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While some of these malicious programs are little more than a nuisance, many others can effectively steal your most personal, private, and sensitive information So, if your computer has a virus or malware, you must act swiftly to prevent the infection from spreading. To do this, you need to quickly eliminate a virus by following a few simple steps and using malware removal software. Keep reading to learn how to get rid of a virus from Windows 10 and Mac.


A computer virus is a type of malware, which means it is harmful software that can copy itself on any drive that is attached to your computer. Computer viruses get their name from the fact that they can copy themselves, just like real viruses. This is how a virus spreads after getting into your computer. A computer virus can make your computer run more slowly or stop it from working right. There are ways a computer virus could have gotten into your computer, like:

  • Opening links or attachments in spam emails or on social media.
  • Downloading programs from unreliable sites.
  • Clicking on malicious ads or pop-ups.
  • Sharing files with unknown users.

Any one of these symptoms could be a result of a virus or other malware, such as spyware or a crypto miner. If you’re experiencing two or three of them at the same time, that’s a strong indication that you’ve got a virus or that your computer has been hacked.

A computer virus: Signs to know if your computer has a virus

It can be hard to figure out if your computer has a virus because hardware issues can look like virus issues. For instance, malware or broken computer hardware can cause a computer to slow down, stop, or get too hot. Some hardware, like your camera and microphone, may also act strangely if they are broken or have spyware on them. However, there are some symptoms that a virus or other piece of software is more likely to cause than faulty hardware:

#1. Performance Issues

When you start experiencing performance issues, your computer has likely been infected with a virus. Long loading times, issues with restarting or shutting down, and a lot of crashes and error messages can all be symptoms of a computer virus that is running in the background.

#2. Missing Files

If you start to notice that files have been deleted or changed without your knowledge, your computer may have a virus that wants to steal and sell your data. Some bugs change your files to hide themselves and wait for you to send someone a damaged file. 

#3. Unexpected windows that pop up

A lot of pop-up windows that you didn’t expect are a clear sign that your computer has a virus. Most of the time, these pop-up windows will ask you to click on a link to go to another website or download an app, which will then download more viruses.

#4. You do not recognize new applications.

A virus has likely infected your computer if you notice new applications downloaded on it that you did not download. More bugs could be present in these new applications, which could either make your device worse or steal your data. 

#5. Spam emails with your email address in them

A computer virus’s main goal is to copy itself, spread to other devices, and do it all over again. To trick your contacts into falling for phishing attacks, viruses will pretend to be you and email your contact list with an infected link or attachment. If someone writes to you about getting spam emails from you, you should check your device for bugs. 

#6. The battery quickly drains

If you notice that your battery dies faster than it used to, it’s likely because it’s worn out over time. If, on the other hand, your battery life changes quickly and starts to drain fast, your device likely has a computer virus. You should do a check on your device to see if a virus is the cause of your battery dying. 

#7. System Settings Changed

If you don’t remember making changes to your computer’s system settings, it means that it has a virus. The goal of computer bugs is to get into your device without being found, so they change your system settings and turn off your security settings to do this. 

How to Get Rid of Computer Virus Mac

If you use a Mac, you may be under the impression that a virus cannot infect your computer. Sadly, this is not an accurate picture. Most viruses are designed to infect PCs, but some target Macs as well. Unfortunately, some Mac bugs are made to make people think they are anti-virus programs. Your computer may be infected if you unintentionally download one of these. Mac Defender, Mac Protector, and Mac Security are three examples of this type of virus.

How to Get Rid of Computer Virus Mac: Step-by-step Guide

You can keep your data safe by following these easy steps to get rid of a virus on your Mac computer.

#1. Disconnect from the Internet 

To get rid of a virus on your Mac computer, disconnect from the internet to stop more of your data from being sent to a virus site and the virus from spreading. If you think your computer has been hacked, stay away as much as possible. If you need to download a cleanup tool, disconnect when it’s done, and don’t reconnect until you’re certain the malware has been removed.

#2. Enter Safe Mode 

By starting your computer in safe mode, also known as “safe boot,” it checks for problems and only lets the most important software and apps load. Keeping viruses from loading automatically will make them easier to get rid of. This is how you get into safe mode:

  • Press and hold the Shift key right after starting up (or restarting) your Mac. It will show the Apple brand.
  • While holding down the Shift key, the login window will appear. If you are asked to log in twice, read this article to find out what to do.

Also, when you think your computer might be attacked, be careful not to reveal passwords by copying and pasting or clicking on a “show password” box.

#3. Look for harmful applications on your activity monitor.

If you think you may have received a bad update or app, stop using it if it’s already open. Your activity monitor can help you do that.

