Free Audio Recorders for Google Slides HOW TO RECORD AUDIO ON mac chromebook iPad

Your Google Slides presentation won’t be complete without an accompanying audio recording, which requires some forethought and organization. In this article, you’ll find detailed guidance on how to record audio for Google Slides presentations. Choosing the correct microphone and creating a good recording space are two of the most important steps to producing professional-quality audio that will hook listeners. Read on to learn more about how to record audio on Google Slides on Mac, Chromebook, and iPad. We also added some free audio recorders for Google Slides that you can opt for to make your recordings easier.

Enjoy the ride!

Can You Record Audio from Google Slides?

Google Slides alone cannot presently be used to record audio from a presentation. You’ll need to use a separate program to record the presentation’s audio. Software like Riverside allows for professional-quality audio recording. Windows Sound Recorder is a built-in program that you can use to capture audio from your computer’s desktop.

Once you have finished recording with your preferred recording program, you can easily add that recording to your Google Slides presentation. You can make your presentation more engaging and understandable by adding audio.

How to Record Audio on Google Slides

Knowing how to record audio on Google Slides is very important, it makes it easier for you to make recordings on your Google Slides. Here is how to record audio on Google Slides:

#1. Write a Script

Every slide that will have narration needs a script. Due to your clarity on what to say, this will speed up and simplify the audio recording process. By summarizing your presentation’s main points, you can write a script. An overview of the overarching concept you will cover should be presented at the beginning. Next, break down your strategy into its component parts. 

The mood of a script should fit its setting. If you’re having a conversation with a group of friends, you can employ a less professional tone than you might at a business meeting. Make an effort to keep your script short and to the point. You should have your script with you at all times during recording, whether it’s typed up on the screen or written down by hand.

#2. Choose a Recording Platform

A wide variety of recording programs are available, so pick one that suits your needs. Consider the elements that are most important to you in a recording platform. Consider factors like price, user-friendliness, recording options, and even the potential for virtual guests. Choosing a recording platform that works with your gadget is crucial. To provide the clearest possible audio, you should also make sure the platform supports high-quality recording.

#3. Choose a Suitable Recording Device

Every successful audio recording depends on having quality sound. To begin, choose the recording microphone. The quality of the sound will depend on whether you use an internal microphone or an external one. A presentation or professional recording may benefit from the use of an external microphone due to the superior audio quality it provides.

#4. Create a Suitable Space for Recording

A high-quality recording can only be achieved in a quiet, distraction-free setting. If you want your recording to sound its best, you should do your best to find a spot with little to no ambient noise. An enclosed area, like a study, can help muffle any extraneous noises. You should also silence any alerts or gadgets that could interfere with your recording.

#5. Set up an Orderly Presentation Using Google Slides

Having a well-organized presentation makes it easy to move about while filming. Arrange your Google Slides in a sensible order before beginning the audio recording to ensure a smooth flow of information. Make sure each PowerPoint only includes relevant information and eliminates any extraneous material.

#6. Make Use of a Sound Recorder

Since there is no internal recording feature in Google Slides, an external program is required. Select an appropriate audio recording application. Audacity, QuickTime Player (for Mac users), and Windows Voice Recorder (for Windows users) are just a few of the numerous free and paid solutions out there. Get the audio recording app and install it.

#7. Make an Audio Recording

An interesting presentation can’t be made without high-quality audio recording. Get Google Slides and your choice recording program ready to go. You can begin recording your narration as you walk through your slides in the software. Make sure your audience can understand you by speaking clearly and at a steady pace.

#8. Edit the Audio File

Audio that has been polished will have a polished and professional quality. When you’re done recording, edit the audio file in your recording program. You can normalize the loudness throughout and remove any unnecessary quiet, blunders, or extended pauses.

#9. Place Your Audio File in Your Google Drive

Start by retrieving your recording from the program you’re using. Then, log into your Google Drive account. Pick “New” from the list of options on the left. To add an audio file, go to File > Upload and pick it out.

