.) to define infrastructure. This imperative approach allows for more dynamic and flexible definitions.
  • Constructs and Abstractions: CDK introduces the concept of constructs, which are higher-level abstractions representing AWS resources. These constructs make it easier to express complex infrastructure patterns.
  • Code as Infrastructure: CDK treats infrastructure as code, enabling developers to write logic to define and configure resources. This promotes code reuse and readability.
  • Synthesis to CloudFormation: CDK code is synthesized into CloudFormation templates during the deployment process. This allows users to benefit from the power of CloudFormation while using a more developer-friendly syntax.

Furthermore, whereas CloudFormation is more declarative and relies on templates, CDK is more code-centric and makes use of standard programming languages and techniques to give programmers more separation from implementation details. Which one is better depends on the tastes of the users, the level of abstraction sought, and the requirements of the project at hand.

What Is the Difference Between the AWS CDK and the AWS SDK?

Amazon Web Services offers two distinct cloud development kits: the AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) and the AWS SDK (Software Development Kit).

AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit):

  • Infrastructure as Code (IaC): CDK is primarily focused on defining and provisioning cloud infrastructure using programming languages like TypeScript, Python, Java, etc. It enables developers to express AWS resources and their relationships using a higher-level, imperative approach.
  • Abstraction with Constructs: CDK introduces constructs, which are reusable abstractions representing AWS resources. These constructs allow developers to express complex infrastructure patterns more concisely.
  • Deployment Automation: CDK facilitates the synthesis of cloud infrastructure code into AWS CloudFormation templates, streamlining the deployment process.

AWS SDK (Software Development Kit):

  • Application Development: SDKs are sets of libraries and tools that allow developers to build applications that interact with AWS services programmatically. SDKs provide APIs and methods for application development, enabling functionalities like reading from or writing to databases, interacting with storage, managing compute resources, etc.
  • Multi-Language Support: AWS SDKs are available for multiple programming languages (Java, Python,.NET, etc.), providing a consistent set of tools and libraries across different environments.
  • Service Integration: SDKs provide a way to integrate AWS services into custom applications, enabling developers to interact with AWS resources in a programmatic manner.

In a nutshell, AWS CDK prioritizes higher-level abstractions and programming languages in order to define and deliver infrastructure as code. To facilitate the development of applications that make use of AWS services in a programmed fashion, the AWS Software Development Kit (SDK) provides language-specific libraries. The AWS development methods of CDK focus more on the underlying infrastructure, whereas those of SDK are more application-oriented.

AWS CDK Python

The Amazon Web Services CDK (Cloud Development Kit) for Python is a software development framework that allows developers to define and provision AWS infrastructure using the Python programming language. It simplifies the process of creating and managing cloud resources by leveraging the familiar syntax and constructs of Python. Reviewing the AWS Python Client Development Kit (CDK):

  • Language Familiarity: With CDK for Python, developers can use Python, a widely adopted and versatile programming language, to define their cloud infrastructure. This reduces the learning curve for those who are already proficient in Python.
  • Pythonic Constructs: CDK introduces Pythonic constructs, which are higher-level abstractions representing AWS resources. These constructs make it easy for developers to express complex infrastructure patterns using Python code, promoting readability and maintainability.
  • Rich Ecosystem: CDK for Python benefits from the extensive Python ecosystem, allowing developers to leverage existing Python libraries and tools in their infrastructure code. This integration enhances the flexibility and extensibility of CDK-based projects.
  • Declarative and Imperative Styles: Developers can choose between declarative and imperative styles when defining infrastructure. The declarative style involves using Python classes to define the desired state of resources, while the imperative style allows for more dynamic and procedural definitions.
  • Synthesis for CloudFormation: Just like other CDK implementations, CDK for Python synthesizes infrastructure code into AWS CloudFormation templates during the deployment process. This ensures compatibility with existing AWS CloudFormation workflows and tools.
  • Support for AWS Services: CDK for Python supports a wide range of AWS services, enabling developers to define resources such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, Lambda functions, and more using Python code.

In summary, AWS CDK for Python offers a Python-centric approach to defining and deploying AWS infrastructure, providing a convenient and expressive way for Python developers to manage cloud resources using familiar programming paradigms.

AWS CDK Benefits

The AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) has various benefits, making it an outstanding tool for cloud development. Read on for a rundown of some advantages: 

#1. Faster Innovation Cycle

The AWS CDK can shorten the development cycle by facilitating the reuse of code and infrastructure components, the automation of AWS infrastructure, and the subsequent reduction in the time and effort needed to build and deploy applications. 

#2. Easy to Use

Developers who are already fluent in a programming language will have no trouble picking up the AWS CDK. They may rapidly start with AWS CDK, utilizing their existing knowledge and skills and learning how to model and provision infrastructure resources.

#3. Multi-AWS-Service Compatibility

In addition to Amazon S3, Amazon DynamoDB, Amazon RDS, Amazon EC2, AWS Lambda, and Amazon API Gateway, AWS CDK supports a wide variety of other AWS offerings. This paves the way for developers to construct and control multi-service infrastructure stacks.

#4. Customizable and Shareable

For unique needs, the AWS CDK offers a framework that is adaptable and can be changed to fit those needs. It’s also possible for developers to share their code and technology with others, which makes working on projects together easier.

