EXTRAHOP: Features, Review, Pricing & Competitors

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Gaining deep visibility into network performance and security is critical for businesses in today’s linked world, as data travels incessantly over networks. Extrahop Networks, a leading provider of network detection and response solutions, delivers Extrahop Reveal X, a game-changing platform. In this comprehensive guide, we delve into the world of Extrahop, exploring its features, advantages, pricing, and competitors, to help you understand how this innovative solution can transform your network operations.

Extrahop Networks

Businesses want a comprehensive solution that goes beyond standard monitoring in an era of growing cyber threats and complicated network environments. Extrahop Networks emerges as a network intelligence pioneer, providing enterprises with real-time insights and actionable intelligence.

Unveiling Extrahop Reveal X

Extrahop Reveal X, a cutting-edge platform that combines advanced analytics, machine learning, and artificial intelligence to deliver unrivaled visibility into network behavior and security concerns, is at the heart of Extrahop’s products. It enables IT professionals to detect and respond to any issues in real time, creating a resilient and secure network infrastructure.

Extrahop Reveal X includes a slew of sophisticated capabilities that transform network detection and reaction. Its real-time analytics engine processes huge volumes of network data, allowing for the precise detection of anomalies, performance bottlenecks, and security concerns.

Key Advantages of Extrahop Reveal X

Extrahop Reveal X distinguishes itself from the competition due to its multiple benefits. The platform provides full visibility across all network tiers, including on-premises, cloud, and hybrid settings. Its sophisticated machine learning algorithms learn from network behavior in real time, ensuring accurate threat identification while avoiding false positives.

Extrahop Reveal X works in tandem with existing security tools, SIEM platforms, and IT workflows to provide a comprehensive approach to network protection. This integration improves security operations’ efficacy, streamlines incident response, and speeds up threat mitigation.

Extrahop Competitors

While Extrahop Networks has a solid market position, it is critical to evaluate the competitive landscape. Several significant Extrahop competitors provide network detection and response solutions that are similar to Extrahop’s. Understanding the advantages and disadvantages of these Extrahop competitors might assist you in making an informed decision.
Let’s take a look at some of the main competitors in this market and see how they stack up against Extrahop.

#1. Darktrace

Darktrace is a well-known participant in the network detection and response sector, with an AI-powered platform that detects and responds to cyber attacks using machine learning techniques. To identify potential security breaches, Darktrace’s technology focuses on anomaly detection and behavioral analysis. While both Extrahop and Darktrace provide network visibility and threat detection, Extrahop stands out due to its emphasis on real-time analytics and machine learning. Extrahop Reveal X combines advanced analytics and artificial intelligence to deliver granular insights into network behavior, allowing for proactive threat mitigation and performance optimization.

#2. Cisco Stealthwatch

Another prominent competitor in the network detection and response sector is Cisco Stealthwatch. Stealthwatch provides complete network visibility, anomaly detection, and threat intelligence. Stealthwatch, as part of Cisco’s extensive security portfolio, offers a comprehensive approach to network security. Extrahop Networks’ particular focus on network detection and response, on the other hand, enables deeper insights and specialized functionality in this sector. Extrahop Reveal X excels at real-time analytics, allowing businesses to gain actionable intelligence and respond to possible risks quickly.

#3. Vectra AI

Vectra AI is a market leader in network threat detection and response systems. Their software employs AI and machine learning techniques to detect and analyze potential network vulnerabilities. Vectra AI is primarily concerned with detecting and mitigating advanced persistent threats and insider threats. While Vectra AI specializes in threat detection, Extrahop Networks takes a broader approach to network intelligence, combining performance monitoring, security analytics, and threat detection in a single platform.

#4. Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR

The Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR network detection and response system attempts to consolidate security operations and automate threat detection and response. Advanced capabilities such as behavioral analytics, endpoint detection and response (EDR), and cloud workload security are available with Cortex XDR. Extrahop Networks distinguishes itself by delivering deep network visibility across hybrid and multi-cloud settings, enabling enterprises to thoroughly monitor and secure their entire network infrastructure.

#5. Gigamon

Gigamon is a network visibility and analytics company that provides network monitoring, threat detection, and response solutions. Their product focuses on offering actionable information for security and performance optimization by providing pervasive visibility into network traffic. Gigamon excels in network visibility, while Extrahop Networks’ Reveal X platform adds advanced analytics, machine learning, and real-time threat detection capabilities.

#6. FireEye

FireEye is a well-known cybersecurity firm that offers a variety of solutions, including network detection and response. To detect and respond to advanced threats and breaches, its platform combines network traffic analysis, endpoint visibility, and threat intelligence. The strength of FireEye is its threat intelligence capabilities, which use a large database of known threats to identify and mitigate prospective hazards. Extrahop Networks, on the other hand, focuses on real-time analytics and machine learning to detect abnormalities and emerging threats, delivering actionable insights for speedier response.

#7. RSA NetWitness

RSA NetWitness, a Dell Technologies business, provides network detection and response solutions to detect suspicious activities and threats throughout the network. To identify and respond to security events, its technology includes real-time visibility, powerful analytics, and threat intelligence. While RSA NetWitness provides complete network monitoring and threat detection. Extrahop Networks’ Reveal X platform goes beyond detection by offering extensive insights into network performance. Allowing businesses to optimize their infrastructure while retaining security.

#8. SolarWinds Security Event Manager

SolarWinds Security Event Manager (previously Log & Event Manager) is an all-in-one security information and event management (SIEM) solution with network monitoring and response capabilities. It gathers and analyzes log data from a variety of sources in order to detect security incidents and anomalies. Extrahop Networks’ Reveal X technology provides real-time network analytics while SolarWinds Security Event Manager concentrates on log management and SIEM capability, allowing businesses to detect and respond to threats before they escalate.

