MFA AUTHENTICATION: Definition, Types & How to Set Up

MFA Authentication, Apps, Methods, and Office 365
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Using a second verification method, multi-factor authentication (MFA) ensures that only legitimate users are granted access to your applications. To implement multi-factor authentication (MFA) across an organization’s entire Microsoft ecosystem, including Microsoft Office 365, IT administrators must first configure authentication with Azure Active Directory (now known as Microsoft Entra ID). Activating multi-factor authentication increases the safety of your Microsoft 365 account login. Using an authenticator app like Authy, Google Authenticator, or Microsoft Authenticator instead of receiving one-time codes via SMS is a more secure method of MFA authentication.

MFA Authentication

In protecting users and their data, multi-factor authentication (MFA) calls for users to provide two or more authentication factors before gaining access to a resource such as an online account, VPN, or application. In light of the possibility of credential theft, exposure, or sale by outside parties, this provides additional security layers to fend off increasingly complex cyberattacks. 

MFA stands for multi-factor authentication, which is a multi-step process that asks users to provide additional information in addition to their password. A password may be used in conjunction with another form of authentication, such as a secret question and answer or biometric data. When a password is compromised, a second authentication factor can help keep unauthorized users out of the system.

In the same way that a business might use a fence and gate, a guard station, an ID scanner, and locks on the doors to protect its physical assets, it can use multi-factor authentication (MFA) to protect its digital assets and ensure that only authorized users, whether they are physically present or accessing them remotely, can access sensitive information.

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a crucial component of identity and access management (IAM) and is frequently integrated into SSO solutions.

How does MFA Work?

Multi-factor authentication necessitates verification methods that hackers will not have access to. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is necessary because passwords alone are not enough to prove who you are. Two-factor authentication (2FA) is the most popular form of MFA. The idea is that if a threat actor has access to one piece of evidence, they will not have access to two or more, making it impossible for them to successfully impersonate a user. Login credentials, such as a username and password, are requested initially, but additional identity verification steps may follow.

The usual login credentials, such as a username and password, are requested first, but additional proof of identity is then required. Email, SMS, mobile authentication apps, and secondary devices are the most common methods of authentication, but biometric scanners and secret questions are also viable options. 

Adding a second (or even third) piece of information about the user helps ensure the request is legit and has not been tampered with in any way. 

Benefits of Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication safeguards the business and its customers. Potential security advantages for the company and user include:

  • Improved safety: When security is compromised, valuable time, money, and information are lost. MFA aids in safeguarding these priceless resources. The user’s true identity is shielded from disclosure, even if some of their information is stolen or compromised. Security in a remote workplace is achieved through easy accessibility and quick processing, both of which boost productivity.
  • Workplace safety for remote employees: workers who can easily access the resources they need to do their jobs effectively. Businesses that use MFA contribute to maintaining a responsive and adaptable atmosphere for telecommuters.
  • Defense in depth is an approach to security in which multiple layers of protection are used to ensure that an organization is as safe as possible, even if a single layer of defense is breached, whether on purpose or by accident.
  • Protection of identity: Users can rest easy knowing that their private information is safe within an organization’s systems whenever they log in for official business.

MFA Authentication Methods

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is a method of authentication that employs three different methods to ensure the identity of a user. 

#1. Knowledge

Customers have the most experience with this component. The data that the user is requested to supply includes answers to security questions, passwords, security keys, and PINs. This factor is a secret identifier, such as a unique password or login identifier. Additionally, security questions, ID numbers, and Social Security numbers all fall into the category of knowledge factors. 

#2. Possession

This factor uses something the user owns to confirm their identity. By texting a code to a cell phone, for instance. Tokens, devices, and keys in physical possession are examples of this criterion. Modern multi-factor authentication systems frequently require users to enter a temporary code sent to their phones. This demonstrates that the user is who they claim to be because no one else has their phone (unless an attacker has stolen the user’s SIM card).

#3. Inherence

This component uses a distinctive personal characteristic, like voice recognition or biometric authentication, to verify the identity of the person. This is a reference to a physical characteristic of the body. The simplest form of this verification element is the capacity to identify someone by their appearance or voice. The ability is something that people use daily.

Another way to confirm intrinsic characteristics is to compare a person’s appearance with the picture on their ID card. In the context of computers, Face ID is an example of this type of authentication factor that is available on many contemporary smartphones. Fingerprint readers, eye scanners, etc. are a few alternatives.

Depending on the context, additional safeguards may be provided by including a location factor and/or a time factor, among others.

Other MFA Authentication Methods

#1. Location

Position of the user’s current login session. A company that only employs people located in the United States could check their GPS coordinates to determine that a login attempt was made from outside the country.

#2. Time

When a user signs in, it is usually about their other logins and their physical location. Login requests that appear to originate from one country but are made several minutes later from a different country are highly suspicious. An additional security measure that some systems take is to deny access to users who try to log in outside of normal business hours.

MFA Authentication Office 365

Multiple cloud-based platforms, including Amazon Web Services and Microsoft’s Office 365, offer their own MFA services. Office 365, by default, uses Azure Active Directory (AD) as its authentication system. Microsoft Office 365’s multi-factor authentication (MFA) adds a second, independent line of defense against hackers. Once activated, you will need to take extra measures to prove your identity before accessing Office 365. An MFA authentication phone, such as a work phone or mobile app, will receive a one-time code that must be entered. 

There are also certain restrictions. For instance, there are only four fundamental choices available to you regarding the kind of additional authentication factor that they can utilize: Oauth Token, SMS, Voice, and Microsoft Authenticator. Additionally, the cost of licensing may increase based on the features you desire and whether you want to manage which users are required to use MFA. 

