How to Stop Siri From Reading Texts on AirPods: Easy!

How to Stop Siri From Reading Texts on AirPods
Image Source: lookstudio

Siri is convenient, but she can be a pain if she keeps interrupting you at unsuitable moments to read boring notifications. When interruptions from alerts become too much to bear, we move from the annoying category to the irritating category. Imagine being immersed in an engaging podcast when Siri suddenly reads out a spam message. Or if you’re in the middle of a mindfulness session and a notice pops up that could have waited. The noise pollution of city living is something you might not be able to escape. However, you are in command of more on your iPhone. Continue reading this piece to find out how to stop Siri from reading texts from your AirPods.

Siri Overview

Siri is the result of a number of different research efforts and technological developments. The Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency’s (DARPA) Cognitive Assistant that Learns and Organizes (CALO) project sought to use machine learning techniques to create a personal assistant. The CALO project laid the groundwork for the technologies and architecture that would later be used in the spin-off project at SRI International, a nonprofit research center based in Menlo Park, California, to create Siri.

On the other hand, Nuance Communications, a software company originally spun off from SRI International, developed Siri’s speech recognition technology. In 2007, a group of researchers from SRI International launched a new venture under the name Siri, Inc. Tom Gruber was the chief technology officer, and SRI researchers Dag Kittlaus and Adam Cheyer were the chief executive officer and vice president of engineering, respectively.

The current version of Siri is available as a built-in function on some iOS devices thanks to Apple’s 2010 acquisition of Siri, Inc. The feature was first introduced on the iPhone 4S in 2011, and in June 2012, Apple announced that Siri would be coming to the iPad 3 with the introduction of iOS 6. Older iPhone and iPad models do not support Siri.

What Is Siri?

Siri is an in-built, voice-controlled personal assistant for Apple users. The idea is that you speak to her as you would a friend, and she will assist you in getting things done, such as making a dinner reservation or sending a message.

Siri is intended to provide a seamless way for you to communicate with your iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch, Apple Watch, HomePod, or Mac by speaking to her and having her talk back to you to find or perform what you need. You can ask her questions, instruct her to show you something or give her directives that she can carry out on your behalf.

Also, Siri has access to every other built-in program on your Apple iPhone – Mail, Contacts, Messages, Maps, Safari, and so on—and will call on those apps to provide data or search their databases whenever necessary. Siri ultimately handles all of the legwork for you.

How Does Siri Work?

Siri is able to do its work thanks to a combination of Speech Recognition and Natural Language Processing.

#1. Speech Recognition 

Technology of this sort can interpret verbal communication and produce a written transcript. Although fascinating, it is also a difficult endeavor due to the fact that each person’s voice is unique, just as women’s voices are distinct from men’s. The slang also changes from region to region. The speech recognition system has certain drawbacks. However, Apple’s engineers have put a lot of time and effort into research and development, producing effective speech recognition models for Siri.

#2. Natural Language Processing

This technology is a platform for the introduction of deep learning. Improves speech recognition accuracy by lowering the number of misidentified words. Speech recognition is another area where it excels spectacularly. This is possible due to the availability of extensive data sets and robust technology for training voice recognition algorithms.

Once Siri understands what you’re saying, it will turn your speech into text and upload it to Apple’s servers. Apple is currently using natural language processing (NLP) for algorithmic checking in order to determine the user’s intent. Due to linguistic diversity, it can be difficult to decipher user intent.

How Do I Change Siri’s Settings?

The steps required to change Siri’s voice are consistent across all Apple devices, including the iPhone, iPad, and iPod Touch. Here is a simple step on how to change Siri settings:

  • Get your device’s Settings app going.
  • To access Siri and Search, go to Settings.
  • Select Language to switch the system’s default language.
  • To modify Siri’s voice, just go back to Siri & Search and select Siri Voice.
  • By going back to Siri & Search and selecting Siri Responses, you can modify Siri’s responses to your commands.

In order to locate the Siri voice generator that sounds best for your language, you will have numerous options to choose from. Of course, you can even instruct Siri to provide only text responses if none of the spoken options appeal to you.

Why Are My AirPods Reading My Texts?

When activated, Siri will notify you of new messages, reminders, and other alerts from built-in and third-party apps that enable Siri Alerts. Also, when your iPhone or iPad is locked, your headphones are plugged in, and you’re wearing them, Siri will read any new alerts aloud.

If the app you’re using determines that a notice is urgent or private, Siri will play a tone and announce it to you. Siri also lets you pick and select which alerts she reads:

  • You may enable audible alerts on your iOS device by tapping Settings > Notifications > Announce Notifications.
  • Select Messages.
  • Choose from Time-Dependent and Personalized Notifications or All Alerts.

