WHITE HAT HACKERS: Definition, Tools & More

What Do White Hat Hackers Do salary how to become
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Table of Contents Hide
  1. Who Are White Hat Hackers?
  2. What Does White Hat Hackers Do?
    1. #1. Evaluation of security
    2. #2. Modeling threats
    3. #3. Enhancements of security
  3. White Hat Hackers Techniques and Tools
    1. #1. scanning for vulnerabilities 
    2. #2. Testing for penetrations
    3. #3. Social manipulation 
    4. #4. Testing web applications
    5. #5. Analysis of network traffic
    6. #6. Testing wireless security
    7. #7. Cracking passwords
    8. #8. The reverse engineering process 
    9. #9. Static and dynamic code analysis
    10. #10. Platforms and frameworks for security 
  4. Essential skills for an ethical hacker
    1. #1. Ability to solve problems
    2. #2. Fundamental understanding of hardware
    3. #3. Communication abilities
    4. #4. Social engineering techniques
    5. #5. Programming knowledge
    6. #6. Database management skills
  5. What Is The Salary Of White Hat Hackers?
  6. How Can You Become a Certified White Hat Hacker?
    1. #1. Start with the basics
    2. #2. Become more adept at cyber security
    3. #3. Gain experience in network support
    4. #4. Work as a network engineer
    5. #5. Obtain a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification
    6. #6. Gain professional experience
    7. #7. Respect moral and legal norms
  7. Limitations and Legal Considerations for White Hat Hacking
    1. #1. Permission and agreement 
    2. #2. Limits and scope
    3. #3. Data confidentiality and privacy
    4. #4. Adherence to legal and regulatory requirements
    5. #5. Disclosing and reporting
    6. #6. Confidentiality agreements
  8. What Are the Good Hackers Attempting to Defend?
  9. What Does Hackers Learn First?
  10. Is Python Helpful for Securing Networks?
  11. Why Do Hackers Prefer Python?
  12. Final Thoughts
  13. Related Articles
  14. References

Theft is expanding into new territory, and it’s in the cyber realm. Given the prevalence of online data collection, processing, and storage, this is a worrying prospect. The proliferation of mobile devices only compounds what is already a complex situation. Therefore, a team of White Hat Hackers who employ their skills for defensive objectives is the strongest line of protection against Black Hat hackers. In this article, I explained everything you need to know about white hat hackers: what they do, their salary, and how to become one. Let’s dive in!

Who Are White Hat Hackers?

If you work in safety and want to find holes and weak spots in computer systems, networks, or apps, you might be a “white hat hacker,” which is also known as an “ethical hacker.”

White Hat Hackers operate within the bounds of ethical and legal frameworks and have authorization from the organization to perform security testing. By identifying and disclosing these vulnerabilities, their main objective is to assist companies in strengthening their security.

When evaluating the security of a system, white hat hackers employ a variety of tools, tactics, and methodologies to mimic actual cyberattacks. To fix the found vulnerabilities and stop illegal access or data breaches, they frequently work with the company’s IT and security teams. To show their knowledge and dedication to ethical hacking, white hat hackers can gain credentials like Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) or Offensive Security Certified Professional (OSCP).

What Does White Hat Hackers Do?

Despite the common misconception that hacking equates to cybercrime, white hat hackers apply their expertise to assist corporations in creating information systems that are more secure. They take advantage of their technological expertise to spot gaps in data and computer security and assist in finding vulnerabilities to shield people and businesses from online fraud. These are a few of their key roles:

#1. Evaluation of security

Businesses may employ white hat hackers to carry out regular security audits, which can assist them in identifying any risks to the data stored in the system. In addition to advising methods to reduce the likelihood of assaults by malevolent hackers, the assessment also involves looking for system vulnerabilities.

#2. Modeling threats

Through modeling, white hat hackers can offer a holistic perspective of prospective threats and their effects on the company, thereby contributing to a reduction in attack frequency or severity.

#3. Enhancements of security

White hat hackers gather information into written reports or presentations once they find vulnerabilities in a network. They can offer improved security measures and communicate their findings with company leaders thanks to these resources.

White Hat Hackers Techniques and Tools

White hat hackers employ a variety of methods and resources, including:

#1. scanning for vulnerabilities 

To find security flaws in networks, apps, and systems, white hat hackers employ automated technologies. These scanners assist in locating known vulnerabilities, incorrect setups, and out-of-date software versions that malevolent actors might take advantage of.

#2. Testing for penetrations

This method involves emulating actual cyberattacks in order to test the defenses of the targeted system. Web application testing suites, vulnerability exploit frameworks, and network mappers are examples of penetration testing technologies.