#5. You Can’t Change the Subject

The AWS CDK will enable developers to stay in their preferred development environment and language, avoiding the need to transfer between different tools and interfaces.

How Do I Get Started with AWS CDK? 

Understanding how to get started with AWS CDK can be difficult for novice users. This tutorial will show you how to set up the AWS Command Line Interface (CLI), create a sample AWS CDK project, and finally deploy that project to AWS. 

Step 1: Install the AWS CDK CLI

The AWS CDK CLI lets you talk to the AWS CDK through a command line. If you run the following code in your terminal, npm (Node Package Manager) will install it for you:

npm install -g aws-cdk

Step 2: Choose a Programming Language

TypeScript, JavaScript, Python, Java, C#, and Go are just some of the programming languages that AWS CDK supports. Whichever one makes you feel the most at ease, go with that.

Step 3: Create a New CDK App

A new AWS CDK application can be created with the ‘cdk init’ command after the AWS CDK CLI has been installed and a programming language has been selected. With this command, you can make a fresh CDK program complete with an example code in the language of your choice.

Step 4: Write Your Infrastructure as Code

The AWS Config Definition Kit (CDK) allows you to define your AWS environment as code in whatever language you like. You can use the AWS CDK constructs library to describe your resources, such as EC2 instances, S3 buckets, etc.

Step 5: Deploy and Test your App

Your infrastructure can be deployed using the ‘cdk deploy’ command once it has been defined as code. This command will create or update your resources in your AWS account. Once your application has been deployed, you can put it through its paces by either interacting with it in the AWS Management Console or by performing automated tests on it.

AWS CDK Documentation

If you’re a developer interested in learning about, working with, or mastering AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) to create cloud infrastructure in a variety of computer languages, this documentation is for you. Key features of the AWS CDK documentation are outlined below.

#1. Get Started 

Installation instructions, introductions to key concepts, and guidance on configuring a development environment are all provided in the documentation for getting started with AWS CDK.

#2. Core Concepts

It covers fundamental concepts such as Stacks, Constructs, and the AWS Construct Library. Stacks represent a set of AWS resources, Constructs are the building blocks for defining resources, and the AWS Construct Library provides pre-built, reusable constructs for common AWS services.

#3. Programming Languages

TypeScript, Python, Java, C#, and more languages are listed in the documentation as ones that work with it. It is well-documented that each language has its own unique characteristics and considerations.

#4. Referencing Construction

The available constructs for the many AWS services are thoroughly documented. This section provides developers with guidance on how to utilize various techniques to establish AWS resources such as S3 buckets, DynamoDB tables, AWS Lambda functions, and more.

#5. Best Practices

Best practices for developing and arranging CDK applications for scalability, maintainability, and security are provided in the documentation.

#6. API Reference

Each language comes with its own detailed API reference that lists all of the CDK’s classes, methods, and attributes.

#7. Case Studies and Guides

Many tutorials and examples show you how to build various kinds of infrastructure and address typical problems. All levels of developers can benefit from studying these examples.

#8. Contributing

The documentation often includes information on how to contribute to the CDK project, encouraging community involvement and collaboration.

In addition, the AWS CDK documentation serves as a vital resource, enabling developers to navigate the intricacies of AWS CDK, understand its core concepts, and effectively use it to define, deploy, and manage cloud infrastructure on AWS.

When Should I Use AWS CDK?: Bottom Line

You should consider using AWS CDK (Cloud Development Kit) in the following scenarios:

  • Familiarity with Programming Languages: If your team is already proficient in programming languages like TypeScript, Python, Java, or C#, using CDK allows you to leverage these skills for defining cloud infrastructure.
  • AWS-Centric Projects: CDK is particularly well-suited for projects that are AWS-centric. It provides native constructs for AWS services, streamlining the definition and management of AWS resources.
  • Higher-Level Abstractions: When dealing with complex infrastructure patterns or when you want to abstract away low-level details, CDK’s constructs provide higher-level abstractions that make it easier to express and manage resources.
  • Development and Infrastructure Alignment: If you prefer a development-centric approach to infrastructure, CDK aligns well with development practices. Developers can manage both application code and infrastructure code using similar workflows.
  • Synthesis to CloudFormation: If your organization uses AWS CloudFormation for infrastructure deployment, CDK can be beneficial as it synthesizes into CloudFormation templates during the deployment process. This ensures compatibility with existing CloudFormation workflows and tools.
  • Dynamic or Imperative Definitions: If you prefer an imperative and dynamic style of defining infrastructure where procedural logic is important, CDK’s programming language approach provides flexibility in expressing infrastructure code.

It’s important to note that the choice between Amazon Web Services CDK and other infrastructure as code tools like Terraform depends on various factors, including team expertise, project requirements, and personal preferences. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each tool in the context of your specific use case before making a decision.

Frequently Asked Questions

Should I use Terraform or CDK?

The strengths of AWS CDK are its programmability, code reuse, and compatibility with other AWS services. For those comfortable with programming languages who want an abstraction layer, this is a fantastic option. The strengths of Terraform, on the other hand, are its multi-cloud support, declarative syntax, and large user base

What are the disadvantages of AWS CDK?

One disadvantage of AWS CDK is that accessing the integrated development environment requires using a third-party service, such as Cloud9. Not having everything you need in one location is an inconvenience. Additionally, when numerous people are working on the same code, it might lead to problems with overlapping modifications.

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