Easy Guide on How to Turn Dark Mode on or off in Microsoft Outlook

Dark Mode

The dark mode is a popular feature that changes the background color of an application to a darker shade, making it easier on the eyes and reducing strain. It is especially beneficial in low-light environments or for users who prefer a darker interface.

Microsoft Outlook, a popular email client, also has a dark mode feature. In this easy guide, we will show you how to turn dark mode on or off in Microsoft Outlook on both Windows and Mac computers.


An average American reads emails for over 321 minutes daily, Monday through Friday. That amounts to more than five hours of screen time, which can cause eye strain and headaches, especially if your messenger has a white background.

This is why a dark mode feature has been incorporated into the platforms of several email applications. It is easier to read texts for extended periods because of the feature’s ability to easily switch the theme to a darker one without the use of other programs.

Steps on How to Activate Dark Mode

You may quickly switch to dark mode regardless of your platform because Microsoft Outlook provides this choice in the desktop, web, and mobile versions. However, the procedures vary depending on the platform and operating system.

Let’s go step by step on how to activate dark mode in Microsoft Outlook for Windows, Mac, Android, iOS, and the web app.

#1. Windows

You must change the Outlook app’s theme to black to activate the dark mode setting in Windows. The following is how to do it:

  • In the top-left corner of the screen, select the File tab.
  • Go to “Office Account” on the sidebar’s bottom left.
  • Select “Office Theme” and then “Black.” If you want a lighter tone, you can also choose Dark Gray.

Your Microsoft 365 apps will all instantly change to the new theme, including your Outlook app. When using the Dark theme, you can keep your message window white by clicking the sun icon next to “Reply” in the message’s upper right corner.

#2. Setting up the Outlook Online App’s Dark Mode

It is simple to enable dark mode in the Outlook web app (through Microsoft Support) on outlook.com and outlook.office365.com. The top-right corner of the screen will display a gear icon as soon as you log into the online app. To open the Settings panel, click on it. Turn on the toggle button next to Dark Mode in the theme choices.

The background color of Outlook will automatically switch to a darker one as a result. The app can also be completely darkened by selecting a new theme. Neutral, Black, and Minimal are some of the dark themes that are compatible with dark mode.

The Outlook web app’s message pane also features a similar sun icon if you like viewing your emails against a white background. To make your message window lighter, just click on it. Click on the moon icon to undo the change.

#3. Turning on Dark Mode in the Mobile Outlook App

On iOS and Android devices, the Outlook mobile app normally uses the system’s default theme. This implies that your Outlook program will utilize dark mode if your gadget is currently doing so. However, it is possible to enable dark mode within the program itself if you prefer a lighter system default style but want it enabled on Outlook. The detailed procedure is the same for Android and iOS devices. What you must do is as follows:

  • Open the Outlook application.
  • In the top-left corner of the screen, click on the icon for your profile.
  • On the side panel’s bottom left, click the gear symbol.
  • To access the Preferences area, scroll down.
  • Toggle to Appearance.
  • Choose Dark under Theme to alter the background color.

Useful Factors for Dark Themes

People use dark mode on various apps for this reason, which is related to how displays produce color. To produce color on screens, pixels emit light at various wavelengths. The brightness and intensity of the light are quite great for white and other light colors. A white background indicates that a lot of light is entering your eyes. Many people choose a less intense screen, particularly later in the evening.

These are a few of the alleged benefits:

  • Dark mode helps ease eye strain, particularly in dimly lit environments.
  • Dark mode produces an image with less energy.
  • Dark mode produces less “blue light,” which has been associated with having trouble falling asleep.
  • The dark mode could lower the chance of dry eyes.

It is crucial to remember that these benefits differ from person to person and rely on ambient light. Your results may differ. Some studies indicate that brighter settings make eye fatigue worse.

Drawbacks of Using Dark Screens

  • Dark mode can make it more difficult to distinguish between different colors, which can be problematic for people with color vision deficiencies.
  • Dark mode can make it more difficult to read small text or text that is not well-contrasted.
  • Dark mode can make it more difficult to focus on the screen for long periods of time.

