AWS GLACIER: What Is It and How to Use It

AWS Glacier
Image by WangxiNa

As the quantity of information continues to increase, there is an increase demand for effective and efficient solutions that can handle and safeguard this valuable resource in a scalable and cost-effective manner. Therefore, storage solutions such as Amazon Web Services (AWS) Glacier were designed to be significant players in the field of data preservation and long-term storage. Just in case you are unfamiliar with what it is or how it works, this will be of help.

What Is Amazon Glacier?

Amazon Web Services (AWS) offers Amazon Glacier, now known as Amazon S3 Glacier, a cloud-based storage service. It’s designed to offer durable and secure long-term storage for the purposes of data archiving and backup. The design of this solution prioritizes cost-effectiveness, making it an ideal choice for storing data that is accessed infrequently but must be retained for compliance, regulatory, or business purposes. 

Is the Amazon Glacier Worth It?

Sure, the Amazon Glacier is worth it. Generally, it offers a wide range of security and compliance features, making it suitable for meeting the most rigorous regulatory standards. However, the usefulness of Amazon Glacier depends on your specific use case and storage needs. 

What is AWS Glacier Used For?

Amazon S3 Glacier is primarily used for long-term data archiving and backup purposes. It serves as a cost-effective solution for storing data that needs to be retained for extended periods but is not frequently accessed. 

AWS Glacier Storage

Amazon S3 Glacier is a storage class within Amazon Simple Storage Service (Amazon S3) designed for long-term data archiving and backup. It offers cost-effective storage for data that needs to be retained for extended periods but is infrequently accessed. S3 Glacier is part of the Amazon S3 ecosystem, making it easy to manage and retrieve archived data while benefiting from the durability, scalability, and security features of Amazon S3.

Features Of AWS S3 Glacier

The following are some of the key features of Amazon S3 Glacier storage:

#1. Storage Tiers

S3 Glacier has two tiers, namely S3 Glacier and S3 Glacier Archive. Generally, the S3 Glacier storage class is designed for data that needs to be archived but may require occasional retrieval. The S3 Glacier retrieval times are relatively slow, so it’s suitable for data that isn’t accessed frequently. On the other hand, the S3 Glacier Deep Archive is the most cost-effective storage class in the S3 Glacier family. It is ideal for data that is archived for very long periods and is accessed very infrequently. This is because the retrieval times are longer compared to standard S3 glaciers.

#2. Data Archiving Process

Using S3 Glacier means you’ll be creating a vault, which will serve as a logical container for your archived data. You can use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, SDKs, or third-party tools to upload data to your S3 Glacier vault. S3 data is stored as archives, which can range from a few bytes to multiple terabytes in size. Each archive is uniquely identified within the vault.

#3. Data Lifecycle Policies

You can configure data lifecycle policies to automate the transition of data from more expensive storage classes (e.g., Amazon S3 Standard) to S3 Glacier based on criteria such as access frequency or age. This helps organizations optimize storage costs by moving data to a lower-cost storage class when it becomes less frequently accessed.

#4. Data Durability and Redundancy

Data stored in S3 Glacier is redundantly stored across multiple data centers, ensuring high durability and availability. Amazon provides a service-level agreement (SLA) for data durability, guaranteeing that objects stored in S3 Glacier will be retained for the specified duration.

#5. Security and Access Control

S3 Glacier supports AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies and access controls, allowing you to restrict who can access and manage your vaults and archives.

How to Use AWS Glacier

Amazon S3 Glacier is commonly used for data archiving and long-term storage in various industries, including healthcare, finance, media, and government, where data retention requirements and cost-efficiency are critical considerations. However, you must plan your Glacier usage carefully, considering factors like data retrieval requirements, storage costs, and data lifecycle management. This is because the AWS Glacier is best suited for long-term archival and backup purposes where data retrieval latency is not a critical factor. Using AWS Glacier involves several steps, from creating a vault to storing and retrieving data. The following is a general overview of how to use AWS Glacier:

#1. Sign in to AWS and Create a Glacier Vault

The first step to using the AWS Glacier is to sign in to AWS or simply to access the AWS Management Console using your AWS account credentials. After that, navigate to the Amazon Glacier service in the AWS Management Console and click on “Create vault.” You’ll have to provide a unique name for your vault. Generally, this name is used to identify your storage container within Glacier. Lastly, configure vault access policies to specify who can access and manage data in the vault. You can use AWS Identity and Access Management (IAM) policies to control access.

#2. Upload Data to the Vault

When it comes to uploading data to your vault, there are several ways to upload data to a Glacier vault. Check them out below

  • AWS Console: You can use the AWS Management Console to manually upload files.
  • AWS Command Line Interface (CLI): Use the AWS Glacier upload-archive command to upload data from the command line.
  • SDKs and Libraries: You can use various programming languages and SDKs (such as Python, Java, or Node.js) to interact with Glacier programmatically and upload data.
  • Set Data Retrieval Policies: Glacier has different retrieval options, including standard retrieval (3-5 hours) and expedited retrieval (1-5 minutes), each with associated costs. You can specify how quickly you need data to be retrieved when you configure data retrieval jobs.

#3. Retrieve Data from the Vault

You typically initiate a retrieval job to retrieve data from a Glacier vault. You can use the AWS Management Console, AWS CLI, or SDKs to initiate retrieval jobs. Once initiated, Glacier will prepare the data for retrieval based on the retrieval option you’ve chosen.

