How to Find Trending Sounds on TikTok: Best Easy Guide (Updated)

How to Find Trending Sounds on TikTok

Knowing how to find trending sounds on TikTok offers massive potential for brands (personal and business) to grow on the platform. But with trends always changing and quickly too, how can you stay ahead of the curve in order to incorporate these sounds into your TikTok marketing strategy?

Well, you are in luck, as this article will guide you through the steps you’d need to take to find trending TikTok sounds using the app’s own tools. We will also go over the major resources at your disposal to ensure you avoid making the wrong choices.

TikTok users are eight times more likely to remember a brand based on the distinct sounds and songs used in its videos than other elements such as visual style, color, slogan, and logo. That is why finding the right sounds is critical for brand recognition and audience growth.

Here’s how to search for trending sounds on TikTok from within the app:

#1. Make use of TikTok’s search function

Here’s how to use the search bar to find TikTok sounds:

  • Launch the TikTok app.
  • Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen.
  • Look up “viral sounds” (or any other similar term).
  • Once the results have been loaded, navigate to the Sounds tab. You’ll see a list of TikTok’s trending songs and sounds, as well as how many times they’ve been used in TikTok videos.
  • You can also visit the Hashtags tab to see which popular hashtags related to sounds are being used.

There are additional ways to find TikTok sounds within the app. Let’s take a look at a few of them.

#2. Scroll down to the “For You” section

Whether you’re new to TikTok or a seasoned pro, there’s no doubt you spend the majority of your time on the For You page, as it’s one of the app’s most important features. While browsing the page, take note of the types of videos and sounds that others are posting.

One of the best parts about finding trending sounds on TikTok via the For You page is that it requires almost no extra effort or time, as you can easily do it while using TikTok as usual. Trending sounds or songs will undoubtedly be repeated as you scroll—after a few minutes, you’ll recognize what’s trending.

It’s worth noting that the content on the For You page varies depending on the user. This is due to the fact that it caters to users’ personal interests as well as the TikTok communities to which they belong. If you want to create brand content that appeals to your target audience, conduct market research to find out what kind of content they see on their For You page.

#3. Look through TikTok’s sound library

TikTok’s own sound library is another useful resource. Here’s how to get to it and use it to find popular sounds:

  • Launch the TikTok app.
  • As you would when posting a new video, click on the + sign at the bottom of the screen.
  • At the top of the screen, select the “Add sound” option.
  • Scroll down to “Playlist” and look through any playlist that may include trending songs such as “TikTok Viral,” “Featured,” and so on. It should be noted that the playlists that appear in this section may differ from one user to the next.

Plus, because you’re looking for popular sounds, any playlist that suggests it might contain popular sounds is worth a look.

#4. Look into the TikTok Creative Center

The TikTok Creative Center displays trends and insights to assist you in creating better content. Among these are the following trends:

You must create an account to view this information, but once you do, browsing the site is simple.

  • Navigate to the TikTok Creative Center’s trending page.
  • Select a region.
  • Select Songs.
  • Select between popular and chart-topping songs.
  • Choose a time range: yesterday, the last 30 days, or the last 120 days.

After you’ve made your selections, you’ll see a list of 100 top songs.

Unfortunately, user-generated sounds are not included in this list. However, it indicates whether songs are trending upwards or downwards, their popularity over time, and whether businesses can use them on TikTok.

Aside from the app, there are external tools and resources to help you find viral audio and songs to use in your brand’s TikTok content.

#1. Look through Spotify’s playlists.

Spotify, the leading music streaming service, is another great place to find trending songs on TikTok.

Simply type “TikTok” into the search bar and then choose “Playlists.” There, you’ll find playlist after playlist of TikTok users’ curated top trending sounds.

If you only pay attention to one user, make it TikTok’s Spotify account. It currently has ten public playlists of the most recent TikTok hits, organized by region.

#2. Explore YouTube

YouTube is also a great place to find TikTok trending songs.

Entering keywords like “trending tiktok sounds” or “trending tiktok songs” in the search bar will yield a plethora of results. In fact, simply typing “trending tiktok” prompts YouTube’s autocomplete predictions, and a list of search suggestions appears.

#3. Keep an eye on the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

When looking for trending sounds on TikTok, you should consult the Billboard Hot 100 chart.

#4. Take a look at TokChart.

TokChart is a website that tracks and categorizes trending music on TikTok over the last 24 hours.

When you’ve decided on a trending sound for your TikTok content, look at how it’s being used, especially in viral videos. This gives you a better understanding of how to join the TikTok trend.

Also, read through the comments section of these videos to get feedback from other users on what you can improve or avoid doing.

If you want to go above and beyond, don’t simply copy what others are doing. This is your opportunity to be inventive and put your own spin on it. A little creative thinking can be the key to making your TikTok videos go viral!

Add TikTok songs and sounds to your favorites list.

Don’t forget to save sounds or songs you hear in trending videos as favorites. This saves you the time and effort of having to find them again when it’s time to use them in your TikTok posts.

Furthermore, TikTok trends typically last five to seven days. Depending on how frequently and when you post on TikTok, you may have plenty of opportunities to use popular sounds.

Nobody knows how long a TikTok sound will last. Some can potentially last for months or even reappear in the future. To that end, marking them as favorites allows you to easily return to them later. It’s similar to having your own personalized library of popular TikTok sounds at your disposal.

Think about your intended audience.

Aside from searching for songs and sounds that are popular on TikTok, pay special attention to those that are specific and relevant to your target audience. While the most popular sounds and songs are receiving a lot of attention, they may not all resonate with your target audience.

Investigate what your fans are following and liking. Even if some of these sounds aren’t as popular as others, there’s a good chance they’ll resonate just as well—if not better—with your target audience.

Remember that TikTok isn’t just for music. Users can also make their own sounds that can be used to make videos. Aside from finding catchy and trendy songs, knowing how to find trending sounds on TikTok is also important.

To do this, your best bet would be to search within the TikTok app (via the For You page and TikTok’s search bar).

  • Launch the TikTok app.
  • Navigate to the search bar at the top of the screen.
  • Look up “viral sounds” (or any other similar term).
  • Once the results have been loaded, navigate to the “Sounds” tab. You’ll see a list of popular TikTok sounds and the number of times they’ve been used in TikTok videos.
  • Tap the “Hashtags” tab to see which popular hashtags are associated with sounds.
  • Trending sounds can also be found on the For You page, in TikTok’s sounds library, and in TikTok’s Creative Center.

On TikTok, there are several ways to find trending sounds, including features within the app and external resources. These are some examples:

  • TikTok’s For You section
  • The TikTok search bar
  • Sound library on TikTok
  • The TikTok Creative Center
  • Music playlists on Spotify
  • Channels and videos on YouTube
  • Billboard’s Hot 100 chart

Keep in mind that trending audio is constantly changing. Use these methods on a regular basis to find trending sounds and stay on top of viral trends.

Why are sounds on TikTok not available for commercial use?

Due to the risk of copyright issues, business accounts on TikTok are unable to use popular songs unless they have the required license for use. The Commercial Music Library contains music that is available for commercial use. Popular songs may still be used in personal accounts.

The most popular sound on TikTok changes according to music and popular culture trends. Between January and June 2022, “Love You So” by King Kahn & BBQ Show was the most played song on TikTok, with TikTok videos featuring this sound receiving over 38.6 billion views.


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