Ultimately, the best way to decide whether or not to use dark mode in Outlook is to experiment and see what works best for you. If you find that dark mode is easier on your eyes and helps you to be more productive, then go for it! But if you find that dark mode is making it difficult to see the screen or focus on your work, then you may want to switch back to light mode.

How to Switch Outlook 365’s Windows Theme to a Dark One

Here’s how to switch Outlook in Windows to its dark theme:

  • Click File in Outlook 365.
  • Press Office Account.
  • Click Black in the Office Theme section. This option activates Outlook 365’s Dark Mode.
  • To save your changes, click OK.

How to Set Outlook 365’s Web Theme to Dark

There are two ways to change Outlook 365 to a dark theme online, unlike the other platforms discussed in this post. Both are equally simple, so your decision will usually come down to which you like or can recall at the time. Follow these steps to choose the first option:

  • Go to Outlook 365 in your web browser and log in.
  • Select the gear icon for settings.
  • Toggle Dark Mode to On by clicking the slider.

Is Outlook’s Dark Mode Better for Your Eyes?

If you’re like me and spend a lot of time looking at screens, then you’ve probably experienced eye strain at some point. Dark mode can be a great way to reduce eye strain, especially if you use Outlook in low-light environments.

But dark mode isn’t for everyone. Some people find it difficult to read small text or text that isn’t well-contrasted in dark mode. Others find it difficult to focus on the screen for long periods of time in dark mode.

If you’re unsure whether dark mode is right for you, I recommend trying it out for a few days and seeing how it feels. If you find that it’s easier on your eyes and helps you be more productive, keep using it! But if you find that it’s making it difficult to see the screen or focus on your work, then switch back to light mode.

Your eyes are important, so listening to them and using the best settings for you is important.

Why Don’t I Have Dark Mode in Outlook?

First, it’s possible that you’re using an older version of Outlook. Dark mode wasn’t introduced until Outlook 2016, so if you’re using an older version, you won’t have it.

Second, it’s possible that your organization has disabled dark mode. Some organizations do this for security or compliance reasons.

Finally, it’s possible that you have a specific setting enabled that’s preventing dark mode from working. For example, if you have the “Use high contrast colors” setting enabled, dark mode won’t work.

If you’re not sure why you don’t have dark mode in Outlook, you can check your settings or contact your IT support team for assistance.

But don’t worry, even if you don’t have dark mode, there are still other ways to reduce eye strain when using Outlook. For example, you can adjust the screen brightness, take breaks from looking at the screen, and use artificial tears.

How Do I Change My Outlook Theme?

  • Open the desktop version of Outlook.
  • Simply select “File.”
  • Choose “Options” from the blue column on the left.
  • Click the “Office Theme” dropdown menu under “Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office.”
  • Pick one of the four choices from the drop-down menu.
  • To save your changes, click “OK”.

How Do I Change  Outlook From Dark to Light?

If you’re tired of dark mode in Outlook, it’s easy to switch back to light mode. Just follow these steps:

  1. Open Outlook.
  2. Click on the File tab.
  3. Click on Options.
  4. In the Options window, look for the Personalize your copy of Microsoft Office section.
  5. Click on the Office Theme drop-down menu and select White.
  6. Click OK to save your changes.

That’s it! Outlook will now be in light mode.

Which is better, Dark or Light Mode?

Ultimately, most people’s visual performance is typically better in light mode. However, some people with cataracts and other associated conditions might prefer dark mode.

Is Dark Mode Easier to Read?

Although dark mode doesn’t immediately ease eye strain, it can provide some comfort. For instance, a bright screen makes it tougher for your eyes to focus in low light. On the other hand, the same outcome will occur in a room with a dark screen and bright lighting.


Turning dark mode on or off in Microsoft Outlook is a simple process that can be completed in a few easy steps. By switching to dark mode, you can reduce eye strain, improve battery life, reduce glare, and increase readability.


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