OOMNITZA: Features, Pricing, Reviews & Competitors

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  1. Oomnitza
  2. Key Features of Oomnitza
    1. #1. Inventory Management
    2. #2. Integration Capabilities
    3. #3. Asset Lifecycle Management
    4. #4. Audit Readiness
    5. #5.  IT Asset Discovery and Inventory
    6. #6. Customized Notifications
    7. #7. Flexible Data Model
    8. #8. Automation and Optimization
    9. #9. Contract and Warranty Management
    10. #10.  Reporting and Analytics
  3. Benefits for Oomnitza
    1. #1. Enabling Enterprises to Identify Their Technology Assets
    2. #2. Strategic Advantage Through Technology
    3. #3. Efficient Onboarding
    4. #4. Improved Control and Security
    5. #5. Cost Optimization
    6. #6. Automation and Efficiency
    7. #7. Customization and Configuration
    8. #8. Real-time Asset Visibility
    9. #9. Compliance Management
    10. #10. Improved Productivity
  4. Oomnitza’s Integrations
    1. #1. SaaS Systems
    2. #2. Kandji 
    3. #3. Zendesk
    4. #4. Slack 
    5. #5.  Jira Service Management 
    6. #6.  Azure Active Directory
    7. #7. Active Directory
    8. #8. G Suite 
    9. #9. Okta
    10. #10. ServiceNow Integration
  5. Oomnitza API
    1. #1. RESTful Architecture
    2. #2. API Endpoints
    3. #3. API Token Authentication
    4. #4. Data Interchange Format
    5. #5. Documentation and Examples
    6. #6. Rate Limiting
    7. #7. Pagination
    8. #8. Custom Workflows and Automation
    9. #9. Security and Permissions
    10. #10. Support and Community
  6. Oomnitza’s Competitors
    1. #1. SolarWinds Service Desk
    2. #2. Trustmarque
    3. #3. 10Duke
    4. #4. ServiceNow
    6. #6. Device42
    7. #7. TCM
    8. #8. IBM Maximo
    9. #9. Flexera
    10. #10. BMC Helix
  7. What Is Oomnitza Used For?
  8. Who Is The Owner Of Oomnitza?
  9. Where Is Oomnitza Based?
  10. What Are The Benefits Of Oomnitza?
  11. Who Is The CEO Of Oomnitza?
  12. Who Uses Oomnitza?
  13. Conclusion
  14. Related Articles
  15. References

An asset tracking and management tool that offers automation features like Oomnitza makes asset management easier. It is an Enterprise Technology Management (ETM), tool that has different features that can help manage digital and physical assets and offers integrations with other tools. Oomnitza has received positive reviews for its powerful software and excellent support team. However, the pricing details of Oomnitza are exclusive to users. Oomnitza provides a comprehensive set of features for organizations to manage and optimize their IT assets, from cloud resources to software licenses. Here, we’ll discuss the features, pricing, reviews, and competitors that could help you.


Oomnitza is an Enterprise Technology Management (ETM) solution that offers a comprehensive platform for managing and automating various IT processes. It provides a single source of truth for endpoints, applications, the cloud, networking, and accessories. With Oomnitza, organizations can orchestrate lifecycle processes for their IT assets, from purchase to end-of-life, ensuring security, compliance, and optimization.  It helps improve efficiency, compliance, and cost optimization in IT asset management processes.

Key Features of Oomnitza

#1. Inventory Management

Oomnitza helps organizations keep track of all their devices, including desktops, laptops, and mobile devices. It provides a robust inventory management system that enables efficient tracking and management of technology assets.

#2. Integration Capabilities

Oomnitza offers a variety of integrations to ingest data from external vendors. It supports basic integrations and migrations to streamline data management processes.

#3. Asset Lifecycle Management

The platform allows organizations to manage the entire lifecycle of their IT assets. This includes tracking asset usage, maintenance, upgrades, and end-of-life processes.