The tasks that are running on your computer are shown here, so you can control them and see how they impact its activity and speed. Check the CPU tab to see which applications are using the most resources on your computer, because malware can do so. If you can find the questionable app, you can close it through the activity monitor and then delete it from the Finder menu.

#4. Run a malware scanner 

Thankfully, antivirus programs can get rid of the most common attacks. If you already have an antivirus program on your computer, you should use a different scanner to look for malware because the antivirus software you already have might not find it at first.

If you think your computer is affected, you should get an on-demand scanner from a trustworthy source and then install and run security software that protects against viruses, ransomware, and other types of malware.

#5. Verify the homepage of your computer 

To re-infect your Mac, the virus frequently changes the homepage of your web browser. Follow the steps below to check your homepage and connection settings. Keep in mind that you will need to connect your computer to the internet to do the next few steps. To verify your homepage on Chrome: 

  • In the top right corner of your Chrome browser, click More → Settings.
  • Select the drop-down menu in the “Search engine” section.
  • Verify your default homepage.

#6. Clear your cache.

You should clear your browser’s cache after making sure that your homepage setting is correct. This is a place on your computer where you can temporarily store things. The information is saved here, so your computer doesn’t have to get it all the time. To clear your Chrome, just follow the steps below.

  • Start Chrome.
  • Pick “History”
  • Choice “Clear Browsing Data”
  • Click on “Time Range.”
  • Choose “All Time.”
  • Go to “Clear Data.”

How to Get Rid of Computer Virus Windows 10

Hackers can still get viruses on your Windows 10 device, even if it seems remote. Every day, more and more viruses are made, which means that your device and information are at greater risk than ever. Your PC gets a virus with just one wrong click. This means that your files and protection are at risk.

Finding and getting rid of the virus on your computer or Windows 10 as soon as possible is very important. Malware does less damage the faster you get rid of it. Thankfully, there are a lot of tools out there that can help you get rid of bugs. It might not always be very clear how to do it, though. So, this post will show you how to find and get rid of a virus on your Windows 10 computer.

How to Get Rid of Computer Virus Windows 10: Step-by-step Guide

Whether you have a virus or another kind of virus on your Windows 10, desktop computer, or Mac, the following steps will help you scan for viruses and get rid of them virus immediately.

#1. Install any available updates for your computer and antivirus software.

#2. Reboot your computer in Safe Mode.

  • Go to Start > Settings > Update & Security > Recovery.
  • Under Advanced Startup, click Restart now.
  • After the computer restarts, click Troubleshoot > Advanced Options > Startup Settings > Restart.
  • The computer will restart again, and you’ll see a list of options. Select 4 on your keyboard (or F4 on some computers) to boot into Safe Mode.

#3. Open your browsers and look for any unfamiliar extensions. Uninstall them.

#4. Clear your cache and browsing history. Steps will vary based on your browser.

#5. In the search box next to the Start button, search for and open the Control Panel.

  • Click Programs > Programs & Features.
  • Look for any unwanted or malicious programs. Right-click them and select Uninstall (or Uninstall/Change).
  • Follow the prompts to complete the removal process.

#6. Open Start > Settings > Apps > Apps & Features. Click on any unwanted or malicious apps and click Uninstall to remove them.

#7. In the Apps menu, click Startup and set any unfamiliar or malicious apps to Off.

#8. Run Disk Cleanup to delete temporary files.

  • In the search bar, search for and open Disk Cleanup.
  • Select your drive, then click OK.
  • Choose what types of files you want to delete, then click OK.

#9. Run a virus scan to make sure you’ve deleted all the malware from your machine.

If you walked through the steps and your computer still acts infected, reach out to a computer expert for help with PC virus and spyware removal.

How to Get Rid of Computer Virus in your Windows 10 and Mac: Effective Tips  

Avoiding viruses altogether is much easier than removing them, so here are some ways you can avoid computer viruses. 

  • Back-up your data 
  • Uninstall old apps 
  • Make sure your cyber security software is up-to-date
  • Use antivirus, anti-malware, and Internet Security software
  • Avoid suspicious emails and sites 
  • Keep your passwords strong and protected 
  • Download safe software 
  • Use a VPN

Can you get rid of a virus on your computer?

The easiest way to remove viruses is by using an antivirus program designed to clean your system safely.

How do I run a virus scan?

You can:

  • Select Start > Settings > Update & Security > Windows Security and then Virus & Threat Protection. Open Windows security settings.
  • Under Current Threats, select Quick Scan (or, in early versions of Windows 10, under Threat History, select Scan now).

Can a virus turn off your PC?

Some infections may destroy files and shut down your computer, while others may only subtly affect your computer’s normal operations.

Can you delete a virus manually?

Yes, but removing a computer virus manually is a complex process.


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