SHELL SCRIPTING: A Complete Beginners Guide.

Shell Scripting
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Some tasks can be run in order on a UNIX-based computer by using a shell script, which is a text file. Shell scripts are so-called because they automate the process of typing several commands into the command prompt one by one. The shell is the operating system’s command-line interface (CLI) and the program that reads and runs the orders that a user types into the OS. This article talks about what shell scripting is all about, with examples and certification. It also reviews shell scripting vs. bash scripting.

What Shell Scripting

Shell scripting is a robust tool that is widely used across industries for the purposes of automating processes, testing potential solutions, and boosting productivity. However, an operating system can be instructed to carry out specific activities by means of a text file containing a series of commands known as a shell program.

The most common application of the shell programs is the automation of routine system administration operations like file backups, resource monitoring, and user account management. Moreover, by compiling a set of commands into a script, system administrators can speed up, improve, and streamline laborious processes. 

To automate and save time on commonly used command sequences, users often write shell scripts. However, parameters, comments, and subcommands are all supported in the shell program, just like they would be in any other application. The name of the file is all that’s needed to activate the shell program’s command sequence. In DOS, a script is called a batch file. Also, an EXEC is the equivalent notion in IBM’s mainframe VM operating systems.

How shell scripting works

A shell is a program that reads commands from a shell script, processes them, and runs them. Automating mundane tasks can be especially useful because it cuts down on wasted time and human mistakes. The fundamentals of shell scripting are the script itself, its availability to the shell, and the shell’s ability to execute the script.

A shell program’s ASCII text is often written in a graphical user interface (GUI), word processor, or text editor. However, what’s within the program is a bunch of commands written in a language the shell understands. Shell programs have many useful features, such as variables, loops, if/then/else lines, arrays, and short expressions. When finished, the file is saved in a location accessible by the shell, generally with a.txt or. sh, extension.

To Whom Is Shell Scripting Useful? 

Shell scripting’s adaptability, strength, and ubiquitous OS support make it a useful tool for use in a wide variety of occupations and disciplines. The following are examples of typical shell scripting tasks:

#1. Those in Charge of the System

Backups, system monitoring, user account creation and administration, and many other mundane operations can all be automated with the help of shell programs written by system administrators. Effectiveness, reliability, and precision are all improved as a result.

#2. Developers

Automating file manipulation, server deployment, test suite execution, and other common dev operations is a common use case for shell programs.

#3. Specialists in DevOps

In the field of DevOps, shell scripting can help with tasks such as automation, configuration management, troubleshooting, and quick iteration. Those who work in a variety of settings can benefit from the portability of shell programs.

Types of Shells

To get the most out of your apps, select the shell type that best suits your needs. The programs can be run, and the system resources can be accessed, depending on the shell you use. These are some of the more common types of shells available. The following common shell scripts in Unix and Linux include:

#1. BASH (Bourne Again Shells)

The $ symbol initiates a shell in bourne-again mode. The Bourne shell, or sh for short, was created by Stephen Bourne at AT&T Bell Labs and was the first command-line interpreter for the UNIX operating system. This shell is fast and efficient, although it lacks features and the ability to recall previous commands.

#2. C Shells

To read file commands, a C shell is executed in a text terminal window. To launch a C shell, type the character %. ‘csh,’ short for ‘C Shell,’ was created by Bill Joy at Berkeley. However, this shell’s syntax resembles that of the C programming language, and it includes aliases.

#3. Bash Shell

The “Bourne Again Shell,” or “Bash,” was created by Brian Fox. It combines the functionality of sh, csh, and ksh. Linux and Mac OS X both use Bash as their standard shell. This shell has the ability to recall and modify previous commands.

#4. Korn Shell

In the 1980s, David Korn created a shell he called the Korn shell (abbreviated ‘ksh’). It’s an enhanced version of the Bourne and C shells that combines their best capabilities and adds its own, like the ability to manipulate strings and arrays.

#5. The Z-Shell

Z shell, sometimes known as ‘zsh,’ is a cutting-edge variant of the traditional sh shell that allows for a great deal of user control. Among its many features, plugins, a function index, and theme support stand out.

Shell Scripting Example

Different tasks may necessitate the use of shell scripting, depending on your occupation. Some examples of when shell scripting might come in handy are as follows:

#1. Since There Are Numerous Databases on the Same System or Since Your Needs Are Not Database-Specific

With the use of shell scripting, you can satisfy needs that would be infeasible or insecure to address with a single database.

#2. You Have to Get Something Done When the Database Isn’t Active

Databases and their associated processes, such as listeners, can be started and stopped using scripts rather than the database itself.

#3. Make Sure That the Database Is up and Processing Queries by Keeping an Eye on Its Status

A script can serve this function by keeping tabs on not just the database but all of the system’s processes and resources, giving administrators a full picture of how everything is running.

#4. You Should Set up Automatic Database Backups

For instance, Oracle’s Recovery Manager (RMAN) allows you to write backup scripts that are platform-independent. The RMAN backup and recovery system can be invoked from within a shell program.

Shell programs shine when used for monotonous activities that would otherwise need line-by-line input. However, the following Shell scripts have a wide variety of uses, some of which are:

  • Taking the manual work out of compiling code.
  • Putting together a program setting or running a program.
  • Completing batch
  • Adjusting data in storage.
  • Interconnecting preexisting software.
  • Starting the daily backup process.
  • Monitoring a system.