#4. Audit Readiness

Oomnitza provides comprehensive asset inventory and data hygiene capabilities, helping organizations maintain audit readiness and compliance with industry regulations.

#5.  IT Asset Discovery and Inventory

Organizations can automatically find and track their hardware and software assets with Oomnitza’s IT asset discovery and inventory features. This function aids businesses in keeping an accurate and current inventory of their IT assets

#6. Customized Notifications

Oomnitza offers customized notification capabilities, allowing organizations to set up alerts and notifications for various events and actions. This feature helps organizations stay informed about critical events. 

#7. Flexible Data Model

Oomnitza features a flexible data model that allows organizations to customize the platform to meet their specific needs. Organizations can adapt Oomnitza to their unique IT asset management requirements and workflows. 

#8. Automation and Optimization

Oomnitza enables organizations to automate various IT processes, reducing manual efforts and optimizing resource allocation.

#9. Contract and Warranty Management

Oomnitza includes contract and warranty management features, allowing organizations to track and manage their hardware and software warranties, maintenance contracts, and service-level agreements (SLAs). 

#10.  Reporting and Analytics

Oomnitza offers robust reporting and analytics features. It allows organizations to generate customized reports and gain insights into their IT asset management data. 

Benefits for Oomnitza

These benefits collectively contribute to optimizing asset lifecycle management, enhancing security and compliance, and improving operational efficiency for organizations using Oomnitza.

The benefits of Oomnitza are as follows:

#1. Enabling Enterprises to Identify Their Technology Assets

Oomnitza helps enterprises gain visibility into their technology assets, allowing them to track and manage their inventory effectively.

#2. Strategic Advantage Through Technology

Oomnitza recognizes that technology has become a strategic advantage for businesses. The platform helps organizations leverage technology assets to achieve their overall business goals.

#3. Efficient Onboarding

Oomnitza offers an onboarding automation approach, making the process of bringing new assets into the system more efficient and streamlined.

#4. Improved Control and Security

Oomnitza allows organizations to gain greater control over their asset portfolio, helping IT teams work across silos to solve problems and enhance security.

#5. Cost Optimization

Oomnitza helps optimize costs by providing insights into cloud and data center assets. This enables organizations to make informed decisions about their infrastructure, ensuring efficiency and cost-effectiveness.

#6. Automation and Efficiency

Through IT process automation, Oomnitza reduces manual effort and streamlines asset management processes, improving overall operational efficiency.

#7. Customization and Configuration

Oomnitza offers customization options, allowing organizations to tailor the platform to their specific asset management requirements. Custom fields, workflows, and reports can be defined to align with organizational needs.

#8. Real-time Asset Visibility

Oomnitza provides real-time visibility into the status and location of assets, allowing organizations to track their assets throughout their lifecycle. This helps prevent loss, theft, or misplacement of valuable equipment.

#9. Compliance Management

Oomnitza helps organizations ensure compliance with software licensing agreements and regulatory requirements. It provides visibility into software usage, tracks license entitlements, and assists in managing software audits.

#10. Improved Productivity

By automating manual tasks and providing a centralized platform for asset management, Oomnitza helps improve overall productivity for IT teams, allowing them to focus on more strategic initiatives.

Oomnitza’s Integrations

Oomnitza’s integrations are highly customizable, allowing users to configure it exactly how their organization needs them to. The tool includes an extensive portfolio of integrations that enable users to manage their entire technology ecosystem from a single console. Oomnitza’s Integration upgrade offers a suite of new features and enhancements designed to expand Oomnitza’s reach across an organization’s IT estate.

Oomnitza offers a variety of integrations with external systems and platforms to enhance its functionality and data exchange capabilities. 

Here are some of the integrations offered by Oomnitza:

#1. SaaS Systems

Oomnitza allows syncing with various Software-as-a-Service (SaaS) systems, enabling the retrieval of a list of SaaS systems and users associated with them. Organizations can manage their SaaS applications and users effectively within the Oomnitza platform.

