Why Is Instagram Asking For My Birthday? What You Should Know

why is instagram asking for my birthday
Metro UK

You open Instagram for a quick (or lengthy) scroll, only to be greeted by a prompt to “Add Your Birthday.” The “Not Now” button allowed you to evade the alert for the time being. However, recent research reveals that eventually, you’ll have to enter the date if you want to keep using the app.

The question, “Why is Instagram asking for my birthday?” isn’t something that should make you freak out unnecessarily. Mark Zuckerberg isn’t trying to throw a surprise party for you in the Metaverse without your knowledge. Rather the prompt is merely an Instagram protocol.

But read on to find out more…

Why Is Instagram Asking About My Birthday? (Short Answer)

The reason you were randomly asked to fill out your birthday isn’t entirely random. Since 2019, Instagram has required new users to enter their birthday when creating an account, according to The Verge. If you created your Instagram account before 2019, this is Instagram’s way of updating your profile.

The main reason for this policy is to ensure that people under the age of 13 do not use the app, as Instagram requires users to be at least 13 years old. Instagram, on the other hand, is using this information to block potentially sensitive content from younger users.

How it Started

Instagram has released a slew of policy changes and features in recent months with the goal of making the platform a safer place for users. Especially after an employee-turned-whistleblower leaked several internal documents, exposing the company to several serious allegations. During this time, Instagram’s parent company, Facebook, decided to rebrand to Meta, a virtual reality-focused organization.

Users have since seen features that allow them to set timers for breaks and limit their overall app usage. Instagram has recently asked users to enter their birthday, and if they had rejected it multiple times, their accounts were removed. The question is, “Why?”

Well, here is your answer; Instagram has a diverse audience of all ages, so it is natural for the application to have diverse content. However, this raises the possibility of young Instagram users encountering inappropriate content, which could have a negative impact on their lives.

Pavni Diwanji, Instagram’s VP of Youth Products, announced in August 2021 that the platform would require all users to submit their birthday-related information, including the date, month, and year of birth. This information will primarily be used by the platform to provide a safer environment for young users.

Instagram has been sending constant reminders to users who haven’t entered their birthday information since then. If a user denies and fails to provide the requested information, the app will suspend their account.

How to Avoid Having Your Instagram Account Removed

Instagram did not specify a date from which users would be required to enter their birthday, but the requirement has already been implemented. As a result, several Instagram users are seeing a prompt asking them to add their birthday, as well as options to learn more about the feature or reject it immediately.

Unfortunately, the only way to correct it is to enter the correct birthday information by tapping on ‘Add Your Birthday’ on the appropriate prompt, which then calculates their age. While this may not seem like a big deal, it could be for users under the age of 13 who want to use the social media platform.

According to the updated Instagram guidelines, users must be at least 13 years old to open an account on the platform. As stated in the official support post, those under the age of 13 will see a message that reads, “You’re Not Old Enough to Use Instagram,” and their Instagram account will eventually be deleted.

While such users may still file an appeal, Instagram will only consider recalculating their age after it has been verified. Instagram will stop sending prompts once users enter their date of birth.

How to Prevent Instagram from Requesting Your Birthday

When the “Add your birthday” popup appears, dismiss it by tapping “Not Now.” However, this will only temporarily solve the problem, and the prompt will reappear the next time you open the app. You can only dismiss it so many times before you lose the option. Failure to provide Instagram with your birth date will result in account suspension. As a result, entering the required information is the only way to stop the app from bothering you with this request.

You are not required to wait for the popup to add your birth date to your profile. In your profile settings, look for the following option.

  • Navigate to your Instagram account.
  • Select the “Edit Profile” option.
  • Then, select “Personal Information Settings.”
  • Under the “Birthday” section, you can enter your birth date.

Instagram Requesting My Birthday Error

If you’ve already entered your birthday on Instagram but encountered an error, you may lose your account as a result of an unfortunate chain of events. There are two common errors that users make. One of them informs the user that there was an error in the saving process, while the other bans the user from their account despite the fact that they are over the age limit. Let’s see what we can do about each issue.

#1. Error in Saving Process

When you entered your birthday on Instagram, did you get the message “An unexpected error occurred”? If so, take a look at your Facebook profile. If your Instagram and Facebook accounts are linked, your birth date on both platforms must match. You may have entered your birth date incorrectly on Facebook, resulting in an Instagram error.

Follow these steps to find your birthday on Facebook.

  • Go to your profile in the Facebook app.
  • Look for “See Your About Info” under your information.
  • Your birthday will appear in the “Basic info” section.

If you enter the same date on Instagram, the error will be resolved. You can also change your Facebook birthday to the one you entered on Instagram, which will automatically sync them and solve the problem.

#2. Error: You Are Not Old Enough to Use Instagram

If you see an error message that says “You’re Not Old Enough to Use Instagram” after entering your information, Instagram has suspended your account. If this was an error and you are over the age limit, you can contact Instagram to regain access. The steps are as follows.

  • Under the error message, click the “Appeal” button.
  • Instagram will request some personal information from you. To verify your age, fill in the fields and upload an image of your ID.
  • Submit the form and wait for Instagram to send you an email.

Can Instagram users see my birthday?

Unlike Facebook, which reminds forgetful friends of your birthday unless you choose to hide it, Instagram does not reveal your birthday to anyone. So, if you want to announce your special day, you’ll have to repost those “happy birthday” stories.

Why Was My Instagram Account Removed?

If your account is suspected of being used by a user under the age of 13, or if you accidentally entered your birthday as under the age of 13, your account will be deleted.

If you believe this was done in error, you can file an appeal with Instagram. According to Instagram, the process requires you to submit a valid ID proving that you are over the age of 13. As long as your ID is a valid issued ID and does not resemble McLovin, your account should be operational again in 30 days or less.

Can I delete my Instagram birthday?

You won’t be able to remove your birthday from Instagram once you’ve added it. You can, however, change it a few times if you make a mistake or want to change it for any other reason.

Can I change the date of my birthday on Instagram?

Yes, you can change your Instagram birthday by going to your profile page and clicking “Edit Profile.” Keep in mind, however, that you can only edit this piece of information a certain number of times. If you’ve recently changed it, the app will also prevent you from changing it.

Other Methods for Instagram Age Verification

Of course, not everyone is truthful. If the company suspects you of lying about your age, your account may be reviewed. You’re Not Old Enough to Use Instagram will notify you that your account is in violation of the age policy. If this occurs in error, you may appeal the decision with a valid ID.

In a blog post published in June 2022, Instagram detailed two additional methods it is testing to determine someone’s age. One method is to use Yoti, an identity verification service, to record a video selfie that estimates your age based on your facial features. The other method is “social vouching,” in which mutual followers over the age of 18 confirm that you are a legal adult. However, the company appears to be discontinuing this, most likely due to the possibility of abuse.

Instagram may employ alternative methods in the future. Artificial intelligence, for example, can detect a post that says “Happy 16th birthday!” and compare it to the birthday that person entered.


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