DATA DISCOVERY: What is it & Why is it Important

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Businesses use data daily to inform important choices, yet the quality of their data analytics varies greatly. Few businesses have the resources or know-how to sift through millions of data points in various forms and from many sources to unlock all the value hidden therein unless they have an in-house data science team. Without the need for in-depth IT knowledge, data discovery enables businesses to transform all of this data into insightful knowledge. So, in this article, we will share valuable knowledge on data discovery and why it is important.

What is Data Discovery?

Data discovery is the process of gathering and analyzing data from multiple sources to identify patterns and trends. Organizations can utilize this evolution of phases as a framework to comprehend their data. By combining diverse, siloed data sources for analysis, data discovery—typically linked to business intelligence (BI)—helps influence corporate choices. Unless you can find a way to glean insights from it, having mountains of data is pointless.

The data discovery process includes connecting various data sources, cleaning and preparing the data, disseminating the data across the organization, and performing analysis to get insights into business operations.

How is Data Discovery Discovered?

The definition of “data discovery” may vary slightly depending on the context and the sector. In this piece, we’ll talk about data discovery from the standpoint of investing firms.

Simply defined, data is discovered by determining your company’s needs, combining data from various sources and channels, and then getting it ready for analysis by cleaning it. 

Steps on How Data Discovery Was Discovered 

Data discovery involves five steps. Additionally, because it is an ongoing process, businesses may keep gathering, analyzing, and improving their data discovery strategy over time by learning from their experiences and the input of business stakeholders.

#1. Determine the Needs

A specific goal, such as alleviating a problem, is necessary for effective data discovery. This entails thinking about the kinds of data that would be useful while keeping an open mind to the unexpected insight that may emerge along the route. To reduce food waste during shipment by 10%, a fast-moving consumer goods (FMCG) distributor can elect to review its logistical data. Or a retail bank might examine its site data to lower bounce rates for fresh leads.

#2. Compile Information from persistent Sources

Since no single data stream can convey the entire story, it is crucial to aggregate and integrate data from several sources to effectively discover it. Data crunching is another name for this procedure.

#3. Cleanse and Prepare the Data 

This is the labour-intensive data discovery component and a crucial component of its value. Organizations can lessen the “noise” in their data and gain clearer guidance from their data analyses by cleaning the data and preparing it for analysis.

# 4. Examine the Data

Business executives may get a complete picture of their operations and resolve the operational conundrums that prevent efficiency by combining data from several departments, integrating it with external data, and cleaning it for analysis.

#5. Iterate after Recording Lessons Learned

Data discovery is a commitment to ongoing development rather than a one-time event. Malcolm Gladwell stated in his best-selling book Outliers that it takes 10,000 hours of practice to become proficient in a particular ability; this also applies to firms learning to master their data. They must approach data discovery as a way of life to grow and become more effective over time.

Use Cases for Data Discovery:

Fraud detection, social media analysis, data completeness, accessibility, compliance, business relationship insights, and lead creation are the key use cases for data discovery.

Let’s examine some more prominent data discovery use cases in more detail.

#1. Generating Leads:

You can discover insights that may not have been known by visually mapping data. Data discovery is frequently used by sales and acquisition teams to generate leads.

Additionally, they have the capacity to aggregate consumer data from many sources and produce pertinent data insights that will improve lead scoring and lead production.

#2. Financial Signals

Data discovery is crucial for investors since it enables them to identify fresh investment opportunities. In this situation, data discovery focuses on identifying and assessing potential investment targets in new firms. Investors can use manual data-finding techniques or more sophisticated data-discovery tools to develop trading signals.

For investors seeking new businesses, firmographic data is a fantastic resource. It makes finding new businesses that would otherwise be out of your reach simple.

Data Discovery Process

Data discovery is a continuing process that involves finding patterns, outliers, and errors within sizable structured and unstructured databases, much like organization-based analysis procedures like data aggregation.

Final data discovery categories include preparation, visualization, and analysis. These stages provide visual mapping, hidden insights, and potential security breaches.

#1. Preparation

 An effective data discovery strategy must start with preparation. Data is reorganized during the data preparation step to make data discovery’s visualization and analysis stages go faster. Without preparation, the data will be too muddled to effectively reveal any hidden business insights.

#2. Visualization 

The data moves on to the visualization step once every data point has been converted into a standardized and understandable format. One of the advantages of excellent data discovery tools, for instance, is interactive data visualizations, which include a variety of predefined templates for dashboard analysis.

By presenting the prepared data in visual representations like charts, graphs, maps, etc., visual data discovery, also known as data mapping, gives business specialists access to deeper insights and practical platforms for visual analysis.

#3. Evaluation

After the data has been mapped and visualized, it is processed so that it can be condensed and arranged in a clear, legible style. The summarization of the analysis process frequently takes the form of descriptions. It’s vital to remember that these descriptions don’t always consist of whole sentences that imply relevant information.

Advantages Data Discovery 

Business intelligence is a subset of data discovery. It describes gathering and combining data from several databases into a single source, making looking into and finding trends simpler.