#2. Kandji 

Oomnitza integrates with Kandji, an Apple device management solution. It allows organizations to set up and configure the Oomnitza integration with the Kandji Enterprise API. 

#3. Zendesk

Oomnitza integrates with Zendesk, a customer service and support platform. This helps to enable organizations to synchronize asset data between Oomnitza and Zendesk. 

#4. Slack 

Oomnitza can be integrated with Slack, a popular team collaboration platform. This integration allows organizations to receive real-time notifications and updates from Oomnitza within their Slack channels. It keeps team members informed and facilitates quick decision-making.

#5.  Jira Service Management 

Oomnitza offers a bidirectional integration with Jira Service Management (formerly known as Jira Service Desk). It enables organizations to manage asset lifecycles and service requests efficiently.

#6.  Azure Active Directory

Organizations can link Oomnitza with their Azure AD environment with its interface with Microsoft Azure Active Directory (AD). Through this connectivity, user data and attributes may be synchronized between Oomnitza and Azure AD, easing user management procedures and guaranteeing data consistency.

#7. Active Directory

Oomnitza integrates with Active Directory (AD) to ensure that user information remains up-to-date and consistent across both systems, simplifying user management processes.

#8. G Suite 

Oomnitza offers integration with G Suite, allowing organizations to streamline user management and ensure data consistency between the two systems.

#9. Okta

Oomnitza can integrate with Okta, a popular identity and access management (IAM) solution. This integration enables organizations to sync user data and attributes between Oomnitza and Okta, simplifying user management and ensuring accurate user information across both platforms.

#10. ServiceNow Integration

Oomnitza provides integration with ServiceNow, a leading IT service management (ITSM) platform. Organizations synchronize asset data between Oomnitza and ServiceNow, ensuring that asset information is up-to-date and consistent across both systems.

Oomnitza API

Here’s how the Oomnitza API works:

#1. RESTful Architecture

The Oomnitza API follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST). It uses standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE to perform actions on the Oomnitza platform.

#2. API Endpoints

Oomnitza provides a set of API endpoints that developers can use to access and manipulate data within the platform. These endpoints allow users to perform various operations, such as retrieving asset information, creating new assets, updating existing assets, and more.

#3. API Token Authentication

To access the Oomnitza API, developers need to authenticate their requests using an API token. The API token is associated with a user account that has the necessary permissions to perform the desired actions. Users can generate API tokens from within the Oomnitza platform and use them to authenticate their API requests.

#4. Data Interchange Format

The Oomnitza API uses JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) as the data interchange format. This allows developers to send and receive data in a structured and easily readable format.

#5. Documentation and Examples

Oomnitza provides comprehensive documentation and examples to help developers get started with the API. The documentation includes detailed information about each API endpoint, including the required parameters, expected responses, and sample code snippets.

#6. Rate Limiting

To ensure fair usage and prevent abuse, the Oomnitza API implements rate limiting. Each API token has a limit on the number of requests that can be made within a specific period. If the limit is exceeded, the API will return a rate limit exceeded error.

#7. Pagination

When retrieving large amounts of data, the Oomnitza API supports pagination. This allows developers to request a specific number of records per page and navigate through the result set using pagination parameters like page number and page size.

#8. Custom Workflows and Automation

With the Oomnitza API, developers can create custom workflows and automate processes within the Oomnitza platform. They can build scripts or applications that interact with the API to perform specific actions based on business requirements. 

#9. Security and Permissions

The Oomnitza API enforces security measures to ensure data integrity and protect against unauthorized access. API tokens are associated with specific user accounts and have permissions that determine the actions that can be performed. 

#10. Support and Community

Oomnitza provides support and assistance to developers working with the API. They offer documentation, code examples, and a community forum where developers can ask questions and share experiences. They can collaborate with other Oomnitza users and developers.

