SAILPOINT: Features, Review, Pricing & More 2023

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Managing and securing the identities and access of people within an organization is critical in today’s digital economy. The complexity of identity governance and administration (IGA) increases with the growth and evolution of enterprises, making it critical to have effective solutions in place. SailPoint, a major provider of IGA solutions, provides a comprehensive platform that helps enterprises manage and secure identities effectively, improve compliance processes, and eliminate security threats. In this in-depth review, we will explore SailPoint’s products, certification options, pricing structure, and how it empowers businesses to strengthen their identity management strategies.

Sailpoint Review

SailPoint has established itself as a reliable and forward-thinking participant in the IGA sector. SailPoint’s solutions have received accolades for their functionality and effectiveness, thanks to a solid track record and a strong customer base. Because of its dedication to continual improvement and staying ahead of market trends, the company has been named a leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for Identity Governance and Administration.

IdentityIQ provides a comprehensive set of capabilities for identity and access management. It gives enterprises visibility into user access permissions, automates provisioning and de-provisioning processes, and ensures that security policies are consistent across systems and applications. The solution’s straightforward user interface and comprehensive customization options make it simple to adjust to unique business requirements.

Because of the platform’s powerful analytics and risk assessment capabilities, enterprises can quickly discover and mitigate possible security issues. With the growing amount of identity-related breaches, SailPoint’s emphasis on risk-based identity management provides enterprises with useful insights and actionable analytics to address security risks proactively.

Customer Success Stories

Organizations across numerous industries have implemented SailPoint’s solutions, and their review shows the value achieved from deploying SailPoint’s IGA platform in their unique contexts. For example, by adopting SailPoint’s technology, a multinational financial institution improved its identity governance processes significantly. They were able to streamline compliance reporting, automate access reviews, and improve their overall security posture.

In another instance, a healthcare firm used SailPoint’s IGA platform to improve identity management and compliance standards. They were able to use the solution to centralize user access controls, enforce consistent policies, and improve their capacity to manage user access across several systems and apps.

These reviews show how SailPoint’s solutions have assisted enterprises across industries in addressing identity governance and administration issues, improving security, and streamlining compliance processes.

Sailpoint Products

SailPoint provides a number of products that address various areas of identity governance and administration. They offer supplementary solutions to IdentityIQ in order to improve identity management processes.

SailPoint’s cloud-based identity governance system is called IdentityNow. It provides the same powerful capabilities as IdentityIQ but with the added advantages of scalability, rapid implementation, and lower infrastructure requirements. IdentityNow is a compelling solution for enterprises seeking to reap the benefits of the cloud while maintaining tight control over their identity management operations.

SecurityIQ, a data access governance system meant to protect sensitive data, is also available from SailPoint. SecurityIQ assists enterprises in identifying and classifying sensitive information, monitoring and controlling access to data repositories, and detecting any questionable data access activities. These products extend security controls beyond user access to safeguard important information assets, complementing SailPoint’s identity governance capabilities.

Sailpoint Certification

SailPoint offers certification programs that confirm knowledge of their solutions for professionals looking to improve their abilities in identity governance and management. SailPoint’s certification program equips individuals with the knowledge and abilities required to properly deploy, configure, and maintain SailPoint’s products.

The certification options include the SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Engineer (SCIIE) and the SailPoint Certified IdentityIQ Architect (SCIIA). These certifications indicate engineering and architectural skills in developing and managing SailPoint’s IdentityIQ solution. Individuals wishing to further their careers in the field of identity management and gain acknowledgment for their skills may benefit from SailPoint’s certification program.

Sailpoint Pricing

Understanding the pricing structure is critical for enterprises when contemplating installing an identity governance and administration (IGA) system. SailPoint provides a variety of adjustable pricing choices that are suited to each customer’s individual demands and requirements. In this part, we’ll look at the elements that determine SailPoint’s pricing, the subscription-based approach they use, and how businesses can get personalized quotes.

Factors Influencing SailPoint Pricing:

The pricing structure of SailPoint takes into account a variety of elements that can affect the cost of deploying their IGA solutions. Here are some important variables to consider:

  • Number of Users: The number of users who will be controlled within the system has an important role in pricing. Pricing considerations may differ between organizations with a bigger user base and those with a smaller user base.
  • Modules and Functionality: It provides a variety of modules and functionalities that can be customized to meet the demands of specific organizations. The incorporation of specific modules or new features may have an effect on the overall pricing.
  • Deployment Type: The deployment model a business chooses has an impact on pricing. SailPoint’s deployment choices include on-premises, cloud-based, and hybrid. The economic implications of each deployment strategy vary depending on factors such as infrastructure needs and ongoing maintenance.
  • Support Level: It offers several levels of support, including standard and premium service. The level of support chosen by an organization might have an impact on the entire pricing structure.

Subscription-Based Pricing Model:

SailPoint’s pricing model is subscription-based, which provides enterprises with flexibility and scalability. Organizations pay an annual fee for license, maintenance, and support under this approach. Because costs are predictable and spread out over time, the subscription-based strategy allows firms to properly plan and budget.

Customized Quote:

It is best to contact their sales staff directly to acquire a precise pricing quote. SailPoint’s pricing is tailored to each customer’s individual requirements, and the sales staff will work with businesses to understand their specific needs and deliver a personalized quote appropriately. Organizations can assure precise pricing information based on their exact user numbers, preferred modules, deployment method, and support level by engaging in consultation with SailPoint.

While SailPoint’s pricing may vary depending on these aspects, the firm is devoted to giving value and ensuring that its solutions correspond with its client’s needs and budgets.

