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Hello, and thank you for using this guide. This piece of content will teach you how to change the font size in Outlook. Key features include the ability to add Zoom meetings directly to your calendar and the creation of email templates. Microsoft Outlook, while developed for Windows, can additionally be used in browsers such as Google Chrome or downloaded on Mac, Android, and Apple iOS.

Microsoft Outlook is gaining popularity among users because it provides functionality tailored to the user’s needs. One of the best features of Outlook is its font size modification, which allows users to customize the look and feel of their emails in Outlook. Though the usual font size in Outlook is suitable for the majority of users, if you need to change the font size in Outlook emails in some unique instances, this article on how to change the font size in Outlook emails is for you.

Change Font Size in Outlook 

When you start Microsoft Outlook, there is text in front of you at the default size of 11 pt, which is rather average to read, but if you want to modify the size of these fonts, then follow the methods below and change the font size to your comfort.

Step 1:

When you launch Microsoft Outlook, the default font size for the theme viewing email is 11 pt.

Step 2:

If you wish to modify the font size of the display, go to the “View” tab of Microsoft Outlook’s menu bar.

Step 3:

When you open Outlook’s View tab, you will see an option for “View settings” at number two; click on it to see more view settings.

Step 4:

When you click on view settings, a new property dialogue box emerges in front of you with numerous choices tabbed on it. You must pick “Other settings” to access settings for typefaces and table view settings.

Step 5:

Further settings open a new dialogue box where you change the font settings. When you increase the size of the column font, the data displayed in the column expands. Likewise, when you modify the row font size, the data presented in rows on the Outlook screen changes. 

Step 6:

On the other hand, when you click one of them, a new window will emerge in front of you with font, font style, and font size options. Because you need to modify the text size, we’ll start there. Click on it to change the size and how you can write by placing the pointer in it.

Step 7:

Increased the size of both the column and row fonts by clicking the OK button.

Step 8:

Because there was another window where we opened other options, click the OK button again to save and close it.

Step 9:

The font size of emails will be enhanced once the font size operation is completed.

Here are some other ways to change the font size in Outlook:

  • To make the font larger with Ctrl++ and smaller with Ctrl+-, use the corresponding keys on your keyboard.
  • You can thereafter modify the zoom level in Outlook to see things more clearly. Select the “Zoom” option under the “View” menu to accomplish this. Select the desired zoom level in the “Zoom” dialogue box and confirm your choice by clicking the “OK” button.
  • Click the “View” tab, and then the “Reset Window” button, to return Outlook to its original size.
  • If the font size in your Outlook Inbox is quite small, you may need to increase the zoom level. Follow the steps above to adjust the level of zoom.

Outlook Reading Pane Font Size 

To change the font size in Outlook’s Reading Pane, simply use the zoom lever. When you switch to another email, folder, etc., the zoom lever and font size will revert to their default settings. The next section will explain how to change the default text size (zoom lever) in Outlook’s Reading Pane.

Here are the steps on how to change the font size in Outlook:

1. Open Outlook.

2. Click on the “File” tab.

3. Select “Options” from the menu.

4. Click on the “Mail” tab.

5. Under the “Reading Pane” section, click on the “Font” button.

6. In the “Font” dialog box, select the font size you want to use from the “Font Size” drop-down list.

7. Click on the “OK” button.

8. Click on the “OK” button again.

Change the Fonts in Outlook’s Reading Pane

Select the View tab from the Ribbon, then Current View > View Settings. When the “Advanced View Settings” window appears, two buttons for changing fonts should be noted: Other Settings and Conditional Formatting.

Other Settings allow you to change the typefaces used for column headings, Message Previews, and more. For example, I prefer to have my Reading Pane towards the bottom, which you can do here or by going to View > Layout > Reading Pane and dragging it there. When it comes to settings options, Outlook, like all versions of Windows, has a lot of them. Feel free to try out various configurations before settling on a final look. 

Another feature worth mentioning is the ability to explicitly increase the size of the font in the message body. Simply move the slider in the lower-right corner to increase or reduce the text size. Conversely, click the zoom button and select a desired size. Holding the Ctrl key while in the message body and scrolling the mouse wheel up or down is another technique to zoom.

Make use of Conditional Formatting.

Conditional Formatting allows you to alter things based on the email rules you’ve established. There are seven rules activated by default, which you can tweak or add your own. To make a rule, go to Add > Condition > More Choices and enter your rule there. 

How Do I Change the View Size in Outlook? 

Use the Zoom control located at the bottom right of the Outlook window. On the contrary, if you have a mouse with a scroll wheel, click the Reading Pane, hold Ctrl, and roll the scroll wheel. Rolling the wheel away from you increases the size of the contents while rolling it toward you decreases the size of the contents.

What Is the Keyboard Shortcut for Font Size in Outlook? 

You can, overall, modify the text size using. Select your text and subsequently press Ctrl shift greater than the sign several times to increase the size. To lower the size, press the Alt shift less than the sign multiple times.

How Do I Make Everything Look Bigger in Outlook? 

A3: To enlarge Outlook on Windows 10, open the Outlook app and select the View option. You may thereafter modify the zoom level to make the window larger. You can additionally alter the size of the window using the Windows 10 Settings app.

How Do I Restore Outlook to Normal Size? 

After opening the “Layout” window, the user should select the option for “Reset Current View,” which will reset the website to its previous appearance. This will indeed restore the user’s Outlook page to its original standard view.

Why Is My Outlook Inbox Font So Small?

Emails will show a small font size if the zoom setting is set to a low percentage. Users can consequently resolve this issue by adjusting the zoom settings in Outlook. To do this, users need to go to the ‘View’ menu and afterward click on ‘Zoom’. Users should nonetheless, increase the zoom % in this case.


Bottom Line

That’s all there is to changing the font size in Outlook. I hope you now understand how to format your emails in the font style and font size you like, for both display text and email text. Thank you for taking the time to read this! 

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