Deepwatch is a managed detection and response service that provides organizations with real-time threat detection and response capabilities. While Deepwatch is a popular solution, several competitors and alternatives offer similar features and capabilities. In this article, we will explore the top Deepwatch competitors and alternatives in 2023. So whether you are looking for a more affordable solution, a more customizable solution, or a solution with different features, this article will help you find the best fit for your organization’s needs.

Deepwatch Competitors

Deepwatch is known for its industry-leading security solutions and advanced security capabilities. So Deepwatch has several competitors and alternatives.  The competitors are other companies that also provide managed detection and response services, like Deepwatch. These competitors offer a range of features and capabilities that help organizations detect and respond to real-time threats. 

Here are some of the top competitors and alternatives to Deepwatch in 2023:

#1. Cybereason

Cybereason MDR is a Managed Detection and Response (MDR) software that offers similar services to Deepwatch. 

#2. Rapid7

Rapid7 is another provider of Managed Detection and Response Services. It offers a range of security solutions and has been recognized as one of the top competitors to Deepwatch.

#3. Tanium

Tanium is a cybersecurity company that provides endpoint security and management solutions. It is considered a competitor to Deepwatch and has a strong reputation in the industry.

#4. Trend Micro

Trend Micro is a global leader in cybersecurity solutions. It offers a wide range of services, including Managed Security Services.

#5. CrowdStrike

CrowdStrike is a leading provider of cloud-based endpoint protection and threat intelligence services. The platform offers advanced threat detection and response capabilities. 

#6. FireEye

FireEye is a well-known cybersecurity company that offers a range of services, including Managed Detection and Response (MDR). They provide comprehensive threat intelligence and incident response services. 

#7. Secureworks

Secureworks is a global cybersecurity company that offers Managed Detection and Response services. They leverage advanced analytics and threat intelligence to identify and respond to security threats. 

#8. Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR

Palo Alto Networks Cortex XDR is an extended detection and response platform that integrates with various security products to provide comprehensive threat detection and response capabilities. It is considered a strong alternative to Deepwatch for organizations looking for advanced threat-hunting and incident-response capabilities.

#9. IBM Security MaaS360

 IBM Security MaaS360 is a unified endpoint management solution that includes advanced threat detection and response capabilities. It offers a range of security features, including threat intelligence and incident response. 

#10. Arctic Wolf

The Arctic Wolf is a major player in the Managed Detection and Response (MDR) space. It provides comprehensive security services. 


Deepwatch is a leading Managed Detection and Response (MDR) provider that focuses on securing enterprise networks by providing early detection and response to cyber threats. They offer a cloud-based security platform and leverage advanced analytics and threat intelligence to identify and mitigate risks. Deepwatch’s team of experts provides tailored guidance to help organizations improve their security posture and effectively respond to security incidents.

Features Of Deepwatch

Deepwatch offers a range of features as part of its Managed Detection and Response (MDR) services. Here are some key features of Deepwatch:

#1. 24/7 Threat Monitoring

Deepwatch provides continuous monitoring of your organization’s network and systems to detect potential security threats around the clock. This proactive approach helps identify and respond to security incidents in real time.

#2. Advanced Analytics and Threat Intelligence

Deepwatch leverages advanced analytics and threat intelligence to identify and analyze potential security risks. By analyzing patterns and trends in network traffic and security logs, they can detect and respond to emerging threats effectively.

#3. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

 Deepwatch utilizes AI and machine learning technologies to enhance threat detection capabilities. These technologies enable the platform to identify anomalous behavior and potential indicators of compromise, improving the accuracy and speed of threat detection.

#4. Expert Support Team

Deepwatch provides direct access to a support team comprising security experts, engineers, and customer success managers. The team is available to assist with any security-related inquiries, provide guidance on incident response, and offer ongoing support.

#5. Instant Messaging Service

Users can communicate directly with the technicians, engineers, and customer success managers on the Deepwatch support team through the instant messaging feature. For incident response and support inquiries, this functionality offers rapid and effective contact.