Here are a few advantages to data discovery:

#1. A Complete Picture of the Business’s Data

Data discovery gives businesses a broad perspective of the various data streams that flow through their organizations, enabling them to combine these streams in their analysis and provide comprehensive responses to their problems or clients’ needs. For instance, a retail bank can merge consumer information from its website, mobile app, social media platforms, and ATMs to better understand each customer it serves.

#2. Democratized Insight and Decision-Making

 Business insight shouldn’t require IT or data knowledge as a prerequisite. No matter the stakeholders’ level of data literacy, data discovery makes data analysis understandable. For instance, finance teams can identify and cut excess fat from their organizations’ operating expenses; marketing teams can combine data from various customer touchpoints to see how their activities align with sales success; and sales teams can see how their strategies drive or stop leads throughout the sales funnel. In summary, data discovery offers a virtually infinite number of applications to meet the needs of various business teams.

#3. Better Risk Management and Compliance

As data quantities increase and governments emphasize data protection, risk management, and compliance, these have risen to the top of corporate priorities. Businesses can more effectively manage their data by spotting outliers and potential dangers through data discovery. Similarly, businesses can stress-test their data management procedures to ensure they abide by laws like the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).

#4. Automatic Data Classification Based on Context

Every day, businesses gather more data in more formats from more sources. To evaluate their overall customer experience rather than just at one particular point in time, retailers, for instance, can distinguish between customer data gathered by their marketing, sales, and service departments.

#5. Real-Time Data Controls

Businesses can take precise actions on the data they gather in real-time using predefined controls or contextual variables, ensuring that it is kept and processed correctly and that data practices are secure and compliant. To achieve this level of control, data discovery is essential.

Data Discovery Techniques

The development of artificial intelligence and automated tools has significantly improved the data discovery process, much like data normalization and competitive analysis.

Let’s examine the two data-finding techniques and the motivation behind the switch from manual to automated discovery.

#1. Manually Finding Data

Before automated data discovery technologies were created, data specialists had to spend endless hours manually gathering, organizing, and evaluating data. Artificial intelligence and automated data-finding techniques are now being used to accelerate this process. To uncover trends among datasets, manual data discovery included keeping an eye on metadata and data lineage.

Manually mapping and arranging data at this time required a deep understanding of data categorization and lineage.

#2. Automatically Finding Data

As was already said, the development of automated data discovery as a result of improvements in automation and AI has had a significant impact on the development of intelligent data discovery as a critical procedure for long-term corporate success. Smart delivery is another name for automated data discovery.

Data mapping specifications, data flow diagrams, data matrices, and other components of a strategic data approach are all included in intelligent data discovery.

Using machine learning techniques, AI can now visualize and map data in ways that weren’t previously feasible. The AI examines data linkages, finds patterns that might speed up business operations, and offers useful data-driven insight.

Types of Data Discovery

Businesses must comprehend how their numerous data streams interact to get the most value out of the process. The following three types of data discovery can assist a firm in gaining a big-picture view of its data in a single, simple-to-understand format with visual discovery tools and business intelligence (BI) software.

#1. Preparation of Data

Before any useful data discovery and analysis, it is essential to perform data preparation. It entails cleaning, reformatting, and combining data from all sources to enable consistent, formatted analysis. When organizations properly prepare their data, it becomes more efficient, just as a hockey player skates quicker on sharpened blades.

#2. Visual Evaluation

One of the best methods to completely understand the insight the data contains is through visualization. Data visualization makes it easier for those not skilled in data science to comprehend the connections between their various data streams intuitively, whether it takes the shape of a chart, data flow diagram, or dashboard. Design teams, for instance, can quickly discover how users interact with their goods and modify their work accordingly. Additionally, finance teams can identify opportunities for development by obtaining a snapshot of cost vs. income for each department inside the company.

#3. Advanced Analytics with Guidance

Guided advanced analytics mixes text and images to create a comprehensive picture of the data within an organization. Guided analytics enable businesses to grasp the broader implications of their data discovery efforts, including the relationship between data streams from various teams and processes, in contrast to standard analytics output, which concentrates on detailed data descriptions. For organizations negotiating the transition to e-commerce, guided advanced analytics is especially helpful since it integrates web data with other data streams, which is essential for making strategic decisions.

What is Data Discovery?

Drawing out significant patterns from data is known as data discovery. This is accomplished by gathering data from numerous sources and using advanced analytics to find patterns or themes. Numerous different, frequently siloed data sources are in the ownership of many firms.

What are the steps of Data Discovery?

The data discovery process includes connecting various data sources, cleaning and preparing the data, disseminating the data across the organization, and performing analysis to get insights into business operations.

What are  Data Discovery Methods?

Final data discovery categories include preparation, visualization, and analysis. These stages provide visual mapping, hidden insights, and potential security breaches.

What are the four Phases of Data Discovery?

This process includes connecting various data sources, cleaning and preparing the data, disseminating the data across the organization, and performing analysis to get insights into business operations.


Data discovery has undergone significant evolution thanks to current technical advancements, big data analysis, and the introduction of potent AI algorithms. When used together, these tools have automated many data-related tasks like data collection, preparation, and visualization. The most recent advancement in this field is smart work, which leading global research and advisory firm Gartner describes as “a next-generation data discovery capability that provides business users or citizen data scientists with insights from advanced analytics.”


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