Benefits MFA Authentication Office 365

#1. More Robust Password Security

Even though two-step verification combines popular techniques like text messaging and personal emails for an even more secure option, passwords are still one of the most common ways to authenticate users.

#2. Enhanced Monitoring 

By enabling multi-factor authentication on Office 365, IT administrators can keep an eye on the whereabouts and activities of their systems and swiftly thwart any malicious attempts to increase security.

#3. Prevents Account Takeover

MFA also aids in preventing account takeover by reliably identifying improper activity or dubious logins from untrusted sources, enabling the administrative systems to monitor permission control.

#4. Ensures Compliance

Microsoft requires all of its third-party partners to enable MFA and highly recommends doing so. Use of secure authentication best practices is also required by regulatory laws.

MFA Authentication App

MFA authentication apps generate time-based, one-time passcodes (TOTPs or OTPs), which typically consist of six numbers that change every 30 seconds. After enabling MFA, each time you access a site that requires authentication, you will open the app, retrieve the code, and then enter it into the site’s login form. That done, you’re in. If an attacker were to steal your one-time passcode, they would only have 30 seconds to use it before it became useless.

#1. Duo Mobile

Due to its recent acquisition by Cisco, Duo Mobile is mainly meant for business applications. Businesses may benefit from Duo Mobile’s features, which include push authentication that requires just one tap, OTPs, and multi-user provisioning. However, anyone can use this straightforward authenticator app, and those who do will appreciate the option to store a copy of their login credentials in cloud storage services like Google Drive for Android and iCloud.

Passcodes, fingerprints, and push alerts are just a few of the several authentication methods that KeyChain on Duo Mobile supports. With the ability to change their preferences at any time, these let users choose the techniques that best fit their requirements. The app is user-friendly and intuitive. 

#2. Google Authenticator 

Google offers a software-based authenticator called Google Authenticator. Among the most user-friendly multi-factor authentication apps available, this two-factor app was among the first to be released. The software delivers on its promises with great efficiency. Easy to create and use, one-time passwords provide an additional layer of security for your online accounts while maintaining an intuitive and up-to-date user experience.

To access your Google account with Google Authenticator, simply enter the six-digit code displayed in the app whenever you are prompted to sign in. If you are upgrading to a new phone but still have your old one handy, you can use the app to transfer your login information over. Google Authenticator lacks an official app for Apple Watch or even Android Wear, much like Microsoft Authenticator.

#3. Microsoft Authenticator

In addition to providing standard TOTP multi-factor authentication, Microsoft Authenticator enables users to create secure passwords on their own and enable one-click or two-tap push notification logins using a two-digit code. The application additionally facilitates device registration for users’ workplaces and schools. It is possible to activate account recovery if you use this app. In this manner, you will have the option to recover by logging into your Microsoft account and submitting additional verifications when you get a new phone.

The Microsoft Authenticator app can save a user’s passwords and other account information in the cloud. Microsoft Authenticator is an app that offers two-factor authentication for a wide variety of services, including Google and Dropbox, in addition to Microsoft services and products. This app allows you to safely log into any of your accounts, whether they are personal or professional, by using either your face, your fingerprint, or a personal identification number.

Microsoft has stopped making the Authenticator apps for both the Apple Watch and the Android Wear because they do not meet the company’s new security standards for its number-matching push notifications. 

#4. Authy 

Twilio is an American technology firm that began operations in 2008. Authy is a desktop and mobile app from Twilio that offers two-factor authentication for various online accounts. Using the app, setting up 2FA for an account is simple. User credentials are encrypted and secured using various methods such as passwords, PIN security, and TouchID. Regular cloud backups ensure data security in the event of device loss or theft, and cross-device synchronization makes life easier.

A reliable two-factor authentication app, Twilio Authy helps customers and companies around the world set up 2FA. With just one central application, the solution is user-friendly and manages all soft tokens. If you or your company are looking for a free authentication solution that significantly boosts security without adding unnecessary complexity, Twilio Authy is a great option.

What is Microsoft MFA Authentication? 

The sign-in procedure is made more secure by Microsoft multifactor authentication (MFA), which also helps shield your company from security lapses.

 How do I enable MFA Authentication Methods? 

  • Knowledge
  • Possession
  • inherence

What Is the Difference Between MFA and 2FA Authentication?

Whereas multi-factor authentication (MFA) necessitates the presentation of two or more forms of authentication, two-factor authentication (2FA) only requires the presentation of two.

What is the most Secure MFA Authentication Method? 

One of the most powerful authentication factors available is an external hardware key, such as a Yubikey. Commonly referred to as FIDO keys, these devices instantly produce a secret MFA authentication code using cryptography.

Is Microsoft Authenticator Safe?

The MFA authentication app provides a safe and easy method of identity verification. If you lose access to your password, the Authenticator app will allow you to sign in. By adding another layer of protection to your devices, Microsoft Authenticator is a great tool for lowering the risk of cyber fraud. 

Is Multi-Factor Authentication Secure?

Using multiple authentication methods is safe. Any multi-factor authentication technique can increase account security, but some are more effective than others. As soon as MFA is offered, you ought to always decide to activate it.


Regardless of the approach you select, you ought to activate multi-factor authentication (MFA) on all accounts that permit it. After using a robust password, multi-factor authentication is a further layer of defense for your online accounts. MFA authentication apps are thought to be a more secure option than SMS-based authentication, which sends the OTP to your phone through text message. This is because the app is specific to your device, unlike texts, which are sent to a replaceable SIM card.  

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