Key Benefits of SailPoint

Implementing SailPoint’s IGA solutions provides enterprises with numerous key benefits:

  • Enhanced Security: It helps enterprises boost their security posture by centralizing identity management, providing appropriate access controls, and detecting and mitigating potential hazards.
  • Streamlined Compliance: Automating identity lifecycle management, enforcing policies, and providing audit trails for regulatory needs enables enterprises to expedite compliance operations.
  • Increased Operational Efficiency: Automating provisioning and de-provisioning procedures lowers manual labor, minimizes mistake risk, and enhances overall operational efficiency.
  • Improved User Experience: The intuitive user interface and self-service capabilities let users maintain their own identities, minimizing reliance on IT for routine access requests and password resets.
  • Proactive Risk Management: With SailPoint’s risk-based identity management methodology, organizations can proactively detect and address security weaknesses, lowering the risk of data breaches and compliance violations.

What is SailPoint used for?

SailPoint is an identity management solution that enables enterprises to manage employee permissions, digital identities, information security, data access, compliance, and other aspects through a single platform.

How is SailPoint different from Okta?

Okta’s API is well-documented and simple to use, with many pre-built integrations available to assist enterprises in getting up and running quickly. The SailPoint API is more concerned with providing access to the underlying identity governance and controlling data held within the SailPoint platform.

Is SailPoint an IAM tool?

Yes, it is an Identity and Access Management (IAM) tool. IAM products, such as SailPoint, are intended to manage and secure user identities as well as their access to various systems, applications, and data throughout a company. Identity lifecycle management, access request and provisioning, access certification, password management, role-based access control, and audit and compliance reporting are all part of the IAM features.

The IAM solution offers enterprises a comprehensive range of features and functions for centrally managing and governing user identities across the enterprise. It lets businesses create and enforce uniform access policies, automate user provisioning and de-provisioning processes, streamline access request workflows, and maintain regulatory compliance.

Is SailPoint easy to learn?

The ease of learning for SailPoint might vary depending on factors such as prior knowledge of identity governance and administration (IGA) concepts and familiarity with similar software solutions. However, SailPoint has worked hard to make its software user-friendly and intuitive.

Is SailPoint part of cybersecurity?

Yes, it is a component of the cybersecurity ecosystem. The primary focus is on identity governance and administration (IGA), a vital part of cybersecurity. Identity governance and administration are the processes of controlling and securing user identities, access privileges, and actions within an organization’s systems, applications, and data. Organizations can limit the risk of unauthorized access, data breaches, and insider threats by efficiently controlling user identities and access.

What is SailPoint in AWS?

The integration and deployment of SailPoint’s identity governance and administration (IGA) solutions within the Amazon Web Services (AWS) cloud environment is referred to as SailPoint in AWS. IAM solutions are available as cloud-based software-as-a-service (SaaS) services, with enterprises able to deploy and exploit the capabilities within their AWS infrastructure.

Organizations can benefit from AWS’s scalability, flexibility, and security capabilities by deploying SailPoint there. They can host and manage SailPoint’s IAM solutions using AWS infrastructure services such as computation, storage, and networking.

Is SailPoint an SSO?

SailPoint is not primarily a Single Sign-On (SSO) solution but rather an identity governance and administration (IGA) platform. Beyond SSO, IAM solutions, such as IdentityIQ and IdentityNow, provide a broader set of capabilities.

While SSO is a component of identity management, it focuses on giving users a unified and seamless authenticating experience across numerous apps and platforms. SSO enables users to log in once and obtain access to many resources without having to enter credentials again and again.

What database does SailPoint use?

Identity governance and administration (IGA) products from SailPoint, such as IdentityIQ and IdentityNow, are built on a Java platform. While SailPoint supports several databases, Microsoft SQL Server is the primary and preferred database for SailPoint deployments.

For each edition of their products, SailPoint provides specialized guidance and documentation on the supported versions of Microsoft SQL Server. The underlying database, Microsoft SQL Server, ensures scalability, performance, and reliability for managing identity data and other associated information within SailPoint’s IGA solutions.

What language is used in SailPoint?

Identity governance and administration (IGA) products from SailPoint, such as IdentityIQ and IdentityNow, are built with Java as the core programming language.

While Java is the major programming language utilized in the solutions, it is important to note that SailPoint’s products also integrate with a variety of other technologies, frameworks, and programming languages to provide a comprehensive IAM solution. This comprises user interface integration with web technologies such as HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, as well as connection with other systems and applications via APIs and connectors.

Is SailPoint cloud-based?

Yes, it provides both on-premises and cloud-based solutions. IdentityNow is a SailPoint cloud-based identity governance and administration (IGA) service. IdentityNow is provided as a software-as-a-service (SaaS) offering, hosted and managed in the cloud.


Identity governance and administration solutions from SailPoint provide organizations with the tools they need to successfully manage and secure identities, automate compliance processes, and eliminate security threats. Organizations can gain visibility and control over user access permissions, automate provisioning and de-provisioning procedures, and enforce uniform security rules using their flagship solutions, IdentityIQ and IdentityNow.

Its commitment to continual innovation, industry recognition, and a robust customer base help cement its position as an IGA market leader. The availability of certification programs allows professionals to further progress their careers in the field of identity management by enhancing their competence in solutions.

While SailPoint’s pricing structure is tailored to each customer’s unique requirements, the subscription-based model provides flexibility and scalability as businesses expand and evolve.

Organizations can benefit from greater security, easier compliance, higher operational efficiency, an improved user experience, and proactive risk management by utilizing the solutions. The success stories of organizations across different industries highlight the tangible benefits realized from deploying SailPoint’s IGA platform.

In an increasingly complicated digital ecosystem, it offers a powerful and complete suite of identity governance and administration solutions that enable enterprises to strengthen their identity management strategy. Businesses can negotiate the complexities of identity governance with confidence, mitigate security risks, and maintain compliance, allowing them to focus on their core objectives and drive success.


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