Atlan Competitors

The choice between Atlan and its competitors depends on the retail organization’s specific requirements, priorities, and existing technology landscape, which aims to improve data workflows, foster collaboration among data professionals, and improve data accessibility and reliability. This article gives more insight into the top Atlan competitors and their alternatives in 2023.

Atlan Competitors

Atlan is a modern data collaboration platform for teams to manage, collaborate, and understand data content efficiently. It provides features such as data cataloging, lineage tracking, governance, collaboration tools, and data quality assessment. It also integrates with other data tools, search, and discovery, measures Security measures, and customizable reporting. Competitors of Atlan provide comparable data governance, collaboration, cataloging, and discovery solutions. Assuring data quality, cooperation, and effective data workflows, they assist enterprises in managing and maximizing their data assets.  All platforms strive to improve data management and collaboration for enterprises, yet each has its distinct features.

Lists of Competitors of Altan

Competitors of Atlan in the data collaboration and cataloging space include:

#1. Alation

Alation provides a data catalog solution that helps organizations find, understand, and trust their data.

#2. Collibra

Collibra offers a data governance platform. Organizations can manage and govern their data assets with Collibra.

#3. Azure Data Catalog

Azure Data Catalog is a cloud-based data cataloging service that helps companies discover, understand, and use their data assets.

#4. Informatica

Informatica offers a comprehensive suite of data integration and data management solutions, including a data cataloging tool.

#5. IBM

IBM provides a range of data management solutions that includes a data cataloging tool. This helps companies to discover, and manage their data assets.

#6. OneTrust Data Catalog

OneTrust provides a data catalog solution that combines data discovery, classification, and governance to help organizations manage and collaborate on data.

#7. SAP

Organizations can manage their data assets with SAP. As it provides a range of data management solutions, including a data cataloging tool. 

#8. Waterline Data

Organizations can find, comprehend, and manage their data with the help of Waterline Data’s data cataloging and governance platform.

#9. Apache Atlas

An organization’s data assets can be found, categorized, and managed with the aid of Apache Atlas, an open-source data governance and metadata framework.

#10. Data world

The cloud-based data cataloging and collaboration platform Dataworld aids in the discovery, comprehension, and sharing of an organization’s data assets.

#11. Talend Data Catalog

Talend Data Catalog uses a cloud-based metadata and data catalog management solution to help organizations discover, understand, and manage their data assets.  

#12. Zaloni

Zaloni provides a data management platform that includes a data cataloging and metadata management solution. Companies use Zaloni for their data assets.

#13. Unifi

 Unifi uses its data cataloging and data integration platform to help organizations prepare their data assets.

#14. MANTA

With the help of MANTA and its data lineage and metadata management solution, organizations can discover and govern their data assets.

#15. Kylo

Kylo is a data lake management platform. This data cataloging and metadata management solution helps organizations with their data assets.


Atlan is a platform that helps data teams manage their data assets more efficiently and effectively. This makes it a valuable tool for organizations that rely on data for their business operations. It provides a single source of truth for teams to collaborate and work together on their data projects. Atlan was built by a data team for data teams and is designed to be open by default DIY setup, and plug-and-play. They often use automation and AI features to tag, categorize, and add data, which speeds up the data cataloging process. 

Atlan offers a unique set of features and capabilities that differentiate it from its competitors. This makes it a strong contender in the data catalog and data governance market.

Features of Altan

Here are some features of Atlan that differentiate it from its competitors:

#1. Active Metadata

Atlan provides active metadata that is automatically updated in real-time. This allows data teams to get a comprehensive view of their data assets and their usage across the organization.

#2. AI/ML Integration

The AI/ML integration that Atlan offers allows data teams to automate data quality management, data classification, and other data-related tasks.

#3. Data Quality Management

Atlan includes data quality management capabilities that enable data teams to measure and improve the quality of their data assets. 