#3. Social manipulation 

white hat  Hackers test the human component of security by using social engineering techniques. To measure employee awareness and adherence to security regulations, this may entail pretexting, phishing simulations, or other manipulation techniques.

#4. Testing web applications

To find web application vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and weak authentication, white hat hackers employ tools. Typically, these tools consist of fuzzers, proxy tools, and web application scanners.

#5. Analysis of network traffic

Network traffic analysis can identify security flaws and perhaps criminal activity. For this, tools that record and examine network packets for irregularities are employed.

#6. Testing wireless security

Due to the potential for attacks, white hat hackers frequently use tools that can intercept and record wireless traffic, identify rogue access points, and break weak encryption to assess the security of wireless networks.

#7. Cracking passwords

 White hat hackers employ password cracking tools, which use various methods to guess or recover passwords (such as dictionary attacks, brute-force assaults, and more), to evaluate the security of password policies and user credentials.

#8. The reverse engineering process 

Examining hardware, software, or firmware to determine its workings and possible weaknesses is known as reverse engineering. Debuggers, disassemblers, and decompilers are some of the tools used for reverse engineering jobs.

#9. Static and dynamic code analysis

Source code analysis is a useful tool for finding security holes in software. While dynamic analysis tools examine code while it is running, static analysis tools do so without actually running the code.

#10. Platforms and frameworks for security 

White hat hackers can do different kinds of security assessments with the help of a vast array of tools and resources offered by comprehensive security testing platforms. These platforms frequently come with operating systems that are filled with a plethora of testing and analysis tools and are specifically made for cybersecurity specialists.

Keep in mind that only trained professionals can legally and ethically utilize these methods and equipment.

Essential skills for an ethical hacker

The following are some of the necessary abilities for white hat hackers:

#1. Ability to solve problems

White hat hackers employ their problem-solving talents to build countermeasures for the increasingly sophisticated methods used by cybercriminals to breach network security standards. To keep networks secure, they could employ a range of apps and tangible safeguards. To stay up to date on the latest developments in cybercrime, white hat hackers can go to industry conferences or keep an eye on the news. Then they can utilize that knowledge to develop unique safeguards against emerging threats to data integrity.

#2. Fundamental understanding of hardware

While many businesses now keep their network information in the “cloud,” major organizations may still have physical servers or data centers where employees may access vital information. A cyberattack may start with a physical breach in a server room or data center. By being aware of the weaknesses in their physical assets and potential attack vectors, white hat hackers can prevent such risks.

#3. Communication abilities

While white hat hackers frequently work alone, they do share their findings and suggestions with other members of the IT department and the programming team. They might send the company’s senior team letters outlining possible security risks or outlining plans for security improvements. One factor that can contribute to their success is their capacity to explain complex technical ideas to a non-technical audience.

#4. Social engineering techniques

Attacks using social engineering take place when someone persuades a worker to breach security procedures, frequently by divulging private information. One typical form of social engineering attack is phishing. White hat hackers utilize their expertise to educate businesses on how to protect themselves from these kinds of attacks.

#5. Programming knowledge

Writing code that a computer device can understand using scripts like Python and C++ is known as programming. White hat hackers generate fictitious dangers and devise responses using their programming talents. They might collaborate with the programmers or coders on a team at a corporation to use computer code to construct databases and other resources.

#6. Database management skills

White hat hackers build and keep an eye on customer databases. By being aware of database architecture, white hat hackers can make networks and systems more difficult for cybercriminals to hack into. Database management procedures are typically something that white hat hackers learn early in their careers when working as technical specialists or system engineers.

What Is The Salary Of White Hat Hackers?

Being a White Hat hacker has several benefits, one of which is that you are paid to take on the task of hacking into a company’s system! You ask, what’s the pay? Payscale reports that the average yearly salary for a certified ethical hacker is $90,000.

Specialization is a smart move if you want to make more money. But you need to have a good understanding of the main ideas and methods of White Hat hacking before you start.

How Can You Become a Certified White Hat Hacker?

Becoming a white hat hacker requires you to show that you are an expert in the subject of cybersecurity through your knowledge, abilities, and certifications. Here is how to become a white hat hackers:

#1. Start with the basics

Learn the fundamentals of computers, networks, and programming first. You can also learn this stuff at school, take some online classes, or just read up on it on your own. Get comfortable with the inner workings of computers (Windows, Linux, and macOS), the principles of networks, and programming languages like Python, Java, and C++.

#2. Become more adept at cyber security

Learn more about the foundations of cybersecurity, including encryption, authentication, access control, and risk assessment. Familiarize yourself with security flaws, attack methods, and countermeasures. Consider studying things like incident reaction, network security, and web application security.