#4. Monitor Job Status

After initiating a retrieval job, you can monitor its status to see when the data will be available for download. Glacier provides notifications (e.g., through Amazon SNS) to inform you when the job is completed. After the job is complete, you can download the retrieved data from Glacier. The method of downloading depends on your chosen retrieval option and the tool or SDK you’re using.

#5. Manage Data Lifecycle

Glacier allows you to set up data lifecycle policies in Amazon S3 (if you use S3 as a storage gateway for Glacier) or directly in Glacier to automate the transition of data from S3 to Glacier and manage data retention periods.

#6. Billing and Cost Management

Be aware of Glacier’s pricing structure, as you will be billed based on factors such as the amount of data stored, the number of retrieval requests, and data transfer out of Glacier.

#7. Security and Access Control

Implement proper security measures and access controls using AWS IAM to ensure that only authorized users and applications can access and manage your Glacier vaults and data.

What is Blob Storage vs. S3?

The cloud-based object storage services Blob Storage and Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) are both provided by Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS), respectively. They serve similar purposes but are offered by different cloud providers. 

What Is the Difference Between S3 and Glacier Storage?

The following are some of the differences between S3 and Glacier:

  • The cost of S3 is lower compared to Glacier.
  • S3 is primarily utilized for frequent data access, whereas Amazon Glacier is employed for long-term storage purposes.
  • S3 is utilized for the purpose of hosting static web content, while Amazon Glacier does not possess this capability.
  • The data retrieval speeds of S3 are faster compared to Glacier.
  • The data is stored in logical buckets over S3. In the case of Amazon Glacier, data is stored in the form of archives and is organized within vaults.

 AWS Glacier Pricing

Generally, Amazon S3 Glacier pricing consists of 5 elements:

  • Storage pricing
  • UPLOAD requests
  • Retrieval Pricing
  • Retrieval Requests Pricing
  • Transfer-out pricing

What Are the Disadvantages of the AWS Glacier? 

The disadvantages of AWS Glacier include the retrieval time, the cost of retrieval, complex pricing structures, its retrieval policies and so much more. The following are more elaborate details of AWS Glacier’s disadvantages:

#1. Retrieval Time

Glacier is optimized for data archiving, not real-time access. Retrieving data from Glacier can take several hours, which is not suitable for applications that require low-latency access to data.

#2. Cost for Retrieval

While storing data in Glacier is cost-effective, the cost of data retrieval can be high, especially if you need to retrieve large amounts of data frequently. There are different retrieval options (e.g., expedited, standard, and bulk), each with its own associated cost.

#3. Complex Pricing Structure

AWS Glacier has a complex pricing structure that can be challenging to understand, leading to potential cost surprises if you’re not careful. Different factors, such as storage duration, retrieval requests, and data transfer, can all affect the overall cost.

#4. Data Retrieval Policies

Glacier has data retrieval policies, such as retrieval limits and data restoration times. These policies can limit your ability to quickly access your archived data when needed.

#5. Data Transfer Costs

Transferring data in and out of Glacier can incur additional costs, especially if you need to move large volumes of data between regions or out of AWS altogether.

#6. No Real-Time Access

Unlike AWS S3, which offers real-time access to data, Glacier is not suitable for applications that require immediate data availability. It’s designed for long-term archiving, where data retrieval times are less critical.

#7. Data Retrieval Challenges

Restoring data from Glacier may require you to navigate through a multi-step process. You need to initiate a retrieval job, wait for it to complete, and then download the data. This process can be cumbersome compared to other AWS storage options.

#8. Limited Use Cases

Glacier is best suited for specific use cases, such as archiving data for compliance purposes or long-term backup. It may not be the ideal choice for applications with high data access requirements.

#9. Data Transfer Speed

When you retrieve data from Glacier, the data transfer speed can be slower compared to more performance-oriented storage services, which may not be suitable for applications requiring rapid data access.

#9. Data Retrieval Costs for Large Archives

If you have very large archives, the cost and time required to retrieve all the data can be significant. This can be a drawback if you need to restore a large dataset all at once.

What is Glacier in DevOps?

Amazon Glacier is not a DevOps tool or concept in itself, but it can be used within DevOps workflows to store and manage data, particularly for long-term archival and backup purposes. While Glacier is not specific to DevOps, it plays a role in data management within DevOps workflows, helping teams maintain data integrity, availability, and compliance. Always design your data storage and management strategies in DevOps with the specific needs of your applications and organization in mind, including considerations for data security, access controls, and cost optimization. The following is how Amazon Glacier can be relevant to DevOps:

#1. Data Backup and Archiving

DevOps teams often need to ensure data durability and availability. Amazon Glacier can be used to create backups of critical data, application configurations, and historical logs. It’s designed for long-term data retention and is cost-effective compared to more frequently accessed storage solutions like Amazon S3.

#2. Data Retention Policies

DevOps processes often involve defining and implementing data retention policies for compliance and auditing purposes. Amazon Glacier provides features for setting data retention policies and automatically moving data to lower-cost storage tiers as it becomes less frequently accessed.

#3. Disaster Recovery

In DevOps, ensuring business continuity and disaster recovery is crucial. Glacier can be part of a disaster recovery strategy, allowing teams to recover data in the event of data loss or system failures.

#4. Data Lifecycle Management

DevOps teams can use Amazon Glacier as part of their data lifecycle management practices, which include defining when data should be moved to Glacier and when it can be deleted based on business rules.

Can You Write Directly to AWS?

Yes, individuals and organizations can write directly to AWS (Amazon Web Services) by using the various AWS services and tools provided by AWS. AWS offers a wide range of cloud computing services and resources, and users can create, configure, and manage these resources to suit their specific needs.


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