How To Share An Instagram Post
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Welcome to our in-depth guide on how to share Instagram posts! Instagram, with over a billion active users, has emerged as a dominant social networking site for sharing photos and videos. In this article, we’ll walk you through the steps on how to share an Instagram post to your Stories and Feed. This guide will help you master the art of sharing captivating content, whether you’re a seasoned Instagrammer or new to the platform. Let’s get this party started!

Understanding the Basics Instagram

Before getting into how to share Instagram posts, it’s critical to understand the platform’s fundamentals. Let’s look at the important concepts and characteristics that can help you succeed on Instagram.

Instagram Terminology

Instagram has its own set of words that you’ll come across regularly. To properly navigate the site, become acquainted with the following terms:

  • Feed: The main content stream where you view posts from accounts you follow.
  • Stories: short-lived content that disappears after 24 hours, allowing you to share moments from your day.
  • Likes: An engagement metric that indicates how many users like content.
  • Comments: Users can leave comments on posts to share their thoughts or engage in conversations.
  • Followers: The number of users who have chosen to subscribe to your content and see your posts in their feed.
  • Hashtags: Words or phrases preceded by the ‘#’ symbol, are used to categorize posts and increase discoverability.
  • Explore: A section of Instagram that showcases popular and trending posts tailored to your interests.
  • Direct Messages (DMs): private conversations between you and other Instagram users.

Understanding these words will allow you to confidently explore Instagram.

Instagram Tools and Features

Instagram has a variety of features and tools to help you improve your experience and engage with your audience. Here are a few crucial features to be aware of:

  • Filters: Instagram provides various filters to enhance the visual appeal of your photos and videos.
  • Explore Page: Discover new content and accounts based on your interests and engagement history.
  • Notifications: Stay updated on likes, comments, and mentions related to your posts.
  • Tagging: Mention other Instagram users in your posts by tagging their usernames.
  • Geotagging: Add a location to your posts to share where the content was created.
  • IGTV: Instagram TV allows you to share longer videos and create episodic content.
  • Insights: Gain access to analytics and data on the performance of your account, including reach, engagement, and follower demographics.

These tools will allow you to make the most of your Instagram experience and efficiently engage with your audience.

Instagram Security and Privacy Settings

On every social networking platform, protecting your privacy and preserving the security of your account is critical. Instagram offers a variety of options to help you keep control over your content and relationships. Investigate your privacy options to control who can see your posts, send you messages, and access your profile information. Enable two-factor authentication for an added layer of security.

Understanding Instagram’s basic terminology, features, and privacy settings will provide you with a solid basis to successfully explore and post content on the network. In the following sections, we’ll go over how to share an Instagram post to your Stories and Feed, allowing you to express yourself and engage your audience in meaningful ways.

How To Share An Instagram Post To Your Stories

Instagram Stories are a fun and ephemeral way to share content with your followers. In this part, we’ll walk you through the process of how to share an Instagram post to your Stories, allowing you to personalize it and engage your followers more dynamically.

#1. Choose the Best Post

Before sharing an Instagram post to your Stories, choose a captivating and visually appealing photo or video from your Instagram Feed. Check that the content matches your storytelling aims and will be well received by your audience.

#2. Access the Share Options

To share an Instagram post to your Stories, locate the paper airplane-shaped icon beneath the post. To open the share options menu, tap on the icon. Select “Add post to your story” or a similar option from the menu, depending on the Instagram app version.

#3. Personalize Your Story

You’ll be taken to the story editor interface after selecting the “Add post to your story” option. You can edit your Story here before sharing it with your followers. Use the provided creative tools to improve the post and add your distinctive touch.

#4. Adding Context and Captions

Consider adding context or captions to your Story. This can include a short description, a call to action, or any other information you want to convey to your audience. Use text that is brief and compelling to complement the visual content.

#5. Make use of Hashtags and Location Tags

Consider adding relevant hashtags and location tags to your Story to boost its discoverability. Include hashtags linked to the post or the location where the content was made using the sticker options. This will allow your Story to reach a larger audience and possibly gain new followers.

#6. Customize Story Settings

You can adjust the settings for each Story you share on Instagram. By altering the privacy settings, you can choose who can see your Story. Choose between sharing it with your followers, a select group of close friends, or even making it visible to the public. When making this selection, consider the nature of your content as well as your intended audience.

#7. Posting Your Story

You’re ready to share your Instagram post your Story with your followers once you’ve tweaked it to your taste. To publish your Story, tap the “Your Story” button or a similar option. The post will now be accessible in your Story for 24 hours, allowing your audience to interact with it via views, replies, and other interactive components.

Sharing Instagram posts to your Stories adds a personal touch, engages your audience more interactively, and gives your material a brief but prominent exposure.

How To Share An Instagram Post To Your Feed

The focus of your profile is your Instagram Feed, where you can showcase carefully picked content that symbolizes your company and engages your audience. In this part, we’ll walk you through the steps of how to share an Instagram post to your Feed and make sure it makes an impression on your followers.