Shell Scripting Certification

There is a wide variety of certification Shell scripting courses available to suit the demands of students at all levels of experience. This collection of Shell scripting certification courses culled from leading universities and companies, is designed to meet the needs of anyone interested in learning or improving their skills in this area. These course classes might be helpful for anyone who wants to learn a new talent, move up in their current field, or start over in an entirely different industry. If you want to advance in your career, a learning shell program is a must. The following is the official certification for shell scripting:

#1. Bash Advanced Scripting and File I/O 

Learn more advanced scripting techniques in Bash, such as how to process file I/O and parse the output of other commands. See how to filter out and ignore unwanted signals and interruptions. Use data range brace expansion. Use eval to create and run strings as commands. When dealing with input that contains undefined variables, use default values.

Make a script and a function that go off in a loop. Markers of growth in the text should be shown. Make a script that changes inside of another script. To read data from a text file into a collection, you can use a map file. The program sed lets you change the contents of a file, and the awk tool lets you pick out data from a file.

#2. Linux, Bash, and More Expert Shell Scripting Techniques

This book is about shell programming, mainly Linux and the Bash shell. It gives you real-world examples and the freedom to start right away with a set of shell-coding recipes that you can use, change, and put into action.

Read here if you want to learn more about shell scripting certification.

Shell Scripting Vs Bash Scripting

A bash script is similar to a text file in that it contains a series of commands similar to those typed at the command line. They perform routine actions on Linux file systems. In addition to commands, a Bash script may also include components such as loops, functions, conditional structures, and so on. A computer program developed in the Bash programming language is sometimes referred to as a “Bash script.”

Shell is specialized user software that acts as a gateway for accessing the features and functions of an operating system. A user can type commands into a shell and have the shell interpret them as the kernel would. A shell is an executable command-language interpreter that processes text input from the user’s keyboard. The following is shell scripting vs. bash scripting:

  • The bash script is a program written only for the bash programming language. The shell program, on the other hand, can be run in any shell.
  • One type of shell programming is called Bash. Shell scripting is a means to automate processes as a set of commands.
  • One kind of shell is the bash program. Korn, C shell, Bourne, Bash, etc. are all examples of shells.
  • Brian Fox created the Bourne Again Shell (or “Bash”) in 1991. However, Stephen Bourne’s shell is widely regarded as the first Unix shell.
  • Bash offers additional functionality as compared to Shell. Shell, on the other hand, is lacking in comparison to Bash.
  • When compared to Shell, Bash is far more user-friendly for programmers. However, compared to Bash, Shell is not as user-friendly for programmers.

Shell Scripting’s Benefits and Drawbacks   

Depending on the context, the following shell scripting may have advantages or disadvantages.


System administrators, DevOps engineers, and those in similar roles can all benefit from learning shell scripting. As was previously said, it helps automate mundane operations, which in turn can increase output. It’s great for making working prototypes of complicated programs quickly. Shell programs are straightforward to write, change, and troubleshoot. They require little to no adaptation to run on any UNIX-like system and are hence extremely portable.


However, unlike compiled-language programs, shell scripts could bog down when faced with more complex computational tasks. Possible higher mistake rates in scripting languages compared to other programming languages. You may want to look beyond shell scripting if the database work you’re doing calls for extensive database access.

What Is Shell Scripting Used For?

Shell scripts are most commonly used to automate file backups, resource monitoring, and user account administration. By codifying a set of procedures into a script, system administrators can speed up repetitive tasks, increase accuracy, and reduce complexity.

Is Shell Scripting Easy or Hard?

In most cases, creating a shell script won’t take you more than a few minutes. Focus on getting things done instead of obsessing about the nitty-gritty of programming. And finally, anything that you can accomplish on the command line can be automated with a shell program.

What Is $@ in Shell Scripting?

All of the arguments passed to a shell script are represented by the $@ symbol. The first parameter ($1), second parameter ($2), and so on represent the order in which they appear on the command line.

Is Shell Scripting Still Useful?

Using a shell program saves time and effort when multiple steps must be completed simultaneously. The following are just a few of the many uses for shell scripts: The compilation of code can be automated. Invoking a program or establishing a software setting.

Why Is Shell Scripting Hard?

Although shell scripting is not a unified language, its usage of some natural language commands makes it accessible to those with little to no programming experience. However, each shell scripting language is its own language, and a lot of practice is required for more complex endeavors.

Do Hackers Use Shell Scripts?

By developing shell programs, hackers can create automated programs that make large-scale attacks possible in shorter periods of time than would normally be required when doing things manually.

Which Is Faster Shell or Python?

Performance and execution time: Bash scripts tend to run faster than Python scripts since they do not require an interpreter to execute the code. Since the shell doesn’t need to parse Python programs before executing them, Bash scripts are faster.


Shell scripts are highly versatile and capable of managing file manipulation, database monitoring, text printing, and more. The ability to invoke any other program is what gives shell scripting its true power, despite the presence of conditional operations, looping functions, and command-line parameters in the shell programming language. Because of this, you can create highly specialized applications.

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