Oomnitza’s Competitors

Oomnitza’s competitors provide similar IT asset management solutions as Oomnitza. These competitors offer a range of features and capabilities that help organizations manage their hardware and software assets.

Here is a list of competitors to Oomnitza

#1. SolarWinds Service Desk

SolarWinds Service Desk is a comprehensive IT service management solution that offers asset management capabilities. It allows organizations to track and manage their IT assets, including hardware, software, and licenses.

#2. Trustmarque

Trustmarque is an IT asset management company that helps organizations optimize their IT investments. It provides solutions for software asset management, hardware asset management, and license compliance.

#3. 10Duke

10Duke offers software licensing and identity management solutions. Their platform helps software vendors configure, manage, and monetize licenses. It is used in various industries, including architecture, engineering, construction, and visual effects. 

#4. ServiceNow

ServiceNow is a leading Oomnitza competitor. It is a provider of IT service management solutions. It offers a wide range of features and also includes asset management capabilities. ServiceNow helps organizations track and manage their IT assets. 


ALTERA CORPORATION is a competitor in the IT asset management space. Their platform provides solutions for managing hardware and software assets, optimizing procurement processes, and ensuring compliance.

#6. Device42

Device42 is a comprehensive IT infrastructure management platform that includes asset management features. It helps organizations track and manage their physical and virtual assets, providing visibility into their IT environment.

#7. TCM

TCM (Total Cost Management) helps organizations optimize their IT spending. It provides features for tracking and managing hardware, software, and licenses, as well as monitoring usage and costs.

#8. IBM Maximo

IBM Maximo is an enterprise asset management (EAM) solution that helps organizations manage and maintain their assets efficiently. It offers asset tracking, maintenance planning, and inventory management.

#9. Flexera

Flexera provides software asset management (SAM) and IT asset management (ITAM) solutions. It enables organizations to optimize software licenses, manage hardware assets, and ensure compliance with software usage.

#10. BMC Helix

BMC Helix is an IT service management platform that includes asset management capabilities. It enables organizations to track and manage their IT assets, automate service requests, and streamline processes.

What Is Oomnitza Used For?

Oomnitza is an enterprise technology management solution that helps organizations manage and secure their technology assets. It offers features such as asset inventory and tracking, IT process automation, configuration and customization options, integration and data consolidation, and security and compliance management. Oomnitza strives to streamline asset lifecycle processes and improve IT efficiency for organizations.

Who Is The Owner Of Oomnitza?

The owner of Oomnitza is Arthur Lozinski. He is the CEO and Co-Founder of Oomnitza Inc.

Where Is Oomnitza Based?

Oomnitza is based in San Francisco, California.

What Are The Benefits Of Oomnitza?

Oomnitza provides several benefits for organizations, including asset visibility and tracking, IT process automation, configuration and customization options, integration and data consolidation, and improved security and compliance management. The platform helps streamline asset management processes, enhance efficiency and productivity, and ensure organizations have a comprehensive view of their technology assets.

Who Is The CEO Of Oomnitza?

The CEO of Oomnitza is Arthur Lozinski.

Who Uses Oomnitza?

A variety of businesses, including Fortune 500 companies, tech unicorns, and sizable organizations that manage thousands of assets, use Oomnitza. The platform is designed to help companies track and manage their technology assets, making it useful for organizations of various sizes and industries.


Oomnitza is a platform that offers various integrations to streamline user management processes. These integrations ensure that user information The Oomnitza API is a powerful tool for developers to interact with the Oomnitza platform programmatically. It follows the principles of Representational State Transfer (REST) and uses standard HTTP methods like GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE.  Oomnitza provides comprehensive documentation and examples to help developers get started with the API.  Other competitors may have different suitability based on specific requirements and preferences. These competitors offer similar features such as asset tracking and management, automation, and integrations with other tools.


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