#9. IBM QRadar

Another important player in the network detection and response market is IBM QRadar. It provides a complete SIEM solution that includes enhanced threat detection and response capabilities. To identify potential risks, QRadar collects and analyzes log data, network flows, and security events. While IBM QRadar excels at log analysis and correlation, Extrahop Networks’ Reveal X technology provides granular network visibility and analytics, which allows businesses to detect and respond to threats in real time.

#10. Fortinet FortiNDR

Fortinet Fortinet, a leading cybersecurity business, offers FortiNDR, a network detection and response solution. FortiNDR detects and responds to network threats by combining network traffic analysis, machine learning, and threat intelligence. While FortiNDR is a solid network security solution, Extrahop Networks’ Reveal X platform adds features like performance monitoring, anomaly detection, and integration with other security products for a more comprehensive approach to network intelligence.

It is important to note that the competitive environment may change over time as new firms enter the market and established competitors improve their offers. As a result, while selecting network detection and response solutions, enterprises must keep current and examine the latest improvements and features.

Extrahop Pricing

Extrahop provides variable pricing options that are adapted to the various demands of enterprises. The pricing structure includes factors such as the size of the network, the volume of data processed, and the desired level of support and features. Extrahop offers the following  pricing plans :

  • Standard Plan: The Standard Plan is appropriate for small to medium-sized businesses. It offers crucial network visibility functions as well as basic security capabilities at a low cost.
  • Advanced Plan: The Advanced Plan is designed for larger companies with more complicated network configurations. It provides powerful analytics, machine learning, and enhanced security features to detect and respond to sophisticated threats proactively.
  • Enterprise Plan: The Enterprise Plan is intended for enterprises with substantial network infrastructures and complex security requirements. It offers complete network visibility, strong threat detection, and rapid incident response.

What is ExtraHop used for?

ExtraHop is mostly used to monitor performance and identify threats. It is utilized as an objective “source of truth” by a cross-functional group that includes Business, Dev, DevOps, and SecOps.

What kind of tool is ExtraHop?

Extrahop is a platform for advanced network detection and response (NDR). It is a comprehensive network analytics and security solution that enables proactive response and optimization by providing enterprises with real-time visibility into their network traffic, detecting abnormalities and threats, and enabling proactive response and optimization. Extrahop is a network traffic analysis tool at its heart, passively monitoring and analyzing network traffic flows in real-time.

What is ExtraHop detection?

Extrahop Detection, also known as Extrahop Reveal (x) Detection, is a platform feature focused on network threat detection and response. It employs advanced analytics, machine learning, and behavioral analysis approaches to detect abnormalities, security threats, and suspect network activity.

Extrahop Detection works by continuously monitoring and analyzing network data in real time. It uses machine learning methods and behavioral models to create a baseline of typical network activity. Extrahop Detection can uncover variations that may signal potential security concerns or abnormalities by comparing current network behavior to this baseline.

How many people work at ExtraHop?

ExtraHop Networks has 700 employees.

How much is ExtraHop worth?

ExtraHop has raised $69.11 million in seven rounds. ExtraHop’s most recent investment round was an Acq-Fin scheduled for June 8, 2021. ExtraHop was valued at $184.97 million in May 2014.

How is ExtraHop licensed?

ExtraHop provides the following license types: Subscription: You pay a monthly fee for time-limited access to ExtraHop firmware, which is installed on a virtual computer or purchased hardware. You must be able to connect to the ExtraHop licensing server on the extrahop.com domain with a subscription license.

What is the difference between Splunk and ExtraHop?

It’s not a true comparison, as Splunk is focused on log data related to applications, whereas ExtraHop captures network traffic and network metrics.

It’s important to note that while there are differences between Splunk and ExtraHop, there can also be areas of overlap depending on specific use cases and requirements. Organizations should evaluate their needs and consider factors such as data sources, analytics capabilities, deployment preferences, and integration requirements when choosing between these solutions.

What are dashboard collections in ExtraHop?

Dashboard Collections are a feature in ExtraHop that allows users to collect and categorize relevant dashboards for easy access and administration. Dashboard Collections allows users to create bespoke collections of dashboards based on certain themes, use cases, departments, or any other criteria that meet the needs of their organization.

Here are some main features of ExtraHop’s Dashboard Collections:

  • Organization and Accessibility
  • Customization and Flexibility
  • Collaborative Sharing
  • Role-Based Access Control
  • Enhanced User Experience

Overall, ExtraHop Dashboard Collections provides a straightforward approach to organizing and managing dashboards, boosting team communication, and improving the overall user experience inside the platform.


Extrahop Networks has emerged as a market leader in network detection and response, providing enterprises with a game-changing approach to network intelligence. The powerful features, easy integration capabilities, and various pricing plans of Extrahop Reveal X make it an appealing alternative for enterprises looking to improve network performance, security, and overall operational efficiency. Extrahop empowers IT teams with the capabilities they need to proactively detect and respond to threats, providing a durable and secure network infrastructure by harnessing the power of network analytics, machine learning, and AI.

Extrahop offers customizable pricing plans adapted to your specific needs, whether you’re a small or medium-sized business or a huge corporation. Businesses can select the level of network visibility, advanced analytics, and security capabilities that best meet their needs and budget, ranging from the Standard Plan to the Advanced and Enterprise Plans.

Extrahop Networks and its flagship product, Extrahop Reveal X, enable businesses to maximize the value of their networks. Businesses may proactively identify and mitigate threats, optimize performance, and maintain a secure and resilient network infrastructure by leveraging the power of network intelligence. Extrahop Networks is a prominent competitor in the network detection and response environment due to its comprehensive features, cheap price, and commitment to innovation.


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