#6. Scalability

Deepwatch’s MDR services are designed to scale with the needs of your organization. They can accommodate growing networks and expanding security requirements. This ensures that security operations can effectively handle increased demands.

#7. Results-Driven Approach

Deepwatch prioritizes actionable insights and recommendations to help organizations improve their security posture and minimize the impact of security incidents.

#8. Threat Hunting

Deepwatch engages in proactive threat-hunting operations to actively look for potential dangers within the network of companies.

#9. Incident Response and Remediation

Deepwatch provides incident response services, including rapid triage and containment of security incidents. Their team of experts helps investigate and remediate security breaches, minimizing the impact on your organization.

#10. Compliance Monitoring

Deepwatch assists in maintaining compliance with industry standards and regulations by monitoring and reporting on security controls and policies. They help identify gaps and provide guidance to ensure adherence to compliance requirements.

Benefits of Deepwatch

Deep watches offer a lot of benefits to their uses. Here are some benefits of using Deepwatch

#1. Fully Remote Work Environment

Deepwatch offers a unique, fully remote work environment that provides employees with flexibility and benefits to develop their careers. Organizations can utilize Deepwatch’s expertise regardless of their location.

#2. Employee Benefits

Deepwatch provides a range of employee benefits, including health insurance, vacation policy, retirement benefits, and more. This demonstrates their commitment to employee well-being and job satisfaction.

#3. Bridging the Cybersecurity Skills Gap

Deepwatch’s managed detection and response (MDR) services help bridge the cybersecurity skills gap. By outsourcing security operations to Deepwatch, organizations can access expert security resources and skills that may be challenging to find and retain in-house.

#4. Timely Incident Response

Deepwatch’s coordinated incident response approach helps organizations minimize the impact of security incidents by responding promptly and effectively.

#5.  Identification of Evading Threats

To find risks that might elude detection by tools, Deepwatch makes use of machine learning. This advanced method makes it possible to identify complex and elusive threats that conventional security procedures could overlook.

#6. Risk-Based Prioritization

Deepwatch’s services include risk-based prioritization and remediation guidance. That allows organizations to focus their resources on addressing the most critical vulnerabilities and misconfigurations within their infrastructure.

#7. Access to Deepwatch’s Expertise

By partnering with Deepwatch, organizations gain access to a team of experienced security professionals who specialize in managed detection and response. This expertise can enhance an organization’s security posture and help navigate complex cybersecurity challenges.

#8. Comprehensive Security Visibility

Organizations have complete visibility into their security posture through Deepwatch. Deepwatch compiles and examines security data from many sources, giving a centralized picture of the security environment for the company. Better threat detection, incident response, and overall security management are all made possible by this visibility.

#9. Compliance Support

Deepwatch’s services can assist organizations with meeting regulatory compliance requirements. Their platform provides monitoring and reporting capabilities that align with industry standards and compliance frameworks. It enables organizations to demonstrate adherence to security regulations.

#10. Collaboration and Communication

Deepwatch emphasizes collaboration and communication with its clients. They work closely with organizations to understand their unique security challenges and goals, ensuring that the services provided align with the organization’s specific requirements.

Potential Drawbacks Affecting Deepwatch

While Deepwatch offers several benefits, it’s important to consider the potential drawbacks as well. Here are some drawbacks to using Deepwatch:

#1. Cost

Deepwatch’s services can be relatively expensive, especially for small and medium-sized organizations with limited budgets. The cost of outsourcing security operations to Deepwatch may not be affordable for all organizations, especially those with financial constraints.

#2. Dependency on a Third Party

By relying on Deepwatch for security monitoring and response, organizations become dependent on an external vendor. This can introduce concerns regarding data privacy, control, and reliance on a single provider for critical security functions.

#3. Lack of In-House Expertise

While Deepwatch provides a team of skilled security analysts, some organizations may prefer to develop and maintain their in-house security expertise. Outsourcing security operations to Deepwatch is giving them control over the security function and relying on external expertise.