#4. Cloud-Native Platform

Atlan is a cloud-native platform that is designed to work seamlessly with cloud-based data warehouses and other cloud-based data platforms. This makes it easy for organizations to integrate Atlan into their existing data infrastructure.

#5. Comprehensive Insights

Atlan Grid API provides teams with granular, 360 insights about their customers within minutes

#6. Collaborative Workflows

Data teams can easily collaborate on data discovery, data profiling, data quality management, and other data-related tasks using Atlan’s collaborative workflows.

#7.Customizable Dashboards

With Atlan, data teams can create dashboards that are tailored to their specific needs and workflows. 

#8. Data Privacy and Compliance

 Atlan’s data privacy and compliance features include data masking, data anonymization, and access controls.

#9. Integrated Data Lineage

Atlan provides integrated data lineage that gives data teams a clear view of the lineage of their data assets. This helps data teams to better understand the origins of their data and how it has been transformed over time.

#10. User-Friendly Interface

Atlan’s intuitive interface makes data teams quickly find the data they need and perform data-related tasks more efficiently.

#11. Collaboration

Atlan’s collaboration features allow data teams to work together more effectively, with features like comments, tags, and the ability to share data assets with specific team members. 

#12. Ease of Use

Atlan’s rating of 9/10 in Ease of Use places it among the best in the market. Atlan’s focus on human-centered design may make it a good option for organizations looking for a user-friendly data catalog solution.

#13. Pay-As-You-Go Pricing

Atlan’s pay-as-you-go pricing model may make it an attractive option for organizations looking for a cost-effective data catalog solution. 

#14. Integrations

Atlan integrates with a wide range of other tools and technologies, including data warehouses, business intelligence tools, and data preparation platforms. This allows organizations to leverage their existing data stack and get more value out of their data investments.

#15. Search and Discovery

Organizations use Atlan’s search functionality to quickly locate patient records, research datasets, and administrative reports, reducing the time spent searching for data.

Limitations of Atlan

These are the limitations of Atlan compared to some of its competitors:

The limitations of Atlan compared to its competitors are areas where Atlan has disadvantages or shortcomings in terms of features, functionalities, or performance when compared to similar platforms. 

#1. Enterprise Scale

Some competitors, like Collibra, are well-established in handling large-scale enterprise data environments. Atlan might have scalability challenges for extremely massive datasets and user numbers.

#2. Complex Governance

Atlan’s governance capabilities might not be as comprehensive for organizations with stringent regulatory or compliance needs.

#3. Customization

Some competitors offer higher levels of customization and extensibility to fit unique organizational requirements. 

#4. Advanced Analytics

Certain competitors might offer more advanced analytics and data science integrations, making it easier to derive insights directly from the cataloged data. 

#5. Legacy System Integration

Competitors with longer histories have deeper integrations with legacy systems. Atlan does not. 

#6. Maturity and Ecosystem

Atlan’s ecosystem, marketplace, and third-party integrations are not as developed when compared to more established competitors.

#7. Complex Data Lineage

Atlan’s data lineage features are not as sophisticated as some of its competitors. 

#8. Integration Extensibility

In a retail organization that requires seamless integration with a range of existing systems like POS systems and e-commerce platforms, Atlan’s integrations might be more limited compared to competitors.

#9. Compliance Workflows

Atlan has limitations in offering advanced compliance workflow automation tailored to financial industry regulations.

#10. In-depth Auditing

Atlan’s auditing capabilities are less advanced compared to competitors that specialize in audit trail tracking.

What Is A Data Catalog Atlan?

Atlan is a third-generation data catalog that enables organizations to discover, trust, and understand their data assets. It provides a comprehensive data catalog that allows users to search, browse, and discover data assets across various sources. Atlan also offers data quality management, data validation, and data enrichment capabilities that can help improve data accuracy and quality. With Atlan, data teams can set up data quality rules and policies, monitor data quality in real time, and gain insights into data lineage. Atlan also provides a collaborative workspace where team members can work together on data assets, share information, make suggestions, and provide feedback. 