#10. Add Your Audio to Google Slides

  • To add audio to a slide in your presentation, launch Google Slides and navigate to the slide in question.
  • Insert > Audio can be found on the app’s main toolbar.
  • There’ll be a new window that pops up. Click the My Drive button. Insert the audio file you just selected.
  • The slide will now reflect your audio.

#11. Adjust the Audio Settings

Go ahead and click the audio player icon that just showed up on your slide. If you go to the toolbar and select Format choices, you’ll get a list of formatting controls. You can pick whether your audio should start playing automatically or when you click here and change the volume.

How to Record Audio on Google Slides on Mac

Here is how to record audio on google slides on Mac:

  • Get your Google Slides ready. Connect a mic to your computer.
  • Launch Converter on your computer. Click “Recorder” on the main interface.
  • Select “Screen” recording mode.
  • Hit the red button to start recording.
  • Open the output folder of the recording.

How to Record Audio on Google Slides on Chromebook

The Chromebook does not have an integrated microphone. Some online recorders may allow you to capture your voice for use in your Google Slides presentations. Recording a voiceover for your Slides presentation on Chrome OS is simple thanks to several helpful web resources. Tools like Reverb Record, Vocaroo, Mic Note, and Anchor are examples. The steps for using Anchor on a Chromebook to record audio for Google Slides are detailed below:

Step 1: Check out Anchor’s main site. Make a whole new one, or sign in if you already have one.

Step 2: Start a new podcast by going to File > New Podcast. By default, it will recognize your Chromebook’s internal microphone. You can also choose a different one at will.

Step 3: Set up your microphone and begin recording. Stop recording when you’re done and save the file.

How to Record Audio on Google Slides on iPad

Thinking of how to record audio on google slides on iPad? Worry not! Here is how to record audio on google slides on iPad:

  • Find a quiet area.
  • Be sure to face the iPad screen and come near enough to it for the microphone to record clearly.
  • Record your presentation on the screen. 
  • Start recording your screen, but before you do, press the microphone button.
  • Go to your Slide deck now.
  • present the first slide.
  • Navigate to each slide in your presentation and describe its significance.
  • Stop recording the screen once you’re finished.
  • The video, sound and all, will be saved to your camera roll.

Free Audio Recorders for Google Slides

You might want to use an audio recorder for goggle slides for your recording and you are thinking of getting one. Here are some free audio recorders for google slides you can go for:

#1. Audacity

The free, open-source, and cross-platform Audacity is a potent tool. Whether you’re using Windows, Mac, or even Linux, you can use it. The number of things you can do with the app sets it apart from the competition.

This is due to the app’s ability to let you blend music in addition to recording your voice. You may also quickly modify your file, add effects for more excellent polishing and fine-tuning, and generate cuts and loops. It’s one of the best free audio recorders for google slides you can go for. It’s also a good tool for musicians because you can use mixers and digital recording platforms to capture live audio.

#2. BandLab

Can a mobile app be used to record content in Google Slides? We might not have had the technology to achieve this in the past. However, in recent years, there have been many high-quality recording apps available. One of them is BandLab, a web-based, Android, and iOS-compatible audio recording program. It’s among the best free audio recorders for google slides you can go for. To get started, just download the app to your device. You can start recording right away thanks to the app’s functionality and intuitive user interface.

It’s important to keep in mind, though, that the BandLab mobile app does not permit exporting in various file formats. It only works with M4A. Therefore, for simple exporting, we advise using the online application. You can convert the file using a converter if you insist on using a mobile device.

#3. GarageBand

Apple’s version of BandLab for Mac and iOS devices exclusively is called GarageBand. You can use it to record audio, create music, modify sounds, clip videos, and more. This multipurpose program has similar power to Audacity with a smaller footprint.

It is a good choice because using it within the Apple environment is so seamless. If you’re studying how to add music to Google Slides on an iPhone, it’s unquestionably advised. You may start recording right away because of the app’s strengths, usability, and lack of cost. On the majority of Apple devices, it presumably already comes with a default app.

