How Long Should A Tiktok Video Be?

How Long Should A Tiktok Video Be
Image by myriammira on Freepik

Are you a business owner trying to augment awareness for your brand online? Or maybe you are just an influencer or amateur content creator trying to make your mark online? Whichever one you are, if you are probably wondering how long a TikTok video should be, then you have come to the right place.

TikTok has taken the world by storm, becoming one of the most popular social media platforms with over 1.5 billion active users worldwide. Its short-form video format, diverse content, and engaging features have made it a hub for creativity, entertainment, and self-expression. The platform offers endless opportunities to connect with others and showcase your talents, whether you are a business looking to reach a younger audience or an individual trying to build a personal brand.

However, it can be a challenge when it comes to creating TikTok videos that stand out from the crowd. With the deluge of content posted every day, it is important to understand the platform’s unique format, best practices, and latest trends if you want to maximize your reach and engagement.

That is why we have put together this Ultimate Guide to Creating TikTok Videos. It will provide you with all the information you need to create compelling, high-quality content that your audience can relate to.

How long are TikTok videos?

When TikTok first began, videos on the app were only 15 seconds long. The short turnaround was tailored to capture people’s attention, perfect for quick consumption as they scroll through an endless stream of videos. In 2017, TikTok bumped up the video length to 60 seconds. That began to increase the amount of time people spend on the app, and by 2018, TikTok had over 300 million users.

Since then, TikTok began testing longer uploads and extended the maximum video length to three minutes in July 2021. That three-minute mark seemed to hit the sweet spot as TikTok blew up to reach one billion users worldwide the same year — nearly half as many as popular apps such as Instagram or Whatsapp.

Amidst its massive success, the company kept pushing for even longer format content. In early 2022, TikTok expanded the maximum length of videos to 10 minutes. The move to a longer video format was likely to compete with sites like YouTube, which skew heavily toward prolonged content such as podcasts.

It also helps TikTok capture an older audience and appeal to those with longer attention spans.

However, this strategy may not have been as successful as TikTok had hoped. In April 2023, TikTok quietly removed the ability to record videos up to ten minutes long, returning to the three-minute maximum. However, it is still possible to make longer videos. Users can upload videos up to ten minutes long from their device and edit them within the app.

How long should a TikTok video be?

While TikTok has never publicly come out about which video lengths perform the best, we can make a reasonably accurate guess based on data and research.

In mid-2021, internal data from TikTok that was given to creators said the optimal TikTok length was 11 to 17 seconds. However, by the end of that year, that number had increased to 24 to 31 seconds. According to Wired, a TikTok survey also found that users felt videos longer than one minute were stressful. All of this indicates that shorter videos perform best with the TikTok community.

However, the platform has recently been pushing for longer videos for different reasons. Chief among these is to help sell more advertising revenue (this is partially why Vine shut down – it couldn’t sustain its business model) hence their recent move to allow up to 10 minute-long TikToks in early 2022. So over the years, TikTok video lengths have increased: from 7 seconds to 15 seconds to 3 minutes to 10 minutes.

Despite these, the consensus is still that shorter videos perform better on TikTok. Not only is the platform still known for short-form content, but you don’t want people to be scrolling past your videos without finishing them, meaning it is probably best to stick to shorter TikToks.

If you still are not convinced of this, then consider why Instagram, YouTube, and Snapchat have introduced segments for really short videos.

Understanding the TikTok video size

Have you ever wondered about the maximum video file size that you can upload to TikTok? The answers to this question may surprise you. TikTok can be accessed on both iOS and Android devices, but there is a difference in the maximum file size allowed.

When uploading a video from an Android device to TikTok, the maximum file size that you can upload is 72 MB. However, if you’re using an Apple iPhone, you can upload a file that is more than four times larger. iOS users can upload up to 287.6 MB.

When it comes to video size on TikTok, the optimal dimensions are 1080 x 1920 pixels, also known as a 9:16 aspect ratio. This size ensures that the video fills the screen without being cropped or stretched.

To improve loading times on TikTok, it is important to compress videos while maintaining high quality. You can do this by adjusting the video bitrate, which controls the amount of data in the video file. Lowering the bitrate can reduce the file size, but may also decrease the quality of the video. Other techniques for reducing video size include using efficient codecs, adjusting the frame rate, and minimizing unnecessary audio and visual effects.

