How To Hide Like Count on Facebook: Best Easy Guide

How To Hide Like Count on Facebook
Credit: TheWestAustrallian

If you’ve been on Facebook for a while, you can’t deny that the likes and reactions beneath each post or photo are influential. It is, therefore, common for startup brands to hide their Facebook like count. This simple action can prevent individuals from becoming discouraged by a small number of engagements and encourage them to focus more on their content than their engagement volume. But how do you go about hiding your Facebok like count? Let’s find out…

Hide Facebook Like Count Using Android/ iOS Mobile App

Follow the steps below if you use the Facebook app on your iPhone or Android smartphone to hide likes. Ensure you have downloaded and installed the most recent version of the Facebook app from the Play Store or the App Store. The steps are identical for both iOS and Android users.

  1. Launch the Facebook app and navigate to the hamburger menu in the upper-right corner (located in the lower-right corner on the iPhone). Here, expand the “Settings & Privacy” menu by scrolling down. Then, select “Settings.”
  2. Next, tap “Reaction Preferences” in the “Preferences” section.
  3. Enable the switch for “On your posts” within the “Hide number of reactions” section. It will hide Facebook like counts for all of your posts. Turn on the switch for “On posts from others” if you wish to disable like counts on posts from other users.

That is all. You’ve successfully disabled Facebook likes on your posts. Note that reaction counts will continue to be displayed on Reels and Facebook Marketplace posts.

Hide Facebook Like Count Using Web Browser

If you use a desktop web browser to access Facebook, this tutorial will help you conceal likes on the website. Here are the steps you must all take.

  1. Launch Facebook and click on the arrow icon in the upper-right corner. Click “Settings & Privacy” afterwards.
  2. Next, select “News Feed preferences.”
  1. On the following page, scroll down and click “Reaction preferences.”
  2. Enable the checkboxes for “On your posts” and “On posts from others.” It will hide Facebook likes for your and others’ posts.

Hide Facebook Like Count Using an Extension

If, for whatever reason, the settings page for hiding like counts is not yet available on your Facebook account, you can install a browser extension or add-on. Follow the steps listed below.

Install the Hide Likes extension (free) if you’re using Chrome or Microsoft Edge. And if you use Firefox, install this browser extension (for free). The best feature of this extension is that it conceals likes on Twitter and YouTube in addition to Facebook.

You are no longer required to take any action. Access the Facebook website, and the like counts for all posts in your newsfeed will disappear. However, remember that others will still be able to view the number of likes on your posts. Therefore, it is preferable to use Facebook’s native feature to hide likes on the social media platform.

How to Hide Facebook Page Likes

In addition to hiding user posts, you can also hide page category likes on Facebook. This includes, among many others, restaurants, movies, music, sports teams, food, and clothing. Everyone can see when you like your favourite K-pop band, football team, or obscure clothing brand that you don’t want others to know about (but they do).

Follow the steps below to modify who can view your Page’s audience categories and hide Page likes on Facebook:

  • Launch and navigate to your profile by clicking your profile picture in the upper-right corner.
  • Then, click “More” in the menu that appears beneath your profile name. Select “Likes” from the list of available options.
  • Click the ellipsis (three dots) icon next to the “Likes” heading on the following page.
  • Select “Edit the Privacy of Your Likes” next.
  • Click the globe icon beside the Page category whose audience settings you wish to modify.
  • Select the level of Facebook privacy you desire for your Page’s likes. To hide the music pages you like from other Facebook users, select the “Only Me” option. You can also choose Public, Friends, Friends excluding acquaintances and a Custom List.
  • Click “Close” once the necessary changes have been made. And that is all. Other Facebook users will no longer see your Page’s likes in their news feeds.

Why You May Want To Hide Likes on Facebook

Despite our attempts to deny it, it is easy to let those engagement numbers affect us. With Facebook’s hide likes feature, you can now keep these metrics private. Let’s examine a few additional reasons you might want to hide Facebook likes.

#1. You Are Not Required To Create Content Solely for Likes

Numerous social media users use the number of likes on their posts to validate themselves and the content they produce. In their minds, the more likes their content receives, the better it is. So, before creating or publishing anything, they consider, “Will people like this?” As a result, they are unable to create or publish the type of content they desire.