In addition, the Announce Notifications toggle can be immediately activated or deactivated via Control Center if it has been added to your iPhone’s or iPad’s settings.

By removing one earbud or the entire set of headphones, you can prevent Siri from reading off all of the notifications you have received at once.

How to Stop Siri from Reading Texts on AirPods

When your hands are full but you still need to stay on top of incoming messages, Announce Notifications is a helpful tool. If you find this function annoying, however, it can be turned off.

There are a few different approaches, and we’re going to go over them all with you:

#1. Disable Siri’s Text Reading Feature via Settings

You can quickly stop Siri’s AirPods’ text-reading features by tapping the Settings icon.

  • Launch the settings menu.
  • Select the Notifications tab.
  • Find the option to “Announce Notifications” in Siri’s menu and select it.
  • Having the Notification Users toggle set to the green position is ideal. To turn off the function, just tap the button.

All done! If you have your AirPods plugged in, Siri will no longer read aloud to you.

Note: In addition to turning off the feature while using CarPlay, turning off the Announce Notifications toggle will have no effect. Scroll down to Announce When Connected To and disable the toggle next to Headphones if you only want Siri to read notifications on your AirPods.

#2. Deactivate Announce Messages via Control Center

You can also temporarily or permanently stop Siri from reading texts on your AirPods by going to the Control Center.

Only while your AirPods are synced will this function. Follow these simple steps:

  • To access the Settings menu, swipe down from the screen’s upper-right corner.
  • The bell icon (Announce Notifications) can be toggled on and off at will. Alternatively, you can disable the feature by pressing and holding the Announce Notifications icon until a notification comes in.
  • You can choose to silence notifications for an hour or for the entire day from that panel.

This is extremely helpful if you want to stop Siri from reading texts on AirPods for a short period of time so you can focus. Such as when you’re in the middle of an intense study session, a meditation, or just out and about.

Either after an hour has passed or the following day, depending on your preference, the voice assistant will resume reading notifications. If you’ve decided to permanently disable Announce Notifications, you can clear the icon from the Control Center by going to Settings > Notifications > Turn off Announce Notifications.

How to Customize Announce Notification Settings Across Different Apps

So far, these guidelines have shown you how to disable Siri’s message-reading features on AirPods. But what if you only want to unmute certain notifications?

Suppose you’re anticipating a crucial email but don’t like having Siri read it aloud to you through your AirPods. You’re eager to learn the contents of the email right away.

However, you can’t sit around all afternoon gazing at your phone because you’re constantly on the go. This method may also create unpleasant memories of the time your crush disappeared for the better part of the day. (What a downer!)

The Announce Notifications function is great since it allows you to tailor your alerts to each individual app. Plus, iPhone owners can experiment with these options whenever they choose.

Here is how:

  • Go to Menu > Settings.
  • Access the Notifications Menu
  • Find the Announce Notifications option under Siri.
  • Apps that work with this device are listed below.
  • Choose a specific app by clicking on it.
  • Notifications can be toggled on and off as needed.

How to Turn off Automatic Ear Detection AirPods Pro on Android

Does it annoy you that your music stops playing when you take out one of your AirPods? Do you wish to disable Automatic Ear Detection because you only use one AirPod at a time when listening to music?

While Apple’s Automatic Ear Detection in the AirPods and AirPods Pro and Automatic Head Detection in the AirPods Max are designed to save battery life and improve the user experience, they can be distracting at times. 

However, it only takes a few simple clicks to disable these options if you so desire. But before we dive into how to turn off automatic ear detection on AirPods, let’s take a look at what that feature entails.

What Is the Automatic Ear Detection Feature in AirPods and AirPods Pro?

The AirPods and AirPods Pro have a built-in capability called Automatic Ear Detection, which allows them to detect when they are in your ears and begin playing music or other audio. 

If you activate this option:

  • When you take out one of your AirPods, the music stops playing automatically and starts up again when you put it back in your ear.
  • If you take out both AirPods, the audio will switch to the phone’s speaker.

Why You May Need to Switch off Automatic Ear Detection on Your AirPods

Here are four scenarios in which disabling the AirPods’ automatic ear and head recognition feature could be beneficial:

#1. The AirPods Keep Falling Out of Your Ear

We’ve had this problem with our AirPods Pro pretty often. We were having a hard time resolving an issue where our AirPods Pro would unexpectedly disconnect. Among the several approaches we tried, turning off Automatic Ear Detection proved successful.

If you take your AirPods out of your ears and keep on wearing them, the sensors may experience signal delay or interruption. In addition, disabling Automatic ear and head detection can prevent the frequent disconnections caused by this. 

#2. The Battery Life of Your AirPods Is Rapidly Depleting

The battery life of your AirPods will decrease unexpectedly if you use the Automatic Ear Detection or Automatic Head Detection functions. 

