How Long Does It Take a Cybercriminal To Crack A Password?

How Long Does It Take a Cybercriminal To Crack A Password?
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Breaches of security and other cyberattacks have become normal parts of the digital world. However, not enough people take password security seriously or use software like password managers to protect themselves from hackers. A lot of people use the same password for multiple accounts on their own, which leaves all of their information dangerously open to those looking to steal it. In this guide, we look at how long it takes a cybercriminal to crack a password, the most popular methods used to do so, and how you can increase the security of your password.


In this day and age, there is no reason not to take security very seriously. Too many people use short, weak, and general passwords that are easy for automated software to figure out, even though they know the risks. Because they are careless, their information is at risk, and they are open to cybercriminals. This means if you don’t keep your passwords safe, bad things can happen, like identity theft, losing money, and having your personal or professional image hurt. 

To keep your online accounts safe, you need to make strong, unique passwords and change them often. Also, keep an eye on how secure your websites and other online services are, and be careful of emails and messages that seem fishy. So endeavor to do what you must to keep yourself and your personal information safe from hackers.

What’s password cracking?

Password cracking is when cybercriminals use special computers and programs to get back passwords that you saved or sent over a network. However, depending on how difficult your passwords are, cybercriminals can use these programs to crack your passwords and gain access to your accounts in seconds, minutes, hours, days, or even years. A password-cracking tool can crack your accounts more quickly the less complex your passwords are.

What’s Password Cracking?: Password Cracking Methods

Below are the major methods cybercriminals use to crack people’s passwords:

#1. Brute forcing

The most well-known way to crack passwords is probably a brute-force attack. As the name suggests, it’s not very hard to figure it out. It’s a way of trial and error that cybercriminals use like a medieval army’s battering ram. They come in three main types:

  • Simple Brute Forcing

A hacker will choose a person to attack and then try a lot of very simple, popular passwords, like Password123, in case the person they are after uses weak credentials.

  •  Dictionary Attacks

Dictionary attacks are similar to brute-force attacks in spirit, even though they aren’t brute-force attacks. Hackers will use numbers instead of letters to try all the words in a dictionary, though this is usually limited to popular words and phrases. It takes a lot of work to brute-force an account this way.

  • Brute Forcing in Reverse

In reverse brute-forcing attacks, the attacker will try one password against many usernames instead of many passwords against one username. These usernames are usually leaked online during a data hack.

#2. Stuffing Credential

An attacker can guess a target’s password for one site and then use a method called “credential stuffing” to crack passwords for other sites. To put it simply, the hacker will try the username and password for one site on several other well-known sites, like Facebook and Twitter. This is why it’s so important to use a different password for only one account.

#3. Rainbow table attack

As we’ve already said, “hash” keys are used to store passwords instead of huge libraries of plain text passwords. People who revisit a website will enter a password, which is then turned into a hash value and compared to other hash values that are saved in the website’s database. Rainbow tables can be used to guess passwords because they are a list of popular plain-text passwords and the hashes that go with them.

#4. Phishing attacks

Hackers can get a target’s password in more than one way, not just by breaking it by hand. For instance, phishing is often used to get people to give up their passwords. Hackers will pretend to be a real company and ask people to enter their password into a fake form of that company’s site in password-focused phishing attacks. The hacker uses email to get the user to give up the password so that they don’t have to spend time trying to figure it out.

#5. The man in the middle  attacks 

Cybercriminals who want to steal credentials have also been successful at using this method, in which a threat actor places themselves between two systems, one or both of which are previously compromised in some way.

#5. Data breach.

A data breach is another way for hackers to get your password. As opposed to going after individuals, hackers will go after businesses, trying to find weak spots in their networks, get passwords, and hash data from the data they store.

So, the only thing you can do to stop a data breach is to make sure that the companies to which you give your personal information have strong security systems and a history of keeping their promises. On the other hand, keeping up with news about the issue will help you act quickly and change your passwords if you’re affected. Some password developers will even let you know if a breach affects your data, which can help you better keep your data safe.

What’s Password cracking?: How to Create Strong Passwords That Are Hard to Crack

There are several things you can do to make sure your password is safe. First, remember that your password will always get weaker over time, no matter how strong and secure it is now. This is why you need to make sure you change and improve your passwords regularly. Ten years ago, it might have taken a long time to crack something.