#2. Few likes may send your audience a negative signal.

The Facebook algorithm also considers likes when ranking posts on the platform. Social media users also use these metrics to evaluate the content’s quality and popularity. If they see that a post has received a large number of likes, they immediately conclude that it is popular among other users.

Therefore, instead of considering the actual quality and content of the post, they use these numbers to determine which content to like, share, and engage with. In other words, the number of Facebook likes may impact your Facebook engagement.

#3. Produces a more favourable environment

Facebook created the option to hide likes so that users will concentrate more on the photos and videos than on the likes. This could contribute to a healthier, more positive environment where users can express themselves freely. As a result, creativity may flourish as creators gain the confidence to experiment and demonstrate their originality.

Benefits for brands just starting out on Facebook For many brands, disabling like counts on Facebook is a fantastic way to encourage their audience to evaluate content objectively. This is especially beneficial for brands just beginning to expand their presence on the platform.

#4. Enhances mental health

Unfortunately, like counts impact not only the content creation process but also the mental health of individuals. According to experts, fewer social media likes can reduce adolescents’ feelings of self-worth.

The lack of validation could result in increased negative self-thoughts. This may even exacerbate depression and anxiety symptoms over time. Therefore, one of the most obvious advantages of hiding Facebook likes is the potential to improve users’ mental health.

Why You May Not Want To Hide Likes on Facebook

On the other hand, hiding Facebook likes may not always yield positive results. For example, influential users may be unable to demonstrate the performance of their content. Consequently, they may need help securing brand partnerships.

Not displaying your Facebook likes may appear deceptive or suspicious to brands. This could negatively impact your relationship with the audience in a world where transparency has become the key to gaining consumer trust.

How To Hide Likes on Facebook: Pages You’ve Liked

It is simple for your information to be compromised when everyone can view the Pages you’ve liked. By default, your interests and values can be inferred from the Pages you have liked.

Malicious users could manipulate the information for their benefit. This may involve executing elaborate scams with targeted communication. They may even be able to use the information to imitate your brand, jeopardizing its reputation.

Therefore, hiding the Pages you’ve liked is an excellent method for avoiding overexposure on the platform. Thus, you can retain some of your privacy and substantially reduce the likelihood of your account being compromised.

Moreover, brands may wish to conceal the other Pages they’ve liked to streamline the information displayed on their Page. People visit your Facebook Page to learn more about your business. They may view your photographs and videos or join your community.

However, they are interested in something other than learning which movies, sports teams, or television shows your brand enjoys. Therefore, by hiding them from your Page, you make it easier for people to find the information they require.

Here are the steps involved in hiding the Facebook pages you’ve liked:

  • Navigate to your profile and click the “More” button. This is located in the toolbar beneath your profile picture. If you would like to conceal the Facebook Pages that your brand has liked, you have the same option on your brand’s Page.
  • Select “Likes” from the drop-down menu. This will open your “Likes” dashboard, which lists all the Facebook pages you’ve liked.
  • Click the ellipsis button in the upper-right corner of the display. This will open a menu containing two options. Click the “Hide Section” button to hide your favourite Pages immediately. Select “Edit the Privacy of Your Likes” to modify the privacy settings for specific categories.
  • You can now view a list of all available Facebook Page categories. You can change the privacy settings for your likes manually for each category. Click the globe icon next to the category you wish to edit, then choose “Only me.”

Please note that this option is exclusive to personal accounts. Consequently, you will not have the option to modify the audience settings for distinct categories on your brand Page. The only alternative is to hide all of your favourite pages. Follow the instructions above, i.e., click the “Hide Section” button.


You can further edit the sections you wish to display on your Page to maintain a clean, minimal appearance. To accomplish this, click “More” and choose “Manage Sections” from the drop-down menu. Then, deselect all the sections you wish to conceal from the page.

We recommend keeping only the most essential business information. This consists of your “About” section, photos, and videos. In addition, you should provide your audience with access to your groups, communities, events, and Live videos.


Facebook users can focus on the post’s content when like counts are concealed. Thus, they can evaluate the post objectively and decide how to respond. Therefore, brands that are just beginning to expand their presence on the platform could utilize it strategically.

If you choose to hide your Facebook likes from the public, you should still use internal engagement data.


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