#1. Choose the Perfect Post

Choose a high-quality and visually beautiful photo or video that resonates with your brand and narrative goals before sharing a post to your Feed. Make sure the content grabs your audience’s attention, evokes emotions, and resonates with them.

#2. Tap the + Button

Tap the “+” button in the lower center of your screen to add a new post to your Instagram Feed. This will open the post creation page, where you can select the content to share.

#3. Select Your Post

You can opt to upload a fresh photo or video directly from your device or select one from your Instagram Gallery in the post creation window. Tap the relevant choice and search your media for the post you wish to share. Once you’ve decided, touch “Next” to continue.

#4. Enhance Your Post

Before sharing your post, Instagram provides several tools to enhance the visual appeal and engagement of your content:

  • Filters
  • Editing Tools
  • Crop and Aspect Ratio

#5. Craft an Engaging Caption

A captivating caption complements your post, adding context, storytelling, or more information to your viewers. Create a caption that grabs attention, stimulates conversation, and is consistent with your brand voice. Use relevant hashtags to boost discoverability and engage with a larger audience.

#6. Add Locations and Tag Accounts

If applicable, use the “@” sign followed by their username to tag relevant accounts in your post. This can include collaborators, brands, or people who appear in your content. Consider including a location tag to show where the photo or video was taken. This can help you gain local followers or connect with individuals who have been to the same location.

#7. Share to Your Feed

After you’ve finished customizing your post, click “Share” to publish it to your Instagram Feed. Your followers and anybody who visits your profile will now be able to see the post. Examine how your post looks in your Feed to confirm that it fits your expectations.

#8. Engage with Your Audience

Engage with your audience as soon as your post appears in your Feed. Respond to comments, answer questions, and express gratitude for the help you’ve received. Engaging with your fans builds community and encourages additional connection.

You may leave a lasting impact on your audience and develop a visually appealing brand presence by sharing an Instagram post to your Feed.

How do I share someone else’s post on Instagram?

Tap the arrow to the right of the photo or video in Feed. Tap the Add post/video to your story button. Select Add to Story. Remember that when you share someone’s post to your story, anyone who sees it may know who posted it and can access the original account.

Why can’t I share a post on Instagram?

Instagram offers a one-of-a-kind privacy policy that permits only public posts to be shared. If the account is private, the “Share to Story” button will not appear. There could be various reasons why you are unable to share a post on Instagram. Here are some frequent problems:

  • Account Restrictions
  • Connectivity Issues
  • App Glitches or Updates
  • Post Privacy Settings
  • Temporary Instagram Issues

How do you repost on Instagram on an Iphone?

For sharing posts straight from the app, Instagram does not have an official built-in repost feature. Third-party apps are available on the App Store which allows you to repost content on Instagram. Here’s a general way to repost on Instagram on an iPhone using a third-party app:

  • Download a Reposting App
  • Install and Open the App
  • Copy the Post’s Link
  • Open the Reposting App.
  • Customize and Share the Repost

How do you repost a story on Instagram that you’re not tagged in?

To repost an Instagram story in which you are not tagged, you must either screenshot it or utilize a third-party software like Ming. This also requires that the original poster’s account be public.

Why can’t others repost a post on Instagram?

One common explanation is that Instagram profiles are frequently set to private, which means your friends can’t share your story with their Instagram stories or feed updates. Instagram users can choose to make their profiles public or private.

What does it mean if you can’t share someone’s post?

If you try to share another account’s post and it does not appear to be working, the other user may have deactivated their sharing options. If a post is not set to “Public” audience exposure, it will not be seen by all platform users.

Are you allowed to repost on Instagram?

When it comes to copyright and intellectual property, reposting on Instagram can be a bit of a minefield. Instagram does not have an official built-in repost capability, implying that the software does not expressly provide a mechanism for users to repost material from others. However, reposting can still be done with the use of third-party apps or manual techniques, and many Instagram users do so.

How do you start a repost on Instagram?

  • Navigate to the post, Reel, or video you want to repost.
  • Click the paper airplane symbol on the post or Reel.
  • On the pop-up menu, click “Add post to your story.”
  • Tap to show and hide the post’s caption.
  • Add text, stickers, hashtags, and other elements.
  • To share, click “Your Story.”

How do I turn on the repost button on Instagram?

Tap in the top right, then tap Settings and Privacy. Tap Privacy, then tap Story. Click next to Allow Resharing To Stories.


Congratulations! You’ve mastered the art of sharing Instagram posts to your Stories as well as your Feed. You can create visually attractive and engaging content that captivates your audience by following the methods suggested in this article. Remember to experiment, stay real, and have fun when sharing your Instagram stories.

With this comprehensive guide, you are equipped with the knowledge and tools to navigate the world of Instagram sharing. Start creating captivating posts and engaging with your audience to make the most of this dynamic platform. Happy posting!


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