Average TikTok video length

According to a report by WIRED, one in four of the most-liked TikTok videos fall within the optimal recommended video length of 21 to 34 seconds. But you don’t always have to confine yourself to this video length limit. 

Short-form content can be limiting, especially for a brand promoting its product or service. However, the general advice still stands.

Make your TikToks as short as possible. 

The consensus on TikTok is that it is a short video platform, so it might take a while for users to adjust to the new time limits. But even more importantly, the TikTok algorithm is hyper-specific, so if users are scrolling past your videos without watching to the end, it sends a negative signal to the algorithm. This might affect how often your videos show up on your audience’s feed.

Hence, we are not saying long videos have no place on TikTok. It just has to be done right. 

Best length for TikTok videos

How long should a TikTok video be nowadays? Well, while TikTok previously limited video length to just 15 or 60 seconds, the platform has since extended this limit to 10 minutes. But despite this increase in video length, creators should still aim for shorter videos to maximize engagement. 

Right now, the ideal TikTok video length is still considered to be between 15 and 60 seconds. This short-form format allows for quick and easy consumption, which is more likely to capture and retain viewers’ attention.

There are several reasons why shorter videos tend to perform better on TikTok:

  • High replay value: TikTok’s emphasis on “snackable” content that is easy to consume and share quickly means that shorter videos often have higher replay value. This means that viewers are more likely to watch the video multiple times, increasing the video’s overall engagement.
  • Algorithmic prioritization: TikTok’s algorithm is designed to prioritize shorter videos that are more likely to be watched and shared by users. This is because shorter videos are easier to consume and can quickly capture the viewer’s attention.
  • Increased engagement: Shorter videos are more likely to hold viewers’ attention and encourage them to watch the entire video. This leads to increased engagement, as viewers are more likely to like, comment, and share the video.
  • Greater shareability: Shorter videos are also more shareable, as viewers are more likely to share videos that they can quickly watch and enjoy. This can lead to the video being shared across multiple platforms, increasing its reach and engagement.

How to edit the length of a video on TikTok

Editing the length of a video on TikTok is pretty straightforward. Here is how to do it:

  • Open TikTok and launch the camera by clicking on the plus (+) button at the bottom of your screen.
  • Launch the camera and press the upload icon to select the video from your gallery to edit the length of an uploaded clip on TikTok. 
  • Once you’ve selected the video, tap on “Adjust clip.”
  • Next, use the slider at the bottom of your screen to trim your video to your preferred length.

It would be the same process if you used TikTok’s built-in camera to record a video. Once you’re done recording, tap the “Adjust Clips” icon. 

How to adjust the speed of your TikTok videos

TikTok has an exciting feature that allows you to either increase or reduce the speed of your TikToks. And it is very easy to use. Open your TikTok camera and just before you start recording, tap on the speed icon at the top right of your screen.

Decide what speed you would like to record your video by toggling between the different speed options. Once you have found your preferred speed, click the red button to start recording.

TikTok also allows you to adjust the speed of a premade video you want to post. The steps are similar to when you want to edit the length of an uploaded video. The only difference is you tap on the speed symbol on the right side of your screen. Then choose the desired speed you want to save your video.

That’s all! You are on your way to producing videos with amazing cinematic effects. 

Formatting your TikTok videos

Like any other platform, you should optimize your video to suit both the platform and your audience. There are some specifications that TikTok’s algorithm favors. So let’s go through them.

  • TikTok video resolution: The recommended video resolution is 1080 x 1920 with an aspect ratio of 9:16. If you upload or shoot a video with a resolution higher than 1080p, TikTok will scale it down to 1080p.
  • TikTok video dimension: You can film your videos in portrait or landscape mode. But most videos are viewed in portrait mode, so it’s best to film that way.
  • TikTok file size:  This depends on the device you are using. With Android, the maximum is 72MB, but with Apple devices, you can go as far as 287.6MB
  • TikTok file type: TikTok supports MOV and MP4 file formats and supports AVI, MPEG, and 3PG file formats for ad videos.

Although video length is not the only determinant for successful content on TikTok, it is not one to glance over. Don’t be afraid to test and iterate different video lengths with your audience until you find the sweet spot that works.


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