#4. Integration Challenges

Integrating Deepwatch’s services with existing security infrastructure and systems may pose challenges.

#5. Overwhelming Alerts

Deepwatch aims to reduce false positives but there are instances where organizations receive a high volume of alerts. This can lead to alert fatigue and make it challenging for organizations to prioritize and respond to genuine security threats effectively.

#6. Limited Control over Incident Response

When incidents occur, organizations may have limited control over the incident response process. They will rely on Deepwatch’s team to manage and respond to security incidents. 

#7. Potential Communication Challenges

Communication challenges can arise due to differences in communication styles, time zones, or cultural factors between the organization and Deepwatch.

#8. Onboarding and Transition Period

Transitioning to using Deepwatch’s services requires an onboarding period, during which the organization and Deepwatch align their processes, establish communication channels, and ensure smooth knowledge transfer. This transition period requires additional time and resources.

#9. Dependency on Internet Connectivity

Deepwatch’s services require a stable and reliable Internet connection for continuous monitoring and response. Organizations operating in remote areas or with limited internet access may face difficulties in leveraging Deepwatch’s services effectively.

#10. Potential Over-Reliance on Automation

Deepwatch leverages automation and artificial intelligence (AI) for security monitoring and response. While this can improve efficiency, there is a risk of overreliance on automation, potentially leading to missed or misinterpreted alerts that require human judgment and expertise.

What Kind Of Company Is Deepwatch?

Deepwatch is a cybersecurity company that provides advanced security technology, human-led security expertise, and operational processes to provide the fastest, most accurate threat detection and response capabilities to organizations. They offer a true partnership that delivers an unparalleled experience for managed detection and response security to protect businesses from cyber threats. Deepwatch is a for-profit company that specializes in securing enterprise networks through its cloud security platform.

What Is Deepwatch Used For?

Deepwatch is used as a managed detection and response (MDR) provider to enhance cybersecurity for businesses. Their primary focus is on early threat detection, rapid response, and providing tailored guidance to mitigate risks. Deepwatch’s cloud security platform combines advanced technologies, expert analysis, and automation to protect enterprise networks from cyber threats. They offer services such as continuous monitoring, incident response, security operations, and security orchestration. Deepwatch aims to help organizations improve their security posture and effectively address potential cybersecurity incidents.

Where Is Deepwatch Headquarters?

Deepwatch’s headquarters is located at 4030 W Boy Scout Blvd, Suite 550, Tampa, Florida, 33607, United States.

How Long Has DeepwatchBeen In Business?

Deepwatch has been in business since 2015. It was initially started as a cybersecurity outsourcing business at GuidePoint Security and was later spun off as an independent company in 2019.

Who Is The CEO At Deepwatch?

The CEO of Deepwatch is Charlie Thomas.

When Was Deepwatch Founded?

Deepwatch was founded in 2015 by Justin Morehouse. 

How Much Does Deepwatch Cost?

The cost of Deepwatch services depends on the specific needs and requirements of an organization. Deepwatch offers a range of managed security services, and the pricing structure is customized based on the size of the organization, the scope of services required, and the level of monitoring and response needed. The average price of Deepwatch starts at $50,000 per year

Is Deepwatch A Good Company?

Deepwatch has positive reviews from employees and is considered a good company.  Employees appreciate the company’s culture, remote work options, and work-life balance. Deepwatch has also received recognition and awards, such as being named a CISO Choice Awards MSSP Winner and a Forbes Top 50 Tech Company. However, note that individual experiences may differ. 


Deepwatch provides an expert support team that assists with security-related inquiries and incident response. It offers a fully remote work environment, employee benefits, and managed detection and response services to bridge the cybersecurity skills gap. These services provide expert security resources and skills that may be difficult to find and retain in-house. Deepwatch offers security monitoring and response services, but it can be expensive for small and medium-sized organizations with limited budgets. It also requires a third-party provider, which can raise concerns about data privacy and control. 


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