#4. Online Voice Recorder

If you want to know how to record audio on Google Drive, Online Voice Recorder is a helpful web-based platform you can use. It is simple to access from a web browser. A built-in microphone on the platform allows you to start recording your voice right away. Furthermore, the fact that it is free sets it apart from alternatives. You are not required to pay any extra fees to access the website’s premium features.

The software also includes a helpful adjustment feature that enables you to modify your microphone settings. Every recording also has its beginning and ending silences automatically trimmed. Therefore, you can save time by making quick edits and modifications after recording.

#5. Wondershare DemoCreator

On Google Slides, how can you record your voice? Using a trustworthy desktop program like Wondershare DemoCreator is one of the best methods. The app is flexible and straightforward to use, making it excellent for new users. It is one of the best free audio recorders for goggles slides you can go for.

It is particularly adaptable since, in addition to voice recording features, it also offers video editing and screen recording capabilities. Also, the program is usable on Windows and macOS, making it accessible to almost everyone. The files cannot be exported straight to Google Drive, though. In order to enter them into Slides, you must first save them to your computer before uploading them to Google’s storage.

Why Should You Record Audio For Google Slides?

If you want to create presentations that are interesting to listen to, you must learn how to record audio on Google Slides. This is especially true if you have to give someone a presentation that includes a narrative or instructions. With it, you may include anything, from music to interviews, and give your presentation a unique touch. It’s also a terrific approach to conveying information without saturating viewers with excessive amounts of images that would be better used to support verbal explanations. If your primary goal is to automate a presentation, learning how to record audio on Google Slides is also imperative. As a result, the presenter won’t have to broach the same subject twice, which can relieve some of their stress.

How Do You Record Your Voice on Google Slides?

There is no recording feature available in Google Slides. However, you can definitely include audio in your presentation. All you have to do is record your audio using a different piece of software. You may then use the Audio feature in Google Slides to incorporate your recording into your presentation. 

How Do You Record Voiceovers for Slides?

For Google Slides, you’ll need to record the voice-over using recording software. The method for recording audio varies depending on the type of software used but it is usually relatively simple. You may learn all about the procedures in this article’s description of how to record audio for Google Slides.

Can You Record the Audio Slide by Slide?

You may add audio to each slide in your Google Slides presentation. You may use distinct audio for every slide or merely add audio to a subset of drops, depending on your preferences. 

Unfortunately, Google Slides doesn’t have an integrated way to record audio. However, you can use Google Drive to share audio files that you have previously recorded and edited. Choosing a slide is all that is needed to upload audio to that slide. Choose Insert, followed by Audio, from the toolbar. Select an audio file from your Google Drive and then click “Add to Slide.”

Does Google Slides Let You Record Audio?

Google Slides does not have an integrated recorder. You can, however, upload previously made and saved audio files to your Google Drive. Choosing a slide is all that is needed to upload audio to that slide. Select Audio from the toolbar’s Insert option.

Can I Record Audio on PowerPoint?

Yes, you can. Here is how to do it:

Select Audio > Insert. Click the microphone icon to start recording. Give your audio file a name, click Record, and then talk. In order to record audio, your device’s microphone must be turned on.

How Do You Record a Presentation?

  • Open the slide on which you wish to begin the recording.
  • Select Record in the PowerPoint window’s upper right corner.
  • There are two options available to you.
  • Select the red, round Record button when you’re ready to record, wait for the countdown, and begin talking. Go to the appropriate slide and then choose Record to start recording.

How Do I Add a Voiceover on Google Slides Using Text-to-Speech Translation Software?

Launch the Google slide that requires a voiceover. Select “Audio” under the “Insert” heading. Click the ‘Select’ button after selecting the audio file you want to include. Upon adding voiceovers to your Google Slides presentation, a speaker icon will show up on your slide.

Can I Add a Voiceover to Google Slides Using a Screen Recorder?

You may do this by talking through the slides while using any screen recording software to convert your presentation into a video lesson.

Final Thoughts

Using these instructions, you can quickly and easily record audio for your Google Slides presentation. Every aspect of creating a high-quality audio experience, from selecting the correct recording gear to fine-tuning the playback controls, is crucial. Anyone may learn this ability with time, practice, and patience.


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