Now, it only takes seconds. As technology changes and hackers get better, passwords become less strong. Learn the newest password security tips and tricks and make sure you keep your passwords up-to-date. For the time being, these are the best and most reliable conditions for a strong password:

#1. Use a password generator

There is a tool called a password creator that can help you make unique passwords. When using a password generator, all you have to do is hit a button, and it will produce a unique string of characters based on how long you want your password to be. You won’t have to make your passwords, so this is the best way to strengthen them.  However, using a password generator tool by itself is risky because you still have to remember all of them, which gets harder the longer and more difficult the passwords are.

#2. Store your passwords in a password manager

Another type of protection tool is a password manager, which helps you make and keep safe passwords. You can safely store your passwords in Keeper’s password manager and access them from any OS or device. Your only job is to create a strong master password. Keeper Password Manager will take care of the rest. 

#3. Make sure that your passwords are at least 16 characters long.

You are still given the option to choose how long you want your passwords to be, even if you use a password maker or manager. Remember that passwords with less than six characters in length are not as safe as passwords with more characters. The longer the password, the harder it will be for a crook to crack it. The same goes for how hard the password is to guess.

#4. Encrypt your list of passwords 

For security reasons, only you should be able to understand the list of passwords you write down on paper. Say you want to write down the password”! TiohvetuL43,” but you don’t want to write it down character by character; write it as “! T********43.” If you write down a list of passwords, encrypting them adds an extra layer of security so that no one can get them and figure out your codes.

#5. Change and update your password often 

Some people say you should change your password about every three months, six months, or even less often than that. Others say you shouldn’t change your password at all during certain periods. Note that there is no set amount of time after which you must change your password. Instead, randomness is a popular way to make a strong password, and it works too. In general, you should update and change your passwords all year, but not at the same time every time.

Follow these steps to make a strong password, and you won’t have to worry about hackers getting into your business and personal data. 

#6. You shouldn’t take suggestions for passwords. 

There are times when a business or website will give you password ideas when you sign up for an account. You should make the login codes they give you look safe because they use a lot of different characters and letter shapes.

How Long Does It Take a Cybercriminal to Crack a Password?

The time it takes a cybercriminal to crack a password largely depends on how strong the hashing algorithm is. In less than an hour, you can crack a password with eight characters that include numbers, capital letters, small letters, and symbols. Any hacker with the right tools and knowledge can instantly or quickly crack a shorter or less complicated password.

Meanwhile, it might take the average cybercriminal up to 438 trillion years to crack a password that is 18 characters long and includes a mix of numbers, lowercase letters, uppercase letters, and symbols. It’s almost impossible for hackers to get in because it’s so complicated. This makes the person safer. We can’t stress enough how important it is to use strong, safe passwords; they are the first line of defense against people getting into your information without permission.

Keeping this in mind, it is very important to make sure that your passwords are as strong and safe as they can be. To be safe, make sure you use a unique password for each account, stay away from popular words and phrases, and keep your passwords safe.

Can 90% of passwords be cracked in less than six hours?

90% of passwords can be cracked in less than six hours.

How long is an unbreakable password?

Check Point Software gives the definitive keys to achieving it: The longer and more varied, the better: it should be at least 14–16 characters long and consist of different letters, combining upper and lower case letters, symbols, and numbers.

Is it illegal to crack passwords?

People can be charged with a crime even if they just guess someone’s password without using a password hacker. State and federal rules in the U.S. allow for more charges to be added based on what threat actors do once they get in without permission. To sum up, it is acceptable to use a password-cracking method to get to your password.

How long will it take to break a 12-digit password?

A 12-character password containing at least one uppercase letter, one symbol, and one number would take 34,000 years for a computer to crack.

How fast can the average hacker crack your password?

If your password is under 10 characters, it’ll only take 2 weeks to crack.

What is the hardest password to hack?

To increase the security of your password, it should have a combination of uppercase letters, lowercase letters, symbols, and numbers.

What is the weakest password ever?

They are;

  • 12345. The overuse of 12345 dates back many years
  • Your Social Security Number The second-worst password is a social security number.
  • Any password without a number or symbol
  • StrongPassword.
  • password.
  • 696969.
  • Your Name
  • Dream Board Passcodes


As technology improves, it’s easier for hackers to crack passwords in general. This means that being aware of the rules to follow and the tools that can assist you in building strong, complicated passwords is important. 


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