#3. Gain experience in network support

Before you can become an ethical hacker, you need to get experience with network help. White hat hackers at this level are taught how to patch, install, and monitor security software, as well as how to conduct penetration tests. An ethical hacker can get experience in lower-level network support roles, such as that of a technician or specialist, before moving up the ranks to become a network engineer.

#4. Work as a network engineer

It is the job of network engineers to set up and maintain networks. A lot of the time, their work involves managing data security. When you’ve established yourself as a network engineer, you may devote more time to studying precautions against security breaches. Also, you could learn about vulnerability testing and practice your own ethical hacking skills. CompTIA Security+ is one of the required certifications for a network engineer.

#5. Obtain a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) Certification

The International Council of Electronic Commerce Consultants, generally known as the EC-Council, offers a Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) certification to those who have demonstrated proficiency in network security and infrastructure development. With this certification, you can work as an ethical hacker or in a number of related positions, such as site administrator, security consultant, system administrator, penetration tester, security analyst, or network security professional. Obtaining a CEH certification can lead to high-paying and prestigious positions in the public and private sectors of the IT industry.

To become a Certified Ethical Hacker, you can do one of two things. To begin, you can enroll in and finish a government-approved program for white hat hackers. The EC-Council or a recognized training provider, is where you can sign up for this course of study. You may be able to acquire your certification without taking formal training if you are already executing ethical hacking activities in your job. Send the EC-Council a CEH Exam Application, proof of your computer security experience, and a non-refundable fee to get your certification this way.

#6. Gain professional experience

Start your career in cybersecurity by looking for internships, freelance opportunities, or entry-level jobs. You can improve your knowledge and abilities in ethical hacking by working with seasoned pros.

Make sure that everything you hack is within the law and adheres to ethical standards. Even if your motives are noble, illegal hacking can have serious consequences.

Read Also: Top 15 Best Ethical Hacking Software to Try in 2024 [Free + Paid]

Promoting good protection through ethical hacking is a good thing to do. But it’s very important to make sure that white hat hackers stay within the lines of what’s legal and right. Please be aware of the following constraints and legal considerations:

#1. Permission and agreement 

When conducting ethical hacking, it is imperative to obtain permission from the targeted company. This usually entails getting written permission, outlining the scope of the assessment, and settling on terms and conditions. Sometimes, even if someone means well, hacking without permission can get them in trouble with the law.

#2. Limits and scope

Everyone working on an ethical hacking project should agree on what the job’s boundaries are. Limitations and limits must be outlined, along with the systems, networks, and applications that will be put through their paces. For white hat hackers to avoid legal trouble, they must work within the defined parameters.

#3. Data confidentiality and privacy

During assessments, white hat hackers may stumble across confidential information like customer names and addresses or intellectual property like patents. Responsible and secure data handling is required, as is compliance with applicable privacy laws and the data protection rules of the targeted business.

 White hat hackers must follow the laws and rules that apply to them, like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in the EU or the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (CFAA) in the US. Unauthorized access, data breaches, and other forms of cybercrime are all subject to the regulations outlined below.

#5. Disclosing and reporting

White hat hackers owe it to the targeted firm to produce comprehensive reports explaining the vulnerabilities discovered, their potential impact, and the procedures recommended to fix them. To fix vulnerabilities that affect many people, it may be important to responsibly disclose them to software vendors or the larger security community.

#6. Confidentiality agreements

In order to safeguard the confidential information and trade secrets of the targeted company, it is common practice to have white hat hackers sign nondisclosure agreements (NDAs) before conducting security assessments. The breaking of a nondisclosure agreement may result in legal action.

What Are the Good Hackers Attempting to Defend?

Ethical security researchers, or “white hats,” seek out and patch security flaws. White-hat hackers get into systems with the permission of the companies they break into and look for weaknesses in the systems so that they can be fixed and internet security made stronger generally.

What Does Hackers Learn First?

Where can I even begin to learn how to hack? Networking, Linux, Windows, and scripting are the cornerstones of cybersecurity, and learning them is a good place to start for newcomers. Your mastery of these foundational areas will serve you well no matter how complex or simple your adventures grow.

Is Python Helpful for Securing Networks?

Python is a useful language for cybersecurity since it can analyze malware, search for vulnerabilities, and execute penetration tests, among other things. Many cyber security experts prefer it to other languages because of its ease of use and sophisticated simplicity.

Why Do Hackers Prefer Python?

Python’s ease of use and clarity have made it popular. As a result of its simple and streamlined syntax, it is accessible to programmers of all skill levels. Because of this, hackers may easily create working prototypes of their ideas using the language.

Final Thoughts

To keep networks secure, white hat hackers could employ a range of apps and tangible safeguards. To stay up to date on the latest developments in cybercrime, white hat hackers can go to industry conferences or keep an eye on the news. Then they can utilize that knowledge to develop unique safeguards against emerging threats to data integrity.


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