Is Atlan Open Source?

Atlan is not open-source itself, it is built on open-source technologies and has an open philosophy. Atlan is built on open-source technologies and it has an open API backbone. It is a commercial software platform offered by a company to help organizations with data collaboration, cataloging, and related tasks. Atlan offers a collaborative workspace, AI/ML integration, and active metadata capabilities, among other features.

What Is The Difference Between Data Lineage And Data Catalog?

A data catalog is a collection of metadata that provides a comprehensive view of data assets and their usage across an organization. It helps data teams discover, trust, and understand their data assets. A data catalog includes information such as data asset descriptions, data asset owners, data quality metrics, data lineage, and data classification. A data catalog is a tool for managing and discovering data assets.
Data lineage is the history of how data flows through an organization. It tracks the data’s origin, where it moves, and how it gets transformed along the way. Data lineage provides valuable insights into data quality, compliance, and regulatory requirements. It also helps organizations track data changes and identify the causes of data-related issues. Data lineage is a tool for tracking the history and movement of data within an organization

What Is The Alternative To Apache Atlas?

There are several alternatives to Apache Atlas, they include Amundsen, DataHub, Metacat, Immuta, IRI Voracity, MANTA, Azure Data Catalog, Erwin Data Intelligence, Data Galaxy, and Axon Data Governance. Each of these alternatives has its unique features.

What Is The Difference Between Atlas And Atlan?

The main difference between Apache Atlas and Atlan:

Atlan is a third-generation data catalog that provides a comprehensive view of data assets and their usage across an organization. Atlan offers a more user-friendly and intuitive interface compared to Apache Atlas, and it uses Elasticsearch for full-text search. 

Apache Atlas is an open-source metadata management and data governance tool that allows data practitioners to control and govern their data assets. Apache Atlas uses Apache Solr. 

What Are The Top 5 Open-Source Data Catalogs In 2023?

The top 5 open-source data catalogs in 2023:

  • Apache Atlas
  • Lyft Amundsen
  • LinkedIn Datahub
  • Netflix Metacat
  • OpenMetada

What Is The Difference Between Data Catalog and Data Curation?

A data catalog is a collection of metadata that provides a comprehensive view of data assets and their usage across an organization. A data catalog is a tool or platform that contains metadata about data assets

Data curation is the process of preparing and managing data to make it easily understandable and usable for business users. Data curation is the process of ensuring that data is organized, clean, and well-documented to make it useful for business purposes. 

What Is The Difference Between Data Governance And Data Catalog?

Data governance involves the overall management of data to ensure its accuracy, usability, security, and compliance with established policies and regulations. It involves defining data standards, policies, and procedures, as well as establishing roles and responsibilities for data management and oversight.
A data catalog is a product or platform that houses metadata about data assets, giving users a thorough understanding of those assets and how they are used within the company. Data catalogs assist data teams in finding, relying on, and comprehending their data assets. Data asset descriptions, asset owners, data quality measurements, data lineage, and data classification are among the details it contains.


Atlan competitors are other companies or solutions in the market that offer similar products or services to Atlan. Atlan’s active metadata management, ease of use, data governance capabilities, integrations, and pricing model make it a strong competitor in the data catalog market. These competitors may have similar features, capabilities, or target markets, and are competing for the same customers. The purpose of identifying Atlan competitors is to evaluate and compare different options to determine the best fit for an organization’s specific needs and requirements. 

Atlan’s competitors include Collibra, Alation, Informatica Axon, Waterline Data, Zaloni, Unifi, Dataworld, and Apache Atlas. These platforms offer data cataloging, governance, collaboration, and discovery solutions to help organizations manage, understand, and collaborate on data assets effectively. The landscape is always changing. These options should be evaluated based on your organization’s needs.


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