The sensors in your AirPods, AirPods Pro, or AirPods Max are always checking to see if they are in or on your ears thanks to the Automatic Ear/Head Detection feature. This can cause the battery to deplete quickly. 

So, if the Automatic Ear/Head Detection light on your AirPods is always flashing red, you may want to turn it off.

#3. You Wish to Swap AirPods

The Automatic Ear Detection function can be frustrating if you have to share your AirPods with another person. If the other person takes out their AirPod, for instance, your own audio will cease as a result. 

Therefore, if you are of the “sharing is caring” mindset about your AirPods, we advise you to disable Automatic Ear Detection. 

#4. Your Preference Is for One AirPod

If you don’t like having your ears completely blocked by your AirPods and you’re OK with the sound quality of only one AirPod, you can disable the Automatic Ear Detection option.

Now, let’s take a look at how to turn off Automatic Ear Detection on AirPods Pro on Android

To turn off Automatic Ear Detection on your Android device, download an app like AirBattery. This app also allows you to monitor your AirPods’ and AirPods Pro’s battery life. 

Once you have the AirBattery app installed on your device from the Google Play store, proceed to the next section. 

  • Start up the AirBattery app on your Android gadget.
  • In the upper right, you’ll see a button with three dots on it. Click that to access the menu.
  • Select “Settings” from the dropdown menu.
  • Scroll down to find the “In-ear detection” option and turn it off. Also, read How to Turn Off Siri on Your iPhone or Ipad- Simple Guide

What are Transparency Mode AirPods?

Before discussing transparency mode, we must first cover another feature: ANC, or Active Noise Cancellation. More and more modern headphones and earbuds include this mode, which helps to cancel out background noise. An ANC system actively picks up background noise with its microphones, and then it uses inverted soundwaves to help block it out. Although there are a variety of ANC designs, they all perform similarly and are highly effective at canceling out continuous background noises like those found in a subway, on a busy street, in an airplane cabin, and so on.

On the other side, transparency mode is useful when you don’t need total isolation but still want to listen to your audio without disturbing those around you. Social mode, global loudness, and hear-through technology are all names for this phenomenon. While you can’t use these settings for active noise cancellation (ANC), you can still listen to your music, podcasts, etc. without being completely shut off from the world. Transparency mode can be used to bypass acoustic obstructions like headphones or passive noise reduction.

How Does Transparency Mode Work?

However, transparency options typically go beyond simply disabling ANC. These headphones take in ambient noise through active noise-canceling microphones and play it back through the headphones’ speakers in addition to the audio you were listening to. Because of this, you can hear everything going on around you clearly without removing your headphones, and you can always go back to using active noise cancellation if you want to.

How to Enable and Customize Announce Notifications

First, let’s check that all of your hardware is compatible with the feature before we go into activating it. In addition to an iPhone or iPad running iOS 15 or iPadOS 15, you’ll also need headphones that are compatible with those devices. Such as:

  • AirPods (second-generation) or later
  • AirPods Pro
  • AirPods Max
  • Powerbeats
  • Powerbeats Pro

In the same manner that you can silence Siri’s notifications, you can also activate them. In any case, here’s what you need to do if you skipped that section:

  • Access the Notifications menu by going to Settings.
  • To activate the feature, select Announce notifications from the menu.

Voilà! Siri will now inform you of nearly every alert that appears on your iPhone and/or iPad. 

Activating the function enables a wide variety of personalization settings. Siri’s new message handling options in CarPlay include “Announce New Messages,” “Silence New Messages,” and “Remember Previous Setting,” the latter of which will revert to the previous announcement mode. 

The ability to reply without receiving a confirmation can also be enabled. If the app you’re using allows for responses, Siri will read them back to you before sending them. You can disable the feature if you prefer not to check your messages before sending them.

As a last step, Siri can be instructed to only announce alerts from specific programs. You may find a list of native and third-party apps that are compatible with the feature at the end of this paragraph. To enable or disable the Announce Notifications feature, navigate through your installed apps and tap on each one separately. 

That way, you can limit Siri’s chirping in your AirPods to a manageable level, should you choose to have her announce notifications.

Bottom Line

You should now be an absolute guru on the subject of the Announce Notifications tool. As a result of this article, you should be able to stop Siri from reading texts on your AirPods and adjust their settings to suit your needs.

You won’t have to put up with pointless WhatsApp group alerts or missed sales that don’t interest you any longer. You’ve also learned to maximize the function, so you’ll never again overlook a critical message.

How to Stop Siri From Reading Texts on AirPods FAQs

Where do you double tap on AirPods?

A double tap on the stem’s top will activate the controls for your AirPods. To answer an incoming call, for instance, you’d need to double-tap the screen.

What does Siri stand for?

Siri is short for “Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface,” but the name has other connotations as well.

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